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  1. I entered a website in Chrome and received a download refused notification from Kaspersky, but when I enter the same website in the Brave browser, I do not receive a notification. Kaspersky not working in Brave?
  2. today is my renewal day and when the service has been renewed i found that the service has paid me the full price and there is a 33% discount in my region, shouldn't i be paying the discounted price?
  3. I bought Kaspersky Total Security 2022 (1 year/1 device) from a 3rd party app and it was delivered perfectly. I went to Kaspersky and activated the key. When I go to my licences, I have something called Kaspersky Pure for 2 years and 3 devices (?) + it says that I activated the product on December 24 2023 (although I did it today) and that it ends on December 24 2025 Now, when I go to my licence through the app it says Kaspersky Total Security and that I still have it for 3 devices... It doesn't make sense
  4. Problem: Uninstallation of Kaspersky Free 21.16 (EU installer, Win11 Pro)) left some registry leftovers. If I uninstall recent 3rd party - other than Kaspersky - AV trial, Windows Defender stays 'Non Configured' state, and system has no real-time protection by Defender. How do I get rid of those leftovers. I tried Kavremover in safe mode but no success. What version of av I should choose from Kavremover? Kvrt full system scan didn't found anything malicious. "Registry value deleted failed = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Provider\Av\{4F76F112-43EB-40E8-11D8-F7BD1853EA23}|REPORTINGEXE Registry value deleted failed = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Provider\Av\{4F76F112-43EB-40E8-11D8-F7BD1853EA23}|PRODUCTEXE Registry value deleted failed = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Provider\Av\{4F76F112-43EB-40E8-11D8-F7BD1853EA23}|STATE Registry value deleted failed = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Provider\Av\{4F76F112-43EB-40E8-11D8-F7BD1853EA23}|DISPLAYNAME Registry value deleted failed = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Provider\Av\{4F76F112-43EB-40E8-11D8-F7BD1853EA23}|GUID" I can't find any Kaspersky files from my pc, but these Kaspersky keys are locked: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\Repository\Packages\Kaspersky.ShellEx16_1.0.0.5_x64__b81m8cbssw9gt HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\Repository\Packages\Kaspersky.ShellEx16_1.0.0.5_x64__b81m8cbssw9gt HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Provider\Av\{4F76F112-43EB-40E8-11D8-F7BD1853EA23} HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateRepository\Cache\PackageFamily\Data\94 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\StateRepository\Cache\PackageFamily\Index\PackageFamilyName\Kaspersky.ShellEx16_b81m8cbssw9gt HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1058362154-1405732792-3603671799-1002\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\Repository\Packages\Kaspersky.ShellEx16_1.0.0.5_x64__b81m8cbssw9gt HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1058362154-1405732792-3603671799-1002_Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppModel\Repository\Packages\Kaspersky.ShellEx16_1.0.0.5_x64__b81m8cbssw9gt
  5. Hello, I would like to express my opinion on the product in hope that it will inherit some of Nordpass features that I miss. First of all, i had a problem when trying to import my passwords from Nordpass to Kaspersky, So I ended up manually importing all data took me lots of time. Kaspersky PM should support creating Passkeys like Nordpass is doing Kaspersky PM should fix the issue of having to create a new entry for an App (like if i have a spotify android app and spotify Desktop app, i have to make 2 entries for the same thing 😞 not good) Kaspersky PM on android have a problem not showing the right password when trying to log in into an app, even if i create a new password info while choosing (App) as an entry ***************** I use Kaspersky PM on windows and its working fine with websites but not with the apps. I like the vault feature something that Nordpass dont have or you have to pay more for it (no thank you!) So I hope these things will be fixed this next few months, Cuz i dont want to switch back to Nordpass.
  6. 我在使用edge浏览器访问“人民网”等网页时,卡巴斯基反病毒软件经常提示“已防止访问不可信赖的网站”,原因为“无效的证书名称,名称既不在白名单上也不在排除列表中。”(例如:https://cpc.people.com.cn/n1/2021/1112/c64387-32281102.html#) 在点击“我理解风险并希望继续”之后,我能给访问网页,但是网页不能正确加载,页面上所有的元素都是凌乱的。 我在“卡巴斯基反病毒软件的设置——网页反病毒设置——网址顾问——检查网址——设置排除项”中增加了一些我希望无限制访问的网页,在重启浏览器、重启电脑之后都没有效果。 我应当如何操作,不让卡巴斯基干涉我对这些重要网站的访问? 谢谢! 另附我正在使用的软件版本和系统信息:
  7. Среди активных процессов есть 2 процесса Registry и Secure System. Популярность у них нулевая и цифровая подпись отсутствует согласно "Активности приложений" касперского запускаются они файлом ntoskrnl.exe. Может ли быть дело в том что системный файл был заменен вирусом? Или касперский неправильно отображает системные процессы? ОС: Windows 11 23h2
  8. 1. Windows 11 x64 Pro 23H2 22631.3007 2. Kaspersky Free 3. Отсутствует интеграция в контекстное меню ОС. Невозможно запустить выборочную проверку из контекстного меню файла/папки. Из справки https://support.kaspersky.ru/kfa/21.13/199673 4. Пример контекстного меню, которое никуда развернуть невозможно:
  9. 测试网站逻辑一样是正常的,但是正式网站就被标记为钓鱼网站,然后被拦截了。唯一的差异是正式网站加了一层CloudFare的防护 烦请告知具体的原因,如果误报请从钓鱼库中移除,或者给一个解决方案? 急急急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 被拦截网站:https://dashboard.blockpi.io
  10. I'm currently using Windows 11 and I simply can't uninstall Kaspersky. I installed the free version last year. I already checked the list of apps that are incompatible with Kaspersky, didn't find anything there. Whenever I try to open Kaspersky it shows this window saying "Loading protection", but it never really does anything, just stays like this. On the icons part in the task bar this is the icon that appears but I can't interact with it at all, it just stays there: Whenever I try to uninstall I get this window that stays like this forever saying "Prepairing to uninstall": After I try to open it I can't even force it to end task from the windows task manager, it stays there running. What do I do to remove this software from my computer?
  11. Já li as regras, procurei algo referente, FAQ e nao encontrei nada falando sobre, por isso estou postando. Depois dessa ultima atualização que ocorreu essa semana, nao ocorreu mais o problema de fechar o programa e reabrir, mas agora o problema é no som, qualquer som fica estourando, estalando, se eu fecho o kas, o problema para de ocorrer, para esse caso não há um log nem nada, pq é constante o problema. Mais alguem com esse tipo de problema? sabem como resolver? O mais estranho que é somente no windows isso, tenho um macbook pro com o kas na msm versão e lá nao ocorre nenhum tipo de problema. 1º - win11 reinstalado 3x, formato 3 2º - 3º - problema ocorre nessa ultima versao 4º - formatado o pc, reinstalado o programa e continua o problema
  12. Bilgisayarı uzun zamandır kullanmıyodum ve sıfırladım siteye baktığımda 152 gün kaldığı yazıyo ekte atıcam fotoğrafı neyse siteden aboneliğin yanından indir dedim uygulamaya girdim ve ekranda *****@*****.tld için aboneliğiniz bulunmamaktadır yazıyo onuda ekte sundum problemim bu yardım eden herkese şimdiden teşekkürler. :)
  13. Le VPN ne fonctionne pas depuis plusieurs jours
  14. При попытке запустить подобный чат, который входит в подписку премиум. Открывает окно ожидания с на английском и нужно переключить язык на "Русско" (почему не русский не знаю). Но затем можно долго пялится в монитор и ждать и н____а не будет. А потом просто закроется сеанс. Зачем нужен сервис, который не работает. Есть вариант позвонить по телефону, вот только телефон МСК, а для жителей регионов это может вылететь в копеечку. Причем в первые дни перехода на новую линейку подписок все работало, а теперь видимо изменили ПО для работы с чатом, а баги исправлять дорого.
  15. Всем доброго времени суток. После того как скачал с «хорошего» сайта фотошоп, видать словил майнер. До переустановки системы воспользовался другим антивирусом, он поудалял какие-то вирусы, которые являются таблеткой для приложений. В итоге ничего не изменилось, в планировщике задач также что-либо подозрительное отсутствует, но продолжает скакать степень загрузки ГП. После переустановки всё так же, в планировщике ничего такого, поставил Касперский, проверил систему 3 раза - вирусов не найдено. ссылку прилагаю:
  16. Ich brauch mal euer Schwarmwissen: Ich hab aktuell das Problem, dass Kaspersky versucht einzelne Webseiten (selbst fritz.box oder eine IP im Heimnetz) über https aufzurufen und dieses entsprechend mit einer Fehlermeldung, was entsprechend vorab bestätigt werden muss. Kann man dieses irgendwie verhindern, dass er dieses umschreibt? Am Browser liegt es nicht, denn wenn Kaspersky beendet wird, ist das Problem nicht vorhanden.
  17. There are some features that crash in Windows Explorer when running Kaspersky. For example, when you open Explorer, then go to the side menu, then try to open the properties for any folder, Windows Explorer crashes and restarts Windows Explorer. There are some problems as well, but they are small and most people will not know about them.
  18. Hi, Can anyone please advise how to stop Kaspersky Plus from changing the view in forums?? It happens in all browsers (EDGE/Firefox/Opera) Cheers
  19. Hi, After updating to KESB for Windows through yesterday, our 3CX calls are now badly impacted. There are a number of methods of using 3CX; Windows app, Microsoft Store desktop app, "Electron" Desktop app (soon to be deprecated) and Web browser. With the Windows app, I am now unable to dial any target (voicemail, other extension or outside line). It immediately hangs up as "call failed". In both the new Microsoft Store app version and Web browser, these are allowed to dial, but call quality is poor and very quiet, despite microphone input level being at maximum. I uninstalled KESB and immediately all call functions and audio quality was restored under 3CX. Reinstalled KESB and all problems with 3CX returned. Any suggestions as to how to remedy this, perhaps by policy etc? Or does this need a code/database fix from Kaspersky? Thanks
  20. Hi all, I don't have good encryption knowledge so my question may seem very layman, but I want to understand how KPM works. I understand that KPM stores the passwords in an encrypted form. But What happens when I unlock the vault. Does it store the passwords in storage devices in unencrypted form or does it just keep it in memory? If it's stored in hard drive, then it is pretty vulnerable. And if it's stored in ram the hackers can get a memory dump and suddenly they will have all of my passwords. Also, what happens to the master key? Where is it stored? If it is stored in hard drive, then can't anybody just take the key and the encrypted vault and will be able to decrypt it?
  21. Ich kann seit ein paar Tagen weder mein Android Tablet noch meinen Laptop mit dem Kaspersky VPN verbinden. Es kommt immer die Meldung "Verbindung fehlgeschlagen"
  22. 搁那写代码呢,然后要引入rlua库,然后再RA下载库的时候卡巴就直接把我文件删掉了,之前还有mdbook和wasm-pack也是被报毒,并且即使加入排除项中也没有效果。
  23. Operating System: Windows 11 Name and Version Number: Kaspersky Plus - (a) When I go to an instagram page, Kaspersky starts doing thousands of requests per minute. Might be causing issues with instagram reported below. Main Url is: https://gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/ then some codes that might mean something so I decided no to post and the rest of the url is in the print. I was having some issues where Instagram would say something on the lines of "We limit how many times users can follow other people to protect the comunity" I figure this might have something to do with it. Those requests still happen when Kaspersky is set to Disabled. If I let it run loose it will crash the browser overtime.
  24. Bonjour, Informations Hardware sur le PC : ============================================ Processeur 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700 2.10 GHz Mémoire RAM installée 64,0 Go (63,8 Go utilisable) ID de périphérique E9E59AD3-8B3C-4BE9-9272-5B95240055EA ID de produit 00330-80000-00000-AA172 Type du système Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64 Stylet et fonction tactile La fonctionnalité d’entrée tactile ou avec un stylet n’est pas disponible sur cet écran ============================================ Information OS sur le PC : ============================================ Édition Windows 11 Professionnel Version 23H2 Installé le ‎04/‎08/‎2023 Build du système d’exploitation 22631.2792 Expérience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22681.1000.0 ============================================ LE PROBLEME : ============================================ Je n'entends pas mon interlocuteur lorsque celui ci me parle en vision conférence sur Teams ou sur l'application Whatsapp via mon casque (micro + écouteurs) Pourtant mon interlocuteur m'entends lorsque je parle dans le micro. Mais moi je ne l'entends pas via les écouteur. Ce casque est connecté en Bluetooth. J'ai cherché sur internet et je ne pense pas que le problème vienne du micro mais plus des écouteurs. Je vous mets ci-dessous la capture d'écran comme quoi tout est autorisé pour le micro dans Kaspersky pour l'application Firefox : Pour l'application Whatsapp ci-dessous : Es ce que quand vous dites micro, vous prenez en compte également les écouteurs du casque ? Je n'ai pourtant aucun problème pour écouter une vidéos sur YouTube via les écouteurs de mon casque toujours connecté en Bluetooth. J'entends très bien la musique dans les écouteurs de mon casque. Ainsi je ne sais vraiment pas d'où peut venir le problème ? Avez vous une idée ? Cordialement, Pierre.
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