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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi @JerseyDude , To escape possible interference of other processes, start PC in Clean Boot mode and start scan, how will it go? Here is the instruction: https://support.microsoft.com/en-hk/help/929135/how-to-perform-a-clean-boot-in-windows To make sure its not the disk that causes the issue, run command propmpt in administrator mode (Win+X > command prompt(admin)) and run disk check by executing the following command: chkdsk c: /f /R (put any other disk letter instead of c: according to your disks configuration) Let us know of the results
  2. we had no clue what was shown in the popup🙄 Its okay. We all live and learn. Now you know that the popups have the same structure and elements in any language:
  3. I get the same on merriam-webster, no categories. You do not have to speak Russian to see that there is no category, as oppposed to this: :) Can you search for www.123.ru - will it show you any category?
  4. Hi Flood, if you hover the mouse over the URL Advisor icon, there is no pop up like on the screen below?
  5. Thank you, issue 4657657, developers are looking into this. Will post an update when there is news.
  6. Hi @RuiOliveira20 , what is the product version you are using? Hover the mouse pointer over the product icon in windows tray to find out.
  7. Hi , please post here or send me via PM the incident numbers to technical support. Thank you.
  8. Hi @Elasticrouter , Please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com, include traces with reproduction of the Chrome folder scan: how to collect traces enable traces restart PC reproduce the Chrome folder scan stop traces
  9. Добрый день, @Peter15NT , Какие ещё файлы стоит отослать в поддержку? В дополнение к GSI отчету, потребуется полный дамп памяти: Как создать полный дамп памяти
  10. Hi @Jimkirk363 , Do I correctly understand the issue: you open your bank site in Firefox and the Kaspersky Protected browser (in green frame) does not come up? Can you tell us the bank site URL, so that we can test on our side? If you go to Kaspersky Safe Money and click on the bank URL in the list of Safe Money, will it open up the Protected browser?
  11. Hi @alleykatz51 , Welcome to the community! I changed the one for “Kaspersky Account” and that works but can someone tell me which are actually needed ? What is the problem you are trying to solve? Are you talking about Kaspersky Password Manager?
  12. @Z_hRY , check the Kaspersky reports (more tools → reports), any events related to cmd?
  13. Hi @SST , added your feedback to the corresponding suggestion (3815741). Thank you.
  14. The point of “available on blocked device” is to allow the kid to use the app after the device use time has expired. If it does not work, this case has to be analyzed by technical support.
  15. Hi @Z_hRY , Please let us know how you managed to resolve the issue? If the file can be run with paused protection only, it is a bit suspicious, may be it is blocked for a reason...
  16. Hi @SST , Usually IP address is not needed to troubleshoot the issues with client / server communication in case of Safe Kids statistics. Developers use client ID, machine ID to parse the logs. Normally we collect traces to check that the statistics is sent from the device to the server, if there are no issues with sending, then we research for possible issues on the server side. Traces + the email of the customer is enough for analysis. You are right, often the issues are on the server side, but each case has to be analyzed individually. If you can kindly let me know the incident number to support, I will have a look at it. Regards, Igor
  17. Hi @Lespaul59 , backup of the entire drive is not possible. The workaround would be to create a folder with any name on drive D (e.g. 15_01_backup), then move all the folders of drive D to the 15_01_backup folder, then do the backup of this folder to drive E. Then move all the folders back to the root of drive D.
  18. Hi @Schulte , thanks for posting this workaround! Hi @thisismyname , as Flood and his wife have mentioned, there is already a suggestion to return this functionality, I have added your feedback to it as well. Thank you.
  19. Hi @Tif , do you mind raising a ticket with technical support at https://my.kaspersky.com? Please send me the incident number, we will request some additional information for further investigation and resolution.
  20. Добрый день, к сожалению, в настоящее время отсутствует возможность переноса настроек из одного профиля Safe Kids в другой. Добавил ваше сообщение в соответствующее пожелание (3215938).
  21. Hi @Cathy , In theory, you can use two different VPNs as long as they run on different devices. E.g. in your case on the PC and the NAS. The Kaspersky VPN on the PC protects your connections from the PC to the outer world. The VPN on NAS protects the connections to the NAS. There should not be any interferance (well, in the perfect world :-) ). Can you shed more light on the strange behaviors that you are observing?
  22. Hi Flood, Thank you for your feedback, as always. Can you kindly refer to the source of the information about xSP provider codes? Inc number?
  23. KSK does not even know Epic games application exists Out tests show the contrary. Thank you for the information though.
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