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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi @micsermaster , Is the issue still actual? If yes, please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com and collect traces (here is how to collect traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/12797): enable traces try to open the Cpanel to trigger the Web Anti-Virus detect stop traces share the tracelogs via some cloud and include the link to download in your request to technical supportLet me know the incident number.
  2. Hi @Jarvis , thank you for the screenshot. It is not very clear what the issue is. Can you post an image of the error? What helps to fix the issue? Pause Kaspersky protection? Exit Kaspersky?
  3. Hi @Konzol , please raise a case with technical support at my.kaspersky.com and let me know the incident number. Include system report, here is how to collect it: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/3632
  4. Hi @Flood and Flood's wife , thanks for posting back, we reproduced and virus analysts confirmed the false-positive. A fix will be released soon. @Huchim , thanks. @Berny , it seems the reproduction is intermittent.
  5. Hi @drazen11 , Please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com to get assistance from technical support team. Include a system report in your request, how to get it: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/3632
  6. Добрый день, это известная ошибка (4639492). Исправлено в MR3, выход ожидается в конце февраля - начале марта.
  7. Hi @celsurf , It seems that Safe Money can’t be ‘read’ by other processes on the computer according to Process Explorer. This leads me to believe that even if the computer is infected with a virus, Safe Money will protect the transaction. Thoughts ? Protected Browser will protect the data as it is started in an isolated environment to prevent other applications from injecting their code into the process of Protected Browser. This creates additional layer of protection, definitely, but does not replace the other functions of the product, such as File Anti-Virus, System Watcher, Application Control, etc. Another point, what happens if I continue to surf in the Safe Money browser ? Do I get an added layer of protection? ie. What if I surf and go to a website that is infected with a virus while using Safe Money ? I get the impression that the virus will not download to the computer by doing this ! To intercept viruses on infected web pages you need Web Anti-Virus.
  8. Hi @StringTheory , Can you do the following: Open Command Prompt (if you have Windows 10 → right click on the Start menu → choose Command prompt) Run the following command: ipconfig /all in the output results, how many network adapters have the string: Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter ? E.g. on my PC
  9. Добрый день, @Abzal Уже определяет
  10. Hi @FN09 , please log a case with technical support as per the instruction from Flood above. Kindly let me know the incident number. Please collect traces with issue reproduction. How to collect traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/13191 enable traces restart Safe Kids (exit and start again) reproduce the issue with embedded videos copy the traces to desktop (or some other folder) attach the traces to your incident to technical suppor disable tracesThank you.
  11. Hi @wsclark , after you log a case with technical support, please let me know its number. Please include in your request: System report. How to get it: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/3632 Traces. How to get traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/12797 close browser enable traces restart KAV (exit and start again) reproduce the issue in Chrome disable traces
  12. Hi Flood, If I correctly understand, the kill switch is this: Hi @Nil , Since the INC000011888975 has been closed due to inactivity, please proceed with the advice from support team in the INC000011888975 and submit a new ticket to provide the responses. You are welcome to include all your questions + images, as per advice from Flood. Thank you
  13. hi @OmarMtc , hi @Tormas , What is your actual location? What VPN server (country) you connect to? How do you check that you are connected to another country?
  14. Hi @Kata , Do you mind submitting an incident to technical support via my.kaspersky.com? We would like to get some more information for analysis of the youtube.com ads issue.
  15. Good day, Steve, the MBAM has not only services, but also drivers, that are running in the background.
  16. Hi Berny, on a side note, the company name is now Kaspersky (omitting the ‘lab’ part) :)
  17. Hi @Huchim , no detection on my end at the moment. Can you check now? Hi @Flood and Flood's wife, still detected on your pc?
  18. Hi @Yogi007 , Please submit a ticket to technical support via https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts
  19. Hi @Jarvis , Does it work if you set Kaspersky to “Do not scan network traffic” in Settings → Network, then restart browser and check? (this is not offered as a solution, this is only a troubleshooting step).
  20. Hi @kugman, The ball is on the MS side, still we have been working on a fix on our side. Regretfully, there is no ETA for the solution at the moment. As soon as there is news, we will update this thread.
  21. can I rest easy that my computer is not infected? Absolutely! To have a more fuzzy feeling of being protected, update databases and run a full scan task :)
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