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  1. Welcome. You can run Windows Disk Cleanup > Cleanup system files > select Previous Windows Installation. This will delete the Windows.old folder, and give you more disk space.
  2. Let’s get Tech Support in on this issue. Tech Support link is located near upper left corner of this web page.
  3. What kind of files? Names? Type? Locations? Known? Unknown? Screenshot is welcome.
  4. Welcome. Please see: https://community.kaspersky.com/advice-and-solutions-122/how-to-remove-ransomware-from-windows-pc-decrypt-your-files-data-encryption-prevention-20736
  5. Welcome. Please contact Tech Support, link is located at top of this web page. Tech Support will inform you of what logs they need and how to generate them and send them. Please tell us more about your environment. Please click the below link: https://community.kaspersky.com/instructions-121/read-before-you-create-a-new-topic-15700
  6. Welcome. please see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/user-help/you-need-to-turn-off-usb-debugging-android
  7. That looks like Quarantine Backup folder. Clear all quarantine/backup content.
  8. Welcome. Please contact Tech Support for this issue. Tech Support link is located near the top of this web page. Tech Support will inform you of what logs and dump files they need to analyze, and how to collect and send the logs and files.
  9. Welcome. Please tell us more details. What operating system, what Kaspersky program, etc. Please click the below link: https://community.kaspersky.com/instructions-121/read-before-you-create-a-new-topic-15700
  10. Welcome. Please contact Tech Support, link is located near top of this web page. Support will inform you of what logs they need, how to get the logs and how to send them.
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