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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Dear all, please download and install the latest version of Asus Ai Suite and Armory Crate via: https://www.asus.com/support/Download-Center/ Will the issue persist with the latest version? If yes, please collect a new set of traces and send to technical support via the indicent to support: Here is how to collect traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/15535 - enable traces - restart PC - reproduce the issue with AI Suite - stop traces - upload the logs to some cloud - log a case support (if not yet logged one) as per the instruction from Flood above and include the link to the logs - send the link to download the logs to the incident for us to further analyze - let us know the incident number by posting it here (if not yet done this step)
  2. @Zak911, спасибо за создание инцидента! Запросили трассировки и GSI, проверьте, пожалуйста, почту.
  3. @Zak911, добрый день, Создайте, пожалуйста, запрос в техническую поддержку https://support.kaspersky.ru/b2c/ru?qs=on и сообщите номер инцидента.
  4. Hi @Dingo, checking the incident... can you upload the traces to some cloud server and share the link with us in the incident? @satsok, @SvetMM, @Cavey, @EarlyBird, we are sorry to hear about this issue. Despite all attempts we yet do not have in-house reproduction of the issue. To analyze the problem as quickly as possible we would need traces with reproduction. Can you kindly help with getting the necessary diagnostic data? Here is how to collect traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/15535 - enable traces - restart PC - reproduce the issue with AI Suite - stop traces - upload the logs to some cloud - log a case support as per the instruction from Flood above and include the link to the logs - send the link to download the logs to the incident for us to further analyze - also please collect a GSI report and send it to the incident as well (how to collect) - let us know the incident number by posting it here
  5. @Dingo Thank you for the submitted incident, we are on it. Meanwhile, can you kindly collect traces and send them over to the incident as well? Here is how to collect: https://support.kaspersky.com/15535 - enable traces - restart PC - reproduce the issue with AI Suite - stop traces - upload the logs to some cloud and send the link to the incident for us to further analyze
  6. Hi @Dingo, Please log a case with support as per recommendation from Flood and let me know the incident number. We would like to collect some additional data for analysis.
  7. This email was sent following our internal error, and we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. This technical error has been examined by our team, and we can confirm that no user data has been affected. Please note that no action is required from your side.
  8. Kaspersky is aware that some users of the company’s products may have recently received emails from the company’s email address with irrelevant content. This email was sent following a misconfiguration in the company's internal IT environment. Kaspersky is reaching out to the company's users to inform them of the issue and apologize for the inconvenience caused.
  9. Добрый день, Заведено соответствующее требование (5724970). Точных сроков по реализации пока, к сожалению, нет. Спасибо за пожелание!
  10. Hi @VKumar, if the detect is still actual, please use https://opentip.kaspersky.com to send the detected sample to malware analysts for review: how to submit to reanalyze.
  11. Hi @Dreamz, since pausing protection helps, can you try to find out which protection component causes this issue?
  12. Hi @PSS, added. As soon as there is news, I will update this topic.
  13. Добрый день, Посмотрели указанные запросы. Техническая поддержка Лаборатории Касперского прилагает все усилия для предоставления качественной поддержки в разумные сроки, в зависимости от вопроса обращения. Обязательства по фиксированному времени ответа могут предоставляться только в рамках оказания платных услуг https://support.kaspersky.ru/support/rules/ru_ru#section_5
  14. Hi @NikJa, please follow the steps from Flood to create a ticket to Kaspersky support and let me know the incident number after the ticket creation. Thank you.
  15. Hi @1brute, glad to hear that, can you tell us which steps finally fixed it for you? Hi @mateusz1807, the easiest way to find out is to pause protection, check the issue, if pausing does not help - exit Kaspersky, check the issue, if exiting does not help - uninstall Kaspersky, restart PC. If the issue persists, it is not Kaspersky that causes it.
  16. Hi @mateusz1807 Try to reinstall armory crate, will it help fix the issue? Hi @1brute, This could be a not Kaspersky related or another issue. If you pause protection/exit Kaspersky/uninstall Kaspersky - does it help?
  17. Hi @Eraden, the issue has been fixed, to apply the fix please update databases and restart PC.
  18. @Rampage, проблему решили, обновите, пожалуйста, базы и перезагрузите компьютер.
  19. Olá, o problema foi corrigido, para aplicar a correção, atualize os bancos de dados e reinicie o sistema.
  20. Добрый день, исправление вышло, для решения проблемы необходимо обновить базы и перезагрузить компьютер.
  21. Dear all, the fix has been published, please update databases and restart PC to apply the fix.
  22. Hi @rufford155, I downloaded and installed MiniTool MovieMaker and got no reproduction of the issue you are describing. Have you disabled "Perform recommended options automatically" in Settings -> General?
  23. Добрый день, укажите, пожалуйста, номер запроса в техническую поддержку.
  24. Hi all, we will update this topic when the fix is on the public servers.
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