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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi Flood, Thanks for your question. Background scan = Idle scan. https://support.kaspersky.com/KTS/21.2/en-US/199678.htm The documentation has to be corrected. Regards, Igor
  2. Hi Martin, Thanks for checking. Pausing protection is definitely not suggested as a workaround, we are looking to find out a possible cause of this issue. Please submit a ticket to technical support, we will request some additional information for further analysis and resolution. Regards, Igor
  3. Добрый день @BANDERLOGIE , Проверка проводится, если она включена (Проверка -> Проверка съемных дисков): С уважением, Игорь
  4. Hi @Harper , A screenshot would be handy in this situation. Mozilla applications use their own certificate store, in some situations, it helps to select the option “Use Mozilla certificate store” option (see screenshot below) and install the certificate manually: Regards, Igor
  5. Получилось воспроизвести, завел ошибку 4642449, как только будут новости - отпишусь. Спасибо.
  6. Hi @tomasmedek , Can you clarify, what happens with Chrome? Any errors? Can you post a screenshot? Does it help to pause Kaspersky protection / exit Kaspersky? Please note, the list of applications incompatible with Kaspersky contains: Check Point VPN - 98.60.9514 Check Point Endpoint Securityhttps://support.kaspersky.com/15071#block1 Regards, Igor
  7. Hi @Mitch , Thank you for the screnshot. For further analysis please collect a GSI report (https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632) and submit a ticket to technical support. Let me know the incident number. Regards, Igor
  8. Hi @celsurf , The scenario is not very clear, can you give more details. How exactly the computer connects to work? Regards, Igor
  9. Hi @ErnestN, Please submit a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com for further investigation and resolution of this issue. Regards, Igor
  10. Hi @maron , Thank you for your positive comment! Subsequent scans are even faster, because of iSwift and iChecker technologies used: https://support.kaspersky.com/15237 Regards, Igor
  11. Hi @Shweta , Please do the following: Reproduce the installation error. Do not close this error, keep it open. Collect a GSI report: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632 . It may take 30-60 minutes. Create a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.comRegards, Igor
  12. Добрый день @drlex , Kaspersky Anti-Banner должен убирать пустые места с вырезанной рекламой. Вот как выглядит у меня при открытии в Chrome: Какой браузер Вы используете? С уважением, Игорь
  13. Hi @Martin839 , In the scan reports, if you see a Background scan completed - it means the rootkit scan was run as well. Regards, Igor
  14. Hi Flood, Merry Aussi Christmas :) Rootkit scan runs as a part of Background scan and Full scan. Regards, Igor
  15. Hi @juice_of_2_limes , Does it help to pause protection, then restart browser and check? Try to reset the product configuration settings to detault values (Settings → Manage settings → Restore), restart browser and check? Regards, Igor
  16. Hi @Mitch , Check the reports of File Anti-Virus via More tools → Reports, will there be any information on the object that was detected as MEM:Trojan.Win32.SEPEH.gen and deleted? Regards, Igor
  17. Hi @celsurf , Capturing traffic is a very intensive process, taking lots of disk space, loading CPU, etc. You definitely would not want to have any software dumping all the traffic all the time. We have a utility that dumps network traffic, it is used to troubleshoot various issues, and the resulting data is huge, even when it runs for a short period of time. Regards, Igor
  18. Hi @ias0na , I see your point, in the current version the automatic update cannot be disabled, this may change in the future. The workaround is to disable the automatic update via registry: 1. Disable Self-Defense 2. Exit Kaspersky product 3. Add the following parameters in system registry: For x64 systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP20.0\environment (20.0, or 21.1, or, 21.2 - depending on the version you have installed) add a STRING parameter IsVersionUpdateEnabled with value 0. For x86 systems: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\AVP20.0\environment add a STRING parameter IsVersionUpdateEnabled with value 0. 4. Start Kaspersky product 5. Enable Self-defense Regards, Igor
  19. Hi @chuckie72, It is a pity you decided to uninstall, we could have tied to find the cause of this behavior, as normally Kaspersky product does not affect the system start time. If you decide to give it another try - let us know, we will try to help. Regards, Igor
  20. Hi @MatheusBRA16 , Please try to solution by Anton from above your post, does it help? Regards, Igor
  21. Hi @ADHC , Can you please post a screenshot of the “a new PPP connection” message you get? Regards, Igor
  22. Добрый день, @EstebanLaclarus , Менять все пароли (Windows, почта, и т.д.) Обязательно использовать сложные пароли Сбрасывать роутер на дефолтные настройки (обновить прошивку, если есть более новая), менять пароль для доступа к роутеру. Отключать удаленный доступ к компьютеру Отключать гостевой аккаунт Windows Kaspersky Internet Security обладает всеми необходимыми компонентами для предотвращения несанкционированного проникновения. С уважением, Игорь
  23. @rolvee добрый день, скорее всего, вы используете Windows 10, а в этой операционной системе звуки уведомлений настраиваются системой и мы повлиять на тот звук, который выдает Windows - не можем. А в Windows 7, например, будет свинья кричать :) После инструкций kmscom: Нажимаем правой кнопкой мышки на иконку продукта на панели задач. Открываем окно «О продукте» (оно же About).Набираем заглавными буквами IDKFA. С уважением, Игорь
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