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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi @tyler , what is the current version of the product installed? Hover the mouse over the product icon in tray to view the version.
  2. Hi Flood🐳&🐋 , Can you kindly share the details on those issues? Incident numbers will do :) Regards, Igor
  3. Hi @bellyman69 , Try this URL: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/thank-you/internet-security-free-trial?ignoreredirects=true Click “Download now”, will it work? If not, please proceed with an incident to technical support. Regards, Igor
  4. You are most welcome. If you are in the UK - proceed with the UK version. Both Global and UK versions are
  5. Hi @man47 Please submit a ticket to technical support and send me the incident number. No need to collect GSI & Windows Logs (as the system has been reinstalled from scratch). What was the application where you had a chat with the hacker? Did you download and run the application yourself (that was classified as low restricted)? It is recommended that you change the passwords for your Windows accounts, disable Remote access (Open System and Security. Choose System in the right panel. Select Remote Settings from the left pane to open the System Properties dialog box for the Remote tab. Click Don't Allow Connections to This Computer and then click OK.), reset your wi-fi router. Regards, Igor
  6. Hi @After23 , To put it simple, you need to download and install version to get this resolved. Regards, Igor
  7. Hi Flood🐳 +🐋, I do not think it is necessary. Hi, @Diaghilev , Please upload the .doc file in question for analysis here: https://opentip.kaspersky.com/ If no threats are detected, click the button “Submit to reanalyze”. Enter your email address and describe the issue. Viruslab analysis will double check this file and let you know of the results. Send object for re-validation If you disagree with the object scan results, you can send the object to Kaspersky experts for further analysis. You can specify the reason for sending the object for re-validation or write another comment to help us improve our services. Please provide your email address so that we can contact you.
  8. hi @luckyrootkitrecepient , your incident number is ending with 2796? We are on it, please expect a soon response. Regards, Igor
  9. Hi @Virtus Tenebrae , Can you post a screenshot of the exclusion you created? Regards, Igor
  10. Hi @kebera , The “Pause” menu item is there, but it will require a password to enable. You can check it. Please note, it is not possible to resume Safe Kids remotely after pausing. You can only resume it while being logged locally. Regards, Igor
  11. hi @Mystech , If you have this message in the reports: “Network attack detected, Detected object is added to exclusions”, this is the same issue. Regards, Igor
  12. hi @Rufun2 , In both cases the protection is working correctly, nothing to worry about. Regards, Igor
  13. Создайте, пожалуйста, запрос в службу технической поддержки через my.kaspersky.com, приложите трассировки с воспроизведением: включить трассировки (подробнее https://support.kaspersky.ru/15538) перезагрузить компьютер выбрать действие на “Найдена новая проводная сеть Ethernet” перезагрузить компьютер еще раз выбрать действие на “Найдена новая проводная сеть Ethernet” выключить запись событий прислать файлы трассировок в поддержку + отчет GSI (https://support.kaspersky.ru/common/diagnostics/3632)
  14. hi @AnnikaBarbara , There is not, and it does not look like an issue to me, because there is a standard place where you download the installation file + the file is signed. So, download the file, check the signature (if you think this check is needed), have a fuzzy warm feeling of being on the safe side. Regards, Igor
  15. hi @AnnikaBarbara , the fact that you download the file from Kaspersky site + the file is signed - should be enough to be sure the installer is properly formed.
  16. Hi @shalston , Please configure the exclusion for the IP address via Settings -> Protection -> Application Control -> Manage applications -> search for Chrome (or other browser) -> double click on the found application in the results below -> on tab Exclusions tick the option "Do not scan all traffic" and tick "Only for the specified IP addresses:" enter here the IP address of the firewall management interface. Regards, Igor
  17. Добрый день, Напишите, пожалуйста, в техническую поддержку через My.kaspersky.com/ С уважением. Игорь
  18. By marking a topic as “Solved” I did not suspect it could make someone feel a “pleb”. :) The rule of common sense should work perfectly here: as soon as the issue is resolved, we want the topic be marked as “solved”. Users often forget or do not know or do not consider necessary to mark “Best answer”.
  19. Flood🐳+🐋, We are open for suggestions. How long do you think we should wait, till we can mark the topic as solved, not to hurt anyone’s feelings? Regards, Igor
  20. Good day, It is normal that downloaders have different hashes, as they are formed “on the fly” at every download attempt. Timestamps in downloaders are not present currently, but we plan to add them in the future. Regards, Igor
  21. Hi Flood🐳+🐋, It depends. The point of “Best answer” is to have the topic marked as “Solved”. If the raised by the topic issue has been fixed, the person, who provides the fix and verifies it, can mark the incident as “Solved” with the help of “Best answer”. We do not have to wait for the person who reported the issue to mark the topic as “Solved”, as we already know it has been solved and we want to let other participants of the forum see it. It can be that the reporter of the issue is no longer on the forum and the issue has been fixed. If the issue is specific to the topic creator system and can be verified only by the topic starter, it is normal for the topic initiator only to mark the answer that resolved the issue as “Best answer”. But, if the topic starter informed that the issue was resolved after certain steps and is no longer active at the community (nor has marked any answer as “Best answer”), we can mark the message that describes resolution as “Best answer” in order to change the topic to “Solved” status. Have a great day!
  22. Hi @mverost , That was a mis-notification in the product, it has been fixed with the databases update. Regards, Igor
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