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  1. But no matter what I do, I can't stop it from scanning and deleting the .exe file. Can you help me?
  2. I found myself without a working keyboard or mouse after installing Kaspersky Free. LUCKILY, the mouse worked when I unplugged it since it's wired and wireless. I scoured the internet for a solution to my problem and quickly learned that has been an issue with Kaspersky since as early as 2016!? I saw that while keyboard input seemed, blocked, I was still able to communicate between PC and keyboard adjusting volume and opening calculator, for example. Moving forward, I tried uninstalling the devices multiple times and reinstalling them (after system restart), I tried modifying the registry, I tried running several different scans... ZERO luck. Then I thought, "Maybe disable Kaspersky?" Still nothing. I uninstalled, restarted, nothing. Windows troubleshoot was unable to fix my "driver error". I caved and called Kaspersky - this seemed promising since the rep sounded friendly! Alas, they told me the problem was not due to Kaspersky (I KNOW it was since that was the only significant change I made to my system), they could not help me and that I might need to contact Microsoft (ROFL, no)... Solution: Hold the shift key and restart the PC. Select a restore point from before installing Kaspersky. Wait about 10 minutes (will vary by system). Thanks for nothing, rep! ZERO effort. I hope you are shown this and not reprimanded, but at least LEARN to apply yourself to help customers. Call Ref #: 14316475
  3. Hi, I lose access to the internet inside my WSL2 as soon as I turn the VPN on. With VPN: ~# ping www.google.com ping: www.google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution Without VPN: ~# ping www.google.com PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=80.2 ms 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=137 ms 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=82.3 ms 64 bytes from maa05s19-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=84.8 ms I tried to exclude whatever WSL2-related processes through the SPLIT tunneling option to not use VPN, in vein. Any pointers would be highly appreciated as this makes Kaspersky VPN almost non-practical to use in my situation. ps: My /etc/resolv.conf looks like this, nameserver and ping also fails while VPN is on. Thanks. - Avo
  4. My Kaspersky Standard Edition always crashes and cannot perform a complete full scan. After scanning for a random time, the software will crash and then the software will restart (I have a lot of files, probably more than 20,000,000) I used windows10 downloaded from microsoft.com, the download address is as follows https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows10 Then I updated to Windows 11 and this problem still exists. This problem still exists after I use kaspersky4win21.14.5.462_zh-hans-cn_full.exe (265.07Mb) But this didn’t happen before using Windows 10 version 1903 (I can almost guarantee that this is correct, because after I used a version that couldn’t perform a complete full scan, I changed it back to this version and this didn’t happen. situation occurs) This time I am using 22H2 and 21H2 of Windows 10 and 22H2 of Windows 11. This problem exists, so I think this should be a software problem. I asked a friend who also uses Kaspersky. He doesn’t have more than 20,000,000 files. He can perform a complete full scan normally. Of course, I can sometimes scan 10,000,000 files, but cannot perform a complete full scan.
  5. Hello Sometimes when I browse different websites on the Web, the page or pages that I have saved in Kaspersky Plus in Money Security opens unexpectedly. The same thing happened before when I had Kaspersky Internet Security installed. What could be happening? Thank you very much
  6. Hi I am Nathans, I need help how to fix and remove the notification from http://wpad . domain . name/wpad.dat (Application name: svchost.exe) from safe browsing, and its kinda annoying to if get that like everyday and it can slow the internet, even I update the filmware from my routers still same to for all info User: NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE User type: System user Application name: svchost.exe Application path: C:\Windows\System32 Component: Safe Browsing Result description: Blocked Type: Malicious link Name: http://wpad . domain . name/wpad.dat Precision: Exactly Threat level: High Object type: Web page Object name: wpad.dat Object path: http://wpad . domain . name Reason: Databases
  7. The code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WFAAritmetikOperatorler { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* * + Toplama * - Çıkarma * * Çarpma * / Bölme * % Mod Alma * * = : Sağdakini soldakine aktarır. * = : Eşitlenebilir durumları birbirine eşitler. * * <sonuc> = <değer1> + <değer2> */ int sayi1 = 5; int sayi2 = 2; int tSonuc = sayi1 + sayi2; int cSonuc = sayi1 - sayi2; int crSonuc = sayi1 * sayi2; int bSonuc = sayi1 / sayi2; MessageBox.Show(tSonuc.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(cSonuc.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(crSonuc.ToString()); MessageBox.Show(bSonuc.ToString()); } } } The Error Message From The Visual Studio: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\WFAAritmetikOperatorler.exe" to "bin\Debug\WFAAritmetikOperatorler.exe". Access to the path 'obj\Debug\WFAAritmetikOperatorler.exe' is denied. WFAAritmetikOperatorler The Report From The Kaspersky Antivirus: Olay: Nesne silindi Kullanıcı: DESKTOP-EVCENE1\Shohzod Kullanıcı tipi: Etkin kullanıcı Uygulama adı: MSBuild.exe Uygulama yolu: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64 Bileşen: Dosya Antivirüsü Sonuç açıklaması: Silindi Tür: Truva atı Ad: VHO:Trojan.MSIL.Convagent.gen Doğruluk: Sezgisel analiz Tehdit düzeyi: Yüksek Nesne türü: Dosya Nesne adı: WFAAritmetikOperatorler.exe Nesne yolu: C:\Users\Shohzod\Desktop\Bilge Adam Eğitim\WFAAritmetikOperatorler\WFAAritmetikOperatorler\obj\Debug MD5: 9B433773ED81293080C61CE22E4F0D6C
  8. Merhaba, Kaspersky Plus abonesiyim bilgisayarımda bir uygulamanın internete bağlanmasını nasıl kesebilirim ? Güvenlik Duvarından Gelen Kurallar Giden Kuralları denedim sanırım Kaspersky Plus kontrol ettiği için olmadı yardımcı olursanız sevinirim. (Windows 11 kullanıyorum)
  9. Operating system: Windows 11 Home Single Language 64x Name and version number of the Kaspersky application: -Kaspersky Plus -ver: (a) So today as the first day I installed Kaspersky Plus, simultaneously my laptop (ASUS TUF) suddenly restarts/reboots itself frequently-suddenly without any explanation or reason that I can understand. please help, thank you.
  10. After clicking "install to edge" in the software, the browser will automatically open the chrome plug-in store. After clicking "install plug-in", the plug-in will be installed normally. After the installation, it will display that the connection to Kaspersky cannot be established. Software Version: Kaspersky Standard Edition System Version: Windows 11 Professional 22621.2215 Browser Version: Microsoft Edge 116.0.1938.54 (64-bit release) Browser Plug-in Version:
  11. Windows 11 Version 22H2 (OS Build 22621.2215) Kaspersky Security Cloud - Personal. Hi continually coming across incorrect username and or password when using Kaspersky PWM. However if I copy and paste same credentials from PWM into site or app then all is rosy. This is also coincident with the PWM's inability to Sync data. Anybody got any ideas about this behaviour? Kindest regards D.
  12. I cant sign in to my account
  13. I'm using Windows 11 with Korean IME. I tried turning off hardware virtualization didn't work. Only turning off the category worked but it loses the functionality.
  14. Salve, ho un problema con l'estensione per browser: quando clicco sopra l'estensione, e quindi cerco di utilizzarla, mi risponde con l'immagine allegata. Specifico che ho un abbonamento Premium e che quando apro l'app del pc mi dice d installare l'estensione seppure io l'abbia già fatto. (Ho anche provato a disinstallarla e reinstallarla).
  15. Hi, this week on 20 June I installed the free Kaspersky on my Windows 11 pc and my Samsung Galaxy phone.. I have two questions: 1. I registered it to my little-used email X but as I have got to know Kaspersky I see that was a mistake. I should have registered it to my usual email Y But when I went to change it, I saw I already had a very old Kaspersky account linked to that address. I want to delete that old account and change the email address of the new account but am afraid if I do that I might not be able to use that Y address again. Can anyone advise please? 2. I've discovered that since I installed Kaspersky, my OneNote account has not been syncing. This could be due to the above-mentioned difference in email addresses, or something else. Please can anyone help with that too? Many thanks Suet
  16. Почему ваши антивирусы не ищут FUD, полностью криптованные в рантайме вирусы даже про версия? За что мы платим деньги? Ну вот зачем?
  17. showing this error, not able to update database too, have already unistalled & installed 3 times, but still no solution, have already created ticket too: Kaspersky Technical Support - ID INC000015564799 Still no resolution from support too ... and due to this my MS Office got corrupted too, worse experience, never encounter this with Norton, thinking of going back to Norton, pls advice.
  18. Hi there, I'm having issues running Kaspersky Rescue Disk properly in my Lenovo IdeaPad 5 15 ARE05. I'll leave the exact steps I did and what results I got, with screenshots and photos along the way. 1- Downloaded the KRD ISO file from the official website. 2- Burned the ISO into a 16GB USB drive using Rufus Portable v3.20, download from this site Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way (see Rufus configuration.png) 3- Booted from the USB drive > KRD screen appeared > Picked English > KRS. Graphic mode —> Empty black screen (see Black screen.jpg) 3.a- Rebooted from the USB drive > KRD screen appeared > Picked English > KRS. Limited graphic mode —> Empty black screen (see Black screen.jpg) 3.b- Rebooted from the USB drive > KRD screen appeared > Picked English > Hardware info —> Empty black screen (see Black screen.jpg) 4- Rebooted > Opened BIOS setup > Changed "Boot Mode" from UEFI to Legacy Support and "Boot Priority" from UEFI First to Legacy First (see UEFI to Legacy.jpg) 4.a- Saved changes & booted from USB > KRD screen appeared > Picked English > KRS. Graphic mode —> Operation Successful + Warning (see Warning.jpg) 4.b- Rebooted from USB > KRD screen appeared > Picked English > KRS. Limited graphic mode —> Operation Successful + Warning (see Warning.jpg) 4.c- Rebooted from USB > KRD screen appeared > Picked English > Hardware info —> Operation Successful (download report) FYI: Find additional screenshots for my current BIOS configuration. I hope all of this will help in resolving this issue. Thank you.
  19. Kaspersky is not showing up on the new Context menu (and no i dont want to just use the old one, its working there though). So i was trying to find out how to fix it. I am using Kaspersky Internet Security Version
  20. Hi, whenever i right click on any folder or exe file, i can't see the option to scan with kaspersky for virus scanning. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling kaspersky, including password manager and Vpn, but the issue persists.
  21. Ever since installing Kaspersky Antivirus, I've been experiencing frequent disconnections of my external drive. Prior to the installation, I had no such issues. Despite disabling external drive scanning in the antivirus settings, the problem persists. I seek guidance and possible solutions to resolve the frequent disconnection of my external drive after installing Kaspersky Antivirus.
  22. Kaspersky Total Security (версия постоянно просит предоставить доступ к камере для Viber. С чем это может быть связано? Как избавиться от данного сообщения?
  23. hello i am living in turkey and the installation was done in turkish . how can i change the language of the software for windows 11
  24. Hallo Community, Ich habe ein Video gesehen wo es möglich ist mithilfe von der folgenden Unicodes eine Datei so zu verändern, dass sie nicht als .exe erscheind sondern als jede andere Datei. Beispiel ---exe.docx => sieht wie eine docx Datei aus aber dadurch, dass der Titel einen Unicode "left to right mark" verwendet ist es leider nicht gleich ersichtlich, dass es eine exe Datei und keine docx Datei ist. Man sieht es zwar wenn man im Explorer die Dateinamenerweiterung an hat. Kann auch mit jeder anderen Datei sein. Aber es wäre echt hilfreich wenn man diese Funktion austellen könnte damit fogende Befehle als Warnung angezeigt werden: U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK U+202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE U+2066 LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE U+2067 RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE U+2068 FIRST STRONG ISOLATE U+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE Denn dann muss man nicht jede einzelne Datei überprüfen mit command prompt und ">dir" und man schauen muss ob TeXT "?x" vor dem Dateinamen steht. Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe in der Vergangenheit ? (Screenshot im Anhang zeigt die richtig angezeigte Datei und um welche es sich handelt, da man ja leicht das Icon wechseln kann)
  25. After installing Kaspersky premium and restarting my computer kaspersky blocking asus services i tried to create exclusion, pause kaspersky but no luck only way to get Asus service to work again is to uninstall Kaspersky. I use the last version of i figure it out after several windows 11 reinstalls Has someone the same issue ?
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