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  1. Hello, I work in an I.T. company, and we manage a couple of companies' antivirus infrastructure. I began to manage another company, and went through the usual motions of setting it up, however I couldn't download the distribution packages, it just loads nothing, barren. Something was giving me weird vibes when I had to accept the agreement, took me a few hours of trial and error, but it loaded and I accepted. Now it doesn't give me the distros. What do I do? I contacted their e-mail, and even their office in my country but they refuse to pick up. P.S. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, User European Edition 15-19 Build version:
  2. US, Windows 10, license expires March 12, 2025. Both Kaspersky and UltraAV are running. Performance Is slow, Firefox occasionally completely freeses for about a minute. The menus are very slow to open in LibreOffice documents (3-5) seconds. These processes are loaded in task manager. Kaspersky (32 bit) Kaspersky lab launcher (32 bit) Kaspersky VPN secure connection (32 bit) Kaspersky VPN secure connection service (32 bit) AV Active monitor service AV Active monitor tray AV Watchdog service AV Active monitor service AV DBServer AV UltraVPN Previously I tried to solve this problem by uninstalling UltraAV. But then when I learned that the database doesn't update, I reinstalled it. There are now mixed indications of the database being updated. Also, the proces "System" is about 30% Q Should both security programs be running at the same time? Q How can I improve the performance?
  3. 新安装的mac版卡巴斯基安全软件kis无法安装系统扩展程序。点击安装按钮后在系统隐私与安全性中没有出现允许按钮,该怎么解决?
  4. I purchased 2 activation codes for Kaspersky (1x Total Security 5 device, 1x Internet Security 3 device). I purchased these long before the US ban. What do I do with them now? One is showing in my Kaspersky subscriptions saying it has 367 days left (not used). The other I have from my NewEgg order waiting to be added. Will it automatically carry over for another year subscription in UltraAV, or am I just screwed out of 2 years of purchased subscription?
  5. I get that visually; Kaspersky Internet Security and Kaspersky Standard are different. I have read it in other posts about what the difference is. I understand that KS is replacing KIS, and that you can use your KIS subscription to activate KS. These are the answers given to the question "what is the difference between' when it is asked. My question is: are they different component and feature-wise behind the GUI? To elaborate, are they using the same underlying modern technologies? Or does KS have some functionality in terms of security and protection that KIS does not have? I ask because I like the look of KIS and want to continue to use it until it is retired. BUT, I am willing to sacrifice this want for a need if KS is using better technology underneath the pretty 'face'. Thank you for your time. Edit to add: I am only asking about the Windows desktop versions, I don't need the other device functionality like ios or android.
  6. Здравствуйте! Получил проблему "синего экрана" Windows 10. Stop code: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED what failed: klbackupdisk.sys Этот файл (klbackupdisk.sys) нашел у себя на диске С в директории: Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 21.3\klbackupdiskx64 Пользуюсь лицензированным софтом Kaspersky Internet Security. Есть ли возможность как-то решить проблему с данным файлом, чтобы систему не вырубало во время работы?
  7. OS:macOS 10.15.7 KIS: for mac 问题现象:机器重启后打来浏览器chrome,所有https请求的网站都提示err_cert_data_invalid,而实际上这些网站的证书都是有效的,选择http非安全方式基本可以访问网站但页面的样式加载不对。然后尝试用firefox、safari等浏览器访问各网站,也是提示证书有误等的错误而无法正常打开网站页面。 尝试解决:将KIS设置-保护中常规的“检查安全支付、无痕浏览和上网管理的安全连接(https)”选项取消选中(关闭检查安全连接)后,所有浏览器访问正常。 分析原因:联想到之前在chrome浏览器查看网站证书时颁布者都是kaspersky,应该是检查安全连接之后证书被替换了(如下面网站的证书前后区别),导致证书有问题而无法正常访问网站打开页面。然后通过系统的“钥匙串访问”查看当前证书使用情况,发现kav的证书有效期开始时间是2026年至失效2046年,还没开始生效?(不知道怎么签发出来的)。删除该还未生效的证书,为重启系统前打开检查安全连接网页还是无法打开,但重启系统之后就恢复正常了,各网站的页面都能正常打开了。再看kav的证书显示开始2008年至2028年失效。(还是搞不懂按什么时间来签发证书)
  8. My SO is Windows 10, KIS version is I installed KIS to search for a virus in my desktop computer, and while it found there's a Trojan affecting the system, once I accepted to run the recommended action to delete it, it got stuck on it, and it's been more than 12 hours and it's still stuck on the task. I don't know how to proceed, if I should uninstall it and try another antivirus, but I would be glad if someone has any advise on how to proceed, or if it has happened to anyone else.
  9. Hi Team, I'm reaching out because I'm encountering an issue with a virtualization error prompt. It keeps reminding me to activate the virtualization service. I've already checked my BIOS settings and CPU specifications, and both indicate that virtualization is enabled. However, the secure data input panel seems to have a conflicting message. Could you please advise on resolving this discrepancy and ensuring virtualization is fully activated? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  10. Hi all, For the last few months I've been unable to access Pinterest via Firefox (or Edge) as it shows a blank white screen and refuses to connect, and upon looking at Inspect Element in both browsers I see the attached error message pop up 99+ times. I don't know anything about computers or coding etc, but it sounds like this CSP is what's blocking my access to Pinterest? So far I haven't encountered this issue on any other sites, and although I have the Kaspersky Protection add-on/extension in both Firefox and Edge, disabling it then reloading Pinterest doesn't resolve my issue. I don't know what to turn off in my KIS application itself to resolve this, either. I don't think I can amend this CSP myself if it's an integral part of Kaspersky, right? I used to be able to access Pinterest fine with Kaspersky, but I haven't been able to for months now. Is it possible I need to downgrade or go back to an older installation of Kaspersky? For reference, I'm on Windows 11 (version 23H2), and my Kaspersky application is Kaspersky Internet Security (version (I)). Thanks, Liz
  11. Olá. O Firewall do Kaspersky Internet Security começou a bloquear o Chrome sem razão aparente. Não alterei nenhuma configuração nas regras de aplicativo, pacote ou rede. O Chrome está liberado nas regras de aplicativo. O Firefox e Edge conectam normal. Quando desativo o firewall, a navegação no Chrome volta ao normal. Versões: SO: Windows 10 22H2 / Compilação 19045.4170 / ExpPack: Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19054.1000.0 Kaspersky: 21.3.10391 (k)
  12. I am an old user of KIS. It recently got changed to Kaspersky Standard on my MacBook Air 2017 (MacOS12) during my 3 year license. It is now about to expire, and I would like to know, if I want to shift to Kaspersky Premium (I like premium more as it is much more feature rich), will I have to reinstall Kaspersky, because we would like to continue to use it without interrupting the existing setup, and can we add the premium key in the activation page so that it activates itself once the existing standard key expires in the same software so that it updates itself to premium automatically?
  13. I still have 293 days of KIS subscription if this product is discontinued. Will that mean my computer would be unsecured and susceptible to threats? 293 days are almost a year so what to do now?
  14. Ho installato da anni kaspersky A.V e vpn, ma da settimana scorsa quando ho voluto rinnovare K.i.s. che scade il 26 gennaio, ma mi dice che il prodotto non è più disponibile allora ho comperato una licenza su Nexway con bonifico, ma sono passati 6 giorni e non ho ricevuto niente, nessun codice. Assistenza kaspersky glielo fatto presente ma mi hanno risposto che mi avevano già risposto, peccato che era un ticket di un' altro problema. Ho riscritto mandando tutti gli screenshot e copia dell pagamento alle poste ma niente, La mia casella di posta non c'è il codice da nessuna parte, nemmeno in spam e nemmeno in MY KASPERSKY non compare nulla di aggiornato nelle licenze Aiuto... se voglio rinnovare ecco cosa mi è apparso, per questo ho pagato kaspersky-Plus con codice sconto PLUS
  15. 如题,不知道是什么问题。 软件环境: win10 pro,22H2, 19045.3693 KIS 联网自动升级
  16. Дайте почитать документацию. Или напишите тут по пунктам.
  17. How do I "uninstall" KIS from this machine, then, after restoring my OS, "reinstall" using the same key? I have tried to read the Kaspersky instructions. I've searched this forum, but I am just not certain I won't lose my key due to "too many installations." I have linked my license (activation code) to my My Kaspersky account. I have recorded my activation code separately so I won't lose it. I have not yet reinstalled (clean) my Windows 11 OS. What do I need to do next? How do I "uninstall" KIS from this machine, then, after restoring my OS, "reinstall" using the same key? I don't need a lot of details,. I just need to know what step is next before wiping my machine.
  18. Уважаемая "Лаборатория Касперского", у меня есть идеи для улучшения для антивирусов Kaspersky Antivirus, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Total Security. 1. В настройках в разделе "Интерфейс" добавьте: светлую тему, тёмную тему, как в системе: 2. Добавьте разворот приложения на весь экран:
  19. Have tried adding exclusions in Kaspersky for Firewall component and issue is still occurring , If I relaunch the application manually everything works fine. Application network rules in firewall do not list any new low restricted version of application with blocked internet access as it does sometimes for some applications.
  20. Hi everyone, I am currently using KIS whose license is about to expire soon. From Kaspersky's website and this forum, I see that now it will be changed to Kaspersky Standard instead. My question is that if I buy a Kaspersky Standard license and manually add this into my current KIS on my laptop, does this work or do I need to do anything to update to Kaspersky Standard version first? Thanks in advance!
  21. Зашел на сайт, появилось окно с рекламой. Когда хотел закрыть окно, сайт перенаправил меня по рекламе. Через несколько минут от Kaspersky Free появилось три сообщения: 1)Событие: Обнаружена ранее открытая опасная ссылка Пользователь: AGENT\helst Тип пользователя: Инициатор Имя приложения: chrome.exe Путь к приложению: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application Компонент: Интернет-защита Описание результата: Не обработано Тип: Угроза потери данных Точность: Точно Степень угрозы: Высокая Тип объекта: Веб-страница Имя объекта: xdmyh9ge?key=067088407afb97d6be211af098e15ac6 Путь к объекту: https://alibisprocessessyntax.com Причина: Облачная защита 2)Событие: Обнаружена ранее открытая вредоносная ссылка Пользователь: AGENT\helst Тип пользователя: Инициатор Имя приложения: chrome.exe Путь к приложению: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application Компонент: Интернет-защита Описание результата: Не обработано Тип: Возможна неправомерная загрузка ПО Название: https://alibisprocessessyntax.com/api/users?token=L3hkbXloOWdlP2tleT0wNjcwODg0MDdhZmI5N2Q2YmUyMTFhZjA5OGUxNWFjNiZwc3Q9MTY5NTU0MjgxOSZyZWZlcj1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRmt1a2FqLmlvJTJGJnJtdGM9dCZzaHU9MzYxYzU5ZDY5M2ViNzEzNWZjYzFkNWQwODBmYmM1NmVlMTRhZjYyOWMyNWRlZjg2NmNlZGZjMTRiNGYyY2U5OGM0NjNmNTdiOTIzOTYxOGQ2M2JhOGYzNDRiNTJiMGYwMjAwYmRlN2Y3ZDc1NWZiZDBkNjFhYjA1YzA0NGViZDBkM2VjZmZlNzE1ZTVkZDg3Mzk1YTM4YjZmNmQxMjdlYmUyNjQ4ZjRkMmRjODYzOTgwMGFmOWYyNDNjNTViZQ%3d%3d&uuid=&pii=&in=false Степень угрозы: Высокая Тип объекта: Веб-страница Имя объекта: users?token=L3hkbXloOWdlP2tleT0wNjcwODg0MDdhZmI5N2Q2YmUyMTFhZjA5OGUxNWFjNiZwc3Q9MTY5NTU0MjgxOSZyZWZlcj1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRmt1a2FqLmlvJTJGJnJtdGM9dCZzaHU9MzYxYzU5ZDY5M2ViNzEzNWZjYzFkNWQwODBmYmM1NmVlMTRhZjYyOWMyNWRlZjg2NmNlZGZjMTRiNGYyY2U5OGM0NjNmNTdiOTIzOTYxOGQ2M2JhOGYzNDRiNTJiMGYwMjAwYmRlN2Y3ZDc1NWZiZDBkNjFhYjA1YzA0NGViZDBkM2VjZmZlNzE1ZTVkZDg3Mzk1YTM4YjZmNmQxMjdlYmUyNjQ4ZjRkMmRjODYzOTgwMGFmOWYyNDNjNTViZQ%3d%3d&uuid=&pii=&in=false Путь к объекту: https://alibisprocessessyntax.com/api Причина: Облачная защита 3)Событие: Обнаружена ранее открытая вредоносная ссылка Пользователь: AGENT\helst Тип пользователя: Инициатор Имя приложения: chrome.exe Путь к приложению: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application Компонент: Интернет-защита Описание результата: Не обработано Тип: Возможна неправомерная загрузка ПО Название: https://alibisprocessessyntax.com/xdmyh9ge?key=067088407afb97d6be211af098e15ac6 Степень угрозы: Высокая Тип объекта: Веб-страница Имя объекта: xdmyh9ge?key=067088407afb97d6be211af098e15ac6 Путь к объекту: https://alibisprocessessyntax.com Причина: Облачная защита Опасно ли это и нужно ли что-то делать? Выполнил полную проверку Kaspersky Free и MalwareBytes: ничего обнаружено не было. Версия windows 11: 22H2, сборка 22621.2283 версия Kaspersky:
  22. I am using KIS v21.3.10.391. I have set admin password in my kaspersky product but when i go to Privacy Protection and turn on and off the cam protection , it ask me for the password but without typing any password and clicking "No" the setting changes
  23. Стоит Kaspersky Internet Security. Скачал Format Factory с его официального сайта через Free Download Manager, так как Яндекс.Браузер почему-то обнаруживает вирус, и решил на всякий случай проверить на вирусы. ОВ хоте проверки Касперский сообщил, что якобы обнаружены легальные программы, которые могут быть использованы для нанесения вреда компьютеру. Из-за чего это может быть?
  24. Muy buenas con todos, mi duda es la siguiente, hasta hace poco descargue un archivo winrar que al parecer tenia un virus, esto lo supe puesto que lo analize mediante el análisis contextual siempre hago este procedimiento para mis archivos descargados, el tema es que encontró un virus y lo elimino, pero tengo una duda y es la siguiente, yo no descomprimí el archivo infectado y tampoco no lo ejecute, pero si abrí el archivo winrar para solo ver que archivos contenía (me explico mejor, es decir hice doble clips en el archivo wirar y se abrió el visor o la aplicación pero solo para ver los archivos no lo descomprimí ni ejecute dichos archivos), es posible infectarme solo con observar a través del programa de winrar dichos archivo o necesariamente tengo que descomprimirlo o ejecutarlo. estaría muy agradecido con su respuesta.
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