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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. We will need trace logs, here is the instruction: https://support.kaspersky.com/15535#block1 please enable traces, restart PC, run Quick Scan to detect MEM:Trojan.Win32.SEPEH.gen, stop traces, put trace files into an archive and upload to some cloud. Share the download link with me.
  2. Got it. While we are checking the installer package, please go to folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\, create here a folder with any name (e.g. 'test') and move all the files and folders in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Tasks\ to this newly created folder ('test'). Restart PC, will the detect still occur? Press [Win] + [R] and enter “msconfig”. The window that opens contains a tab called “Startup”. It contains a list of all programs that are launched automatically. Is there anything looking suspicious? You can post a screenshot if not sure.
  3. Thank you for the link, the detect you are getting now is MEM:Trojan.Win32.SEPEH.gen ?
  4. Hi @Springwoods, a coworker of mine Okay ? he choose to disable KIS thinking the activator is genuine and install it Can you scan the downloaded activator with KIS, which malware is detected?
  5. Hi @emaranhao, Is there any specific scenario for the issue reproduction or it occurs randomly? This looks like a known issue which is fixed in the next product version (MR7).
  6. that's a pity, in this case, please log a case with technical support, we will investigate.
  7. Hi @nexon, When the update stops at 25% - it means the provider uses traffic caching and part the update is downloaded from Kaspersky servers and part from the provider cache. To fix the issue, please use another connection to the Internet or update via VPN.
  8. Hi @perrylomax, we are checking the url, please stand by.
  9. Hi David, Malware analysts team has confirmed this is a false detection and it will be fixed. Sorry about all the trouble.
  10. Hi @yutakako, If the advice from Berny does not help, please submit a ticket to technical support via https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/ and let me know the incident number.
  11. Hi @Lobby, Please let us know the website where you got notifications from Kaspersky Security Cloud, I would like to test the situation you are describing with Kaspersky Standard.
  12. Hi @Ronaldo, Please install the product back, will the issue persist? If yes, please log a ticket with technical support via https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/ We will request additional information for further investigation.
  13. Hi @hroesemann, since this is a System Watcher detect, please log a case with technical support and let me know the incident number. We will request additional logs to analyze and fix this issue.
  14. Добрый день, анализируем ситуацию, как только будут новости - напишу.
  15. Hi @Murilo Chianfa, the website is infected, malicious code starts with: ;;if(ndsw===undefined){(function (I, h) {var D = {I: 0xaf,h: 0xb0,H: 0x9a,X: '0x95', J: 0xb1,d: 0x8e}, v = x, H = I();
  16. Hi @Raxor, there is a workaround. You can rename brave.exe to chrome.exe and this should get the Kaspersky extension running.
  17. Hi @brosky, please let us know the incident number to technical support as soon as you submit it.
  18. Hi @Ronny Sugianto, try this: 1. Disable Self-Defense via Settings -> General 2. Exit Kaspersky product 3. Go to folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report\ and delete all the contents (files and folders) 4. Run Kaspersky product 5. Enable Self-Defense 6. Check the issue.
  19. Добрый день, авторизация происходила в браузере на компьютере? Проверьте историю в браузере, есть ли подозрительные ссылки, содержащие в названии mail.ru? Если сайт в базе фишинговых сайтов - то нет, выдал бы предупреждение. Очень маловероятно. Для большего спокойствия рекомендуем сменить пароль для входа на почту.
  20. Hi @emaranhao, try this: 1. Disable Self-Defense via Settings -> General 2. Exit Kaspersky Security Cloud 3. Go to folder C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report\ and delete all the contents (files and folders) 4. Run Kaspersky Security Cloud 5. Enable Self-Defense 6. Check the issue.
  21. Добрый день, напишите, пожалуйста, с вашего адреса электронной почты на forum @ kaspersky.com
  22. Hi IBarnes, thanks for letting us know, your experience will be helpful for someone in the same situation.
  23. Да, адресов куча, а проблема может быть общая. Рекомендую Вам для начала установить пробную версию Kaspersky, обновить базы и выполнить полную проверку компьютера.
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