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How are the passwords stored when vault is unlocked
Soumyadip Haldar posted a topic in Kaspersky Password Manager
Hi all, I don't have good encryption knowledge so my question may seem very layman, but I want to understand how KPM works. I understand that KPM stores the passwords in an encrypted form. But What happens when I unlock the vault. Does it store the passwords in storage devices in unencrypted form or does it just keep it in memory? If it's stored in hard drive, then it is pretty vulnerable. And if it's stored in ram the hackers can get a memory dump and suddenly they will have all of my passwords. Also, what happens to the master key? Where is it stored? If it is stored in hard drive, then can't anybody just take the key and the encrypted vault and will be able to decrypt it? -
Ich kann seit ein paar Tagen weder mein Android Tablet noch meinen Laptop mit dem Kaspersky VPN verbinden. Es kommt immer die Meldung "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen"
Thousands of requests per minute on Instagram
CodeFox posted a topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Operating System: Windows 11 Name and Version Number: Kaspersky Plus - (a) When I go to an instagram page, Kaspersky starts doing thousands of requests per minute. Might be causing issues with instagram reported below. Main Url is: then some codes that might mean something so I decided no to post and the rest of the url is in the print. I was having some issues where Instagram would say something on the lines of "We limit how many times users can follow other people to protect the comunity" I figure this might have something to do with it. Those requests still happen when Kaspersky is set to Disabled. If I let it run loose it will crash the browser overtime.- 1 reply
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windows 11 Les écouteurs du casque ne fonctionnent pas sur l'application Whatsapp ou lors des réunions Teams.
Pierre_Zorro posted a topic in Pour particuliers
Bonjour, Informations Hardware sur le PC : ============================================ Processeur 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700 2.10 GHz Mémoire RAM installée 64,0 Go (63,8 Go utilisable) ID de périphérique E9E59AD3-8B3C-4BE9-9272-5B95240055EA ID de produit 00330-80000-00000-AA172 Type du système Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64 Stylet et fonction tactile La fonctionnalité d’entrée tactile ou avec un stylet n’est pas disponible sur cet écran ============================================ Information OS sur le PC : ============================================ Édition Windows 11 Professionnel Version 23H2 Installé le 04/08/2023 Build du système d’exploitation 22631.2792 Expérience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22681.1000.0 ============================================ LE PROBLEME : ============================================ Je n'entends pas mon interlocuteur lorsque celui ci me parle en vision conférence sur Teams ou sur l'application Whatsapp via mon casque (micro + écouteurs) Pourtant mon interlocuteur m'entends lorsque je parle dans le micro. Mais moi je ne l'entends pas via les écouteur. Ce casque est connecté en Bluetooth. J'ai cherché sur internet et je ne pense pas que le problème vienne du micro mais plus des écouteurs. Je vous mets ci-dessous la capture d'écran comme quoi tout est autorisé pour le micro dans Kaspersky pour l'application Firefox : Pour l'application Whatsapp ci-dessous : Es ce que quand vous dites micro, vous prenez en compte également les écouteurs du casque ? Je n'ai pourtant aucun problème pour écouter une vidéos sur YouTube via les écouteurs de mon casque toujours connecté en Bluetooth. J'entends très bien la musique dans les écouteurs de mon casque. Ainsi je ne sais vraiment pas d'où peut venir le problème ? Avez vous une idée ? Cordialement, Pierre. -
Merhaba, geçen günlerde bilgisayarımı kullanırken Kaspersky'ın açılmadığını gördüm bundan sonra elle açmaya çalışınca da Kaspersky açılmadı, bu neredeyse 3 4 defa oldu (hatırladığım kadarıyla). Bu neden olmuş olabilir yardımcı olur musunuz? Not : Bilgisayar Windows 11 markayı isterseniz yazarım
Versión Kaspersky Plus Windows11 estoy revisando videojuegos que tengo, con la pagina de, en el cual ya e visto muchos archivos con troyanos que tiene esta pagina, y no los detecta... para nada mi kaspersky plus abjunto un poco de los resultados que me salieron, y no me salio nada Espero y sea cambiar el launcher, por que me a protegido que me roben mi tarjeta en otras paginas
I purchased a Primum Kaspersky and VPN Premium features didn't activated ?
G9-Royal posted a topic in Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
I purchased a Primum Kaspersky and VPN Premium features didn't activated In my secound Email, But first Email works fine. FYI I bought an account up for 20 Device.- 1 reply
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Is Kaspersky security supported by an AI system in any way ?
kfrancis76 posted a topic in Kaspersky Total Security
I would like to thank the Kaspersky team for a truly great product. In the past 20 plus years Kaspersky has really changed for those of use who started using it when it was just a simply application and i wish i had kept some screen shots of the first user interfaces . However the world has also changed and i hope that Kaspersky has incorporated AI in its fight against malware and early threat detection and defense of our daily appliances ,this is because now that AI is widely available its just a matter of time before AI based attack systems are created to cause havoc on large scale and perhaps Kaspersky has already started using it as well. I also wanted to say across the globe many computer and phone uses are surrounded by IMSI catchers, WIFI pineapples of all kinds and many products or social media platforms endanger millions of lives because they are programed in ways that IMSI catchers of various types rack havoc on the users ,a product on the internet " eagle security" does a good job at knocking most of those catchers and protects the people .My wish is that Kaspersky adds that capability into its products and keeps tab on the imsi catchers since most of them can easily be identified by an AI based system and the user can scan and knock them out if need be. In that way your product would even be stronger but i already noticed that sometimes it actualy did knock them out and i felt so happy for this product. Thanks again to Kaspersky team you are all truly great and your product is even greater. -
Today when I clicked to enter Chrome, many notifications of the same detection started to appear, I found it very strange because a little before I was using it normally, I use Opera as a secondary browser, so in it I only use Instagram and Twitter, so I found it very strange that it was identifying a Trojan in the Opera installer, since I hardly use this browser. Evento: Objeto malicioso detectado Componente: Prevenção de intrusões Resultado da descrição: Detectado Tipo: Cavalo de Troia Nome: UDS:Trojan.Win32.Fsysna.iwdz Nível de ameaça: Alto Caminho do objeto.: C:\Users\brazu\AppData\Local\Temp\.opera\Opera GX Installer Nome do objeto: installer.exe Motivo: Proteção na Nuvem MD5: 283C1A2AA14E259A4C1A8CF1FC4BEB7E I tried to uninstall and Kaspersky was also blocking, after a while it stopped notifying, but I still can't uninstall Opera.
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Hallo liebes Team, bei eurer Schwachstellensuche unter Windows fehlt mir leider die Möglichkeit gefundene Schwachstellen beheben zu lassen, soweit dieses möglich ist. Aktuell werden mir einige angezeigt, die sich ausnahmslos auf ältere Versionen von 7z beziehen, da diese von einigen Programmen intern genutzt und automatisch mit installiert werden (da war sogar eine Version 9.x dabei), welche ja in älteren Versionen kritische Schwachstellen aufweisen. Bei mir betraf das u.A. Winget, welches ich regelmäßig benutze und es natürlich ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellt, obwohl bei mir die aktuelle Version von 7z installiert ist. Nun hat Windows ja die Angewohnheit durch die Installationen zu schützen was durchaus Sinn ergibt, aber in solchen Fällen auch extrem hinderlich sein kann, da ich jeweils erst die Rechte übernehmen muss, um die betreffenden Dateien austauschen zu können. Für einen unerfahrenen Nutzer dürfte das eine unüberwindliche Hürde darstellen und vermutlich wird er das dann ignorieren. Bei einigten anderen Schwachstellen lässt sich das zwar meist mit Updates beheben, nur eben nicht in dem genannten Fall, wo veraltete Dateien in aktuellen Versionen der Programme einfach mit installiert werden. Ob bei der Nutzung des betreffenden Programms dann die veraltete, oder die aktuell installierte genutzt wird, ist dann nicht so einfach festzustellen, ohne den Quellcode zu kennen. Nun wäre es sicherlich nicht so sonderlich aufwändig für euch (bin selbst Programmierer) den Nutzern diese Arbeit abzunehmen, zumindest im Falle von 7z und andernfalls eine Lösung dafür vorzuschlagen (bspw. Update des Programms, welches ja zum Teil schon durch eine andere Funktion erfolgt). Ich denke das dürfte einigen Anwendern dabei helfen mögliche Schwachstellen auch beseitigen zu können. Gruss Tom
Reinstalling Windows 11 using known activation code
Nova Kinklu posted a topic in Kaspersky Internet Security
How do I "uninstall" KIS from this machine, then, after restoring my OS, "reinstall" using the same key? I have tried to read the Kaspersky instructions. I've searched this forum, but I am just not certain I won't lose my key due to "too many installations." I have linked my license (activation code) to my My Kaspersky account. I have recorded my activation code separately so I won't lose it. I have not yet reinstalled (clean) my Windows 11 OS. What do I need to do next? How do I "uninstall" KIS from this machine, then, after restoring my OS, "reinstall" using the same key? I don't need a lot of details,. I just need to know what step is next before wiping my machine.- 1 reply
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Olá, Estou com problema na extensão, e não consegui ativa-lo, qual seria o método passo a passo para ativar? O mesmo está ativado só no Edge, mas no Chrome e no Brave não está. Windows 11 Navegador Brave e Chrome Kaspersky Premium Processador 11th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz 2.69 GHz RAM instalada 16,0 GB (utilizável: 15,8 GB) Tipo de sistema Sistema operacional de 64 bits, processador baseado em x64 Placa de vídeo GTX 1650
kpm Como importar senhas do Bitwarden para o Kaspersky Password Manager?
Unearth posted a topic in Para casa
Olá, assinei o Kaspersky e estou migrando do Bitwarden para o KPM e não estou conseguindo transferir as minhas senhas. A exportação foi feita em arquivo ".csv", que deveria ser compatível com o software. No momento em que solicito a importação, entretanto, recebo sempre uma mensagem de erro. -
No puedo entrar a un sitio web ni a las pestañas que vienen después. El antivirus Kaspersky Standard no me deja. Primero, cuando quiero entrar, aparece una pantalla donde me avisa que “Se ha evitado que visite un sitio web que no es de confianza”. Cuando pulso el botón “deseo continuar” me sale un pop-up que me dice que “No se ha podido establecer una conexión segura con un sitio web”. Y me pregunta “¿Desea continuar de todos modos”? Y cuando pulso el botón “Confirmar” me envía a una página web que da un error. Dice: “503 Service Unavailable. No server is available to handle this request”. Para tratar de solucionarlo añadí el sitio web, y todas las pestañas del sitio que pude, como un URL de confianza. Lo hice entrando por “configuración”, “navegación segura”, “configuración avanzada”, “direcciones URL de confianza”. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que reinicié el ordenador, me sigue apareciendo el mismo error. ¿Qué puedo hacer? Estoy MUY molesto con Kaspersky Standard. Por favor, agradeceré que me ayuden a solucionarlo. Muchas gracias.
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Kaspersky keeps popping up a message about Adobe AcroCEF because of a Self-signed certificate
DumpoJerome posted a topic in Kaspersky Free
Every time I start my computer up, I get a popup from Kaspersky about a self-signed certificate from Adobe AcroCEF. I have no idea what this means, but is there a secure way to fix this issue? -
Can I buy a license now that has black Friday (or a discount period) and use it in 2 - 3 months when my active license expires?
i have an account kaspersky with an email, i wanted to renew my license and i entered another email, is it possible to transfer data to the original kaspersky account?
HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic detected by chrome
Brazuka posted a topic in Virus and Ransomware related questions
Just now the antivirus detected HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic, from what i saw it was from a website that appeared in Google searches, I didn't even click on it, so I didn't understand. Was it the Kaspersky Google extension checking all search sites and revealing that it blocked this object? Am I safe? Evento: Download negado Usuário: ARTHUR\brazu Tipo de usuário: Iniciador Nome do aplicativo: chrome.exe Caminho do aplicativo: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application Componente: Navegação Segura Resultado da descrição: Bloqueado Tipo: Trojan Nome: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic Precisão: Análise Heurística Nível de ameaça: Alto Tipo de objeto: Arquivo Nome do objeto: jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.4.1 Caminho do objeto.: MD5 de um objeto: FD4C47AAC748DE54C1BC6963397E8BA7 Motivo: Análise especializada Data da versão dos bancos de dados: Ontem, 15/11/2023 19:36:00- 8 replies
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Acabei de comprar o produto e simplesmente não consigo acessá-lo na minha conta. Na verdade, eu não consigo é entrar na minha conta.
Kaspersky Security Cloud vs Trojan.Win32.Generic
Kalus posted a topic in Virus and Ransomware related questions
Hi, every time I boot my PC, when I get on my desktop I get a pop up message Detected: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic Location: c:\windows\installer\msiaa65.tmp The last part after Installer\ changes all the time. I disinfect and restart the computer, but I am always in the same situation. Even a total scan doesn't yield any result, and nothing is found. I have Windows 11 updated to the last version available at the time of writing, same for Kaspersky Security Cloud - Personal. Thanks for any help to get rid of this annoyance. -
Instalação do Kaspersky Endpoint Security não inicia.
Ceape Sergipe posted a topic in Para PMES e empresas
Bom dia, estou tentando fazer a instalação do Kaspersky Endpoint Security versão mais recente ( para o Windows, porém, ao clicar para iniciar não e mostrado a tela de instalação, nada acontece. Está acontecendo tanto no Windows 10 quanto no 11.- 1 reply
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kaspersky plus Looping infinito ao tentar excluir arquivos.
Fernando S. Oliveira posted a topic in Para casa
Olá estou tentando remover arquivos que foram identificados como potenciais riscos ao sistema, porém o programa fica horas com o spinner de loading como se tivesse trabalhando na exclusão mas não sai disso. Windows 11 Pro 22H2 x64 Build 22621 Kaspersky Plus -
I'm using Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (version 22631.2506) with Kaspersky Total Security Premium (version Despite having enabled both notification sounds and on-screen notifications for all critical events in settings - I get nothing. I downloaded a few malware samples to test, they were all detected, but the only way I would know is if I glanced at Kasperky's tray icon which turned red. But there was no sound nor any notification of a malicious object being present on my PC. For obvious reasons, I'd like these notifications. I already tried checking if notifications for Kaspersky are not silenced, and they aren't. I tried going to Settings -> Notifications and enabling "Get notifications from other senders" - it was already enabled. Kaspersky is not in that list. "Do Not Disturb" mode is not enabled and neither is it set to auto enable - I never use it. So far, I only get notifications if new devices connect to my network. How do I fix them? Any help is appreciated.