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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Flood, I am impressed with your dedication and efforts you put into this community! I looked at this topic as soon as I could and shared the information about the bug. Wish I could have done it earlier, so that you did not have to waste time. Sorry about that. As for my understanding of this issue, have a look at the comment from Neb, got the same issue on Win10 and KSK does not block the app.
  2. ??? It covers the issue described by Tif.
  3. Hi @godwre , Thank you for the information! Sorry that collecting the troubleshooting information in frames of the incident was complicated.
  4. Now that the Full scan has been verified, we recommend setting it to scan new & changed files, that will reduce the time it takes a Full scan to run. Good hint there by Flood. iSwift and iChecker are enabled by default. Whereas you need to enable the new & changed files option manually.
  5. Hi @GalaxyAWAC , great news! 45min-1hr to “break the 1% silence” is okay. The product runs two streams as soon as you launch the scan: 1. calculates the total number of files in order to estimate the possible duration of the scan and show the correct % completion. 2. checks the files for viruses. Another good news is that first scan usually takes longer than subsequent scans, as the product uses iChecker/iSwift technologies to shorten the scan times. To put it simply, these technologies are there to shorten the scan time by skipping the objects that were not changed since the last scan. The algorythm is more sofisticated, you can read more here: https://support.kaspersky.com/12574#block3 Regards, Igor
  6. Hi @Tif Hi @Neb Looks like issue 4513164. We need additional data for further analysis and resolution. Do you mind submitting a ticket via https://my.kaspersky.com and sending me the incident number so that we can request some additional diagnostic information? Regards, Igor
  7. Hi Martin, glad your issue has been mitigated via this workaround! Hi @complete , if you have not resolved the issue yet, can you check if this workaround works for you as well?
  8. Hi @EndangeredPootsiBird , NextDNS protects you from all kinds of security threats, blocks ads and trackers on websites and in apps and provides a safe and supervised Internet for kids — on all devices and on all networks. It seems NextDNS is acting as a security filter, having two security filters (NextDNS and Kaspersky) - can cause issues, like the one you encountered. Exclusions is a reasonable workaround.
  9. Hi, in some regions (not in all) there is an option to use a custom theme: The theme presets are not available in current version, themes are to be created by the users. Here is an instrucion (unfortunately, only in Russian; you can translate, e.g. via Chrome ): https://www.kaspersky.ru/blog/skin-customization/?_ga=2.198344102.801365570.1610342970-128086556.1605095703
  10. Hi @RoMo5 , if the issue returns, please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com. Thank you.
  11. Hi, Flood, can I ask, where did you get this information? The “ unlimited subscription “, only applies to Kaspersky Security Cloud Free. As mentioned earlier in this topic: “Unlimited subscription means that the license will be renewed automatically.” If the customer purchases Kaspersky Security Cloud via subscription with enabled automatic renewal, the status will be as on the screenshot:
  12. Hi @nexon , did the workaround provided by kmscom help? If yes, please check “best answer” on kmscom response to mark this topic as resolved. Thanks much in advance!
  13. тест https://support.kaspersky.com/KSC/12/ru-RU/5251.htm\
  14. @Abzal opentip все еще показывает good, но он может синхронизироваться с задержкой, это ожидаемо. А продукт уже детектирует:
  15. Добрый день, @Abzal Получил ответ от аналитиков по данной ссылке. Подтвердили возможную угрозу потери данных, внесли соответствующие правки в базы анти-фишинга и улучшили технологии детекта для проактивной блокировки подобных ссылок в будущем. Спасибо за вашу помощь!
  16. Thank you for your feedback. Where is this quote taken from? Any INC number, please? “We are not aware of an unlimited subscription, There is no unlimited subscription for any of our products.”
  17. Hi @andrew75 , yes, thank you for mentioning, but CloudPlanet seems to be disappointed, I wanted to find out what could be the cause of “it doesn’ t appear that Kaspersky is interested in doing anything about this”.
  18. Hi @CloudPlanet , Did you have a chance to submit a ticket to technical support? What was the outcome? Regards, Igor
  19. Hi @SAJFLADD , I actually can see it: Try to change the size and position of the window, will the green border appear? Did you check the issue in other browsers?
  20. Hi @GalaxyAWAC , Sometimes the product calculates the number of files for a long period of time due to various reasons: millions of small files in the system, slow system, issues with the disk, etc. How long did you wait on 1%? Please let it run for 2-3 hours, how will it go? You mentioned, that your laptop fell several times, this can cause issues with the disk, you can check it by running command prompt in administrator mode and execute the following command: chkdsk c: /f /R To open command prompt, press Win+x and then select Command Prompt (Admin).
  21. Not quite, because it is important to take into account the system requirements, which is what Flood suggested. ;)
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