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  1. 操作系统:Windows10(64位最新版) 卡巴斯基版本:21(个人收费版,已长期使用) 今日更新卡巴斯基病毒库后,卡巴斯基反病毒软件误将 vmware-tray.exe(隶属于VMWorkStation软件)以及 hrupdate.exe(隶属于火绒安全软件)两个文件认为是病毒!!!!!!并一直执行停止进程及删除动作。 严重影响了操作系统运行稳定性。请问到底什么原因会将使用了多年的软件认为是病毒。且这这两个exe 文件数字签名均正常。 此问题请问我该如何处理…… 以下为报告内容: 组件: 系统监控 结果说明: 检测到 类型: 木马 名称: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic 威胁级别: 高 对象类型: 进程 对象路径: c:\program files (x86)\huorong\sysdiag\bin 对象名称: hrupdate.exe 原因: 数据库 数据库发布日期: 今天,2022/11/29 21:02:00 组件: 系统监控 结果说明: 已阻止 类型: 木马 名称: PDM:Exploit.Win32.Generic 威胁级别: 高 对象类型: 进程 对象路径: d:\vmwareworkstation 对象名称: vmware.exe 数据库发布日期: 今天,2022/11/29 16:46:00
  2. 我的卡巴斯基版本为21.3.10.319(j) 我的电脑是Windows11家庭中文版21H2版本 在某次报木马病毒后,查杀成功后,我再次进行全盘扫描,发现第一次处理错误,时间为2022.11.23(下图)其中多个文件多出了一个数据0000.res 报告"处理错误"后,我担心有问题,并确定不需要这几个文件,就直接将这几个文件夹全部删除了 但在2022.11.27我再次扫描出了两个"处理错误"的事件,我再次将两个文件夹删除了,但担心仍有问题,特在此求助 报告11.27 今天,2022/11/27 16:44:00 C:\Program Files\ASUS\ACOnePackageTemp\ZipTemp\1.01.10\MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe\GUT\MicrosoftEdge_X64_89.0.774.50.exe.{0D50BFEC-CD6A-4F9A-964C-C7416E3ACB10} 处理错误 处理错误 今天,2022/11/27 16:44:00 C:\Program Files\ASUS\ACOnePackageTemp\ZipTemp\1.01.10\MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64.exe\GUT\MicrosoftEdge_X64_89.0.774.50.exe.{0D50BFEC-CD6A-4F9A-964C-C7416E3ACB10}\data0000.res 处理错误 处理错误
  3. Boa tarde, alguém sabe me informar se este email é *VERDADEIRO* ou é um virus???
  4. bu hata chrome da google da arama yaparken oluyor usb ile temiz format attım hala oluyor
  5. Boa noite. fui anexar um txt do word no gmail e meu kaspersky bloqueou o upload dando a seguinte mensagem: Download negado;Google Chrome;chrome.exe;C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe;C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application;13644;Usuário ativo;Bloqueado;Bloqueado;HEUR:Trojan.MSOffice.Badur.gena;Trojan;Alto;Exatamente;https://mail.google.com/_/upload?authuser=0&dcp=asu-n&upload_id=ADPycdvijMtFh1dQfErMGO84Ibi13FLz8-WN6ZpHSzqiwzEk2kPXOJ2BK-LwZ4jGpTJqXMCjTXPUkG0fwwDEMrnWR5YNtw&upload_protocol=resumable;upload?authuser=0&dcp=asu-n&upload_id=ADPycdvijMtFh1dQfErMGO84Ibi13FLz8-WN6ZpHSzqiwzEk2kPXOJ2BK-LwZ4jGpTJqXMCjTXPUkG0fwwDEMrnWR5YNtw&upload_protocol=resumable;https://mail.google.com/_;Arquivo;Análise especializada como resolver este problema nao sou da área?
  6. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
  7. Não estou conseguindo renovar a licença
  8. Je suis victime d’un virus son extension est .emmv, il a infecté tous mes fichiers (pdf, office, image...) et l’analyse avec kaspersky ne l’a pas détecté.
  9. TR: Merhabalar. Direk konuya giriyorum Tarama da veya anlık olarak virus uyarsı vermiyor, karantinaya almıyor. Sadece raporlar da gözüküyor ve "işlenemedi" yazıyor. Fakat bir virus bulursa direk silerken bunlara hiç bir şey yapmıyor ne yapmam lazım bunlar bozuk dosyalar mı yoksa bunlar bir virus mü lütfen yardım edin. - Translation English:Hello. I'm going straight to the point. It doesn't give a virus warning during scanning or instantaneously, it doesn't quarantine. It just shows up in reports and says "failed to process". But if it finds a virus, it doesn't do anything to them while deleting it directly, what should I do, are these corrupt files or are they a virus, please help. Not: Raporları txt olarak atmak istedim: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fihR-n0klil7s90t-lDhKpy-M2mj2oDE?usp=sharing ENG: I wanted to export the reports as txt
  10. Hello, This evening I launched Google Chrome dashboard, and I got a notification that Kaspersky had stopped a malicious download. While I'm greatful that it had stopped the download, I have to assume that my computer is compromised, right? I conducted a few full scans by both Kaspersky and Windows Defender, and they found nothing. I haven't had another download happen yet, but I'm unsure on how to check if I'm 100% safe at this point. Can I get some help or advice on what to check for next? Thanks for all the help in advance!
  11. Hello I just format my pc and downloading some programs. I'm using getintopc for downloading cracked programs like adobe photoshop and I wanted to ask is it safe to download from this website? and is there anyone got hacked after using this website?
  12. Поймал троян, антивирус его удалил, но продолжил отсылать мне подобные уведомления с запросами от rundll32 и regsvr32 с какими-то случайными IP, подозреваю, что заразили систему, можно это как-то решить без сноса винды?
  13. So today i downloaded kaspersky today, beacuse I might have gotten a RAT. Turns out my senses were good becuase i found it! BUT when i want to do something with it for example try to remove it it just start loading and nothing ever happens. :C I tried restaring my pc but still no better.
  14. 查杀完毕后过几天病毒仍然会出现,频繁重启资源管理器
  15. Bom Dia. Tenho um notebook Dell G15 5511 no qual esta instalado o kaspersky total security. Esta semana verifiquei no msconfig, m serviço estranho chamado AltruistcsService. Tentai desabilitar, porém ao clicar em aolicar o serviçovoltava a ficar ahabilkitado automaticamente. Pesquisei na internet e encontrei informação tratar-se de um virus. Considerando que mesmo com o kaspersky total security instalado o mesmo não foi identificado nem eleminado, o que posso fazer para eliminar este virus?
  16. Is my computer infected and something is preventing Kaspersky from working properly? It never been like this before. It show how many files had been scanned but the percentage stuck at 1 and then just jump to 99 and doesn't show calculated remaining time either.
  17. I just wanted to start VS Code on Windows Subsystem Linux but VS Code updates automatically. The issue is a certificate which VS Code wants to access but it is blocked by kaspersky. Kaspersky is installed on Windows 10. I have the Total Securiy Version. Does somebody have a hint? What should I change? I have already installed ca-certificates without any Problem.
  18. Hello everyone Yesterday kaspersky detected a threat in my pc. Threat was detected by heuristic analysis. HEUR:Worm.Win32.Generic then I went to reports to see how kaspersky detected the virus. But I saw Threat level high Precision heuristic analysis Reason machine learning I was unable to mean this. This also raised a question on my mind : which technology really detected the malware. Please let me know which technology was used to detect the malware
  19. In meiner Inbox (des Spam - Ordners) waren vermehrt Email für einem 500€ Gutschein der "Firma Lidl"... Die Absender Email-Adresse ist so schlecht gestaltet, dass dieses Email bei jedem größeren Anbieter sofort in den Spam-Ordner umgeleitet wird. Aber der Inhalt ist in fehlerfreiem Deutsch verfasst und lässt (leider) wenig Zweifel zu. Auf meine Kontaktanfrage mit dem Lidl Kundenservice kam in der Antwort hervor, dass schon Mehrfach danach gefragt wurde und es völlig ausgeschlossen ist, dass Lidl so ein Gewinnspiel ausgeschrieben hat!!! (Es gibt diese Email Aktionen zu jedem größeren Anlass dadurch ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es damit bald wieder losgeht...) Ich habe dieses Email in mitlerweile in 3 verschiedenen Versionen bekommen: zum Black Friday, dann zu Weihnachten und jetzt das mein "Gutschein" jemand anderem geschickt wird wenn ich nicht Antworte oder auf den Link klicke... Der Grund warum ich das hier poste ist, dass diese Aktion einen sehr großen Schaden anrichten kann da sie: gezielt auf Smartphones zugeschnitten ist. Reale Namen als Kundenkontakt auflistet (also Personen die wirklich bei Lidl arbeiten) Fehlerfreies Deutsch verwendet wird um den Eindruch zu erwecken das ganze sei von Lidl selbst. Schnell eine größere Reichweite hätte nur durch das Ändern der Email-Adresse. Deshalb VORSICHT, denn es gab schon mehrfach ähnliche Beiträge zu solchen Spam Aktionen dazu im Kaspersky Blog.
  20. Windows 10 KIS 2021 Hello everybody ! The files of my computer have been encrypted by a ransomware dvju and now, all of them have the extension .ttii Please, if someone has a solution to help me reset them back. They are very important for me. Thanks
  21. Using Kaspersky (latest) for Windows 10, I get conflicting reports from Scan and System Watcher for this application: FastestVPN for Windows 10 “https://fastestvpn.com” Scan says 0 objects detected, and the Threat Intelligence Portal's (opentip.kaspersky.com) analysis says it's Clean, but System Watcher identified the background service (fastestvpnservice.exe) as a Trojan (PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic). Should I trust this application and add it to System Watcher exclusions? Or should I consider this application a threat and uninstall/disinfect? I submitted for re-evaluation a month and half ago but didn't receive results. Application: FastestVPNService User: ***** User type: Active user Component: System Watcher Type: Trojan Name: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic Threat level: High Object type: Process Object path: c:\program files (x86)\fastestvpn Object name: fastestvpnservice.exe
  22. When playing game, I noticed that sometimes when I alt+tab there's a program that quickly closes almost as soon as I actually see the window switching screen. I can't get a good look at it, but I'm pretty sure it has no logo nor any name. It also doesn't have any sort of "body" (the window is just thin and transparent). I haven't really installed anything since I started having this problem. The only things I have were Vortex (a mod manager from nexusmods) and the Bethesda launcher, both of which, I think, had proper digital signatures and Kaspersky didn't pick anything up when installing. I also downloaded a .jpg or .png, but I don't think those contain malware (I can see file extensions/whether a file is an .exe, so I would've been able to tell if it was a program). Lastly, I did around 2-3 scans with Kaspersky SC Free since this started and it found some files it couldn't process in WinSxS (both are in a microsoft edge first time installer, which has a digital signature), but nothing malicious. I've been checking Glasswire (an internet connection monitoring software) from time to time. I don't see any suspicious programs connecting to the internet at the same times the window appears and closes, nor any seriously suspicious programs. I did notice my internet degrading at times for no real reason, but that could easily just be my bad inernet. My only idea was that it could be Wallpaper Engine, since I remember Steam asking whether I wanted to use local data or cloud data randomly, I chose local data. I don't remember if I did this before or after, but it was at around the same time the problem started occurring. I have no idea if WE is actually the culprit or not though. No one's tried to log into any accounts or anything either. Is it malware or something else? Is there any way to find out? I also did a scan with a second opinion scanner and it only got some tracking cookies, nothing malicious.
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