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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Good day, Flood is absolutely right, there is an issue with the certificate. Also viewing the certificate in browser, you can see the difference in the name:
  2. Добрый день, Проблема вернулась, разбираемся дальше. Буду держать в курсе.
  3. Hi Flood, Videos production on this page may resume later, end of 2021 - beginning of 2022.
  4. Добрый день, выпустили исправление. Обновите, пожалуйста, базы, перестартуйте браузер, проверьте ситуацию. Дайте знать о результатах. Спасибо.
  5. Воспользуйтесь утилитой для переименования вложений. 1. Важно! Сделайте резервную копию всех писем в Outlook: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/office/back-up-your-email-e5845b0b-1aeb-424f-924c-aa1c33b18833 2. Определите версию Outlook (x86 или x64). https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/office/%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D1%83-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8F-%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F-outlook-b3a9568c-edb5-42b9-9825-d48d82b2257c https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/outlook/troubleshoot/user-interface/how-to-determine-outlook-version-information 3. Создайте папку C:\Tool\ 4. Скачайте архив утилиты и распакуйте его содержимое в папку C:\Tool\ Таким образом, папка "C:\Tool\" будет содержать 2 файла: C:\Tool\outlook_attachments_rename_x86.exe C:\Tool\outlook_attachments_rename_x64.exe 5. Закройте Outlook 6. Закройте браузер 7. Отключите соединение с сетью Интернет (отключите Wi-Fi, или вытащите сетевой кабель) 8. Временно осуществите выход из продукта (через меню в трее) 9. Запустите cmd.exe от имени Администратора и выполните команду: cd c:\tool 10. Выполните следующую команду в окне cmd в зависимости от версии Outlook: для x86 версии Outlook выполните: outlook_attachments_rename_x86.exe /verbose > logfile.txt для x64 версии Outlook выполните: outlook_attachments_rename_x64.exe /verbose > logfile.txt 11. Дождитесь окончания работы утилиты. 12. Запустите продукт 13. Включите соединение с сетью Интернет 14. Запустите Outlook и проверьте ситуацию с вложениями в папке Входящие*. * Утилита работает со следующими папками "Входящие", "Отправленные", "Удаленные", "Исходящие", "Черновики". Таким образом, если, например, имеется папка, которая находится рядом с указанными папками (а не, например, внутри папки Входящие), то письма в ней не будут обработаны утилитой. Нужно поместить письмо из этой папки или всю папку в папку Входящие, затем повторно выполнить шаги текущей инструкции.
  6. We have created a tool to restore the attachment extentions. Important: it is a must to create a backup of all the emails before using the tool! Please note: the tool works with the following folders: "Inbox", "Sent Items", "Deleted Items", "Outbox", "Drafts". So if there is a folder created next to Inbox (not inside Inbox) it will not be processed, and it is necessary to place the required email\folder with emails to Inbox and perform the instruction above once again. 1. Make a backup of all emails in Outlook: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/back-up-your-email-e5845b0b-1aeb-424f-924c-aa1c33b18833 2. Find out the version of Outlook (x86 or x64). https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/what-version-of-outlook-do-i-have-b3a9568c-edb5-42b9-9825-d48d82b2257c#ID0EAABAAA=PC https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/troubleshoot/user-interface/how-to-determine-outlook-version-information 3. Create a new "C:\Tool" folder 4. Download the tool and unpack it to C:\Tool\ So "C:\Tool\" folder will contain 2 files: C:\Tool\outlook_attachments_rename_x86.exe C:\Tool\outlook_attachments_rename_x64.exe 5. Exit Outlook 6. Exit browser 7. Disable network connection (disconnect Wi-Fi or unplug network cable) 8. Exit Kaspersky product (via tray) 9. Launch cmd.exe as Administrator and execute the command: cd c:\Tool 10. Execute the command in the same cmd window in accordance with the version of Outlook: for x86 Outlook execute: outlook_attachments_rename_x86.exe /verbose > logfile.txt for x64 Outlook execute: outlook_attachments_rename_x64.exe /verbose > logfile.txt 11. Wait for completion of the process. 12. Launch Kaspersky product. 13. Enable network connection 14. Launch Outlook and check the attachments in Inbox folder.
  7. Hi @godwre , if possible, please log a case with technical support via my.kaspersky.com and let me know its number.
  8. Hi Flood, Even though there is nothing in the KSK report, the first thing we need to do is to find out the guilty product: KTS or KSK. Hi @mikec123 , Pause protection/Exit KTS, restart browser, will the issue persist? If pausing helps, try to disable Anti-Banner/Private Browsing/Web Anti-Virus to see which component is causing the problem. If exiting KTS does not help, try to pause/exit Kaspersky Safe Kids. Let us know of the results.
  9. Hi @RP84 , Each case has to be investigated separately, as the root causes can be different. Please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com Please include in your request: System report. How to get it: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/diagnostics/3632 Traces. How to get traces: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/12797 close browser enable traces restart KAV (exit and start again) reproduce the issue in Chrome disable tracesLet me know the incident number. Thank you.
  10. We have created a tool to restore the attachment extentions. Important: it is a must to create a backup of all the emails before using the tool! Please note: the tool works with the following folders: "Inbox", "Sent Items", "Deleted Items", "Outbox", "Drafts". So if there is a folder created next to Inbox (not inside Inbox) it will not be processed, and it is necessary to place the required email\folder with emails to Inbox and perform the instruction above once again. 1. Make a backup of all emails in Outlook: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/back-up-your-email-e5845b0b-1aeb-424f-924c-aa1c33b18833 2. Find out the version of Outlook (x86 or x64). https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/what-version-of-outlook-do-i-have-b3a9568c-edb5-42b9-9825-d48d82b2257c#ID0EAABAAA=PC https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/troubleshoot/user-interface/how-to-determine-outlook-version-information 3. Create a new "C:\Tool" folder 4. Download the tool and unpack it to C:\Tool\ So "C:\Tool\" folder will contain 2 files: C:\Tool\outlook_attachments_rename_x86.exe C:\Tool\outlook_attachments_rename_x64.exe 5. Exit Outlook 6. Exit browser 7. Disconnect network (disable wi-fi or unplug network cable) 8. Exit Kaspersky product (via tray) 9. Launch cmd.exe as Administrator and execute the command: cd c:\Tool 10. Execute the command in the same cmd window in accordance with the version of Outlook: for x86 Outlook execute: outlook_attachments_rename_x86.exe /verbose > logfile.txt for x64 Outlook execute: outlook_attachments_rename_x64.exe /verbose > logfile.txt 11. Wait for completion of the process. 12. Start Kaspersky product. 14. Then launch Outlook and check the attachments in Inbox folder. 15. Launch Kaspersky product.
  11. Hi @Harry John , can you please send me the site URL via PM and describe the reproduction scenario? If you have not logged a case with technical support yet, please do so via my.kaspersky.com and let me know the incident number.
  12. Hi @iabbott75, have you logged a case with technical support? Can you kindly let me know its name?
  13. Good day, There is a suggestion to group applications, I added this topic to it. Thanks
  14. Hi @Paragon59 , Do you configure the settings via my.kaspersky.com and/or Safe Kids mobile app? Please check both, are settings the same?
  15. Hi @Ralf , Welcome! Have you tried to change the schedule (or time limit) via my.kaspersky.com → Kids or via Safe Kids app on your mobile? Try both variants, how will it go? Make sure to press “Save” when changing the settings at the site. If the issue persists, please submit a ticket to technical support and let me know its number.
  16. Hi @mikec123 , welcome to the forum! Please tell us how you configure settings for your kid: via my.kaspersky.com and via Safe Money mobile app?
  17. Hi Steve, As Flood mentioned, those names above were only examples. The set of drivers and their names can differ from version to version in any software. You no longer get any issues like the one with Private Browsing?
  18. There is no an alternative among Kaspersky products
  19. Hi @gristleizer , You can try msiexec /x %Product GUID% you should be able to find the product GUID in registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall \
  20. Hi Steve, drivers are in folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ and are named like mbam//////.sys (//// some symbols there). Or mb////.sys Examples: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbae64.sys C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MbamChameleon.sys C:\Windows\System32\drivers\farflt.sys To disable a driver you can run the following command from Command Prompt (Administrator): sc stop %driver name% For example: sc stop MbamChameleon With Malwarebytes generally the problem is that Malwarebytes uses filters and drivers that can interfere with Kaspersky filters and drivers.
  21. Hi @Tormas , Sometimes Android incorrectly calculates the consumption of energy. Please install Kaspersky VPN back, how will it go? If the issue persists, please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com, we will investigate in order to find the cause and the solution. Regards, Igor
  22. Thanks. Strange, I checked on two PCs 45 minutes ago and there was no detect. But now there is a detect again. Will get back with an update, stand by.
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