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Found 19 results

  1. Boa noite, Conta Premium, após instalar no meu IPhone ele não navega fora do wi-fi. Já desliguei todas as extensões do meu navegador mas com ele instalado fora de casa não consigo utilizar o aparelho na rede móvel. Alguém consegue ajudar?
  2. Лицензия Kaspersky Standard. Подключены 3 устройства: iMac, iPad, iPhone. Обновляю регулярно. По состоянию на 24 июня 2024 г. на iPad установлено iPadOS 16.7.8. На iPhone 7 plus — 15.8.2. На iMac проблем нет. На iPad и iPhone часто всплывают сообщения: «Не удалось проверить ссылку». Закрыл все браузеры, смотрю только Ютьюб через мобильное приложение. Вопросы: 1) в чем логика этого сообщения? Я его увидел, ок. Что именно я, дурак, должен сделать? 2) как мне понять, в чем источник проблемы? 3) как мне остановить этот поток уведомлений? Я увидел эти сообщения, чего делать не знаю. Сообщения продолжают сыпаться мне на нерв. Перезагрузить не каждый раз могу. Иногда открыт проект в Procreate или Google.Docs. Все проги на моих железках лицензионные, через appStore. Все куплено за деньги. Да, я умею проверять. Да, и меня можно нае…ть, не сомневаюсь в этом. Что делать?
  3. This makes it questionable protection, leaving one’s device vulnerable. I often find that my device was unprotected, possibly the whole night! I’ve observed this on various iOS devices (iPhones SE, 12, 13 mini) in our household, all of which are always fully up-to-date. We don’t have other security solutions installed. What a competitor product did with their mobile protection for iOS was to add a toggle in the VPN settings for the protection to re-enable itself on demand. That way it turns itself on when it’s shut down for some reason, possibly by a system process? I don’t know whether iOS behaves like Android in some regards.
  4. 1. Hello I downloaded the app and bought a license. At first, when everything went smoothly, now I get the connection cannot be checked error. When I click on this notification, nothing happens. 2. I've been having problems with the internet since I founded Kaspersky. Both my mobile data and Wi-Fi connections have slowed down a lot. Although I am connected to the internet, the applications are not working properly. Kaspersky VPN improves when I turn off and restart the phone. ( I'm using iphone 14 pro max iOS 16.5.1(c) )
  5. Добрый день коллеги. Решили настроить MDM сервер для ios устройств. 1. Установили Сервер iOS MDM на сервере KSC 14 2. По инструкции установили APN сертификат на сервер. 3. Попытались подключить устройство, дошли до Wizzard с QR, отсканировали с устройства QR, неподписанный профиль прогрузился и при установке на устойстве "Сбой установки профиля" - Произошла неизвестная ошибка. Подскажите какие подводные камни имеются при внедрение MDM и подключение устройства? куда копать?
  6. Eu instalei o aplicativo Kaspersky: VPN & Security no celular à 5 dias e segundo o recurso Antiphishing, mais de 19.5 mil links já foram verificados e esse número não para de crescer. Eu sei que alguns aplicativos acessam links em segundo plano, mas esse número não está alto demais para somente 5 dias? Outra desconfiança que tenho é que a cada 5 min eu recebo de 5 à 7 notificações dizendo que não foi possível verificar a segurança do link e então vem a notificação dizendo que o botão de emergência foi acionado. Devo me preocupar ou esse número de links é normal e as notificações são somente instabilidade na conexão?
  7. Eu instalei o aplicativo Kaspersky: VPN & Security no celular à 5 dias e segundo o recurso Antiphishing, mais de 19.5 mil links já foram verificados e esse número não para de crescer. Eu sei que alguns aplicativos acessam links em segundo plano, mas esse número não está alto demais para somente 5 dias? Outra desconfiança que tenho é que a cada 5 min eu recebo de 5 à 7 notificações dizendo que não foi possível verificar a segurança do link e então vem a notificação dizendo que o botão de emergência foi acionado. Devo me preocupar ou esse número de links é normal e as notificações são somente instabilidade na conexão?
  8. Please add an antivirus for IOS like Bitdefender has so I can control my phone from my Kaspersky thanks!
  9. I, recently, in October 2023, ordered Kaspersky VPN through Amazon.in after confirming from questions and answers that it would work with Windows11, Android and iPad. it is working fine with my Windows pc and android but not working with my iPad 9. I thought I would ask the issue here in this forum first. I am from India. Thank you all in Advance Priby
  10. Enabling Anti-phishing (I have the VPN disabled) on my iPhone now causes many apps (eg, Reddit, YouTube, Twitter) and video websites to not work. This is a new issue. I try to keep Anti-Phishing enabled as much as possible on my phone, particularly when browsing the web. This has started being a problem only in the last several weeks or so.
  11. Given an existing website account for “http://domain.tld”, when trying to create a new website account for same domain but different port, like “http://domain.tld:8080”, i am asked to merge the credentials although due to the port I would expect them to be considered two different websites. This becomes problematic when the two websites have same username but different passwords. So is this expected behavior or can this be considered a bug?
  12. Hi, im attempting to install KSK on my child’s iPhone but during the install, where I would normally be directed to download and then install the child’s profile, I do not get a prompt to do so, instead I go directly to the child’s dashboard view (see attachment photo) which doesn’t allow any access to the browser nor does it offer an option to download the required profile. I have successfully installed KSK on another iPhone for another child and also on an iPad for the child whose iPhone I’m having issues with. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. thanks. Shane
  13. I would like to be able to pause VPN on my iPhone for a preselected period; eg 5 mins., or whatever. (IOS ver. 16.2). I cannot find any way of doing this and any references to pausing appear to relate to computer and not phones. Can someone tell me how to do this or whether it is not possible?
  14. the Face ID is now not working on password app after ios update. what can i do to get may passwords back?
  15. Hi, I decided to get Kaspersky for the anti phishing feature but it requires the use of a VPN configuration on my phone. My question is, does this VPN configuration change my location/IP in any way. I didn’t want to use the VPN in the first place but it looks like the only way for the anti phishing to turn is by having the VPN enabled on my phone, which I don’t want.
  16. For almost 2 years I’ve been hacked. My phones get taken over by my hacker. Like they aren’t even mine. He puts me through he’ll tell he disables my phone and I have to get another. On my 7th iPhone. Lots of money no end in sight. I have zero privacy and peace. Help
  17. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
  18. Each time we power up our iPhone, we the anti-phishing setting is always set to off. How can we ensure that this setting on our phone is retained between between power ups? Signed - frustrated ?
  19. I'm unable to connect to the domain "https://www.hotstar.com/" when Kaspersky VPN is active. I'm connected to the "India" server yet facing the issue across windows, android and iOs Error trace: An error occurred while processing your request. Reference #219.65ad4d68.1655475046.1117b31b
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