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  1. Hello. Kaspersky has falsely marked my site as Phishing and blocks it from loading. Site: https://www.melekhost.com Its new website and only simple wordpress site
  2. dear sir Could be removed /un flagged system informer as malware ? it's a false positive https :// systeminformer.sourceforge.io/downloads thanks
  3. Recentemente navegando pela Steam encontrei o jogo Visions of Mana e resolvi instalar a demo para jogar. Hoje ao abrir o jogo para minha surpresa o antivirus detectou que havia um vírus nele, fechou o jogo demo antes mesmo de começar e excluiu o arquivo. É até estranho que uma empresa como a Steam permita que esse tipo de coisa aconteça e até denunciei. Mas também, qual seria a possibilidade disso ser apenas um falso positivo?
  4. Hello support team, I want to run the following files on my system but VirusTotal detects threat, however Kaspersky is not showing any threat detection(I am using premium Kasepersky, home edition) I just want to know if these files are safe, let me know if You can confirm this. here are the 4 VirusTotal link files: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f5e6682c44cb73f65d2f349fc651d7c3c78b2e49fa56a765a702a877c8c563d3/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ce66ca7f2ede112a03356850594762591dbe62ac083eb989c9e8e58b6138e316/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e968563a93f2fcb5690ee2f77ab097c8c757da5bb156dead731048dfa64f008b https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0175940ccb7a1cc71c27ea13ee574d7f7d73e58e1d9c48f22ffebc157d9a0b24/detection Also let me know if i can somehow send files to you, everyfile is .exe format Thank You in advance, Best Regards
  5. Was Browsing the Wayback machine to download a preserved copy of minecraft Apple TV Edition, and Kaspersky Internet security flagged the site as phishing. This makes no sense as the webpage and file are both safe The Webpage is https : // ia801202.us.archive.org/ Here is the warning I got from Kaspersky Internet Security: If you could please fix this, I would be more than happy! 🙂
  6. I cannot update the Clash-Verge-Rev 1.7.3, as Kaspersky Anti-Virus give false alarm to me when I run the update program. And this alarm cannot be ignored, that I must delete the entire Clash-Verge-Rev, including the old ones. Though I can still re-install the old version of this VPN, without this alarm.
  7. Hello Kaspersky Team, Our website has been falsely flagged as a phishing site and showing threat of data loss. We have checked our website and server and there is no malware present. The site does not pretend to be any other entity. I'd like to request a re-evaluation. Website: https : //w1.endlessmessages.com/ I have sent requests through https://opentip.kaspersky.com/w1.endlessmessages.com/, but unfortunately with no effect on the flagging from your antivirus Thanks in advance
  8. Hi there, There is a file called d5_launcher.exe in our software, and we used Kaspersky/OpenTip to scan this file, the result is safe and clean. However, sometimes when using our software D5 Render (a 3d rendering program for architecture, based on UE5), Kaspersky will suddenly start warning and deleting our file d5_launcher.exe. It said the file is Trojan.Win32.Generic. ( we did some searches, and maybe it is related to our keyboard shortcuts? The problem is that we cannot let all users to click Trust the file manually, which is inconvenient. So I'd like to ask you guys, is there a way to upload our files before we release our updates? so Kaspersky will trust those files and do not affect our users from using D5 Render. ( Avast and some other AV software provide us an address in FTP to upload files, and we upload files before we release a new version each time) Thanks in advance!
  9. My website is already been cleaned but still the kespersky considering it as phishing website for no reason. Please do the needful, we have a presentation. https : //2024presidentsclub.com
  10. Столкнулся с проблемой, что игра отображается как троянское приложение, игру скачал буквально только что, никаких модов и подавно стоять не может, лицензия стим. Жалуется на сам .exe файл с игрой. Игру давно удалял потому что не было обновлений и поднадоела и таких проблем не было, даже с поставленным модом на русификатор, сегодня решил снова её поставить и без модов, игра просто помечается как троян. Я конечно могу просто отключить защиту, но не могу же я так постоянно сидеть? Windows 10 Pro Версия 10.0.19045 Сборка 19045 Kaspersky Free
  11. Guten Tag! Ich bekam heute die Meldung von Kaspersky, dass meine Email-Adresse mit einem Twitter-Account verknüpft ist und von dort Persönliche Daten und der Aktivitätsverlauf abgeflossen sind. Dies hat mich überrascht, da ich mich nicht daran erinnern konnte, jemals ein Konto angelegt zu haben. Auch die Rückmeldung vom Twitter-Support fiel negativ aus: Ich freue mich über Infos, bzw. Tipps. Vielen Dank und LG Christof Hello, We weren’t able to locate an account with the username you mentioned, or affiliated with the email address you’re using. If the username was incorrect, please file a new report. As of our most recent review, that username is available on X. You can claim it by signing up for a new account. Please note these are available on a first-come, first-served basis and it can be claimed at any time. Please don’t respond to this email, as replies are not monitored. Thanks, X Support
  12. Hello. I’m Youngkwang Oh from IRONMACE. We are serving a game called 'Dark and Darker' (https://darkanddarker.com). Recently, your AntiVirus is misdiagnosing our own anti-cheat programs (Tavern.exe, TavernWorker.exe). The diagnostic code is 'PDM:Trojan.Win32.General' and it is misdiagnosed by your System Watcher. For your information, our anti-cheat is packed with VMProtect for security. Many of our players are suffering from inconvenience because of this. We submitted detected images. Please review it as soon as soon as possible. Best regards.
  13. При использовании Creative Cloud и любого софта от Adobe постоянно выскакивают проблемы с инициализацией лицензии. При выключении касперского все работает стабильно и я подключаюсь ко всем моим сетевым функциям приложений. Выдает сообщения формата "Please check your firewall settings, ensure that the time settings on your computer are correct, and try again" - в исключения папку adobe пытался добавить и не помогло, проблему решает только выключение касперского и это выглядит как костыль с моей стороны. Подскажите с решением проблемы и как решить эту несовместимость (прикрепляю файл ошибки для понимая проблемы. Напоминаю, что это связано именно с работой касперского и его фильтров, поэтому я и обращаюсь на форум сюда, а не в adobe)
  14. Lately, one of our clients send us email regarding our site www.swordier.com has been flagged by Kaspersky as unsafe and we used shopify to set up our store but couldn't figure out why it happened like that. also, as attached it the screenshot our clients provided, can anybody help?
  15. 我的博客 https:// blog . kagureion . top/ 被 Kaspersky 误报为「可能导致数据泄露的网站」,但我确信我的网站的确没有这样的意图。请求解除对我的博客的误报,感谢。
  16. Producto: Kaspersky Total Security Quise ingresar como siempre a mi cuenta de Airtm, y como hacía mucho que no cambiaba la contraseña, Airtm me redirigió a la pantalla de cambio de contraseña, la cual fue bloqueada por Kaspersky. Consulté con soporte de Airtm y me confirmaron que el URL que reporta el antivirus es legítimo. Podría poner el URL en el whitelist, pero por las dudas quisiera la confirmación de Kaspersky. Muchas gracias Roberto
  17. I'm creating this topic since I haven't found any information about it. For some time I'm having problems to login in my Crunchyroll account using my Windows 11 machine with Kaspersky Antivirus installed. I've noticed that every time I access the login page, my browser goes unresponsive until I finished it using the task manager. Investigating further, I saw that when I access the page https:// sso.crunchyroll . com/login kaspersky blocks a javascript lib called dg.js, then the page tries to send it again (and blocked again). This behavior generates a loop which make browsers (both chromium based and firefox) to memory overflow to the point where's necessary to finish it by using windows task manager The only workaround I've found is to exit Kaspersky and access the login page (which possibilities the download of the lib) then activate again after login. So it is a case of false positive or there's something wrong about this specific lib? I think this case should be investigate, since causing browsers to memory overflow is problematic and this page is accessed by many users. To reproduce the problem, you only need to access Crunchyroll's login page (it isn't necessary to have an account) and the blocking behavior can be observed by opening the browser's inspector.
  18. HEllo Everyone! I am facing an issue with default reports. When we generate the Report on Users of Infected Devices, it is supposed to show us the users of infected devices. But the reports show some of the ENdpoints and VM names instead of user names, confusing the report type. Everyone's help would be appreciated. The report is REPORT ON DEVICE USERS, but it shows only a few devices and also shows the devices that have not been active for a long time. The main issue is not showing any option for next entries; for example, it shows 1000 total entries with no option for next page. Everyone is requested to share their views and help me troubleshoot the issue. SOME INFO: KSC 14 KESW 11.9 KESL 11.3
  19. Hello, i started a website https : //www.certifygate.com/ but after I try to access it from my laptop where i have Kaspersky Premium installed, Kaspersky keeps threat it as a phishing website. please can you help on this ?
  20. Hello! I submitted my website to be re-analyzed and while the website screenshots were updated, it was still deemed dangerous. I have fixed the CSP for my HTTPS and HTML header to use hashes. There is no input form available on my website. There should be no way for malicious code to be implemented into the website by others, to the best of my knowledge. I've included the immuniweb scan of my last security test. Since then I've changed the filler nonce-values to hashes. For some reason Wapiti says I don't have X-XSS protection but I do, through cloudflare.
  21. Hello Kaspersky Team, Our website has been falsely flagged as a phishing site. We have throughly checked every website and server and there is no malware present. The site does not pretend to be any other entity. I'd like to request a re-evaluation. Website: https:// lolarchiver. com and its subdomain https:// twitch-tools. lolarchiver. com and https:// osint. lolarchiver. com and https:// nhentai. lolarchiver. com I have sent requests through https://opentip.kaspersky.com/lolarchiver.com in the past, but unfortunately with no effect on the flagging from your antivirus Thanks in advance,
  22. I can't manage end points Kaspersky security network ON/OFF option. for example i can manage all settings of kaspersky end point centraly from KSN server. but i only can't manage to turn ON/OFF and Lock/UNLOCK the Kaspersky security network option from centrally.
  23. So, in the last 4-5 days now Kaspersky is blocking the app Discord on my PC. It doesn't give me any notifications whatsoever I just can't launch discord while Kaspersky is active. Discord shows me the following error '' Update failed - retrying in X sec... ''. I did get in contact with Discord support and for 3 Days we tried many different ways to fix it, other versions, PTBs, older versions, different launch options etc. but in the end, it came all to the same result, Discord won't launch, no matter which version it is unless I completely turn of Kaspersky. When i do turn off Kaspersky - launch Discord - turn on Kaspersky, Discord won't show me pictures and won't let me play videos via the app. After a couple minutes more Discord will get in a state where you would get normally if you don't have internet connection anymore. So, as said to be able to use Discord i need to turn off Kaspersky. When i try to add the Discord.exe as a trusty source via Kaspersky option -> threats and exceptions -> specify trusted apps, Kaspersky does crash. I did attach a screenshot about it. When im in the opions '' exceptions for application '' and i add Discord.exe after i click 'tamam' which means OK, nothing happens (even if i wait for long). After i click it 1 more time Kaspersky just crashes. So here the stuff i already did and still doing. -Check for Updates and do them -Check drivers -Launch with administrator -Try older Version of Discord -Try to add as many folders etc from Discord as a Trusty source -Try different Version of Discord like Public Test Build -Send crash report when Kaspersky crashes I would be happy if someone can give me a solution to this. Discord staff run out of options to let me try so it seems like it might be a problem with Kaspersky. My Version is Microsoft Windows 11 x64 Build 22621 --- (k) --- It's standart version of Kaspersky. Not a free one.
  24. I have windows 10 and was going to open opera but as I opened it, Kaspersky internet security detected it as a Threat! I know for a fact that opera browser is legit and that Kaspersky internet security is detecting it as a trojan but not blocking it as it is a false positive! I still don't understand why a perfectly safe computer program would be detected as a threat when opera is one of the most popular and safe web browsers on the internet. I hope this response brings an awareness to the issue of this false positive and i hope whoever sees this has a great day!
  25. 样本链接 https://karlcx.lanzoum.com/iZfXF19004je 密码:cbb5 威胁情报门户分析结果 https://opentip.kaspersky.com/1ab497dfed7f15b440728054b0a1a65d48d5d65bea04b67b522c26292ca52f70/results
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