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  1. 1. Windows 10 версия 20H2 2. Kasperksy Plus 3. После перехода с KIS на Plus заметил проблему: при открытии приложений на полный экран они просто сворачиваются. Перестаёт сворачивать при открытом окне касперского либо когда он полностью выключен. Кнопка "приостановка защиты" ничего не меняет, как и игровой режим, режим не беспокоить. Переустановка плюса тоже не помогла. Спасает смена разрешения экрана на более низкое. Хотелось бы узнать решение, которое не доставит много неудобств.
  2. Asking for my customer. Correct me if I am wrong. From information given in Kaspersky sites, Total Security users can update to Plus for free as long as they still have valid licence. I don't know how the procedure goes. Does it require re-entering licence key? Or Is it supposed to be automatically done by signing in on new Plus app? I cannot find clear enough information. Sorry if this kind of questions have been asked already. I couldn't find answers in existing threads.
  3. buen día para todos tengo una licencia Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud pro pero la vamos a cambiar el producto por el nuevo Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum mi pregunta seria la siguiente: ¿si se posible no se puede colocar la clave de renovación Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum en la consola del la versión anterior Kaspersky Cloud pro? de ser posible al colocar la nueva clave del producto ¿se cambiaria automáticamente la versión? ¿se perdería la configuración de perfiles y reglas que ya tenia la consola Kaspersky Cloud pro?
  4. I now see that Kaspersky VPN was deleted from my computer, or perhaps simply disabled. I tried to download it and was told the download was not available. I iknow downloads are stopping on September 29, but today is September 25. What gives?
  5. The Background: First and foremost, I have been subscribed to Kaspersky for a couple years now and everyone has recently heard of the recent ban of Kaspersky services and products in the US which means that I won't be able to use their services. I also know that UltraAV is taking over as a successor to Kaspersky. The Problem: I have made several attempts to contact customer service through email, phone and support but so far I haven't received anything back. I even submitted several complaints and requests through the support begging them to cancel my subscription. I even went on my subscription page and there is literally no button to let me cancel the subscription. Ways I contacted them: Calling US phone number: (866) 328-5700 Emailing their US email: *****@*****.tld Submitting a couple complaints or requests through their support page: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/b2c/us The reason being that UltraAV randomly installed on my computer without permission. It feels like a breach in my online privacy and safety. Why would I want to have software that I have never heard of to be in charge of providing protection for my computer? Also, I know cancelling the account would NOT cancel the auto-renewal and subscription. Would someone from Kaspersky please help me with this. I have tried everything possible.
  6. I can't seem to be able to purchase the standard Kaspersky which is £15.99, I have checked that I entered all my details correctly yet I can't seem to be able to purchase: It keeps saying "Your payment has been declined"?
  7. Hello there, So I turned off auto-renewal for my current subscription, and then found out I could not turn it back on. I then bought a different subscription for Premium, and now I have two premium subscriptions, one that is almost expired, and the one I just recently bought. I then checked the kaspersky app and it says that I am still on the subscription that is close to expiring despite having bought a new one. My question is once my current subscription ends, will it automatically transfer to the new subscription?
  8. Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!
  9. J'ai acheté une version en ligne qui ne marche pas sur ma région pour 3 machines que faire ??
  10. Здравствуйте! Простите, если не сюда пишу. Windows 7 KSC 13.2 Активируем лицензию с помощью кода активации. Программа пишет: Не удалось выполнить запрос к серверу активации. Resource is unavailable Интернет работает. Буду рад советам по активации лицензии.
  11. I am so frustrated that Kaspersky has no real customer service! I am reduced to asking my fellow consumers for help about how to stop Kaspersky from fraudulently charging me a yearly subscription for a subscription that is not even active anymore. The year 2020 is when I cancelled my subscription and so for the last 3 years they have been fraudulently charging me!!! Now I try to tell PayPal to stop paying them because it is a fraudulent charge and now I have to provide proof that I canceled and exactly when it was cancelled. I went to my Kaspersky profile and found nothing but a free subscription begging me to upgrade and some VPN asking me for an upgrade. There was no past anything about my last license or anything in the past!!!! How am i supposed to find something that isn't even there!!!!!! Proof!!! I'll show you proof! Proof I can cancel my PayPal account close my bank account and close my credit card linked to PayPal and report you to the better business bureau!!! What do you think about that for proof! You will not hold be financially hostage!! I digress..... Hopefully going this route will resolve this problem and I can finally be free of Kaspersky charging my Paypal account $86.39 every year. There is obviously an error in their subscription database that is toggling Digital River to charge me yearly. It makes me wonder if there is a hidden subscription linked to my PayPal account that I can't see looking it up under my email address. I would really be nice if this company would have a representative to help me with my issue but I am realizing all the representatives are existing customers. Thank you
  12. Hello I get this problem every time I install Kaspersky and enter my license key: "You have exceeded the maximum number of activations allowed for the entered activation code." I used to format my computer often and enter the product key every time. The product is Kaspersky Internet security "2 devices."
  13. 3 cihazlı Kaspersky Premium lisansım var yeni aldığım laptop için birde Kaspersky Plus satın aldım fakat beraberinde gelen VPN'i değil Premium lisansını kullanıyor ve cihaz sınırını aştınız diyor. Plus'ın kodu ile aktifleştirmeyi denedim yine aynı sorun var. Hiçbir şekilde çözemedim VPN içerisinde yok mu yoksa bir hata mı var ortada?
  14. On the 18th and 19th June, I downloaded and paid for two standard and one plus version. Having realised what had happened I cancelled the unwanted versions and requested a refund. Kaspersky acknowledged the cancellations and told me I would recieve my refunds within 7 days. That was nearly two moonths ago! They have told me that they do not know how to issue refunds but are working on a solution - would you believe! Since then I have exchanged numerous emails, but have not been offered any explaination as to why there is a problem and when I might receive my refunds. It is becoming clear that they are simply trying to stall and have no intention of giving any refunds - despite their 30-day refund guarantee. Is this fraudulent trading and should I now involve Trading Standards?
  15. Добрый день! Возникла следующая проблема - на большинстве ПК в сети установлено сразу две лицензии - 1) Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса EDR Ready Russian Edition. 5000+ Node 3 year Base License: Kaspersky Security for WS and FS 2) Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса EDR Ready Russian Edition. 5000+ Node 3 year Base License: KEDR Ими активированы KES 12.5 на которых исправно работает базовый функционал KES + EDR (KATA) Однако на 10 пк вторая лицензия проливаться отказывается, с ошибкой "лицензия не предназначена для данного приложения" и поэтому компонент "EDR (KATA)" не работает все ПК в одной группе и под одной политикой. Профилей нет. при добавлении вручную локально на стенде - одна лицензия просто подменяет другую, более того - становится резервной а не активной на другом же стенде лицензия не добавляется совсем с ошибкой "лицензия не для этой программы". Как же так если другие пк активированы именно этими лицензиями и всё работает? во вкладке "лицензии" видно что они распространены на ПК как же добавить сразу две лицензии для активации и того и другого функционала
  16. Merhaba, Kaspersky İnternet Security ve Kaspersky Android kullanmaktayım. Kaspersky password manager uygulamasını Android cihazıma yükleyip my kaspersky hesabımla oturum açtım. Ücretli plan almak için tıkladığımda yıllık 41 tl aylık 38 tl yazmakta. Her iki planı da da ödeme işlemi reddedildi hatası alıyorum. Kredi kartımda yeterli limit var ve İnternet alışverişine açık. 2 farklı kredi kartı ile denedim ancak olmadı.
  17. Hola he sustituido el disco duro de uno de los dispositivos incluido en mi licencia y ahora me dice que e superado el numero de dispositivos contratados , ¿Cómo puedo reinstalarlo si no acepta el código de activación por dicho motivo?
  18. Добрый вечер. Имеется действующая лицензия на продукт "Kaspersky Internet Security". Хотел бы перейти на "Kaspersky Premium". Возможно ли эту процедуру провести с действующей лицензией или необходимо покупать отдельно "Kaspersky Premium" ?
  19. Hola no puedo instalar kaspersky estandard ni plus en mi pc, anteriormente tenia kaspersky internet security, lo disistale pero deje activo elcampo de guardar licencia, era por eso? y si eso fuera que puedo hacer? Gracias
  20. Tenho 3 dispositivos, na residência, no escritório e no celular. Cada dispositivo se conecta na mesma assinatura Kaspersky Premium mas as senhas salvas em um dos dispositivos não aparecem nos outros. Ex. Se salvo uma senha no celular essa mesma senha não é sincronizada no dispositivo da residencia e do escritório. Como faço para ter a sincronização entre eles?
  21. Версия системы: Windows 10, 22H2 Версия приложения: У меня в учётной записи активирована подписка Kaspersky Plus, но у меня приложение не хочет активироваться. Я пробовал активировать ключом, которым я активировал учётную запись, но не помогло. Сразу скажу, я активировал подписку сегодня
  22. I bought via Amazon https://www.amazon.es/-/pt/dp/B07VQJ256V/ref=docs-os-doi_0?th=1 [Transferência de software] Vendido por: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. . But today I got the message, that VPN has expired! How can I reactivate VPN? The license key from Kaspersky Premium is not accepted by VPN. But I did not installed it separately.
  23. No site My Kaspersky aparece como ativo, mas aao instalar, coloco meus dados e nao ativa.
  24. добавила код активации примерно за 3 недели до окончания срока лицензии. это что получается он активировался в этот же момент как добавила а не когда кончилась предыдущая лицензия ?
  25. Buenas tardes estimados, Sé que tengo mucho tiempo que no escribo por aqui, pero diario los veo. Les comento lo que ha pasado, hace tres dias adquiri Kaspersky Premium 10 licencias por 3 años "COMO RENOVACIÓN", por lo que tuve dolores de cabeza para vincular las suscripciones a mis otros familiares (que aún falta), abri primero un ticket porque al vincular mi licencia en mi PC, se bloqueó a los dos minutos... se resolvió al desinstalar con kavremover e instalar desde 0 todo. Luego abri un segundo ticket el mismo dia (diciendole al que me atendió que puede cerrar la consulta ya que abriré otra por los problemas que tengo con compartir suscripciones), comentandole lo terrible que me está resultando vincular las licencias con mis familiares, ya que quiero evitar darles mi usuario y contraseña para vincular los dispositivos con mi cuenta. El punto es que la primera persona que me atendió fue muy amable COMO SIEMPRE HAN SIDO y todo bien, la segunda persona que me respondió por el nuevo ticket, si fue una valdazo de agua fria por lo poco profesional y poco cortez que fue, practicamente me respondió de manera QUEJOSA de por qué abria un nuevo ticket, que todos estaban ocupados, y finalizó con una frase sarcastica. 😡 * Ahora, no sé si seria correcto colocar aqui el salvapantallas para que puedan ver lo que digo, lamentablemente, NO ha puesto su nombre como hacen todos los agentes de servicio técnico. El punto es que le respondí de forma bastante tajante y le he pedido su nombre porque no pienso pasar esta falta de respeto a mi persona como usuario de mas de una decada. Sé que aqui NO pueden hacer mucho, PERO si alguno de ustedes me pueden brindar algun correo o administrador para llevar mi queja con su respectivo salvapantallas, no es manera de tratar a los clientes asi, mucho menos a viejos compradores como yo. Espero que me puedan ayudar con ello para que otros usuarios no sean maltratados de esa manera. Saludos
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