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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi, The issue with twitter has been fixed in both KSK and Parental Control. Regards, Igor
  2. Hi @Sib3riX , We got your incident, on it. Sorry for a delay. Regards, Igor
  3. Hi @Pavel Burov , Sorry to hear about this issue. Inject script into web traffic to interact with web pages If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Total Security injects a web page interaction script into web traffic. This script ensures the operation of such components as Safe Money, Private Browsing, Anti-Banner, and URL Advisor. Please provide more details on the products you had installed/removed? Follow the advice from Flood to install the latest version (if not already). Which product/version you have now? No issue in normal browser mode, issue occurs only in private browsing mode? Regards, Igor
  4. Hi @TPerry , Welcome to the forum! Not sure how exactly you are trying to add the exclusion, can you post a screenshot? Regards, Igor
  5. Hi @BobBuzz , If the issue with uninstallation persists, please submit a ticket to technical support and let me know the incident number. Thank you. Regards, Igor
  6. Hi @Flood and Flood's wife , can you share the INC number with me? I will doublecheck. Regards, Igor
  7. Hola, @danielo, Es un problema conocido: después de una actualización de la versión 21.1 a la versión 21.2 la configuración del filtro de datos adjuntos (Mail-AV > Advanced > Configurar filtro de datos adjuntos) no cambia a la configuración predeterminada (solo para las extensiones: *.bat, *.md, *.com, *.exe, *.js, *.jse, *.msi, *.scr, *.vbe, *.vbs) y todos los tipos de extensión están habilitados. Para resolver el problema, deshabilite el cambio de nombre de todas las extensiones, dejando las peligrosas habilitadas: *.bat, *.md, *.com, *.exe, *.js, * Saludos, Igor
  8. Добрый день, @Neprostotak , Попробуйте добавить игру в Доверенные программы (Настройка - Угрозы и исключения) и настройте исключение: С уважением, Игорь
  9. Hi @gannicus , Kaspersky product checks attachments when they are being downloaded. Depending on the mail program sync settings, in some situations only a preview of the email is downloaded, leaving the attachments of the emails on the remote server. As soon as you open the email to view the attachments and contents, the mail program downloads them and the Kaspersky product renames the attachments. The next thing that happens: Outlook syncs the changes with the server and the extentions get changed on the server as well. Regards, Igor
  10. Hi @bluekin , Sorry to hear about this issue you have faced. Can you post a screenshot? Is there a button “Remind me later”? Regards, Igor
  11. Hi @NigDig , Unfortunately, there is no automatic way for Kaspersky product to rename the attachments back. There are several other options though: 1. Visit the email server via web browser and download the attachments from the server. As the attachments were modified upon download and can remain unchanged on the server. This option might not be available for all email services. 2. Knowing the extentions (e.g. .pdf), you can rename them back manually after downloading the files, e.g.: .pd_ -> .pdf Regards, Igor
  12. Hi, @RRisk, If you submit a ticket to technical support, please let me know the number, we will add to the corresponding suggestion. Thank you
  13. Hi @seth123 , Can you submit a ticket to technical support, as per the suggestion from Flood above, we will see if the logic of Safe Kids can be improved to block only the xxx content and leave the rest available. Please send me the incident number once it is created. //I have deleted the URL from the original post. Regards, Igor
  14. Hi, @lee-sha , Do you use any tools that monitor the traffic, e.g. something like AdGuard? Does disabling third party extentions in browser help fix the issue? Does the issue occur in incognito mode in browser? Chrome: press Ctrl+Shift+N, Firefox: press Ctrl+Shift+P to open an incognito tab. Regards, Igor
  15. Hi @Sib3riX , Did you try this workaround from Steam support? we recommend following instructions in-game and selecting 'RESTART TRUSTED'—this will block incompatible software and allow you to play on VAC-secured servers without impacting your Trust score. Please submit a ticket to Kaspersky technical support and the send me the incident number. Regards, Igor
  16. Hi @JohnnyR2D2 , Can you kindly share the file with me via some cloud server? Send me the link via pm. I will send it to VirusLab for re-check. Or, please submit an incident as per the instruction from Flood above and send me the incident number. Regards, Igor
  17. Hi FLood, Thanks for bringing this up. We are checking, I will keep you updated. Regards, Igor
  18. Hi Dave, Sorry to hear about this issue. Can you submit a ticket to technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com and send me the incident number for further investigation? Regards, Igor
  19. Hi @mrpctek , I would add to this advice from Flood, after uninstallation of the current version of KTS, please update iTunes manually, then install latest version of Kaspersky. Regards, Igor
  20. Hello Flood🐳+🐋, yes, it does, but we’ve been talking about logging videos viewed, right? Regards, Igor
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