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  1. My device is a Mac (Sonoma 14.6.1). I have attached a screenshot of my Kaspersky application version. I only managed to update my browser by temporarily turning protection off. Otherwise, something seems to stop the download. The update progress bar in the Firefox settings gets stuck after downloading a few kilobytes, and does not progress, even if I restart the browser and try again. Once I turned Kaspersky protection off entirely, the download immediately continued, and I was able to update the browser as normal, before turning protection back on again. I now have the latest version of Firefox. This was not an issue before, and has only started happening since I downloaded the latest version of the Kaspersky application.
  2. Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!
  3. Windows 11, Kaspersky Plus Internet Security Kaspersky will collide with laptops made by Honor because they come preloaded with Honor's Computer Butler's smart service and Chionson's active defense module. The reason why I installed Kaspersky is that the computer's security program does not have the ability to resist network attacks. So, in order to make Kaspersky and these software coexist, I added them to Kaspersky's exclusions. I thought that would be good. Then Kaspersky reported OfficeClickToRun, and I knew that there would be countless troubles in the future, so I uninstalled Kaspersky. During this time, the WIndows taskbar (Explorer) appeared unresponsive twice even though I had exclusions set. As smart technology is widely installed in laptops (e.g. Lenovo), can Kaspersky work with Oems to solve the problem of compatibility between security software and smart technology preinstalled on the computer? Or roll out components with only cyber defense capabilities?
  4. 之前通过客服渠道回应8月产品线更新,同步推出premium等版本
  5. rt,windows安全中心时常会弹出提醒卡巴斯基已经停止的消息,然后检查发现卡巴斯基不明原因崩溃,有时候会自动重新启动程序,有时候需要手动启动,问题频率很高(几乎每天一次),不明白是什么原因导致的。
  6. 您好! 我有个疑问,如果启动卡巴斯基的硬件虚拟化技术,我该如何验证它真的在工作 虽然在卡巴斯基中启动硬件虚拟化失败会有一个不兼容的提示,但是我发现在首次安装卡巴斯基时使用硬件虚拟化并没有重启提示,然而,硬件虚拟化的启动条件一定是重启后才能运行的 假设这台电脑没有与卡巴斯基的硬件虚拟化不兼容的驱动之类,但卡巴斯基的虚拟化因为某种原因即便重启也无法启动,我该如何验证它 (这个问题源于我在使用火绒专杀工具时发现专杀工具启动成功,正常来说,启动硬件虚拟化的电脑是无法使用专杀工具的,尤其是内核层,此时卡巴斯基的硬件虚拟化设置界面没有任何提示) 哦,忘记说了,我用的是Windows11,卡巴斯基标准版
  7. Karspesky Standard give me this alert continuously: When I click to Resolve, nothing occurs. It seems Karspesky does not remove the Worm because it is inside a Google Drive content file, magaged by Google Drive. It sounds strange because Google does not alert me nothing about an e-mail or file suspectius. I try to find in my Gmail and Google Drive for something like "OMO", "OMO.doc.com", "*****@*****.tld", "@prodigy.net.mx" and nothing appears. Im inclined to ignore this alert, but I cant know what this actions implies. Please Help Me.
  8. Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine kurze Frage zum Update / Upgrade-Mechanismus von Kaspersky Standard. Auf meinem Hauptsystem habe ich aktuell Version installiert. Kürzlich habe ich in meiner VM Kaspersky installiert und dort wurde 21.18.xx installiert. Kommt die neuere Version auch automatisch irgendwann mit den Signaturen-Updates und wird im Hintergrund aktualisiert oder muss man hier händisch tätig werden? Danke im Voraus für eure Hilfe. Gruß scope
  9. Добрый день. У меня на компьютере дикие вирусники, которые капец как замедляют комп, я устанавливал приложение больше 9 часов... а по итогу при добавлении нового устройства он пишет что лимит превышен, хотя их по моей подписке возможно добавить 5 устройств. Что делать и как с этим бороться?
  10. On the 18th and 19th June, I downloaded and paid for two standard and one plus version. Having realised what had happened I cancelled the unwanted versions and requested a refund. Kaspersky acknowledged the cancellations and told me I would recieve my refunds within 7 days. That was nearly two moonths ago! They have told me that they do not know how to issue refunds but are working on a solution - would you believe! Since then I have exchanged numerous emails, but have not been offered any explaination as to why there is a problem and when I might receive my refunds. It is becoming clear that they are simply trying to stall and have no intention of giving any refunds - despite their 30-day refund guarantee. Is this fraudulent trading and should I now involve Trading Standards?
  11. Let's make it clear, as Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is not available for download anymore: Is Kaspersky Security for Windows Server v11.0.1.897 a deprecated/obsolete product and for new installations on servers we should use Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows, the same which we use on workstations?
  12. I cannot update the Clash-Verge-Rev 1.7.3, as Kaspersky Anti-Virus give false alarm to me when I run the update program. And this alarm cannot be ignored, that I must delete the entire Clash-Verge-Rev, including the old ones. Though I can still re-install the old version of this VPN, without this alarm.
  13. Добрый день. Купил лицензию на Kaspersky Standard. После авторизации в MyKaspersky добавил устройство, скачал установщик Kaspersky Standard. Во время установки выкидывает ошибку. Пробовал Установить Kaspersky Free та же ошибка. У меня Windows 8.1, ошибка как я понял связана с тем что установщик думает что устанавливается на Windows 10. Подскажите кто знает в чем дело.
  14. постоянно выводит это сообщение и блокирует нужные мне сайты и закачки пробовал добавлять в исключения но и это не помогает подскажите как исправить
  15. 'Report' page column is not saving or updating anymore which includes detailed information regarding viruses scan like 'full/quick/path file or external devices'. Not sure yet about background/rootkit scan since last time it happened was at 3 a.m. And going to wait untill it start 24 hours after. This similar bug happen to occur last month around May 12th and took more than 9 days to Kaspersky acknowledge that existing issue. And I was still studying that proccess and symptoms and wait so others could report this as well. Although back then that bug was only affecting 'background/rootkit scan'. But this happening out of the blue again but instead got to affect all type of scans on report page is one thing to get me annoyed. So I'm making this report as fast as I can so it get fixed as soon as possible. Last known scan was save and it happen to be 18 hours ago and the update pulled a search for at 1:39 a.m. of 06/10. Then at the same day on 7:00 p.m. this bug started. Any action I'd initiate like viruses scans were not properly being saved at report page.
  16. The version of my system is 26100.712 The software version is The frame rate on other interfaces is normal, and my screen frame rate is 240Hz.
  17. Got absolutely frustrated with my Lenovo Yoga Slim laptop. Everything started to run especially slow one day and even occasional screen freenzes happen. The laptop went over-heated but memory and cpu usage was actually quite low. Couldn't properly load Youtube video in full screen. Everything is lagging hard. I full scanned my laptop using Kaspersky Standard and a malicious objected was detected. It was a kind of Trojan named HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Runner.l But Kaspersky seemed to do absolutely nothing about it. No disinfection, no quarantine, no deletion? And the next time I full scanned it, Kaspersky simplied told me that No threats are found. Please help me. I have got work to do and I have even tried restoring Windows but in vain. Details are as below: Event: Malicious object detected User type: Active user Component: Virus Scan Result: Detected Result description: Detected Type: Trojan Name: HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Runner.l Precision: Exactly Threat level: High Object type: File Object name: powershell.exe Object path: proc:\C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 Reason: Expert analysis
  18. 反病毒软件21.3更新到标准版21.17时Edge浏览器插件无法使用(灰色图标)
  19. 事件: 检测到恶意对象 应用程序: Clash Verge.exe 用户类型: 发起者 组件: 系统监控 结果说明: 检测到 类型: 木马 名称: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic 威胁级别: 高 对象类型: 进程 对象路径: D:\Program Files\Clash Verge 对象名称: Clash Verge.exe 原因: 行为分析 数据库发布日期: 今天,2024/4/30 下午6:34:00 MD5: FBFFDC90C81E29CA3826BD1D642D26F6 软件来源https://github.com/clash-verge-rev/clash-verge-rev/releases/tag/v1.6.0
  20. As I can see, the new plans (Standard, plus, premium) aren't available for most of the eastern europe countries, when will they be available there? I want to switch from other antivirus to kaspersky, but I'm waiting until the new versions come out to Poland, which hasn't happened yet of course.
  21. Os recordamos que ya está disponible para su descarga la nueva versión de productos Kaspersky Estándar, Plus, Premium y VPN, que podréis descargar en: Instaladores Kaspersky v21.17.7.539: Kaspersky Standard, Plus y Premium v21.17.7.539 España: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-es/Kaspersky4Win/ Kaspersky VPN vv21.17.7.539 España: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-es/KSDE/ Kaspersky Standard, Plus y Premium vv21.17.7.539 Latam: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-mx/Kaspersky4Win/ Kaspersky VPN v21.17.7.539 Latam: Instalador: https://dm.s.kaspersky-labs.com/es-mx/KSDE/ Saludos.
  22. Recently, I bought 3 users 1 year KS Standard. But, the problem is that I can't use it for 3 separate My Kaspersky accounts but rather 3 devices connected but under one My KS account. What did this happen for? Can it be solved?
  23. I have observed this happening with Gmail with Firefox. (Don't know about other sites yet). I see the browser getting stuck at this portion with this site being called. Gmail does not open at all. How can I stop kaspersky labs being called every time I open Gmail or some other trusted website?
  24. I am using this Chrome / Edge Extension called Harpa AI and Kaspersky seems to be messing around with it across all my machines using Kaspersky (different versions). Steps to Replicate problem: 1) I have to EXIT Kaspersky FULLY for Harpa AI Extenstion to work with the paid version of ChatGPT. Remember, I have to EXIT Kaspersky and not just "pause protection". 2) VERY Strangely, with Kaspersky enabled, Harpa AI is working fine with the FREE version of ChatGPT but not with the paid version. Which leaves me in a quandary. What setting do I tweak within Kaspersky? @Flood and Flood's wife Any advice my friend? I want to use it with the PAID Version of ChatGPT.
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