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  1. Коллеги приветствую! Пытаюсь запустить задачу на поиск IOC, но все статусы "сбой", а в описании сказанно "Задача выключена". Задача настраивалась на web версии KSC. Подскажите, пожалуйста, где включить, собственно, этот тип задачи.
  2. Starting today I had problems with the program "FanControl" not reading CPU temperature after a few seconds and the RGB Control of my RAM through GigabyteControlCenter not working correctly anymore. Both problems are fixed by uninstalling Kaspersky Plus. Adding those programs to exceptions in Kaspersky doesnt work. Whatever got updated yesterday or this morning by Kaspersky caused those issues, since it was working fine before. I guess it has something to do with Kaspersky blocking access to hardware sensors and/or the SPD Hub of RAM. I got the hint from FanControl's issues tracker on github (https://github.com/Rem0o/FanControl.Releases/issues/2571), where another person had the same problem and fixed it by uninstalling Kaspersky. I hope this bug can be fixed asap or at least a workaround with exceptions for certain programs is made available.
  3. Hello, yesterday I was trying to use the local goverment web services wich need to identify myself using a certificate. When I used the service a password popup apear and asked my Password as usual. The know password was incorrect, them I realiced that the icon in the task bask was the green "K" icon of Kav. there was no way to unlock the windows certificate depot with my password with KAV runing. after disabling Kav the process run as usually. Data: Windows 11 latest update tested on Edge and firefox 127.0 Kav free I don't know anything anout this way of work with the app so any help about how to use the certificates inside the browser with kav will be welcome. Ty in advance
  4. Boa Noite Hoje as 22;43. o meu antivírus identificou um adware no meu notebook e começou um processo para resolver o problema que creio ser removê - lo. Já são 00;54 e até agora o antivírus não concluiu o processo com a pagina em looping. Inclusive, usei eliminadores de adware que não detectaram mais nada. já reiniciei o meu notebook e nada. O que está havendo? Será algum problema grave? Gostaria por gentileza de um suporte de vocês, pois estou aflito Yuri
  5. Hi, I can deploy the Ms store apps (new) to the clients via Intune only when I disabled the Kaspersky. For the Win 32 apps there is no issue. I added the necessary links of microsoft to the trusted adres list in security center but it does not help. Plese see the list below. login.microsoftonline.com portal.manage.microsoft.com m.manage.microsoft.com sts.manage.microsoft.com Manage.microsoft.com i.manage.microsoft.com r.manage.microsoft.com a.manage.microsoft.com p.manage.microsoft.com Can you please give me a guidance? Regards Yasin
  6. Introna Giovanni


    Senza VPN PING 14ms download 945,12 Mbps upload 95,01 Mbps Con VPN 296 43 Perchè? Io la tolgo
  7. Hi Team, I'm reaching out because I'm encountering an issue with a virtualization error prompt. It keeps reminding me to activate the virtualization service. I've already checked my BIOS settings and CPU specifications, and both indicate that virtualization is enabled. However, the secure data input panel seems to have a conflicting message. Could you please advise on resolving this discrepancy and ensuring virtualization is fully activated? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  8. Kaspersky is always banning Binance official mock trading website:https://testnet.binancefuture.com/ Please fix this bug. Google-Chrome
  9. Idioma Español: Hola, no puedo iniciar sesión en mi cuenta kaspersky. Me sale un mensaje que cuando quiero iniciar sesión dice: demasiada solicitudes. Adjunto captura de pantalla. English: Hi, I can't log in to my Kaspersky account. I get a message when I try to log in that says: Too many requests. Attached is a screenshot.
  10. Acabei de comprar o produto e simplesmente não consigo acessá-lo na minha conta. Na verdade, eu não consigo é entrar na minha conta.
  11. The version of my system is 26100.712 The software version is The frame rate on other interfaces is normal, and my screen frame rate is 240Hz.
  12. JustMe_1337


    当卡巴斯基正常运行时 无法打开任何压缩包 问题如题 我不清楚卡巴斯基该如何上传视频如有需要请联系我补充详细相关 我不清楚这是否是卡巴斯基的问题如有需要补充请联系我的邮箱 如果可以的话 请给我一个合适的解决方案 问题 开启卡巴斯基防护后 关闭卡巴斯基防护后 卡巴斯基版本及我的电脑操作系统
  13. Version of your operating system: Windows 11, version 23H2 Name and version number of the Kaspersky application: Kaspersky Plus, Details the nature of problem: Hello! When I turned on the PC an hour ago, I've got a message that the program is containing an error (error status 0xc000012f). I can't unistal the program as some component and the folder containing it is missing and I can't instal the program again without reinstalling either. I can't open My Kaspersky either (thankfully I've got the KAspersky version from the Application list in Settings.) Also my usb mouse suddenly stopped working though it's fully charged and I tried different usb ports. I don't know if it could be connected to the antivirus stopping working. The Windows security system is on, but it had never interfered with the work of Kaspersky Plus before. screenshots of the problem and detailed description: 1) If I turn on the PC or try to instal Kaspersy Plus anew without unistalling it first, I get this message: 2) If I try to unistal the Kaspersky Plus to reinstal it, I get this pop up window. It's said there that the Feature I want to use is on my network resources which are not available now. It's also said that I shall click on "OK" to repeat the process or I shall give another path to the folder which contains "product.msi" file. I tried to reach the AVP21.16 folder, but it just doesn't exist. The Kaspersky program doesn't even have an icon now. 3) Last connection time was on 21.05.2025 at 14:34. After this I haven't turned on the PC until an hour ago. 4) The error window I get when I try to instal Kasperky anew. I would be very grateful for your help! Kindest Regards Julia
  14. Everything I do in my browser my kaspersky makes the request for the route "gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/". I want that to stop!
  15. Got absolutely frustrated with my Lenovo Yoga Slim laptop. Everything started to run especially slow one day and even occasional screen freenzes happen. The laptop went over-heated but memory and cpu usage was actually quite low. Couldn't properly load Youtube video in full screen. Everything is lagging hard. I full scanned my laptop using Kaspersky Standard and a malicious objected was detected. It was a kind of Trojan named HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Runner.l But Kaspersky seemed to do absolutely nothing about it. No disinfection, no quarantine, no deletion? And the next time I full scanned it, Kaspersky simplied told me that No threats are found. Please help me. I have got work to do and I have even tried restoring Windows but in vain. Details are as below: Event: Malicious object detected User type: Active user Component: Virus Scan Result: Detected Result description: Detected Type: Trojan Name: HEUR:Trojan.Multi.Runner.l Precision: Exactly Threat level: High Object type: File Object name: powershell.exe Object path: proc:\C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 Reason: Expert analysis
  16. Hi all, recently purchased Kaspersky Standard. i have a @ yahoo.com email address , and when i try to go to yahoomail.com it shows me the image attached. I trust yahoomail.com's certificate , and this error popup is annoying me a lot... What would I need to do to whitelist / "trust" this site's certificate? I still want to receive popup if a threat is detected when i am on this site, just dont want to get a popup saying this site has bad certificate, and be able to open the site directly as i used to do it. any help is appreciated ! Thanks. My Kaspersky plan is Standard, and application version is -, and i am using Windows 11.
  17. I have a problem concerning a supposedly invalid Certificate for a website. I am running Kaspersky Internet Security on Windows 11 version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3447) My usual Browser is Chrome. The problem is the same using Edge. The address in question is https://www . librarycat . org/ When I try to access it I receive a message that says “Visiting an untrustworthy website has been prevented” (Screenshot 52). Note that the message is from “touch.kaspersky.com” Selecting “Show details” takes me to Screenshot 54. This gives me the name of the URL as “touch.kaspersky.com”. Getting nowhere here, and knowing that several colleagues using other Anti-virus tools can access it without problems, I tried adding it as a Trusted Address. I added it, checked that it was activated but still had the same problem. At the same time the message is shown the small “Access denied” message appears, with an alert sound, then disappears only to reappear after about 2 seconds. The only way to stop it is to close the browser. Any assistance appreciated.
  18. mecit

    abonelik aktifleşmiyor

    dün adığım aboneliğimle bu gün giriş yapmak istiyorum . aboneliğiniz yok diyor ne yapmam gerekiyor acaba aktif etmek için kos istiyor nerden bulabilirim
  19. ardakeremkoc

    Extensions doesn't work.

    Hello, The extensions cannot detect the kaspersky software. I am having this problem for kaspersky anti-virus and the kaspersky password manager. I tried everything such as re-installing the extensions, re-installing Google Chrome. Nothing worked so far. Any help would be appreciated. Update: Kaspersky Password Manager says that the extension is installed when the extension still gives the same error.
  20. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Pro Mexican Edition ( ¿Es posible editar y personalizar el mensaje que aparece en las páginas bloqueadas con el Cloud Discovery? Tal cual como en el apartado de Control Web que se puede editar el mensaje
  21. jmerino


    Hola, tenemos KESC en la empresa, la duda que tengo es ¿Cómo se puede controlar el firewall individualmente en cada cliente y no de una forma centralizada? Las opciones están en el cliente pero no deja activarlas. Gracias.
  22. При использовании Creative Cloud и любого софта от Adobe постоянно выскакивают проблемы с инициализацией лицензии. При выключении касперского все работает стабильно и я подключаюсь ко всем моим сетевым функциям приложений. Выдает сообщения формата "Please check your firewall settings, ensure that the time settings on your computer are correct, and try again" - в исключения папку adobe пытался добавить и не помогло, проблему решает только выключение касперского и это выглядит как костыль с моей стороны. Подскажите с решением проблемы и как решить эту несовместимость (прикрепляю файл ошибки для понимая проблемы. Напоминаю, что это связано именно с работой касперского и его фильтров, поэтому я и обращаюсь на форум сюда, а не в adobe)
  23. Открыл Unigram как вдруг приходит уведомление "Удален вредоносный объект" смотрю а написано Unigram\telegram.exe что это такое?
  24. Здравствуйте. Зашёл в отчеты посмотреть как там Касперский поживает и обнаружил записи что объект не обработан и ссылка на файл globalroot. Стало интересно что это такое. После того как в гугле вбил это название Касперский начал ругаться на скачку вредоносный объект. Пока не закрыл окно поиска попытки скачать не прекращались. Проверил систему полной проверкой , вроде все чисто. Что это может быть и чем грозит ? Windows 11 kaspersky Total Security версия базы от 21.04
  25. Request for kaspersky premium mr17(21.17) version installer.
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