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  1. so it have said resolve 996 objects, but nothing happening , heres the screenshot
  2. I have a small problem, each time i try to download kaspersky , it goes up until like 15%, then a small window pops up for a split second and then it gives me failed to install error , i tried redownloading it multiple times, i have used several anti viruses to check the whole pc for any malware but found nothing, the articles weren't much help either as they suggested stuff i already did,i thought that it was the plus version, i tried downloading the free one and still i failed, every time i try to download it , it gives me the same error, installation failed, your pc could be infected, well if it was infected then i wouldn't be able to download other anti viruses, if there a fix please tell me , i have been trying anything for the past days but nothing
  3. Я хотел поиграть в валорант на сервере Швеция Стокгольм, но я лаунчер не может подключиться к серверам Riot, хотя на Литве все запускается, но хороший пинг только на Варшава и Франкфурт, на Стокгольме пинг за 100.
  4. Добрый день. Во время запуска krd, не всегда получается зайти в графический режим, и начинается перезагрузка системы. Когда удается - начинаю сканирование, сканирование длится непродолжительное время (до 30 сек), после чего гаснет экран, и начинается перезагрузка системы. И так по кругу… Подскажите пожалуйста, что делать?
  5. Venceu meu total security e achei que poderia aguardar outra assinatura para comprar novam5. Percebi que um e-mail que haviam trocado meu e-mail de um serviço e logo me assustei. Fui enviar os documentos para revalidar e percebi que tinha senhas em alguns pdfs da minha máquina. Não havia grandes mudanças o pc até provavelmente perceberem que eu sabia da invasão. Comece aram a invasões massivas de muitas conexões de redes e troca de pastas de arquivos windows. Inicialmente desliguei conexão de Internet e salvei um pendrive com documentos e outro pendrivefiz para formatar e instalar o Windows. O pendrive novo ficou apenas com windows original e a instalação ficou pior. Tem dezenas de redes e arquivos que não consegui identificar se era um ransomware ou vírus e suponho s3r trojan com outros males que não sei identificar. Tenho outro PC que ao tentar fazer um pendriver bootavel foi ontami ado pois apresenta características semelhantes. Tenho um laptop antigo com tela quebrada que tem DVD e imagino ei usá-lo pra gravar u DVD reinstalar o SO e depois inserir o kaspersky. O estranho foi perceber no laptop a mesma coisa mas não havia i serido nenhum arquivo. Eu reinstalei no laptop e pc e ambos com malwares depois do movo SO. Não usei minhas contas originais na reinstalação mas criaram-se usuarios e muitos processos. Tenho um usb de um pc com windows limpo que aí dá não usei aguardando orientações. Os softwares free de remoção não en optaram erros apenas bloqueei as saídas diversas pelo firewall e foi formatado o HD e não tem arquivos para usarem, mas provavelmente eles possuem outros que vou avaliar depois. Vocês podem me auxiliar como fazer? Eu instalo o kaspersky Premium insiro a senha e dados pexxoIs com esse pc elaptop evidentemente i fectado ou formato antes? Eu tenho um pendrive com documentos de clientes e gostaria de saber como abrir pois vejo que .PDF, .documentos. xls e etc podem conter malwares como de o proceder? O pc de trabalho usa windows 10 xeon 18 cores 32gb de RAM rtx de vídeo. Estou usando Tablet com vpn e aparentemente limpo mas não sei se estão monitorando. Por favor qualquer orientação é bem vinda
  6. I have windows 10 and was going to open opera but as I opened it, Kaspersky internet security detected it as a Threat! I know for a fact that opera browser is legit and that Kaspersky internet security is detecting it as a trojan but not blocking it as it is a false positive! I still don't understand why a perfectly safe computer program would be detected as a threat when opera is one of the most popular and safe web browsers on the internet. I hope this response brings an awareness to the issue of this false positive and i hope whoever sees this has a great day!
  7. Olá pessoal, Recentemente no nosso ambiente temos nos deparado com constantes reclamações de clientes sobre terem diversos ícones do Kaspersky no system tray do Windows. Isso está ocorrendo conosco também, e o pior, cada ícone é um processo no windows, tem casos que acaba travando a máquina devido a dezenas desses "K" aparecendo. Estou enviando em anexo algumas imagens dos erros. Nós temos em nosso ambiente o Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud PRO. Em todas as versões temos este problema ocorrendo. Alguém já se deparou com este problema? Sabem como resolver isso? Obrigado pelo apoio!
  8. Hello all! I have Kaspersky Small Office Security. This antivirus is not working well in my laptop. I have win10. Kaspersky is Up-to-dated. I test this antivirus by opening cracked software. Even Microsoft window defender can detect that virus. But Kaspersky is silent. I also test the files manually but Kaspersky is not able to detect. The same files were detected by Avast and Microsoft defender on seprate system. Is this a problem or that patched files are okay? Is my antivirus working fine? Help me Sorry for my bad English. Thanks
  9. I am writing regarding an issue I am facing with my Kaspersky Security Center v14 installation. Some of my endpoints get stuck in a "waiting" mode while windows is starting. The affected devices show a "Please Wait" message and become unresponsive. I have about 350 endpoints with Kaspersky Endpoint Security installed, managed by Security Center on Windows Server 2019. The problem happens on around 10% of the endpoints intermittently when running tasks across all devices. So far I have tried: Unchecking "Start installation at device restart or shutdown" in the "Install required updates and fix vulnerabilities" task settings The issue stops occurring after completely uninstalling Endpoint Security as a test on some affected devices. Uninstalling Endpoint Security resolves the waiting mode problem.
  10. Друзьям всем привет, вкратце расскажу следующую историю. Купил клаву Thunderobot K87 - решил поставить дрова - полез на офф сайт. Ни на RU ни на EN сайте дров не было, нашёл только на китайском(клава видимо только для китайского рынка). Скачал и меня сразу остановил вшитый в винду SmartScreen - мол не открывай словишь по голове. Затем стало интересно - залил файл на VT - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0508f860ccdd3849134b45d312a809459da4308a7477ddfe3291ea8f8bc53ff8/detection Результат проверки наблюдаете. Порыскав в интернет заметил что grayware не опасен до момента полной установки - подскажите пожалуйста, стоит ли паниковать либо же просто забить. Активности никакой подозрительной вроде не заметил - если нужна дополнительная информация могу предоставить. Заранее прошу простить за мою паранойю.
  11. Hello dear Kaspersky team, I am from D5 Render, which is a 3D visualization renderer program. We got a problem with Kaspersky antivirus, and now we sincerely ask for your help. Many of our users said Kaspersky blocks or deletes our file because it was considered as trojan..Please see file attached. In fact, it is not any trojan, and I put the file into OpenTip, the result is OK as well. So we hope you can help us solve the problem, like solving the false positive, or point out whether the file has problems. Best Regards, Oliver
  12. 样本链接 https://karlcx.lanzoum.com/iZfXF19004je 密码:cbb5 威胁情报门户分析结果 https://opentip.kaspersky.com/1ab497dfed7f15b440728054b0a1a65d48d5d65bea04b67b522c26292ca52f70/results
  13. Hola, tengo un problema y es que desde hace algunos dias me han estado lleganfo correos de intentos de inicio de sesin en muchas de mis cuentas, como steam, instagram, netflix, gmail entre otras, ya he cambiado todas las contraseñas de las cuentas que me han loegado esos correos y he activado la atenticaciojn de 2 pasos en las que he podido, el probelma es que no se donde esta la fuga de informacion porque me baje kaspersky he hice un analisis completo y dice que no hay ningn amenaza, tambien use la herramienta de busqueda de filtraciones y dice que no ninguna filtracion, tengo factor de inicio de 2 pasos en mi cuenta de google y ya cambie su contraseña recientemente y de esa cuenta que es donde estan guardadas algunas de mis contraseñas no recuerdo haber recibido correos de inicios de sesion sospechosos, entonces pense que podria haber sido algun virus en mi computadora y es cuando decidi bajar kaspersky, pero dice que esta limpio todo, tambien analice mi usb entonces no se donde mas podria tener la fuga de informacion, y tiene que ser alguna de esas opciones (cuenta vulnerada o pc infectada) porque es en el unico lugar donde tengo multiples contraseñas guardadas, por ahora no ha pasado nada importante, no he perdido ninguna cuenta ni he perdido dinero ni nada asi (ya que en cuentas como steam obviamente tengo datos bancarios) mi pregunta es que podria hacer para solucionar esto, la opcion de que sea mi telefono la descarto porque es nuevo y no descargo nada de sitios no oficiales, lo unico que tenia no oficial era minecraft en el PC pero ya lo elimine y ejecute el analizis de kaspersky, ¿Qué más puedo hacer? Aquí un ejemplo de los correos que me llegan de intento de inicio de sesión
  14. Contramos o KES Cloud (cloud.kaspersky.com_) e instalamos usando o instalador customizado para Windows. No perfil de segurança pré-definido, via Cloud, definimos uma senha para permitir que o usuário interaja com o KES diretamente no computador. Esta senha funciona para pausar a proteção, mas não permite que sejam feitos ajustes locais, como, por exemplo, adicionar uma exceção em um computador específico. É possível habilitar a edição da configuração ou é necessário criar uma perfil de segurança separado para cada computador que necessite de algum ajuste?
  15. I am unable to view a part of a web site I need to access in order to upload docs. KASPERSKY is blocking it. Thank you
  16. Can Administration Server of Kaspersky Security Center update and distribution to Endpoint without internet access? If both of Administration Server and Endpoint machine is in LAN network and no internet access. Is there any way to get update for Administration Server.
  17. Никак не могу включить брандмауэр, испробовал уже все, вылетают ошибки 0х80070422 при попытке включить его и 0х6d9, кто знает решение проблемы подскажите пожалуйста!!!
  18. My Kaspersky Standard Edition always crashes and cannot perform a complete full scan. After scanning for a random time, the software will crash and then the software will restart (I have a lot of files, probably more than 20,000,000) I used windows10 downloaded from microsoft.com, the download address is as follows https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows10 Then I updated to Windows 11 and this problem still exists. This problem still exists after I use kaspersky4win21.14.5.462_zh-hans-cn_full.exe (265.07Mb) But this didn’t happen before using Windows 10 version 1903 (I can almost guarantee that this is correct, because after I used a version that couldn’t perform a complete full scan, I changed it back to this version and this didn’t happen. situation occurs) This time I am using 22H2 and 21H2 of Windows 10 and 22H2 of Windows 11. This problem exists, so I think this should be a software problem. I asked a friend who also uses Kaspersky. He doesn’t have more than 20,000,000 files. He can perform a complete full scan normally. Of course, I can sometimes scan 10,000,000 files, but cannot perform a complete full scan.
  19. Aşapğıdaki virüsü silemiyor çöz diyorum fakat virüs kalıcı şekilde gitmiyor Yardım edermisiniz ?
  20. Ayuda, creé un USB booteable de 16gb en NTFS para poder realizar una limpieza de virus en mi pc, pero al momento de bootear desde dicha memoria, me aparece este error: Welcome to GRUB Begin of (memdisk)/grub.cfg Check signature state is enforce Prefix is (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub error: unknown filesystem. Invalid prefix. Try to search KRD files error: no such device: /boot/grub/k-x86 Root is hd0, msdos1 Config (hd0, msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg Rebooting the system after 12 conocen la solución?
  21. Buenas noches. Tengo el siguiente problema. Windows defender me detecta un virus que Kaspersky Premium no. Me di cuenta que tenia el virus ayer alrededor de las 23, como tuve problema con robo de cuenta de Steam y tras intentar eliminarlo con Windows defender decidí comprar el Antivirus Kaspersky. Cuando realice el análisis completo me detecto 3 objetos no procesador los cuales elimine, luego procedí hacer otra revisión completa con Windows defender y me seguía mostrando el Virus y no lo puedo eliminar. Que me recomiendan hacer en estos casos? Ya cambie la contraseñas de todas mis cuentas mediante otro dispositivo ajeno. Adjunto pantallasos del windows defender y el Kaspersky.
  22. Hi there, kindly help with this several error when installing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows 12.2.0 1. KES won't install because 360 Antivirus Software - already searched even in registry, program and features, program files path, temp path etc not found any, already using ccleaner revo uninstall still the same, failed to install 2. KES won't install because Parameter with name "86" not exist - find 1 topics in the forum, not solved at all 3. KES won't install because error 27450 cab file - don't know why? search here not helping at all https://support.kaspersky.com/kes11/troubleshooting/install, there no error 27450 here Please, if anyone ever had same problems with me, maybe you can share the solution, other than always providing GSI.zip over and over again to support. Thanks
  23. Hallo Amazon erkennt die VPN Server .Mache ich was falsch ?
  24. I sometimes want to copy a file between two computers on my desk by typing in CMD window from computer Master to computer Target. Via "Map Network Drive", Master knows Target as N:. To connect the computers, I type [C:]net use N: \\Target\cTarget password /User:Charles This works fine if Kaspersky is turned off. (It also worked regardless of Kaspersky before I installed a "mesh" system for enhancing wifi signals within the house and yard). Is there a place in Kaspersky on the Target computer that will let me type the SSID of Master to be allowed to browse and fiddle with Target?
  25. Доброго времени суток, пользователи и эксперты форума. У меня появился вопрос, с помощью каких инструментов был сделан интерфейс приложения? По файлам предполагаю, что это язык программирования C#, но наврядли сейчас кто-то использует WPF или даже WinForms. Если у кого-то есть крутые идеи по поводу этого или точный ответ - напишите, пожалуйста, очень интересно 🙂 Интерфейс программы после последнего обновления очень стал похож на мою программу, написанную на том же ЯП
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