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  1. Ich kann seit ein paar Tagen weder mein Android Tablet noch meinen Laptop mit dem Kaspersky VPN verbinden. Es kommt immer die Meldung "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen"
  2. 搁那写代码呢,然后要引入rlua库,然后再RA下载库的时候卡巴就直接把我文件删掉了,之前还有mdbook和wasm-pack也是被报毒,并且即使加入排除项中也没有效果。
  3. Operating System: Windows 11 Name and Version Number: Kaspersky Plus - (a) When I go to an instagram page, Kaspersky starts doing thousands of requests per minute. Might be causing issues with instagram reported below. Main Url is: https://gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/ then some codes that might mean something so I decided no to post and the rest of the url is in the print. I was having some issues where Instagram would say something on the lines of "We limit how many times users can follow other people to protect the comunity" I figure this might have something to do with it. Those requests still happen when Kaspersky is set to Disabled. If I let it run loose it will crash the browser overtime.
  4. Every time I start my computer up, I get a popup from Kaspersky about a self-signed certificate from Adobe AcroCEF. I have no idea what this means, but is there a secure way to fix this issue?
  5. Olá, Estou com problema na extensão, e não consegui ativa-lo, qual seria o método passo a passo para ativar? O mesmo está ativado só no Edge, mas no Chrome e no Brave não está. Windows 11 Navegador Brave e Chrome Kaspersky Premium Processador 11th Gen Intel(R) Core (TM) i5-11400H @ 2.70GHz 2.69 GHz RAM instalada 16,0 GB (utilizável: 15,8 GB) Tipo de sistema Sistema operacional de 64 bits, processador baseado em x64 Placa de vídeo GTX 1650
  6. Hallo liebes Team, bei eurer Schwachstellensuche unter Windows fehlt mir leider die Möglichkeit gefundene Schwachstellen beheben zu lassen, soweit dieses möglich ist. Aktuell werden mir einige angezeigt, die sich ausnahmslos auf ältere Versionen von 7z beziehen, da diese von einigen Programmen intern genutzt und automatisch mit installiert werden (da war sogar eine Version 9.x dabei), welche ja in älteren Versionen kritische Schwachstellen aufweisen. Bei mir betraf das u.A. Winget, welches ich regelmäßig benutze und es natürlich ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellt, obwohl bei mir die aktuelle Version von 7z installiert ist. Nun hat Windows ja die Angewohnheit durch die Installationen zu schützen was durchaus Sinn ergibt, aber in solchen Fällen auch extrem hinderlich sein kann, da ich jeweils erst die Rechte übernehmen muss, um die betreffenden Dateien austauschen zu können. Für einen unerfahrenen Nutzer dürfte das eine unüberwindliche Hürde darstellen und vermutlich wird er das dann ignorieren. Bei einigten anderen Schwachstellen lässt sich das zwar meist mit Updates beheben, nur eben nicht in dem genannten Fall, wo veraltete Dateien in aktuellen Versionen der Programme einfach mit installiert werden. Ob bei der Nutzung des betreffenden Programms dann die veraltete, oder die aktuell installierte genutzt wird, ist dann nicht so einfach festzustellen, ohne den Quellcode zu kennen. Nun wäre es sicherlich nicht so sonderlich aufwändig für euch (bin selbst Programmierer) den Nutzern diese Arbeit abzunehmen, zumindest im Falle von 7z und andernfalls eine Lösung dafür vorzuschlagen (bspw. Update des Programms, welches ja zum Teil schon durch eine andere Funktion erfolgt). Ich denke das dürfte einigen Anwendern dabei helfen mögliche Schwachstellen auch beseitigen zu können. Gruss Tom
  7. Can I buy a license now that has black Friday (or a discount period) and use it in 2 - 3 months when my active license expires?
  8. Yusuf Alp

    Kaspersky Açılmıyor

    Merhaba, geçen günlerde bilgisayarımı kullanırken Kaspersky'ın açılmadığını gördüm bundan sonra elle açmaya çalışınca da Kaspersky açılmadı, bu neredeyse 3 4 defa oldu (hatırladığım kadarıyla). Bu neden olmuş olabilir yardımcı olur musunuz? Not : Bilgisayar Windows 11 markayı isterseniz yazarım
  9. Hi guys! I'm back with a new guide, this time giving some tips of how to harden Low Restricted group. Without further delay, these are the steps to follow: 1.- Go to Settings -> Security Settings -> Advanced Protection -> Intrusion Prevention, and set: This may be a bit aggressive, so for newbies and / or standard users, probably better to leave Trust digitally signed applications enabled. That will lead to get less blocking in legit applications. 2.- Go to Settings -> Security Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Exclusions and actions on object detections, and set: 3.- Now We are going to hard a bit also Trusted group, so go to Settings -> Security Settings -> Advanced Protection -> Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Applications. Once Manage Applications window is open, select Trusted group with Your mouse pointer, then 1 click on mouse right button -> Details and Rules, and in the new window, go to tab Rights: In this new window We have to change the selected rights in orange color, to do so, again just select with Your mouse pointer in Shut down Microsoft Windows (1), then 1 click on the small arrow down on the right (2), then select Ask User (3), and later repeat the same to enable Log events (4): Repeat the same to change the remaining orange rights shows in previous capture, once ended, click on Save (and allow saving the changes in the next Kaspersky prompt window). 4.- And finally going to harden Low Restricted group. We are going to repeat all the steps in previous point to harden Trusted group, but this time with Low Restricted group: Go to Settings -> Security Settings -> Advanced Protection -> Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Applications. Once Manage Applications window is open, select Low Restricted group with Your mouse pointer, then 1 click on mouse right button -> Details and Rules, and in the new window, go to tab Rights: And then set all the changes in the rights inside red squares, don’t forget to click on Save once you're done. 5.- Additionally and to finish, I also added some restrictions in Intrusion Prevention -> Manage Resources: Added my user folder (Windows account located in C:\Users\<Your account>\) with those hardened restrictions, if you don’t know how to do so, check my previous guide, also in this community section: Implementing Protected Folders via Manage Resources + Anti-Exe / Default Deny Feel free to ask questions and / or doubts! Thanks all folks!!!! 😊
  10. Versión Kaspersky Plus Windows11 estoy revisando videojuegos que tengo, con la pagina de Virustotal.com, en el cual ya e visto muchos archivos con troyanos que tiene esta pagina, y no los detecta... para nada mi kaspersky plus abjunto un poco de los resultados que me salieron, y no me salio nada Espero y sea cambiar el launcher, por que me a protegido que me roben mi tarjeta en otras paginas
  11. I purchased a Primum Kaspersky and VPN Premium features didn't activated In my secound Email, But first Email works fine. FYI I bought an account up for 20 Device.
  12. Today when I clicked to enter Chrome, many notifications of the same detection started to appear, I found it very strange because a little before I was using it normally, I use Opera as a secondary browser, so in it I only use Instagram and Twitter, so I found it very strange that it was identifying a Trojan in the Opera installer, since I hardly use this browser. Evento: Objeto malicioso detectado Componente: Prevenção de intrusões Resultado da descrição: Detectado Tipo: Cavalo de Troia Nome: UDS:Trojan.Win32.Fsysna.iwdz Nível de ameaça: Alto Caminho do objeto.: C:\Users\brazu\AppData\Local\Temp\.opera\Opera GX Installer Nome do objeto: installer.exe Motivo: Proteção na Nuvem MD5: 283C1A2AA14E259A4C1A8CF1FC4BEB7E I tried to uninstall and Kaspersky was also blocking, after a while it stopped notifying, but I still can't uninstall Opera.
  13. I'm using Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (version 22631.2506) with Kaspersky Total Security Premium (version Despite having enabled both notification sounds and on-screen notifications for all critical events in settings - I get nothing. I downloaded a few malware samples to test, they were all detected, but the only way I would know is if I glanced at Kasperky's tray icon which turned red. But there was no sound nor any notification of a malicious object being present on my PC. For obvious reasons, I'd like these notifications. I already tried checking if notifications for Kaspersky are not silenced, and they aren't. I tried going to Settings -> Notifications and enabling "Get notifications from other senders" - it was already enabled. Kaspersky is not in that list. "Do Not Disturb" mode is not enabled and neither is it set to auto enable - I never use it. So far, I only get notifications if new devices connect to my network. How do I fix them? Any help is appreciated.
  14. How do I "uninstall" KIS from this machine, then, after restoring my OS, "reinstall" using the same key? I have tried to read the Kaspersky instructions. I've searched this forum, but I am just not certain I won't lose my key due to "too many installations." I have linked my license (activation code) to my My Kaspersky account. I have recorded my activation code separately so I won't lose it. I have not yet reinstalled (clean) my Windows 11 OS. What do I need to do next? How do I "uninstall" KIS from this machine, then, after restoring my OS, "reinstall" using the same key? I don't need a lot of details,. I just need to know what step is next before wiping my machine.
  15. Olá, assinei o Kaspersky e estou migrando do Bitwarden para o KPM e não estou conseguindo transferir as minhas senhas. A exportação foi feita em arquivo ".csv", que deveria ser compatível com o software. No momento em que solicito a importação, entretanto, recebo sempre uma mensagem de erro.
  16. Just now the antivirus detected HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic, from what i saw it was from a website that appeared in Google searches, I didn't even click on it, so I didn't understand. Was it the Kaspersky Google extension checking all search sites and revealing that it blocked this object? Am I safe? Evento: Download negado Usuário: ARTHUR\brazu Tipo de usuário: Iniciador Nome do aplicativo: chrome.exe Caminho do aplicativo: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application Componente: Navegação Segura Resultado da descrição: Bloqueado Tipo: Trojan Nome: HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic Precisão: Análise Heurística Nível de ameaça: Alto Tipo de objeto: Arquivo Nome do objeto: jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.4.1 Caminho do objeto.: https://www.zoommagazine.com.br/wp-includes/js/jquery MD5 de um objeto: FD4C47AAC748DE54C1BC6963397E8BA7 Motivo: Análise especializada Data da versão dos bancos de dados: Ontem, 15/11/2023 19:36:00
  17. Hi, every time I boot my PC, when I get on my desktop I get a pop up message Detected: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic Location: c:\windows\installer\msiaa65.tmp The last part after Installer\ changes all the time. I disinfect and restart the computer, but I am always in the same situation. Even a total scan doesn't yield any result, and nothing is found. I have Windows 11 updated to the last version available at the time of writing, same for Kaspersky Security Cloud - Personal. Thanks for any help to get rid of this annoyance.
  18. Hi ! Si I did a some research before coming here but I'm a bit stuck as my problem seems to be precisely in between everything I saw. Couple of days ago, I had two warning: - One from Windows Defender in the Device Security panel that brought me to Core Isolation. Memory Integrity was on and there was not a lot of thing I can do. I ended up ingnoring the notification and everything seems to be OK as it's green but I'm not sure it works because all I did was ignoring the warning. The only weird thing is that I can't turn off Memory Integrity (I can toggle the button but everytime I restart the PC it's on); - One from Kaspersky that advice me to use a computer with virtualization. In the settings, Hardware virtualization if avaiblable is on but I have a message saying it's incompatible. So I don't know if Windows Defender is doing his job or Kaspersky or if both are out... FYI, I tried several things to see if Wndows Defender is running Memory Integrity or to make Kaspersky see that virtualization is available: uninstalled Oracle VM Virtual Box, checked if virtualization is on in the BIOS, SFC /scannow and all the standard check, disabled Kaspersky Virtualization (that seems to "break" Core Integrity as it disappeared from Windows Defender), went to the Windows Feature menu to check if Hyper V is off and set on Windows Hypervisor Platform + Virtual Machine Platform, tried to force Core Isolation through Local Group Policy Editor,... In the end I don't really know what's happening... Unless if Windows Defender is really doing his job (but I'm not sure as the warning disappeared after I ignored it), I'll be grateful if you can help me out to understand if everything's alright ! Thanks a lot ! Regards, A5TRO
  19. Bom dia, estou tentando fazer a instalação do Kaspersky Endpoint Security versão mais recente ( para o Windows, porém, ao clicar para iniciar não e mostrado a tela de instalação, nada acontece. Está acontecendo tanto no Windows 10 quanto no 11.
  20. Olá estou tentando remover arquivos que foram identificados como potenciais riscos ao sistema, porém o programa fica horas com o spinner de loading como se tivesse trabalhando na exclusão mas não sai disso. Windows 11 Pro 22H2 x64 Build 22621 Kaspersky Plus
  21. i have an account kaspersky with an email, i wanted to renew my license and i entered another email, is it possible to transfer data to the original kaspersky account?
  22. Merhaba! Nasılsınız? Ben KYK yurtlarında ölmeden sürünerek yaşayan bir bireyim 😄 İnternet bizim yurtta aşırı sıkıntılı, bu yüzden ekde bulunan görseldeki güncellemelerin boyutu ne kadardır nasıl öğrenebilirim?.. (İnternet kullanım istatistiklerine göre tahminim "Aylık 700mb olarak görünüyor." 20mb falan-da mobil veri kullandığım için o mb'lerde lazım oluyor 😄 )
  23. takdick


    我在瀏覽一些需要輸入密碼的網頁時 經常出現"拒絕下載"的提示 是中了木馬嗎?全面查殺后又找不到病毒程式,請問該如何清除?(我已卸載有可疑的Chrome控件)
  24. Buenas a todos, acabo de publicar en la sección Advice and Solutions de la Comunidad una nueva guía que intenta dar algunos consejos de cómo reforzar o endurecer el grupo de Restricción Mínima del módulo Prevención de Intrusiones, antiguamente llamado Control de Aplicaciones: Como podréis comprobar está en inglés, igual que mi anterior guía, para mí es más fácil directamente crearla en inglés, porque así puede llegar a más usuarios de Kaspersky. Para los que no entendáis nada de inglés y estéis interesados en aplicar dichos ajustes, siempre podéis cambiar el idioma de vuestro Kaspersky temporalmente a inglés con la combinación de teclado MAYÚSCULAS + F12, y una vez aplicados, volver a castellano con MAYÚSCULAS + F5. Si tenéis dudas, preguntas, etc. aquí me tenéis 😊 ¡Espero que os guste! Saludos.
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