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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. Hi all, the “corrupted files” notifications should not appear in the reports, we fixed this issue with the databases update. Sorry for the inconveniences. Regards, Igor
  2. Hi @Hipratboy , Thank you for your post. We are aware of this situation and plan on returning the option in one of the program updates. Regards, Igor Update: this feature returns in MR3.
  3. np, I transferred the topic to corporate section, but still, please provide more details :)
  4. Hi @Jysk ITSupport A/S , Please provide more details: 1. Does the issue occur at any webpage or some particular ones? Let us know the exact scenario, so that we can test. As Berny mentioned, what version of the product is used?Regards, Igor
  5. Hi @Richchad , Can you kindly post a screenshot? Is this the situation you mention (see screenshot below)? Regards, Igor
  6. Мы ожидаем решение данной проблемы в обновлении MR2, которое выйдет в конце октября - начале ноября. Версия продукта после выхода обновления изменится с 21.1 на 21.2.
  7. Hi @xpoiled7 , This issue will be fixed in coming MR2 update, it is expected by the end of October, beginning of November. Regards, Igor
  8. Hi @Emperium , This is a known issue, it is fixed in coming product version update (MR2), which is expected late October - early November. Currently the product version is 21.1.xx.xxx, after the update it will change to 21.2.xx.xxx The workaround is to use version 2020 until the release of MR2. Regards, Igor
  9. Добрый день @RAA , Это известная ошибка (4507289), зарегистрирована совсем недавно, решения еще нет, идет анализ. Как только будут новости - обновим топик. С уважением, Игорь
  10. hi @harlan4096 , Good question, unfortunately, not in my tests. Even though it should help. We are checking this as well. Regards, Igor
  11. Hi @OpenBookmarksCo. , The data has been analyzed, it is not a false detection of Private Browsing. The Facebook is blocked because it belongs to tracking resources (you can find it under “Social networks” in Private Browsing settings). Facebook elements on third-party sources spread data, such as cookies, statistics, info on referer and many other data. The workaround in this situation would be to allow Facebook stream (if the user trusts Facebook) via Private Browsing settings → Categories and Exclusions → Social networks → unflag Facebook. Regards, Igor
  12. Hi @OpenBookmarksCo. , I reproduced on my PC, it is the Private Browsing component, that is guilty of this issue. We will further analyze this issue and as soon as it is fixed - I will give you an update. You can recommend the customer to disable Private Browsing temporarily. Regards, Igor
  13. hi @OpenBookmarksCo. , Does it help to disable Anti-banner? Private browsing? Restart browser after disabling these components and check the issue. Provide a screenshot of “how it should be” so that the full URL is visible. Regards, Igor
  14. Hi Marc, Thanks for the update. Glad the workaround helps.
  15. Hi @vmwebsites , Do you still have the activation code of the license that you would like to transfer? If yes, simply add it to the account you would to keep on using. If not, please send a ticket to technical support via my.kaspersky.com for assistance. Regards, Igor
  16. Hi @agrajag , Please send a ticket to technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com to further investigate the issue with the vpn router. Regards, Igor
  17. Hi Flood🐳+🐋, Thank you for reporting this issue, we will fix it. Regards, Igor
  18. hi @riramos17 , The replacement code has been issued today, you will get it promptly. Check your incident in 5-10 minutes. Regards, Igor
  19. Hi Berny, np 🙂 You can reproduce the Weak password message by creating two records with the same password. No matter how strong it is, since it is not unique, having the same password for more than one account is considered a weakness in KPM.
  20. @Berny Hi Berny, did you check the Password Check tab, what’s the reason for the “weak password” on those sites? Low strength Not unique ?
  21. Hi @riramos17 , Thank you for the incident number, checked the code, it has never been activated. Please expect a replacement code soon in the incident. Regards, Igor
  22. Hi Lester, Sorry, I was off work for a day. As Flood and Flood’s wife suggested, submit a ticket to support and provide the incident number. We will dance from there. Regards, Igor
  23. Did you check the site record with the password in “Password check”? Is it unique?
  24. Hi Flood🐳& 🐋, You are making a good point, we will look into this. Right now you can check the reason for “Weak password” on the tab “Password check”. Possible reasons: Low strength Not uniqueRegards, Igor
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