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Found 21 results

  1. Скачал Free, установка замерла на 99%, оплатил лицензию Basic- больше суток и не установился еще! Что за дела?!
  2. Hello, I work in an I.T. company, and we manage a couple of companies' antivirus infrastructure. I began to manage another company, and went through the usual motions of setting it up, however I couldn't download the distribution packages, it just loads nothing, barren. Something was giving me weird vibes when I had to accept the agreement, took me a few hours of trial and error, but it loaded and I accepted. Now it doesn't give me the distros. What do I do? I contacted their e-mail, and even their office in my country but they refuse to pick up. P.S. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, User European Edition 15-19 Build version:
  3. Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!
  4. Bij de installatie van het pakket bij mijn klanten zet ik altijd de snelkoppeling voor veilig bankieren op het bureaublad. Dit om het gemakkelijk te maken om veilig te bankieren te openen voor de klant en ze met één klik hun bank ( sneller te) kunnen openen. Ook doe ik dit: de optie beschermde browser niet starten aanvinken om evt ideal betalingen niet automatisch via veilig bankieren te laten verlopen, omdat zeer vaak mis gaat en veel klachten over kwamen in het verleden. Alleen iedere keer als het pakket geupdate wordt naar een nieuwe versie is de koppeling weer verdwenen en krijg ik heel veel klanten de vraag om deze koppeling terug te zetten en sommige zijn dan bang dat ze gehacked zijn omdat Kaspersky "is verdwenen". De huidige koppeling verwijst naar: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky 21.18\avpui.exe" -safebanking" Komt er een nieuwe versie dan veranderd bovenstaande, en de snelkoppeling is weg. Iemand een idee hoe dit "probeem" te teckelen.
  5. here is the question: please I need support I'm currently stuck at question 3 in my learning process of basic investigation which is a cause in the Kaspersky Cloud Pro I purchased I have solved the required question as expected. I arrived at supposedly the correct answer but the system refuses to accept my answer now I cannot further my learning for over 3 days now please I need the correct answer that will solve this problem here is the expected URL: \Device\HarddiskVolume4\server.exe but the system is not accepting it. please help me. Find out if anything was launched from the connected flash drive. Remember that if a process is launched from an external drive, its path begins with “\Device\” Enter the executable file's name:
  6. After subscribing since 2018, and for the last couple of years just sucking up the auto-renewal, I was determined this year to put it to an end, and I have finally succeeded! I hope this information helps anyone else who is struggling to get rid of this payment. Please note this may only work if your payment is collected by Digital River... check your bank for last year's payment and if it is marked 'DR' or 'DRI' in the payment reference, this should hopefully work for you. When you get the renewal email reminder which provides an order number and password, click on the link for amending your payment details. You'll be taken to a page with your billing address and payment info. Underneath the 'reset' and 'Submit' buttons, there's a link for 'Back to main help page' - click it. This will take you to a FAQ page - select the cancel auto renewal heading. Now you'll be taken to another page where you need to re-input the Order Number and the Password from the email they sent. Once in there, click the cancel button (not manage subscriptions) and this will allow you to cancel the auto renewal. Seriously, the most ridiculous process ever, but it worked for me (after 2 years of unwanted renewals!). I've added screen shots to this in the hope I can help others who are struggling, and like me have ended up just letting the money go out each year. Good luck all.
  7. RoadSign78

    Standard Problem

    I am starting a new thread because my original post is not being answered. The problem is again, is that I have “Kaspersky Standard” on my PC. However, when I go to renew, it has only one option which is Kaspersky Plus. How can I renew this as I only have a week? Can you at least point me where “Standard” is available, and I'll just start fresh buy buying it there? Is Plus being encouraged?
  8. Friends, I will buy Kaspersky basic subscription, but when I enter my card information, it does not accept my name, this is the error I get; Invalid cardholder name (latin characters only) Couldn't you define the letters Ö and Ü on the site? I wrote O instead of Ö and U instead of Ü, this time the purchase did not materialise, can you help me?
  9. OmerWillms

    Kart Bilgileri Ödeme Sorunu

    Arkadaşlar Kaspersky basic aboneliği alacağım lakin kart bilgilerimi girince adımı kabul etmiyor, sinir etti iyice aldığım hata bu; Geçersiz kart sahibi adı (yalnızca latin karakterler) koskoca şirketsini siteye Ö ve Ü harflerini mi tanımlayamadınız Ö yerine O, Ü yerinede U yazdım bu seferde satın alım gerçekleşmedi yardım edin ayar oldum
  10. Bonjour, J'ai installé kaspersky endpoint security for cloud dans le serveur sql, mais après quelques jours le serveur s'est planté. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais cet incident se produit juste après chaque installation de kaspersky, même tous les fichiers sql sont exclus de l'analyse par kaspersky. J'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît Cordaielment, ***************************************** Hi, I installed kaspersky endpoint security for cloud in the sql server, but after a few days the server crashed. I don't know why, but this incident happens right after every kaspersky installation, even all sql files are excluded from analysis by kaspersky. i need help please. best regards
  11. I'm using Windows 11 with Korean IME. I tried turning off hardware virtualization didn't work. Only turning off the category worked but it loses the functionality.
  12. So I just activated Total security and Internet security, and I thought the internet security would only be activated after my total security expire? Anyway, after a crashed windows update caused by the application, both my KTS and KIS became Kaspersky Pure (picture below), and my android phone is still the free version of Kaspersky? Is there like a mobile and pc version of KIS? Also, the Security cloud application seems to be activated with a 3 years protection for 3 devices but my subscription is listed as free, and my current device seems to be expired. I'm lost here folks. What's the difference between Total security, Kaspersky Pure and Security cloud free? Is KSC better than Kaspersky Pure, or is it like Kaspersky SC Paid>Kaspersky Pure>Kaspersky SC Free>Kaspersky Total? What are the differences and capabilities? TA
  13. i wonder which is better Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES) Behavior Detection or Kaspersky Standard System Watcher in detecting runtime malwares?
  14. Dear, Kaspersky i have seen a lot of test videos and websites that have tested your product but what all the tests show me is that pup detection is not soo good so please improve the pup detection for any kaspersky products please.
  15. All information about Kaspersky 2023 is available here: This topic is now closed.
  16. Just got back home today and noticed Kaspersky icon has turned red. From my previous thread I mentioned that Kaspersky Free v21.6.7.351 was updated to Kaspersky Plus v21.6.7.351 trial just yesterday. Everything was fine until sometime today in my absence. Attached screenshots should outline the problem. OS Windows 7 Sp-1
  17. Estou tendo dificuldades para instalar o Kaspersky Total Security no meu notebook, apresenta o erro "O sistema operacional não cumpre os requisitos" "Não foi possível instalar o aplicativo. A arquitetura atual do processador não é suportada" Minhas especificações técnicas: Processador: Snapdragon (TM) 7c Gen 2 @2.55GHz 2.55GHz RAM: 4gb ID do dispositivo: DEC0251C-93CC-4024-BD83-69340056BF2 ID do produto: 00379-20113-32564-AAOEM Tipo do sistema: Sistema operacional 64 bits, processador baseado em ARM Gostaria de uma versão compatível ou alguma solução para utilizar os serviços da Kaspersky.
  18. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
  20. Hi there Kaspersky, i wish you guys chould make a kaspersky product thats more specific for gamers, and the name for the product chould be Kaspersky Gamer security like McAfee have made one named McAfee for gamers
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