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  1. I cant sign in to my account
  2. The password cannot be copied. Clicking on the copy function in the program does not respond, and pasting results in a blank space.
  3. I'm using Windows 11 with Korean IME. I tried turning off hardware virtualization didn't work. Only turning off the category worked but it loses the functionality.
  4. I downloaded at 30.7.2023 the "Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool application" (https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/free-virus-removal-tool). For the first time it asked for reboot for drivers (before the scan). But the system, Windows 11 pro 22H2 (OS build 2261.2070) version 10.0.2261 Build 22621, failed to start. There was nothing I could do but to restore to my latest retore point, to fix it. Since then I'm afraid to use KVRT again. Did anyone had this same problem? Please check the KVRT.exe. It act like a virus this time.
  5. Почему ваши антивирусы не ищут FUD, полностью криптованные в рантайме вирусы даже про версия? За что мы платим деньги? Ну вот зачем?
  6. showing this error, not able to update database too, have already unistalled & installed 3 times, but still no solution, have already created ticket too: Kaspersky Technical Support - ID INC000015564799 Still no resolution from support too ... and due to this my MS Office got corrupted too, worse experience, never encounter this with Norton, thinking of going back to Norton, pls advice.
  7. Salve, ho un problema con l'estensione per browser: quando clicco sopra l'estensione, e quindi cerco di utilizzarla, mi risponde con l'immagine allegata. Specifico che ho un abbonamento Premium e che quando apro l'app del pc mi dice d installare l'estensione seppure io l'abbia già fatto. (Ho anche provato a disinstallarla e reinstallarla).
  8. Kaspersky is not showing up on the new Context menu (and no i dont want to just use the old one, its working there though). So i was trying to find out how to fix it. I am using Kaspersky Internet Security Version
  9. Is there an offline installer for Kaspersky Plus? I have downloaded the 4 MB application from My Kaspersky, and presumably its going to connect to the internet to download the acutal flies. I need to install AV on my new computer and don't want to connect to the internet without AV.
  10. Ever since installing Kaspersky Antivirus, I've been experiencing frequent disconnections of my external drive. Prior to the installation, I had no such issues. Despite disabling external drive scanning in the antivirus settings, the problem persists. I seek guidance and possible solutions to resolve the frequent disconnection of my external drive after installing Kaspersky Antivirus.
  11. Kaspersky Total Security (версия постоянно просит предоставить доступ к камере для Viber. С чем это может быть связано? Как избавиться от данного сообщения?
  12. Hi, whenever i right click on any folder or exe file, i can't see the option to scan with kaspersky for virus scanning. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling kaspersky, including password manager and Vpn, but the issue persists.
  13. hello i am living in turkey and the installation was done in turkish . how can i change the language of the software for windows 11
  14. Hi, this week on 20 June I installed the free Kaspersky on my Windows 11 pc and my Samsung Galaxy phone.. I have two questions: 1. I registered it to my little-used email X but as I have got to know Kaspersky I see that was a mistake. I should have registered it to my usual email Y But when I went to change it, I saw I already had a very old Kaspersky account linked to that address. I want to delete that old account and change the email address of the new account but am afraid if I do that I might not be able to use that Y address again. Can anyone advise please? 2. I've discovered that since I installed Kaspersky, my OneNote account has not been syncing. This could be due to the above-mentioned difference in email addresses, or something else. Please can anyone help with that too? Many thanks Suet
  15. Hello everyone, The overall performance of the application is average or slow most of the time. Filling in passwords when I go to a website is slow, I'm waiting 5-10 seconds. Saving passwords in the browser is much faster. Also, using the KPM UI is not responsive as I expected. Click actions take ~0.5 seconds. Scrolling through the accounts page is slow. Delete, update etc. actions take ~1-2 seconds. I want to use KPM but it's slowing me down. Unless there are plans to improve performance, I have to switch to another application. Alternatives of KPM are much faster. I hope there are some plans for the performance. Operating System: Windows 11 Pro, 22H2, 22621.1848 / I also tried on Windows 10 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz RAM: 16.0 GB (15.8 GB usable) System Type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor KPM Version: / 1686048945_7385 / 1.0.523.0- KPM Accounts: ~800-1000
  16. Не удалось инициализировать платформу .Net Framework, я пробовал переустановить саму платформу (через обновления Windows и сторонними программами от Microsoft), одна это не помогло, я пробовал перечисленные методы решения которые есть на сайте, но и они не помогли.
  17. Hallo Community, Ich habe ein Video gesehen wo es möglich ist mithilfe von der folgenden Unicodes eine Datei so zu verändern, dass sie nicht als .exe erscheind sondern als jede andere Datei. Beispiel ---exe.docx => sieht wie eine docx Datei aus aber dadurch, dass der Titel einen Unicode "left to right mark" verwendet ist es leider nicht gleich ersichtlich, dass es eine exe Datei und keine docx Datei ist. Man sieht es zwar wenn man im Explorer die Dateinamenerweiterung an hat. Kann auch mit jeder anderen Datei sein. Aber es wäre echt hilfreich wenn man diese Funktion austellen könnte damit fogende Befehle als Warnung angezeigt werden: U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK U+202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE U+2066 LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE U+2067 RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE U+2068 FIRST STRONG ISOLATE U+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE Denn dann muss man nicht jede einzelne Datei überprüfen mit command prompt und ">dir" und man schauen muss ob TeXT "?x" vor dem Dateinamen steht. Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe in der Vergangenheit ? (Screenshot im Anhang zeigt die richtig angezeigte Datei und um welche es sich handelt, da man ja leicht das Icon wechseln kann)
  18. Everything I do in my browser my kaspersky makes the request for the route "gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/". I want that to stop!
  19. After installing Kaspersky premium and restarting my computer kaspersky blocking asus services i tried to create exclusion, pause kaspersky but no luck only way to get Asus service to work again is to uninstall Kaspersky. I use the last version of i figure it out after several windows 11 reinstalls Has someone the same issue ?
  20. Здравствуйте! У меня Windows 11, версия программы антивирус Запуск сервера осуществляется корректно, но при нажатии на кнопку "перезапуск" вылазит ошибка со скриншота (приложен), а после сервер не отвечает. (Загорается желтый флажок и не работает ЛКМ и ПКМ). Добавлял в доверенные и исключения, но проблема никуда не исчезла. При отключении антивируса всё работает корректно.
  21. Eu tive que iniciar uma vez o Windows em modo de segurança para fazer pequenas alterações Agora sempre que eu inicio ou reinicio o Windows, o Kaspersky Free me mostra uma mensagem dizendo que a inicialização anterior do aplicativo falhou, o que não é verdade já que o antivírus está abrindo e funcionando normalmente Eu já cliquei em "Enviar" relatório mas sempre que eu ligo o meu notebook o Kaspersky Free pede para eu enviar o relatório de novo e de novo... Como eu faço para o aplicativo parar de me mostrar essa mensagem?
  22. Hi, I lose access to the internet inside my WSL2 as soon as I turn the VPN on. With VPN: ~# ping www.google.com ping: www.google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution Without VPN: ~# ping www.google.com PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=80.2 ms 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=137 ms 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=82.3 ms 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=84.8 ms I tried to exclude whatever WSL2-related processes through the SPLIT tunneling option to not use VPN, in vein. Any pointers would be highly appreciated as this makes Kaspersky VPN almost non-practical to use in my situation. ps: My /etc/resolv.conf looks like this, nameserver and ping also fails while VPN is on. Thanks. - Avo
  23. hi , hope you can help me please i cannot add another device to my account , there's only 1 device in "My devices tab" while on my subscription is says "3 out of 3 devices protected" so , when am trying to add a new device it shows an error.
  24. Hi ! Si I did a some research before coming here but I'm a bit stuck as my problem seems to be precisely in between everything I saw. Couple of days ago, I had two warning: - One from Windows Defender in the Device Security panel that brought me to Core Isolation. Memory Integrity was on and there was not a lot of thing I can do. I ended up ingnoring the notification and everything seems to be OK as it's green but I'm not sure it works because all I did was ignoring the warning. The only weird thing is that I can't turn off Memory Integrity (I can toggle the button but everytime I restart the PC it's on); - One from Kaspersky that advice me to use a computer with virtualization. In the settings, Hardware virtualization if avaiblable is on but I have a message saying it's incompatible. So I don't know if Windows Defender is doing his job or Kaspersky or if both are out... FYI, I tried several things to see if Wndows Defender is running Memory Integrity or to make Kaspersky see that virtualization is available: uninstalled Oracle VM Virtual Box, checked if virtualization is on in the BIOS, SFC /scannow and all the standard check, disabled Kaspersky Virtualization (that seems to "break" Core Integrity as it disappeared from Windows Defender), went to the Windows Feature menu to check if Hyper V is off and set on Windows Hypervisor Platform + Virtual Machine Platform, tried to force Core Isolation through Local Group Policy Editor,... In the end I don't really know what's happening... Unless if Windows Defender is really doing his job (but I'm not sure as the warning disappeared after I ignored it), I'll be grateful if you can help me out to understand if everything's alright ! Thanks a lot ! Regards, A5TRO
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