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Patch E for Kaspersky Internet Security version was released on April 8, 2019. Update required restart

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This is the list of changes; Scope features:
  1. Requirement 3207315: [BRQ] KTS 2019 for ASUS: опциональное отключение загрузки в аудит режиме.
  2. Requirement 3194644: [BRQ] Manual change of product icon to old K-icon
  3. Requirement 3256864: [BRQ] Manual switching-on of pig sound
  4. Requirement 2954628: [BRQ][IPP] Offer KSC in frontline when Windows app can(not) convert
  5. Requirement 3207209: [BRQ][PERF] Reduce Loading Websites impact caused by HTTPs checks (affects AV-Test)
  6. Requirement 2807666: [BRQ][Win10] Support case sensitivity introduced in Windows 10 RS5
  7. Requirement 3050970: [BRQ][Win10][2019 patch E] 19H1 full support (build 18348)
  8. Requirement 3137433: [BRQ][Win10][Retpoline] Prepare product for Spectre2 fix activation by Microsoft
Fixed problems:
  1. Bug 3114325: Support: Product doesn't automatically refresh ticket for subscription
  2. Bug 3070121: DUMP: klwtp!KlwtpPermFiltersRemoveWfpFilters_F22006D7
  3. Bug 3191012: [SUPPORT][2019 patch E] Product cut speed to upload video to Youtube (klwtp related)
  4. Bug 3199680: [SUPPORT][2019 patch E] Application Control is automatically deleting rules.
  5. Bug 3188818: [MOD] Wrong button and button type in promo window of license expiration page (rollback) for products 2019
  6. Bug 2933033: [IPP] DR cart with KSC offer. New SaaS code is added to account instead of converting FL code to SaaS
  7. Bug 3190990: [FL to KFA][GUI]Promo windows of migration to KFA do not correspond to mockups in 2019
  8. Bug 3167699: [2019patch E] Product can't resolve threat
  9. Bug 3143289: [2019 patch F][GUI] Product traces contain not encrypted proxy password
  10. Bug 3211349: [2019 patch E][SUPPORT][WebAV] Web Anti-Virus blocks Cloud Firestore bakend: https:firestore.googleapis.com
  11. Bug 3116753: [2019 patch E][SUPPORT] Unable to open www.bancomer.com site in Protected browser
  12. Bug 3142219: [2019 patch E][SUPPORT] Unable to open login form on the site http://www.shacomsecurities.com.hk/eng/quote.htm?ShanSecLanguage=eng
  13. Bug 3144819: [2019 patch E][SUPPORT] Inactive commands in client-bank https://dbo.ufa.uralsibbank.ru with script injection enabled
  14. Bug 3199322: [2019 patch E] Ausweis2 app crash when product is active
  15. Bug 3258766: [2019 patch E] [SUPPORT]: Chrome invalid certificate (Chromecast)
  16. Bug 3195488: [2019 patch E] [PERF][SI] Edge Startup - large overhead for NtQueryAttributes (+AV-Test install apps)
  17. Bug 2719306: [PERF] [2019 patch B] Huge RAM usage by Traffic Processing & Crypto SSL
  18. Bug 3142966: [Localization: pt-PT (KS 2.0 patch D)] [Links] No link for Application Center "LearnMore"
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A Patch is always gradually released and installed automatically with a database update + a manual reboot which means you cannot take any action to force the installation of the new Patch. Also , if you install or re-install Kaspersky during the week that the Patch is released it can take some additional days before you obtain the new Patch. Also, please see https://support.kaspersky.com/13875#block1
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In addition to the two posted replies located directly above this reply, Patches are released via automatic database updater over a period of a few days or so. This may occur in three waves over a period of a few days. The simplest thing is to ensure that the databases are updated daily, and then reboot and/or shut down and then start the computer daily. Extra information: The first wave is a proportionally small amount of people who receive the patch, then more people receive the patch on the second wave a few days later, then all the rest of the people get the patch on the final wave after yet another few days. There is no user-serviceable setting that indicates if your Kaspersky application will receive the new patch in the first or subsequent waves. That is determined by forces beyond the users settings. Extra extra information: Deep down inside the Kaspersky program files, there is a file that is pre-set for first or second or third wave.
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Try this:
In 2020 version (also in 2019 version starting with patch E) is available to change the anti-virus icon on the brand red "K" and the sound signal on the brand "squeal pig". * To switch the icon, you must enter the combination [SHIFT] +IDDQD when the antivirus "About" window is open and in focus. * To switch the sound you must enter the combination [SHIFT] + IDKFA when the antivirus "About" window is open and in focus. On Microsoft Windows 10 operating system notification sound does not work.
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Hi Igor, Thanks, but: we're very aware of the gradual rollout, however, it's weird that 2 identical computers, that are "serviced" by the same server would not receive Patch e update at the same time.
Hi, the gradual rollout implies that only a certain randomly selected % will receive the update, regardless of the selected update server and geo location. So one of these two identical computers already won in this lottery and the other one will also win a little later this week :)
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