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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. hi @mekong104 , Can you post a screenshot of your exclusion? Regards, Igor
  2. Hi @serval1959 , @Younes , @MARWAN , Did you have a chance to submit a ticket to technical support? Please share with me the incident number.
  3. Hi all, we have been investigating this issue, we will provide an update as soon as there is news. The workaround is to click “Ignore and remember”: If the alert continues, then add the url (e.g. cs.emxdgt.com) to exclusions via Settings → Network settings → Manage exclusions → Add. In addition I suggest to enable block of data collection in Private browsing component + enable Antibanner. Link
  4. Hi Flood, Thank you for noticing this and brining it to our attention, we will work on a fix. Have a great day!
  5. Hi, please submit a ticket to support via my.kaspersky.com and let me know its number. If already raised one, please let me know its number. Thank you.
  6. Removed the link, as it was leading to the admin console. Here is the one for Mefodys: https://community.kaspersky.com/members/anton-mefodys-19642
  7. Hi Flood, That was an accident. Now anonymous exists under this account: https://community.kaspersky.com/members/anton-mefodys-19642
  8. Hi Flood, Our test, child age 7, Chrome browser - URL as above, result → image 2 I just checked again, the URL is blocked in Chrome. Can you retest on your side as well? Thanks.
  9. Добрый день, можно ли сделать , чтобы настройки для адаптера сохранялись и без запросов все новые сети прописывались в выбранную группу в ручном режиме? В данный момент такой возможности нет, но заведено соответствующее требование (4227445).
  10. Hi Flood, There is a corresponding requirement, I added your feedback to it. Thank you!
  11. Разработчики разобрались с первопричиной проблемы, решение выйдет в MR4, которая ожидается в сентябре 2021.
  12. Проблему нашли, в ближайшее время будет исправлено. Спасибо!
  13. А если Ctrl+F5 нажать, ситуация сохранится?
  14. @Friend как выйти на эту страницу? У меня так: И здесь ссылка на русский портал поддержки.
  15. Hi @Bobn , Welcome! here you go: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-protection/ahkjpbeeocnddjkakilopmfdlnjdpcdm
  16. Hi @micsermaster , thanks for letting us know. Have a great day!
  17. Hi William, Got it, thank you. We will request a full memory dump. If you have a moment, you can use the instruction below to generate the dump, then compress it into an archive to reduce size and share with support: 1. Configure the system to enable writing of a full memory dump: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3055#block1 2. When the system crashes, make sure to wait till the dump is recorded to the disk, do not force system restart by resetting the PC. Regards, Igor
  18. why Trusted Applications mode was removed & (2) what’s replaced it? It was removed because a very small % of the users actually used this feature. It was more a mode for computer geeks. If you would like to get more manual control over the PC, you can disable “Perform recommended actions automatically” in Settings → General. In this case when some application does something on the PC, there will be a prompt for the user to make decision on the action (allow, forbid, etc.). Or, if you would like to focus on the Application Manager only, you can disable: "Trust digitally signed applications" "Load rules for applications from Kaspersky Security Network (KSN)and select Untrusted as the default Trust group for unknown applications.
  19. hi @Hope kronos , so you managed to get the option “Use custom design theme” after installing the RU version of the product? You tried the steps from this article with version 2021? https://www.kaspersky.ru/blog/skin-customization/
  20. Hi @micsermaster , The issue still occurs? If yes, please reply to INC000012454464, we will get it back to Anti-Virus Lab analysts.
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