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  1. I've recently upgraded my Kaspersky Total Security to Kaspersky Plus and noticed that my subscription key is not giving me Unlimited VPN access which is also part of the bundle package. What needs to be done so that I can also start using Unlimited VPN access?
  2. It has happening since last week with syncing stuck on my pc drive Only Pasue protection will resolve this *Also I Put Trust Application with Google Drive Location and Google Cache drive and Google Stream files Drive still Doesn't work My Kaspersky Total Security App Ver. : (k)
  3. Boa noite! Meu nome é Julio Em 03 de agosto de 2022 fiz uma compra do produto Kaspersky Total Security 10 dispositivos – 02 anos.
  4. At the moment, I still have 79 days left on my 2-year Kaspersky Total Security license. When it expires, I plan to purchase and switch to Kaspersky Premium because it will be more cost-effective than renewing my current subscription. However, there is something I want to know, which didn't seem to be answered in the FAQ: If I (hypothetically) decide to upgrade sooner rather than later, will my remaining Total Security license be carried over to Premium? Or will I have to purchase a new license? If I purchase Kaspersky Premium from a source other than the official site (typically, I buy licenses on Amazon), will I need to manually activate the license in my Kaspersky account, or is it automatically added? Can I import my KTS 23 settings into Premium? I don't want to lose the settings I've configured.
  5. Уважаемая "Лаборатория Касперского", у меня есть идеи для улучшения для антивирусов Kaspersky Antivirus, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Total Security. 1. В настройках в разделе "Интерфейс" добавьте: светлую тему, тёмную тему, как в системе: 2. Добавьте разворот приложения на весь экран:
  6. Здравствуйте, В последнее время я использую AdGuard и Kaspersky с их стандартными настройками на моем компьютере. Но я заметил, что страницы в браузере стали открываться гораздо медленнее. У вас нет случайно каких-нибудь рекомендаций или советов по настройке, которые могли бы решить эту проблему? У меня Windows 11. Спасибо
  7. Ok so I'll make this short, my software windows 11 was glitching for no reason, I already had kaspersky installed, it found nothing, also nothing weird in task manager taking alot of cpu or anything. I did decide to reset my pc, for some reason this time it took about 5 hours to complete. When opening the pc I wanted to run a scan from windows, it said something like "your IT has denied access", I installed kaspersky once again, after closing and reopening my PC the next day, at the first 10 seconds, there was a red alert at windows security, it said "Kaspersky is snoozed" at virus and threat protection, while firewall and network protection was also disabled. Then I guess kaspersky loaded and all the warnings disappeard. There might be a logical explanation, its that I'm just worried since this is the first time it has happend to me. Also, after installing a ram stack stick, my TPM is no longer found in my motherboard... not sure if that has to do with anything. I own kaspersky total security, kaspersky vpn and password manager.
  8. Hi, In common with many other users online, my Windows 10 PC constantly runs Microsoft Software Protection Service Platform (sppsvc.exe) in the background. This often consumes high levels of CPU, Memory and Power and it's probably this that causes my laptop fan run at maximum speed. The opinion online is that the two (sppsvc.exe and KTS) are in conflict. I've found ways to permanently disable sppsvc but I wonder if it's safe to do so? Does anyone know if Kaspersky Total Security performs the same function as sppsvc.exe so they are not both necessary? Any words of wisdom? Thanks OS is Windows 10 build 19045 Kaspersky is (k)
  9. earlier in the morning I use public wifi because I were in public area; and it wenr smoothly without a problem, and later on the afternoon when I went back home connecting to my own wifi; I can't seems to accees and always ended up with ERR_CONNECTION_RESET (as seen as screenshot below), I tried troubleshoot the connnection but seems no to fail; even tho I can use other browser such as Chrome just fine. and then I tried to exit KTS and it fix the problem (screenshot below). Is there away I can revert this issue? thanks in advance
  10. Win11 专业版 目前台湾和香港的客户端程序已经更新到最新版本(21.13),为什么中国大陆仍然是21.3,什么时候更新?
  11. So I just activated Total security and Internet security, and I thought the internet security would only be activated after my total security expire? Anyway, after a crashed windows update caused by the application, both my KTS and KIS became Kaspersky Pure (picture below), and my android phone is still the free version of Kaspersky? Is there like a mobile and pc version of KIS? Also, the Security cloud application seems to be activated with a 3 years protection for 3 devices but my subscription is listed as free, and my current device seems to be expired. I'm lost here folks. What's the difference between Total security, Kaspersky Pure and Security cloud free? Is KSC better than Kaspersky Pure, or is it like Kaspersky SC Paid>Kaspersky Pure>Kaspersky SC Free>Kaspersky Total? What are the differences and capabilities? TA
  12. I have been using KTS for years now, and I still have ~100 days left in my subscription. I would like to switch to Kaspersky Plus for the VPN. I saw in the FAQ section that KTS and KP are backwards-forwards compatible. Does that mean I can retain those 100 days in my Kaspersky Plus subscription if I switch right now or do I lose the days?
  13. Hi, After I uninstalled kaspersky total security not long ago 4 days ago due to expiring license key and not enough funds to extund it. My win11 system started acting weird and corrupted even tho (sfc and DISM scans say otherwise "no corrupted system files") for context (windows update was blank and perma loading, system settings crashing, diagtrack not working, GPU drivers corrupted and deleted ???, even planification services not working due to MMC error) my system was all good before uninstalling kaserpsky I never do shady stuff I always surf safely. I kept restoring system to previous restore points but same problems and didn't fix issue. so I reinstall kaserpsky because I suspected kaserpsky to be the casue of this due to the fact that I did nothing as big this week as kaspersky removal (no win update, nothing as big + no shady downloads) and GUESS what everything works fine without even having an active license key couldn't restore point from faulty point to previous restore point cause kaspersky would not allow it which is normal. so I used kav removal to force uninstall kaspersky again on my faulty system and GUESS what all restore points all are gone and now I am stuck in this faulty status great. so my point here is, you put backdoors on ur customers systems so as soon as they uninstall ur solutions and products u corrupt it in a clever way so that they suspect it to be due to virus or malware infection. when it is not, so to make them extund their subscription to ur products and that is just fked up and sad. I was a vivid fan of ur products, infact I even rated ur products 5 ratings on ur website, always recommended ur solutions to my family and friends. and even downloaded ur products in times when people boycotted ur solution due to political reasons (russia ukraine war) cause I used to blindly trust you. but after this no more, after this I quit. if u don't solve this you are the worst av company ever never gonna buy ur products ever again. u put backdoors on cutomers system and keep them even after uninstalling ur products
  14. Hi, I am looking to purchase a version of Kaspersky. I am currently running the free version. What I am wondering is what is the difference between the four in the title. It looks like 2 completely different lines of software. I am used to the internet security and total security line, but then there is this (new?) free, basic, plus and premium suite. What is the difference between the two lines of software. Is premium comparable to total security.
  15. Reinstalled the application after upgrading the operating system on computer. When activating the application, I got the error message "You have exceeded the maximum number of activations allowed for the entered activation code".
  16. Господа товарищи, столкнулся с данной проблемой сам того не зная. Все началось с невозможности установить Kaspersky VPN, а закончилось удалением всего антивируса... Ну а после, как уже стало понятно, я не смог установить все обратно. Результатом всего, явилась "неизвестная ошибка" при установке KTS, после прогона утилитой AVbr. Почитал другие темы с подобной траблой. Вам не кажется, господа, что слишком уж это сложно все? Или может Касперский настолько "хороший" антивирус, что чтобы решить проблему необходимо N-ое количество других программ не имеющих отношения к самому Касперскому. А я ведь деньги заплатил... И, кстати, Kaspersky Free как-то установился, вот.
  17. Buenas. Actualmente tengo KTS en varios equipos, 2 PCs (uno con W10 y otro con W7) y un móvil Android. Tengo pensado actualizar estos días que me toca renovación de licencia (la licencia nueva también es de KTS ya que la compre justo antes de que lanzaran los nuevos productos) Mis dudas son: - ¿Para pasarme al nuevo Kaspersky Plus basta con instalarlo o hay que hacer alguna cosa mas? - ¿Hace falta desinstalar el KTS o el instalable lo hace automáticamente? - ¿La configuración se puede exportar del KTS al Plus? - Mi versión de KTS es 21.3, me ha parecido leer que ya iba por la versión 21.8 o 21.9. En caso afirmativo, ¿es recomendable actualizar primero a esas versiones? - ¿En caso de que tuviera algún problema/incompatibilidad podría volver a KTS? - ¿Para el móvil, hay que descargar también nueva aplicación? Creo que no me dejo nada. Un saludillo.
  18. 你好,我的系统版本为Win11 21H2,安装的是卡巴斯基全方位安全21.3.10.391(j)。 1. 我是一个全新账户,想问下 “激活码” 在 “我的卡巴斯基-订阅” 中手动输入激活后显示 “未使用” 时, 该状态的激活码会开始按照天数计算订阅时间吗? 如果不开始计算订阅和不进行软件激活我可以永久保存它吗? 当有两个同一解决方案的有效付费订阅激活码时,是否可以使另一个未激活的激活码不自动激活已激活设备或未激活设备? 当软件重装或升级时,我可以最多使用几次已使用的原激活码激活新软件? 我可以自由切换激活的设备吗?转换设备有次数上限吗? 2. 我如何保证我的软件是最新版本?(目前为KTS) 请问是否有软件版本更新日志?或者是功能更新日志? 已经听说有21.8版本了,如果官网版本更新,我可以通过更新数据库获取到该版本吗? 感谢耐心查看,目前就这些问题,还望解答 :D
  19. Buenas. En breve me toca renovar licencia y al entrar a la web de Kaspersky me marca un precio de 39.95 € pero al ir a renovar me marca 99.95 € ¿A qué se debe esa diferencia de precio? Un saludo
  20. Basically, a couple years ago (2020) I had KTS. I deleted it a while ago but I still have this Kaspersky Lab folder in appdata\local which contains a Kaspersky Password Manager inside. When I try to enter/delete, I need to give it permission and when I try to give it permission it says I can't and I need to use the security tab. Is this normal and how can I remove it? I also have an AV folder created around the same time as when I installed KTS inside of program files\common files
  21. Currently, one of the few apps installed on my windows 11 laptop that runs on the x86 architecture are KTS and KPM. Why don't you make the application available in the correct CPU and OS x64 architecture?? Why stick with the legacy x86 architecture?
  22. Al iniciar el Kaspersky Total Security muestra ese mensaje. Estoy usando Windows 11 rama 22.H2 Alguna idea de cuáles son las funciones no disponibles y además como solucionar este problema. Saludos y gracias
  23. Hello I am using kts on my windows 10 home and kaspersky Kts version (j) This morning (i.e. now when I am writing this) I got this error message :- I have not done anything or clicked anywhere as of yet so this popup is currently on my screen as I type: what should be the proper step for me now ... and kindly help me quickly as the popup is currently open and I haven't selected any of the 3 (delete, skip, add to exclusion) options. Kindly guide me.... as soon as possible thanks!
  24. We have run Kaspersky Total Security and VPN on Windows 10 for many years and have been very happy with the products and the quality of technical support. The situation in respect of Nexway/Kaspersky UK/subscription renewals seems however to have changed radically for the worse since last year. Can anybody suggest a way around the following issues please? We'd like to continue with Kaspersky but will not do so at any cost... We have previously been stiffed by the UK/French company for a huge auto-renewal renewal cost for Kaspersky Total Security which support sorted out - they applied an ~ 50% discount and credited us with the difference. Our understanding was that all auto-renewal permissions were rescinded at that time as requested. Despite this we a few weeks ago discovered that the VPN subscription was auto-renewed by Nexway/Kaspersky UK in late June while we were ill at more than double the cost of the previous year. Trying to renew the Kasperksy Total Security subscription today we're finding that all options except UK/Nexway or other local agents are blocked. That the cost from Nexway/Kaspersky UK has again more than doubled, that the option to delete a credit card from the account is disabled/greyed out, and that the dialogue box forces explicit acceptance of auto-renewal and at whatever price the company feels like charging!!! The geopolitical situation may provide some sort of feeble excuse for a price increase, but the measures adopted to force auto renewals at whatever price the company decides to magic up is utterly unacceptable and amounts to sharp practice. We've taken the matter up with support, but have not had a reply yet. Nor do we know whether support is as before - it may well by now be controlled from Nexway France/Kaspersky UK. We're not however going to accept yet another attempt by a business to use the power of a web platform to bludgeon the customer into signing up to utterly acceptable conditions. Even if the auto-renew and credit card issues are resolved may depending on the market refuse the sort of price increases sought too....
  25. Hello I am using kts on my windows 10 home and kaspersky Kts version (i) Just recently I downloaded a file from mega (was a setup file for some programm that I needed (had the name setup.exe)) and I have a habbit of scanning the exe file which I download so as always I scanned them with Kaspersky before opening them(running the exe files)) So i ran the scan and voila! it was indeed malicious. it said after the scan: here is the scan report Now all of these files I didnt run them but scanned them. So I wanted to ask( I deleted both the files btw) Even after deletion do they pose a threat? if i did not run the setup? btw i deleted the setup.exe file which came out from the REPACK PASS (812736).rar
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