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I purchased 2 activation codes for Kaspersky (1x Total Security 5 device, 1x Internet Security 3 device). I purchased these long before the US ban. What do I do with them now? One is showing in my Kaspersky subscriptions saying it has 367 days left (not used). The other I have from my NewEgg order waiting to be added. Will it automatically carry over for another year subscription in UltraAV, or am I just screwed out of 2 years of purchased subscription?
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- windows 10
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Olá, boa tarde, me chamo Abner! Tudo bem? Estou com uma dúvida. Realizei uma verificação para detectar vírus em meu PC, ao finalizar foi identificado um trojan script generic, coloquei ele na quarentena, e depois exclui itens da quarentena. Minha dúvida, seria se consigo recuperar o relatório de detecção, mesmo após ter ser excluído? Fico no aguardo do retorno! Atenciosamente,
Kaspersky Standard блокирует работу интернета
Андрей39 posted a topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Добрый день. Столкнулся с очень не прияной проблемой - блокировкой всего интернета на моем ПК. После нескольких часов мучений, оказалось что антивирус блокирует все подключения к Интернету. После удаления интернет появился. Повторяемость данного решения подтверждаю. 3 раза устанавливал - потом пришлось удалять. Как решить данную проблему, подписка на Каспер официальная. Советуют почистить папку Report, но антивирус не дает - мало прав на удаление. Вопрос - где в антивирусе отключить самозащиту в моей версии продукта kaspersky4win202121.18.5.438aru_46710.exe ?- 1 reply
- windows 10
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Kaspersky Premium is NOT Detecting Malware [For Real]
testuser posted a topic in Virus and Ransomware related questions
I tried to explain events via pictures and links. I especially took the screenshots full screen for date and time. Hope it helps. I bought Kaspersky Premium subscription and tested some malwares with it's Real Time Protection feature. I download some samples from known malware sample websites. KP (Kaspersky Premium) is detecting "some" of them while downloading to my computer (i guess because of their HASH'es). BUT i tested some samples which i encountered on the internet and tried to copy to my computer and KP did NOT detect this KNOWN (Virustotal 52/73) malware and other one is KNOWN (Virustotal 48/73) malware. I rescanned these malwares at 21:13 or 21:14 (UTC +3) and still NOT detecting. I am curious is Kaspersky updating their data through Virustotal or NOT? Because first file's first submission date 9 SPT and second file's first submission is 19 AUG. How Kaspersky CAN NOT detect these KNOWN malwares? Can someone (Kaspersky Malware Analysis Team) explain me this situtation? I don't feel safe while using Kaspersky Premium because it doesn't meet my BASIC requirements. If possible may i buy Kaspersky EDR/XDR for home use with low price or big discount? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Kind Regards. 15 replies
- windows 10
- kaspersky premium
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I increasingly have to disable Kaspersky VPN to access reliable Dutch websites. What causes this problem? Is this the website or VPN? In the past I would have called the helpdesk, but since the helpdesk has been moved to India?, with employees who are difficult to understand, I have stopped doing so
I can't seem to be able to purchase the standard Kaspersky which is £15.99, I have checked that I entered all my details correctly yet I can't seem to be able to purchase: It keeps saying "Your payment has been declined"?
Название приложения, операционная система и версия приложения: Итак, пользуюсь расширением Hola VPN ( и после установки касперского, оно резко перестало работать. При попытке зайти на сайт с включенным VPN выдает данную ошибку. Надеюсь на вашу помощь, спасибо 🙂
Will i Be able to reinstall Kaspersky Internet Security
Kaspersky213 posted a topic in Kaspersky Internet Security
I don't want to use ultra av, but was told it would be auto installed. What would happen if i continued to use kaspersky -
Kaspersky Plus сворачивает полноэкранные приложения
Gamer667 posted a topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
1. Windows 10 версия 20H2 2. Kasperksy Plus 3. После перехода с KIS на Plus заметил проблему: при открытии приложений на полный экран они просто сворачиваются. Перестаёт сворачивать при открытом окне касперского либо когда он полностью выключен. Кнопка "приостановка защиты" ничего не меняет, как и игровой режим, режим не беспокоить. Переустановка плюса тоже не помогла. Спасает смена разрешения экрана на более низкое. Хотелось бы узнать решение, которое не доставит много неудобств.- 10 replies
- windows 10
- license
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Возможно ли взаимодействие компьютера с одним из этих вирусов? Я буду исходить из своей ситуации, чтобы она была описана более понятна для всех. Обнаружил подозрительное вмешательство в своё личное интернет-пространство, злоумышленник решил оставить несколько сообщений от себя в DISCORD (от моего профиля), следов активности с других IP-адресов обнаружено не было, взлома не было, двухфакторная защита активирована. Я начал проверять с помощью антивирусов, увидел, что имелось заражение HOSTS, а после повторной проверки был обнаружен MSTASK Trojan Starter 7691 остальные были менее подозрительными, что могло бы вызвать подозрения на такое вмешательство.
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- windows 10
- virus
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Kaspersky Security Center - выборка событий. Веб-контроль.
Andrey Popov posted a topic in Kaspersky Security Center
Добрый день, всем знатокам. Не увидел нигде раз.яснений по одному моменту. Почему при формировании выборки по критическим событиям, связанным с веб-контролем, ошибки задваиваются? Т.е. у них ID, одинаковый запрос, который идет от пользователя, все идентично. -
windows 10 Help me with virus in Computer
Phuc Vu posted a topic in Virus and Ransomware related questions
After download and install Kaspersky, i scanned my computer and have a lot of virus, after restart the computer i have many notification , please help me, i think my computer till have virus -
The Background: First and foremost, I have been subscribed to Kaspersky for a couple years now and everyone has recently heard of the recent ban of Kaspersky services and products in the US which means that I won't be able to use their services. I also know that UltraAV is taking over as a successor to Kaspersky. The Problem: I have made several attempts to contact customer service through email, phone and support but so far I haven't received anything back. I even submitted several complaints and requests through the support begging them to cancel my subscription. I even went on my subscription page and there is literally no button to let me cancel the subscription. Ways I contacted them: Calling US phone number: (866) 328-5700 Emailing their US email: *****@*****.tld Submitting a couple complaints or requests through their support page: The reason being that UltraAV randomly installed on my computer without permission. It feels like a breach in my online privacy and safety. Why would I want to have software that I have never heard of to be in charge of providing protection for my computer? Also, I know cancelling the account would NOT cancel the auto-renewal and subscription. Would someone from Kaspersky please help me with this. I have tried everything possible.
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- windows 10
- kaspersky premium
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Операционная система - Win 10 версия Касперский free 21,18,5,438а Как отключить всплывающее окно на весь экран с подтверждением действия? например при отключении защиты скриншот увы не даёт сделать
Tried System restore to back 2 days ago, since i had an app bug out and i thought might as well do a restore so registry is all deleted too, but on boot up this shows, should i check for updates in kaspersky app? how to let the AV know to restore that corrupted file? would it lower the capability of AV? should i uninstall and reinstall kaspersky? so everything working properly? although system restore did its job, it removed the app but did it corrupt kaspersky? Thanks!
I wanna try out a virtual machine like Hyper-V but I have a few questions in mind, first is I have the virtualization enabled in my bios for Kaspersky, should I disable it for Hyper-V? Should I install another Kaspersky app inside the VM? or is it not needed? since its already in the host machine? and can the Host AV detect and monitor inside the VM already? or would I need the Kaspersky Security Center Application that is for used for managing VM's? or is that only used for workspace environments. I looked up and Hyper-V seems to allow GPU passthrough, I'll try to play some games on it too, but I need to update gpu drivers on VM too right? Thanks for reading and your time, have a great day!
Bij de installatie van het pakket bij mijn klanten zet ik altijd de snelkoppeling voor veilig bankieren op het bureaublad. Dit om het gemakkelijk te maken om veilig te bankieren te openen voor de klant en ze met één klik hun bank ( sneller te) kunnen openen. Ook doe ik dit: de optie beschermde browser niet starten aanvinken om evt ideal betalingen niet automatisch via veilig bankieren te laten verlopen, omdat zeer vaak mis gaat en veel klachten over kwamen in het verleden. Alleen iedere keer als het pakket geupdate wordt naar een nieuwe versie is de koppeling weer verdwenen en krijg ik heel veel klanten de vraag om deze koppeling terug te zetten en sommige zijn dan bang dat ze gehacked zijn omdat Kaspersky "is verdwenen". De huidige koppeling verwijst naar: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky 21.18\avpui.exe" -safebanking" Komt er een nieuwe versie dan veranderd bovenstaande, en de snelkoppeling is weg. Iemand een idee hoe dit "probeem" te teckelen.
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- kaspersky basic
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kaspersky premium Acesso as Informações de Cobrança e Histórico de Assinatura
Alyson Almeida posted a topic in Para casa
Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!- 1 reply
- kaspersky plus
- kaspersky standard
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windows 10 I have a question regarding execution at startup.
openurwindow posted a topic in Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium
Hello. I’m wondering if it’s possible to prevent an application from starting with Windows by double-clicking on it in the Kaspersky > Performance > Current Activity > Startup tab and then adjusting the application rules. The default options provided under Performance > Quick Startup have a limited list of applications to control, so I’m curious if it’s possible to manage applications through the Startup tab. -
Could be removed /un flagged system informer as malware ?
IanBacl posted a topic in Virus and Ransomware related questions
dear sir Could be removed /un flagged system informer as malware ? it's a false positive https :// thanks -
Добрый день. Изначально на компьютере стоял Агент администрирования 10 и Касперский 10. Удалили всё и перегрузили компьютер. Начали устанавливать Агента администрирования 11, но выдало что установлено с ошибками, в программах и компонентах нет Агента Администрирования, запустили все обновления windows 10, но setup Агента администрирования не запускает.. пишет это.. Можете подсказать, пожалуйста, как решить данную проблему
My Kaspersky VPN connection is temporarily unavailable.
Eugene_Batik posted a topic in Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection
Please help, My Kaspersky VPN connection is temporarily unavailable since yesterday. Using VPN in Singapore. -
Hi, I am facing some serious issue here. I was not able to login despite successfully installed the application. It keep prompting Sign-in is temporarily unavailable. I waited one whole day and retry but is still the same. I am not sure what happen, Last week, when I reformat my pc and install the application, I do not have this issue. But yesterday when I reformat my pc and reinstall, this issue start popping out. I have check my subscription and the number of devices that is currently using this, subscription is still active and I have not exceed the number of devces. Please help.
How to block ads with kaspersky endpoint
Tahax posted a topic in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business
Hello, I have kaspersky security center version 14.2 with kaspersky endpoint security 12.5 and KEDR expert. i want to know how i can block ads in laptop when they out of office ( i cant use proxy to block ADS cause they out of office, the only way its block by kaspersky, any way to do this please. Kind regards- 1 reply
- windows 10
- ksc 14
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