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  1. Tried System restore to back 2 days ago, since i had an app bug out and i thought might as well do a restore so registry is all deleted too, but on boot up this shows, should i check for updates in kaspersky app? how to let the AV know to restore that corrupted file? would it lower the capability of AV? should i uninstall and reinstall kaspersky? so everything working properly? although system restore did its job, it removed the app but did it corrupt kaspersky? Thanks!
  2. I wanna try out a virtual machine like Hyper-V but I have a few questions in mind, first is I have the virtualization enabled in my bios for Kaspersky, should I disable it for Hyper-V? Should I install another Kaspersky app inside the VM? or is it not needed? since its already in the host machine? and can the Host AV detect and monitor inside the VM already? or would I need the Kaspersky Security Center Application that is for used for managing VM's? or is that only used for workspace environments. I looked up and Hyper-V seems to allow GPU passthrough, I'll try to play some games on it too, but I need to update gpu drivers on VM too right? Thanks for reading and your time, have a great day!
  3. Recentemente navegando pela Steam encontrei o jogo Visions of Mana e resolvi instalar a demo para jogar. Hoje ao abrir o jogo para minha surpresa o antivirus detectou que havia um vírus nele, fechou o jogo demo antes mesmo de começar e excluiu o arquivo. É até estranho que uma empresa como a Steam permita que esse tipo de coisa aconteça e até denunciei. Mas também, qual seria a possibilidade disso ser apenas um falso positivo?
  4. Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!
  5. Hy, aktuell läuft meine Lizenz aus und ich aktiviere gerade auf meinen Geräten die neue Lizenz. Auf dem PC ist es Online oder Lokal sehr einfach die neue Lizenz zu hinterlegen. Aber bei meinen Android 13 Telefonen nicht. Es ist schier unmöglich. Es gibt kein Eingabefeld. Keine Übertragungsmöglichkeit. Selbst die auslaufende Lizenz vom Telefon zu entfernen scheint absolut unmöglich. Ich hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen.
  6. Hola a todos, Tengo una duda sobre un comportamiento que he notado en mi PC. He visto que los procesos "Antimalware Service Executable" (parte de Windows Defender) y "Kaspersky Lab Launcher" están corriendo simultáneamente. Entiendo que el primero es el servicio antimalware de Windows, y el segundo pertenece a mi software de seguridad de Kaspersky. Me gustaría saber si es normal que ambos estén activos al mismo tiempo. ¿Debería desactivar Windows Defender al usar Kaspersky, o debería dejarlo activo? Si creéis que es mejor desactivarlo como lo hago, porque hay cosas que en la configuración de seguridad me aparecen que son controladas por Kaspersky y otras no me aparece nada de Kaspersky. Agradecería cualquier consejo o explicación al respecto. Gracias de antemano. Sistema operativo: Microsoft Windows 11 Professional x64 Build 22631 Versión de la aplicación:
  7. 之前通过客服渠道回应8月产品线更新,同步推出premium等版本
  8. My Windows version: WIndows10 22H2 (OS Build 19045.4651) Kaspersky PLUS The problem: After the lastest Kaspersky PLUS's Application update, my On-screen Keyboard becomes bugged. You can see from the 2 screenshots, my mouse cursor was positioned at Number 0, but it counts as Number9. I have been using Kaspersky for many years, and I use On-screen Keyboard for many years, this bug never happened to me before.
  9. Hello. I am new to Kaspersky. Recently installed Kaspersky plus on my laptop. I have following two questions- 1)is product version update automatic? My current product version is 2) Can I unblock a website which is blocked as a "false positive" by Kaspersky? Thank you.
  10. Hello! I've seen this issue posted about before but I could not find a solution that solved my problem. My ability to scan a file (via File Explorer) has completely vanished. When I right-click, there is no option for anything relating to Kaspersky. The big reason I pay for the service is for that reason (to just make myself feel better honestly) and the fact I can't even do that is annoying. I've already done a clean uninstall (with the official program to do so) and reinstalled the program. It had vanished from my Windows 11 menu but was on the "see more" but now even that is gone. Are there any solutions or why this is happening? Windows 11 Version
  11. 3 cihazlı Kaspersky Premium lisansım var yeni aldığım laptop için birde Kaspersky Plus satın aldım fakat beraberinde gelen VPN'i değil Premium lisansını kullanıyor ve cihaz sınırını aştınız diyor. Plus'ın kodu ile aktifleştirmeyi denedim yine aynı sorun var. Hiçbir şekilde çözemedim VPN içerisinde yok mu yoksa bir hata mı var ortada?
  12. For example, if I use another VPN, Kaspersky antivirus monitors the websites I visit, so I wonder if it is worth paying for anoter VPN if I use Kaspersky antivirus? I don't know if it's worth paying for a VPN other than Kaspersky and if it would be better to just pay for Kaspersky Plus and save money. Is it true that Kaspersky antivirus can monitor sites on the Internet even if I use a VPN other than Kaspersky? Thank you for your answers.
  13. Como retirar o flutuante da Kaspersky que fica constantemente na tela?
  14. On the 18th and 19th June, I downloaded and paid for two standard and one plus version. Having realised what had happened I cancelled the unwanted versions and requested a refund. Kaspersky acknowledged the cancellations and told me I would recieve my refunds within 7 days. That was nearly two moonths ago! They have told me that they do not know how to issue refunds but are working on a solution - would you believe! Since then I have exchanged numerous emails, but have not been offered any explaination as to why there is a problem and when I might receive my refunds. It is becoming clear that they are simply trying to stall and have no intention of giving any refunds - despite their 30-day refund guarantee. Is this fraudulent trading and should I now involve Trading Standards?
  15. Quicken is able to connect with all my credit cards except Citi Visa. How do I get Kaspersky, Quicken, and Citi Visa to play well together?
  16. Goedendag. Ik gebruik op dit moment nog Total Security en heb daarnaast ook de Password Manager in gebruik. Ik wil gaan overstappen naar de nieuwe abonnementsvorm Plus, met de bijbehorende applicaties. Doe ik er verstandig aan om eerst Total Security (en de Password Manager?) te verwijderen, voordat ik de nieuwe Plus applicatie installeer? En wellicht daarbij ook verstandig om extensies in browsers eerst te verwijderen? Dank alvast voor de hulp!
  17. Доброго всем дня. Постоянно в журнале событий появляется эта ошибка. Возможно кто-то сталкивался с этой проблемой.
  18. Is there an offline installer for Kaspersky Plus? I have downloaded the 4 MB application from My Kaspersky, and presumably its going to connect to the internet to download the acutal flies. I need to install AV on my new computer and don't want to connect to the internet without AV.
  19. How can I block internet access to an entire folder and its subfolders and programs in the blocked folder?
  20. When using my computer, at apparently random times, the icon disappears from the taskbar, and the PC tells me Windows will be taking over. Sometimes the avpui.exe process is still running, sometimes it's gone. But it seems pretty much that the system runs unprotected from that time on. Only thing that helps is reboot the PC, after which the icon reappears. Since it seems random, i can't reproduce it happening, but would love to have a solution. Oh, the usual suspects are already eliminated, like bad sectors, corrupt windows files, that sort of thing... eternal + 2 days of gratitude for the winning solution!
  21. Добрый вечер, уважаемые участники Форума! Сегодня, для увеличения быстродействия антивируса и уменьшения кол-ва всплывающих окон, требующих принять решение "разрешить/запретить" для действий приложений, я включил настройку "Автоматически выполнять рекомендуемые действия". Теперь такие решения автоматизированы, у чего, несомненно, есть плюсы, (наверное, особенно они ощущаются в случае заражения). В настройках Предотвращения Вторжений заметил вот это уведомление: Означает ли это, что "Спрашивать пользователя" теперь равносильно "Разрешить", т.е. группа "Слабые ограничения" теперь равносильна группе "Доверенные"? Есть ли, в таком случае, способ настроить Касперского всё-таки спрашивать каждый раз, когда приложения собираются совершить определённые действия (например, для всех групп у меня было установлено "Спрашивать пользователя" в пункте "Завершение работы Microsoft Windows"), со включённым параметром "Автоматически выполнять рекомендуемые действия", чтобы все при этом все остальные решения (например, решения по компонентам "Интернет-защита", "Файловый антивирус", "Мониторинг активности" и "Сетевой экран") принимались автоматически? Не стесняйтесь просить пояснений, если в вопросе что-то не совсем понятно. Заранее спасибо!
  22. 系统:Windows 11 专业版 21H2 22000.2538 卡巴斯基加强版: 从卡巴斯基内安装密码管理器,后期频繁出错。今天安装后明天开机就报未知错误,且警告弹窗会间隔多次弹出,重装无效。
  23. Starting today I had problems with the program "FanControl" not reading CPU temperature after a few seconds and the RGB Control of my RAM through GigabyteControlCenter not working correctly anymore. Both problems are fixed by uninstalling Kaspersky Plus. Adding those programs to exceptions in Kaspersky doesnt work. Whatever got updated yesterday or this morning by Kaspersky caused those issues, since it was working fine before. I guess it has something to do with Kaspersky blocking access to hardware sensors and/or the SPD Hub of RAM. I got the hint from FanControl's issues tracker on github (https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases/issues/2571), where another person had the same problem and fixed it by uninstalling Kaspersky. I hope this bug can be fixed asap or at least a workaround with exceptions for certain programs is made available.
  24. I'm not sure but this software has completely messed up my game.. the game that I've been playing for a long time, and it hasn't affected my computer at all. when I tried logging into the game from the launcher I received a warning message from Kaspersky Plus about a trojan... There was NO way for me to ignore the message.. it forced me to deal with the problem... since then I've been struggling to start up my game. Here is the text Event: A backup copy of the object was created Application: ESO User: DESKTOP-73L625R\Raijin User type: Initiator Component: System Watcher Result description: Backup copy created Type: Trojan Name: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a Threat level: High Object type: Process Object path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client Object name: eso64.exe MD5: D0928B79E160A5BC8ECABFFD965765DD I'm having trouble finding the "backup copy" in my client folder... apparently, Kaspersky Plus deleted the "eso64.exe" file which caused my game to no longer work for me. This is a false report that caused me to be unable to play my game.
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