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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Good day! Unfortunately, in current version KSK does not log Youtube app activity. We have a requirement to implement this feature in future versions of KSK. No ETA at the moment. Regards, Igor
  2. Hello Flood🐳+🐋, No repro on my end. You know what to do ;) Regards, Igor
  3. hi @luckyrootkitrecepient , Thank you for the logs. All the data is now reviewed by VirusLab experts, please stand by. Regards, Igor
  4. Hi @luckyrootkitrecepient , Can you kindly submit a ticket to technical support, attach all the data you collected, and send me the incident number? Regards, Igor
  5. Hi Phil, This is a known issue (4567416), we’be been working on it, some additional data is needed. Can you create a ticket to technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com and pm me its number? We will provide additional instructions. Regards, Igor
  6. Update: in patch “n”, which is expected in December, the notification will be “Password requres your attention” and if you hover your mouse cursor over this message, the text “Go to Password Check for details” appears. In Password Check tab it can be either weak, not unique or both.
  7. You can send it here: https://community.kaspersky.com/members/igor-kurzin-127
  8. Hi @beardog69, Sorry to hear about your issue. Can you please pm me your email address that you used to register at my.kaspersky.com site? Regards, Igor
  9. Hi @Phil-UK , What is the bank url? Please let me know the incident number (you can pm it to me), we will look into this. Regards, Igor
  10. Hi @azucena, did you submit a ticket to technical support, if yes, can you share the incident number with me? By default the attachment filter should rename only the following extentions: *.bat, *.сmd, *.com, *.exe, *.js, *.jse, *.msi, *.scr, *.vbe, *.vbs In some scenarios after upgrade from version 21.1 to version 21.2 the settings of the attachment filter do not switch to default configuration and some other extention types are enabled. We are investigating this inssue in frames of bug 4575990. To resolve the issue, please disable the renaming of all extentions, leaving the dangerous ones enabled: *.bat, *.сmd, *.com, *.exe, *.js, *.jse, *.msi, *.scr, *.vbe, *.vbs Regards, Igor
  11. Hi Flood🐳+🐋, thanks for bringning this up, I will report the 404 error. Got your incident on documentation issue as well. Rds, Igor
  12. Hi @luckyrootkitrecepient , Found your INC, it was autoclosed after 2 weeks. Please submit a new INC and provide additional data: A. A log of TDSSKiller utility. B. A dump of boot sectors of the hard drive. 1. Please download TDSSKiller utility: https://support.kaspersky.com/viruses/utility#TDSSKiller to Desktop 2. Open Command Prompt with Administartor rights. 3. Perform the following commands: cd C:\Users\%username%\Desktop tdsskiller.exe -qmbr -qpath C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\Sectors 4. Click Accept on all windows (until Start scan window appear) and after that there will be a folder Sectors on the Desktop. Please pack it to archive with password 'infected' (without ' ') and submit it to us. 5. Run a scan by TDSSKIller, save the report and send to us. C. A GSI report: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/3632
  13. Hi @CatalinC , I got the INC number, thank you. We are on it, please expect a response soon. Regards, Igor
  14. Hi @gggforte , Sorry to hear about this issue. Did you submit a ticket to support via https://my.kaspersky.com? Can you share the incident number with me? Regards, Igor
  15. Hi @Catalin , Try to uninstall Safe Kids, what will be the outcome? If it does not help, please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com and include in your request a link to Kaspersky dump files, which must be available in C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.2\dumps\… ending with SRV0.full.dmp and GUI0.full.dmp. Please put these files into an archive and upload to some public cloud. Send me the ticket number via pm or post here. Thank you, Igor
  16. Hi @Naveed Ahmed , Unfortunately, at the moment Kaspersky products are not compatible with Surface Pro X as its CPU (Microsoft SQ1) is based on ARM technology. We have a registered request for compatibility with ARM based platforms, I have added your feedback to this request as well. Hoping the compatibility appears some time soon. Regards, Igor
  17. Hi @BlackEdition , I registered at the site, but keep getting a connection error. Can you kindly check disabling of which filter helps to resolve the issue? Go to Settings → Protection → Anti-Banner → List of filters. Restart the browser after disabling each filter. Please collect traces (https://support.kaspersky.com/15046#block1) and send a ticket to technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com. The scenario to collect traces: close browser enable traces recording restart Kaspersky product (exit and start again) open browser reproduce the issue once stop traces recordingPlease post here or pm me the incident number to technical support. Thank you, Igor
  18. Hi @ejt3 , To get back Parental Control, please do the following: Disable Self-Defense in Kaspersky Exit Kaspersky Press Win+R → type “regedit” → Enter Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP21.x*\environment (*x = 1 or 2) Find the SuggestSafeKids key Double click on its value and change from 1 to 0. Run Kaspersky Enable Self-Defense Enjoy Parental ControlRegards, Igor
  19. hi @leemingd , Try the following: run Command Prompt (Admin) (right click the Start button to find this option) and then execute the following commands: regsvr32 -u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 21.2\x64\mcou.dll" regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 21.2\x64\mcou.dll" regsvr32 -u "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 21.2\mcou.dll" regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 21.2\mcou.dll" Restart PC. How will it go after this? Regards, Igor
  20. Hi @wgcuser , KIS for Android indeed supports only Google Chrome and Samsung Browser https://support.kaspersky.com/KISA/Android_11.56/en-US/71828.htm Regards, Igor
  21. @Al_New , добрый день, да, необходимо создать вручную.
  22. You are welcome. You can right click on the product icon in tray and choose “Pause protection”
  23. Hi @Moneymasternow , Can you shed some more light on what you are trying to achieve? Any questions related to Kaspersky products? Regards, Igor
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