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  1. I want to see kaspersky logs in my windows 11 event viewer but I don't know how i can do it ? please guide me with the steps which I can follow to views kaspersky logs in windows 11 event viewer?
  2. Hola, recientemente he formateado mi PC y he instalado Kaspersky, pero estaba muy indeciso a la hora de instalar, y he cancelado la instalación 2 veces antes de instalar el programa completamente. Cuando se abre el primer instalador, genera un instalador con la versión más reciente de Kaspersky en la carpeta ProgramData, luego este se abre y al cancelarlo, este se queda allí también dejando un acceso directo en el escritorio para realizar la instalación más tarde, no me había dado cuenta de esto, y por cada instalación utilicé un nuevo Setup descargado. Debido a que cancelé la instalación, estos archivos se quedaron en la carpeta ProgramData, ya la tecera vez instalé completamente el programa y es el Kaspersky que tengo ahora. Al limpiar los datos temporales en Kaspersky y reiniciar se borró el instalador utilizado, quedando solamente las dos carpetas de instalación anteriores que nunca realicé, las cuales posteriormente borré. Me preguntaba si el hecho de haber cancelado la instalación antes de la instalar Kaspersky podría tener consecuencias o si afectan la seguridad. La verdad es que soy una persona bastante perfeccionista, ya había formateado 4 veces seguidas hace poco y no quisiera hacerlo nuevamente. (PD: Utilicé el instalador de la versión Free, aunque aún me quedan 7 días de Plus)
  3. Me gustaría saber cómo puedo evitar que kaspersky vpn se actualice automaticament, ya que la nueva versión no funciona tan bien como esta versión antigua
  4. After app update, the app window appear after windows starts Microsoft Windows 11 Version 22H2 (Operating System Build 22621.1194) App Version:
  5. Hi , I'm Mohamed Ahmed, I'm a new user to my kaspersky Free , i installed The product successfully , now its time to activate the Product ; to enable the protection but , when i try to activate it , it says connection problem ( see screenshot ) for better understanding - I live in egypt , im using win 11 , 22h2 - My internet Connection is Working I contacted Kaspersky Lab Support , but i didn't get any Fix for the problem - I tried to use Kaspersky Security Cloud Free But the Same Problem Hope you Guys can help me . best wishes
  6. olá, recentemente adquiri o kaspersky plus, e vi que não tem extensão pro navegador opera gx. eu queria saber se mesmo com a proteção web no app do windows ativada, estou segura acessando o opera gx.
  7. Событие: Загрузка остановлена Пользователь: HAUNTED-FAMILY\HAUNTED-FAMILY Тип пользователя: Активный пользователь Имя программы: msedge.exe Путь к программе: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application Компонент: Веб-Антивирус Описание результата: Запрещено Тип: Возможна неправомерная загрузка ПО Название: https://static.cdnativepush.com/contents/s/c6/b7/c6/4c93d7c7df25bc18c46ef02d5e/01302331659940.png Степень угрозы: Высокая Тип объекта: Веб-страница Имя объекта: 01302331659940.png Путь к объекту: https://static.cdnativepush.com/contents/s/c6/b7/c6/4c93d7c7df25bc18c46ef02d5e Причина: Облачная защита Можно узнать что это? Сделать с ним ничего не могу, даже не удалить.
  8. Instalei o teste do need for speed unbound em meu pc pelo EA APP e o NeedForSpeedUnboundTrial.exe estaria infectado PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/a5f69a829d6b348d4bfff2976bdcd90b10305d1bf779a8da37f736a94d2a617a?nocache=1
  9. I have tried to use the disk many times but I always get a black screen whenever I select any of the mentioned options. I read that my system may not be compatible but I think that's unlikely because the requirements are very simple. Attached are screenshots of System information.
  10. On certain emails that I send to I get this pop up........ How do I fix it? Thanks
  11. I am trying to push the KS for windows server in Huawei Cloud VM (connected via VPN tunnel) but the KSC is not able to search the machine. I manually tried to install the package then too it is not able to find it. The req. ports 13000, 14000 and 15000 are already open. what else do we need that I am missing on?
  12. Nach Installation und Aktivierung von Kaspersky VPN kann ich nicht mehr im lokalen Netz auf dem Drucker drucken, der an der Fritzbox 7490 über USB-Anschluss verbunden ist. System: Windows11 Möglicher Weise ist die IP-Adresse von der Fritzbox oder vom Notebook nicht mehr sichtbar. Nach Deaktivierung des VPN konnte ich die Verbindung zum Drucker an der Fritzbox wieder aktivieren. - Was kann ich tun, um mit aktiviertem VPN den Drucker an der Fritzbox nutzen zu können. Wie kann ich ggf. die Firewall aufrufen, um eine Ausnahme einzutragen.
  13. 你好,我的系统版本为Win11 21H2,安装的是卡巴斯基全方位安全21.3.10.391(j)。 1. 我是一个全新账户,想问下 “激活码” 在 “我的卡巴斯基-订阅” 中手动输入激活后显示 “未使用” 时, 该状态的激活码会开始按照天数计算订阅时间吗? 如果不开始计算订阅和不进行软件激活我可以永久保存它吗? 当有两个同一解决方案的有效付费订阅激活码时,是否可以使另一个未激活的激活码不自动激活已激活设备或未激活设备? 当软件重装或升级时,我可以最多使用几次已使用的原激活码激活新软件? 我可以自由切换激活的设备吗?转换设备有次数上限吗? 2. 我如何保证我的软件是最新版本?(目前为KTS) 请问是否有软件版本更新日志?或者是功能更新日志? 已经听说有21.8版本了,如果官网版本更新,我可以通过更新数据库获取到该版本吗? 感谢耐心查看,目前就这些问题,还望解答 :D
  14. Hello, i got kaspersky vpn a few days ago and i started noticing that whenever i tried to play genshin impact, the game was automatically shutting down, there was no error message or anything, and then i just turn off vpn, it works just fine. I added split tunneling to not use vpn on genshin, and i've heard i need to add at least all those 3 versions, i even added the QtWebEngineProgress because it's also genshin related thing, and it still keeps crashing, i find it annoying to always shutdown vpn and turn on again, so i'd like to know if there's anything i can do to solve this. My app version is: (b) My OS is: Microsoft Windows 11 Core x64 Build 22621
  15. Since a week, my computer's internet connectivity is experiencing some issues. The internet connection is staying active in a way, but losing partially after a certain amount of time. All browsers start to show "ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED", apps and games gets partial internet connectivity, like in WhatsApp exchange of text messages happens, but no media or status, in game, many functionalities loses connection, like voice chat, text chat and changing settings, etc. I can't find any fix which is permanent, only a full system restart helps, but after sometime, again the same disconnection. Whereas, the hotspot that this same system is emitting, that doesn't loses any connection, with the hotspot, I can access the full internet on my phone. Please help to fix this, I can't understand if this is a problem of antivirus, or windows update or something else. Thank You
  16. Base on this link, i can switch to Wireguard within the Setting https://support.kaspersky.com/ksde/win5.8/en-us/236273.htm But the problem is i dont even see any "Protocol" setting, i am using Kaspersky VPN desktop. Is Kaspersky scamming people just for some quick bucks ?
  17. Hello I'm trying to connect to Kaspersky VPN but I'm getting the following error message: "Try to reconnect later or choose another location" Note: I tried several locations but encountered the same issue. please find the attached screenshot
  18. 如题,我使用的是Opera GX浏览器,Chromium版本:107.0.5304.110,系统为WIndows 11 - 64bit,Opera GX版本93.0.4585.72,卡巴斯基安全软件。 安装Opera GX之后,我的卡巴斯基没有提示我安装Opera GX的浏览器拓展,因此我通过谷歌搜索到的官方拓展进行安装(https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-protection/ahkjpbeeocnddjkakilopmfdlnjdpcdm)(拓展版本2.2.56.0) 安装之后重启电脑,然后点开拓展,出现窗口显示拓展与卡巴斯基未连接成功,但是卡巴斯基程序里有提示`正在使用Google Chrome?`等等,但是旁边的详细信息按钮无效(之前装过chrome然后卸载过)
  19. How I can unistall the program? I don't wanted more. I supposed unistalled whit iobit unistaller but when I turn on my PC the program continues in my Pc and running.
  20. I got a virus that deleted Kaspersky, so I reformatted pc and I'm going to download Kaspersky again and it has told me "An error has occurred during installation of .NET Desktop Runtime (x86). Please help quick because I am worried of getting another virus. picture below, this is also a fresh installation of windows 11. I also do not want to download that version of .NET cause its discontinued but if I have to I will.
  21. 如题。当前版本是卡巴斯基安全软件(KIS),系统是 Windows 11 22H2 22621.819 我为一些程序设置好应用程序控制后,软件会不定时大量推送给我“可疑操作已允许”“可疑操作已阻止”的通知,非常恼人。 但我找不到是哪里来的,也不知道如何阻止它再推送这样的通知。 我在设置-界面-通知设置 中进行了设置但是感觉没有效果。 甚至它推送的通知,在报告中都没看到。
  22. I would like to know if, and how, I can start up in Windows 11 without putting in my Kaspersky Main Password everytime. Once I enter my personal code to start windows 11, I would really like to get to work, without further pop ups. Is there another way to streamline my start ups or do I need to remember my personal main password everytime I start or restart my computer and Windows 11?
  23. Currently, one of the few apps installed on my windows 11 laptop that runs on the x86 architecture are KTS and KPM. Why don't you make the application available in the correct CPU and OS x64 architecture?? Why stick with the legacy x86 architecture?
  24. Fiz uma formatação no meu computador e depois eu não consegui mais ativar o meu produto deu o limite da assinatura em dispositivos foi excedido. Alguém sabe como resolver esse erro?
  25. Друзья, нужна помощь! Стоит Windows 11 22h2, использую новое контекстное меню. После установки Kaspersky Standart версии, программа интегрировалась в новое контекстное меню (Kaspersky-->Проверить на вирусы и Проверить репутацию в KSN). Однако в итоге Касперский никак не реагирует на команды нового контекстного меню если их запускать из проводника, но запускается на рабочем столе. Более того, Касперский сломал и запуск WinRar 6.11 из нового контекстного меню, которое также не работает в проводнике, но работает на рабочем столе. При этом в классическом контекстном меню (Shift-F10) все работает как надо. Переустанавливал винду, не помогает. Такая проблема возникла на трех разных ноутбуках именно после установки Kaspersky Standart версии, с предыдущими версиями работало нормально. Нормально работают только программы от Микрософт. Что тут можно сделать?
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