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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi @nexon, Did you update .NET Runtime recently? Which version of Kaspersky VPN is installed? Kaspersky main product works okay?
  2. Hi @SFDAJM1, bgnodfikjoihkcjjnefbjkeclamhipak seems to be WinSafe. Do you have this extension installed?
  3. The issue has been fixed. Please update databases and check.
  4. Вирусные аналитики подтвердили, что детект верный. Название: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic Имя объекта: extension_1_7_9_0.crx MD5 объекта: DBC2B78E1E90B0E1BAB368907E8FC8B2
  5. Hi @tistou77, sorry for a delay with my response. Yes, you are right, one have to use the offline full distributive with those command line parameters. There is no such a parameter, regretfully.
  6. Hi @Iain_B, if you scan the script with Kaspersky scanner, it is not detected, right?
  7. Hi @nexon, it is not okay to use a not officially released product, unless it was recommended so by the technical support team in frames of incident resolution, where a not released product could be suggested as a troubleshooting step for a certain technical issue. The links obtained from technical support should not be shared with others; as issues, such as, for example, license incompatibility, can take place.
  8. hi @AlejandroLC, please share the incident number with us. Does it help to disable Anti-Banner? hi @Pituso, antispam or Anti-Banner? Please clarify
  9. Hi @Kik, hi @Actor90, Does it help to disable Anti-Banner?
  10. Hi @tistou77, Try these parameters: "C:\....\kaspersky.exe" /s /pAGREETOEULA=1 /pAGREETOPRIVACYPOLICY=1 /pSKIPPRODUCTCHECK=1 /pALLOWREBOOT=1 Will it work?
  11. Please add www.edgeservices.bing.com to Trusted addresses via Settings -> Security Settings -> Network Settings -> Trusted Addresses -> Add. Save the changes, restart browser and check.
  12. Для решения проблемы, пожалуйста, выполните следующие действия: 1. Перейдите в настройки программы, выберите раздел Общие и уберите галочку с пункта Самозащита. 2. Выгрузите продукт. 3. Откройте путь C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab\AVP21.3\Report и удалите все содержимое данной папки. 4. Запустите продукт. 5. Включите Самозащиту.
  13. Hi @Tormas, Do you mind submitting a ticket to technical support via https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c/ ? No detailed description is needed, just create the Incident with link to this thread on the forum and send me its number. We will request some additional information for further analysis.
  14. The URL was confirmed to be a false positive, it has been removed from the database of malicious websites.
  15. David, Sí, si utiliza la función de túnel dividido de Kaspersky VPN para ese otro navegador. No puede configurar páginas separadas para que no utilicen el canal VPN, pero puede configurar otro navegador para que lo haga. https://support.kaspersky.com/KSDE/Win5.7/es-ES/232827.htm La solución para esta situación es agregar otro navegador al túnel dividido con "No usa una VPN" opción habilitada y abrir Amazon Prime, Netflix y Primevideo a través de este navegador.
  16. Hola @David Peña, Actualmente, Kaspersky VPN solo es compatible con Amazon Prime en Estados Unidos. Más información aquí: https://support.kaspersky.com/KSDE/common/es-ES/230996.htm En cuanto a la opción 'Ignorar', funciona de manera un poco diferente. La aplicación no activa la VPN cuando visita el sitio web especificado. https://support.kaspersky.com/KSDE/Win5.9/es-ES/128180.htm Pero si ya tiene VPN activada, todo el tráfico del navegador va a través de una conexión cifrada VPN. No puede excluir algún sitio web en particular del canal VPN.
  17. Hola @R.Valdez, ¿Cuál es el mensaje de error, por favor díganos o publique una captura de pantalla?
  18. Hi @Skyake, Please let us know which exact Edge Dev version do you have installed? Did the issue occur in previous Edge Dev version? What is the error (if there is any)? Posting a video of the issue as per suggestion from Flood above - would be perfect.
  19. Your chat was initially handled by a recently hired i.e. inexperienced agent, and this was the source of confusion with the wrongly sent resolution message, as well as a duplicate request of proof of purchase. Having said that, the 1-device license appears to have been used 19 times to activate the app and appears to have been reset multiple times in the recent past, these are some of the factors we train our staff to be suspicious of when dealing with activation limit and device limit enquiries. Please accept our apologies.
  20. The activation counter on your license has been reset. Your activation code may be used for activation again. We apologize for any inconveniences that might have been caused. Checking with the customer service team on what could have been a miscomunication issue, as I do not have all data before my eyes. Will keep you updated on the results.
  21. Hi @Chrisps, Thank you for providing the data requested by customer service representatives, your activation code will soon be reset.
  22. Hola @Facu3095, ¿Te importa subir el archivo detectado en algún lugar y compartir conmigo el enlace de descarga a través de un mensaje personal?
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