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Igor Kurzin

Kaspersky Employee
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Everything posted by Igor Kurzin

  1. @Flood and Flood's wife KSK is incorrectly rating components of a standard install of League of Legends & RiotClient → Age restriction is 13+ (correct) & 0+ and, Categories: Games (correct) & Unknown. Thanks, added to the corresponding bug.
  2. How do I turn this off? It frequntly blocks completely secure sites, just because it doesn’t recognise what they are. Hi @deety , KSN is there to add another layer of protection, every user benefits from it. Site are not blocked simply because they are not known yet in KSN. Can you provide an example? Which site was blocked and what was the verdict?
  3. Hi @alexabo , Developers have been working on this issue, I will post an update when there is news. Here is more details from Martin, regarding the workaround solution used: “When connecting to the NVR using IP address for the first time via Chrome / Edge, the NVR offers a small download which installs to help provide live view / playback of Hikvision security cameras. With the download installed, when your in the configuration pages of the NVR, there is also a small section that allows you to configure how the local agent behaves. For example, TCP or UDP streaming, encryption key for cameras, and other options. The name of the file downloaded is named "LocalServiceComponents.exe" It installs to Windows with the same name if you look at installed apps Under task manager, you also see it executing as "LocalServiceControl.exe (32 bit)" In Kaspersky, to stop it interacting and blocking TCP streaming, I have coded the IP address of the NVR to the exclude list. "Application Control Settings", "Manage Applications", search "LocalService", Then "Details and Rules" then "Exclusions" and add IP to exclude. The Hikvision NVR I am using is model "DS-7608NI-I2 / 8P" There are others out there but I assume the most recent models will also install the same small download. Those using older "IE" to connect might have different results.”
  4. Hi @Reminder, Hi @william0557, There are many reasons why some particular driver (e.g. klflt.sys or any other) can fault and cause BSOD. Even though the error looks the same, it does not mean the root cause is also the same. Have you submitted a ticket to technical support? Can you kindly share its number? We would need a full memory dump, as per the instruction from Anton above, to analyze and find the solution. Please let us know. Regards, Igor
  5. Hai, @RIZAL , silakan kirim tiket ke dukungan teknis melalui https://my.kaspersky.com. Anda akan dibantu.
  6. Hi @1Vita , I confirm, the file was modified, it seems to be a cracked version of Adobe. That’s why the signature is not valid. The file itself does not contain malware and does not spread malware according to our data.
  7. Flood, if you are eager to watch something, as they say: better a small fish than an empty dish. Make the best of what you have ;)
  8. Hi @micsermaster , Anti-Virus Lab experts confirmed a false positive, a fix will be released promptly. Sorry for the trouble.
  9. Sure, the more questions, the merrier :) It is signed by:Adobe Inc. DigiCert EV Code Signing CA (SHA2) Since there are a couple of detections for the file hash at virustotal.com, I sent the file to VirusLab via https://opentip.kaspersky.com/ to reanalyze. They checked the file and confirmed it is clean.In the future, if you have similar situations, you can upload the file at https://opentip.kaspersky.com/ and then send it via reanalyze button to Anti-Virus Lab along with your comments.
  10. Hi 1Vita, We have checked the file, it is clean (does not contain any malware). You are safe to use it.
  11. @Flood and Flood's wife Does “Available on blocked device” work on Windows devices? https://support.kaspersky.com/KPC/1.0/en-US/179521.htm More importantly, the original issue raised by @paukaye "always allowed/Available on blocked device” apps should be excluded from total screen time. Added to the suggestion 3986877, thank you.
  12. In Kaspersky AV settings → network settings → block connections over SSL 2.0 connections is checked as recommended. Does it concern only browsing or anything that has something to do with files like the streamer? should I uncheck it? and on settings → additional protection using hardware virtualization is also checked can this prevent the display of streamer in network? You can try disabling for the sake of testing, but the options you mentioned are likely not to be the reason of the issue. Do you recollect some specific actions that led to the situation of the streamer not working?
  13. File signed, possible risks not found and file security level not classified, so should I trust this file despite VirusTotal.com information about the signature verification? Hi, can you pm me the link to the file?
  14. Добрый день, Создайте, пожалуйста, запрос в техническую поддержку через https://my.kaspersky.com, приложите файлы (avz00005.dta и т.д.). Пришлите мне номер запроса.
  15. Hi Ziv, You are welcome! The issue started after installation of Kaspersky AV, right? Now you open Windows Explorer (or Internet Explorer?) and do not see the streamer in the navigation pane on the left under Network? Do you remember the network name of the streamer, can you type in Explorer address bar: \\streamername and press Enter, what happens? You can also try \\IPaddressofthestreamer. If you exit Kaspersky AV, it does not resolve the issue? Uninstall Kaspersky AV, will the issue be resolved? If we identify, that the issue gets resolved with Kaspersky exit or uninstallation, I would ask you to submit a case to technical support, we will request some additional details (traces, system information) for further in-depth analysis and resolution.
  16. Hi @tpksales , Do you have x86 or x64 version of Outlook? Check the c:\tool\logfile.txt, anything in there?
  17. Hi @zivshosh , Before proceeding with the advice from Richbuff: How are you accessing your streamer? Via browser? Right click Start button → Command Prompt or Powershell → ping ///the IP address of the streamer here///. Any response from the streamer this way? Does it help to pause protection/exit/uninstall Kaspersky?
  18. Hi @TheVaccine , Thank you for the idea! You can try the following workaround: if the detected threat have a common part in the name, e.g. ‘miner’, add an exclusion via Settings → Threats and Exclusions → Manage exclusions → Add, e.g. Please note, this will exclude all threats that contain ‘miner’ in their name, regardless of the location of the file.
  19. it is quite wrong to state that this is a Microsoft issue. For starters, Kaspersky software operates in a Microsoft environment and has to be compliant with Microsoft...Microsoft is under no obligation to be compliant to kaspersky. It is not the question of compatibility, it is that Kaspersky triggers some hidden bug in Windows, which can be fixed by Microsoft. We have been working on a workaround, but there is no ETA at the moment. Also wondering why Kaspersky has 2 bug requests for the same issue If the symptoms are similar, it does not mean the root causes are the same. 😉
  20. Hi @korentas , Please log a case (incident) with technical support via https://my.kaspersky.com, include traces (here is how to collect: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/15538#block1) and let me know the incident number.
  21. Hi @blucoyo , If the third-party software is not on this list, theoretically, you can use it.
  22. Hi @Berny , It looks like the issue is not with the bookmarks, but rather with the favicons of the favorites. Hi @SmarticusRex , The scenario you are describing is rather strange, because Protected Browser creates a separate isolated instance of the browser, and should not affect the normal (non protected) browser. Which browser do you use? Is synchronization enabled in browser? (you have the same set of bookmarks in Protected browser and in normal browser?)
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