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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. 1 hour ago, Adem said:
    1. I tried, but the issue wasn't resolved, so I've created a ticket.
    2. Additionally, there's an error in the Firefox extension installation process.
    3. In Kaspersky's own documentation.
    4. Here's how you can potentially help others:

    Hello @Adem

    You're most welcome!

    1. Excellent. 
    2. You're more than welcome to raise the issue with Kaspersky Customer Service. 
    3. Is not documentation we provided, furthermore - it works for us:image.thumb.png.3da55f5743e8c7ee630dcc8e98122784.png  image.thumb.png.78f51eb828a5307f50ac838303ffe29b.png  image.thumb.png.c765c182c17d1c6781274a908b193740.png
    4. 😅You misunderstand our role.
    5. Why you're also downloading/activating a *Windows* KPM extension for a Mac issue is beyond us. 
    6. You're more than welcome to report both issues to Kaspersky Customer Service while you're working with them to resolve the original issue. 

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available - you may then *potentially* help other Kaspersky Community members.  
    Thank you🙏

  2. 7 hours ago, Adem said:

    MacOS Sonoma 14.5 Firefox 125.0.2 (64 Bit)

    The extension consistently remains in this state. I can only use it once or twice at most. Both the Password Manager and the Kaspersky Protection extension are malfunctioning. You can see it in the screenshots. The only thing I've noticed is that if I don't enter a password into and activate the Kaspersky Password Manager application on MacOS, it doesn't encounter any errors. Of course, in that case, I can't use the password manager.

    Does anyone have any ideas about this?

    Hello @Adem


    Following this guide: Uygulamayı kullanmaya başlama -> please do the following steps:

    1. Uninstall Kaspersky Password Manager (KPM) application. 
    2. Uninstall the Kaspersky Password Manager extension. 
    3. Exit the Firefox browser. 
    4. Shutdown, power OFF the Mac. Power ON & login. 
    5. Download a new KPM installer. 
    6. Install KPM application. 
    7. Install KPM extension. 
    8. Recheck if KPM extension continues to stay in a "Lütfen bekleyin" status? IF the answer is YES, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you:


    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  3. 1 hour ago, moath said:

    Subscription of five devices - I have a total subscription, and one device is supported, and when I added a new device it is not accepted.

    1. Please resolve as soon as possible
    1 hour ago, moath said:

    Knowing that I am using only one device

    Hello @moath


    • What is the error message (you) see when (you) added a new device & it is not accepted
    1. The Community cannot resolve the issue, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, they have access to (your) private information, the Community does not -  https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support will guide you.                                                           image.thumb.png.8929530e25765435bb38c5866adbcba5.png

    Thank you🙏

  4. 16 minutes ago, KingOfSpice said:

    I tried to delete the contents of this folder but I could not. It said that the folder or file is open in another program. I have restarted my PC and have disabled Kaspersky in the task manager, but there it still won't delete. I saw there are some Kaspersky background processes so I ended the two that I could end, but I could not end "Kaspersky Lab Launcher (32 bit)" and it says "Access is denied." (see screenshot).

    Hello @KingOfSpice


    1. Which Kaspersky software is installed - name & version, in Windows *Hidden icons* - right-click the Kaspersky icon & select About
    2. Has Enable Self-Defense been *UNCHECKED*?  (Point 2 in the instructions above - from Igor Kurzin).

    Thank you🙏

  5. 2 hours ago, Barak said:

    I'm running the latest Window 11 x64 and the latest version of KSP free and standard.

    On startup an invisible "reports" window opens, it's icon is visible on the taskbar, ALT+TAB and task manager.  
    I can't see it nor close it, it just stays there.

    The only way to remove it is to open a reports window and close it but it will return on restart.

    • 3. Any idea how to fix it?

    Hello @Barak


    1. Is there a Kaspersky Free subscription on one computer & Kaspersky Standard subscription on another computer? (noting it's not possible to have more than one Kaspersky AV running simultaneously). 
    2. Read this similar topic by @focussssReports taskbar bug
    3. IF (you) have a licensed (paid, not free) Kaspersky subscription - log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you. image.thumb.png.fcd42ec604fcf84403d18b1aac0ecb7d.png

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  6. 16 minutes ago, Nawaz said:
    1. My VPN has securely connected an Indian server, but still I am unable to browse some Indian websites which are country specific and blocked outside India.
    2. Another issue is sometime my google page is showing location as Romania whereas I am still connected to Indian VPN server.

    Hello @Nawaz,


    1. Also, regarding: "VPN has securely connected an Indian server", according to Kaspersky: Kaspersky VPN functionality is not available in India. READ: What's new in the latest version of the application
    2. Regarding Google page showing Romania when the VPN is connected to VPN India, use: https://www.maxmind.com/en/locate-my-ip-address - what is the result? 
    3. When logging the request, with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you. 

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  7. 34 minutes ago, ptyers1 said:

    I think I must of purchased an additional KIS but it says Subscription not in use remaining days 732

    • My current subscription expires in 7 days 

    Q. will this activation kick in when the other one expires?

    If not why is it showing Remaining days 732?

    Hello @ptyers1


    1. For (your) own privacy & security, when posting images to a public forum, please always hide private information, e.g. email address; we've asked the Moderators to modify (your) image. 
    2. From the image (you've) posted it's impossible to see (your) *other* subscriptions - IF there are any....?
    3. 732 days appears to be a two-year subscription, each Kaspersky annual subscription is 366 days - did (you) purchase a two-year KIS subscription? 
    4. Go to: https://my.kaspersky.com/MyLicenses#/portal/pages/licenses & post a full-screen screen-print of that page, hide any private information before posting please? 

    Thank you🙏

  8. 3 hours ago, HeatherG said:

    Did you find a solution yet?

    I'm having the same issue after doing a factory reset on my router. I even uninstalled and re-installed Kaspersky but the "smart monitor" still doesn't find my devices.

    Three days wasted on this so far.

    Hello @HeatherG


    @Nil has not responded to the reply by Moderator @harlan4096.

    Reference documentation: Kaspersky for Mac, Smart Home MonitorKaspersky for Mac, View and update the list of home network devices

    IF (your) Kaspersky Smart Home Monitor is not functioning on (your) Mac, even tho (you've) taken recovery steps of factory resetting the router & re-installing the Kaspersky software, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you: image.thumb.png.d84bdb55c81619a9d41db90499057ebf.png

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

    • Like 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Boncip said:

    I want to ask, that my friends are using Kaspersky premium for 1 account 3 device, however he actually only need 2 device, for his pc and phone, so he gave 1 slot device to be used. 

    My questions are:

    • 1. Is he able to see all of the data or my password from his MyKaspersky account? 
    • 2. Is he able to remote to my computer from MyKaspersky account? 
    • 3. I know he is my friend, and probably will say that I should buy for my own account, but if I already buy for my own account and I share device slot to my family, I still want to know how far other can access to my/other device if that the case, just to be safe. 
    • 4. Is there any way to block or separate from my side/device to be not controlled or seen or data collected from his account? 

    Hello @Boncip


    1. No. 
    2. No. 
    3. The Subscription *owner* shares the subscription, to allow for the other user to use the subscription; from their MyKaspersky account, on (your) device they will be able to: View the list of computer security problems and fix *some of them* remotely, Scan the computer for viruses and other threats  - Full scan & Quick scan, Update databases and application modules, Configure *some* Kaspersky components & Disconnect (your) device. *READ* Remote management of computer protection. They will not be able to see (your) passwords or manage any of (your) data/files etc. *READ* Shared protection & all the sub-articles. Also note, Remote management & remoting to (your) computer are *different*, in (your) Kaspersky application, Self-defense, do not Allow managing Kaspersky settings via remote control applications & do not enable external management of system services, *READ* Self-Defense settings image.thumb.png.afab1229a210929b924f7ea6368dac37.pngimage.thumb.png.fb869b38ed6ff94a762f42db2ada9cac.png    image.thumb.png.371798c4190fe8bf540a751492417426.png
    4. (you) can Password protect (your) installed Kaspersky application, *READ: How to password-protect access to the application management functions - however, this may not prevent the subscriber performing the above actions in point 3. as they *own* the subscription & they have *shared* their subscription with you - so they retain some control:         image.thumb.png.a632fb282039f22dbe6e4e9dcaca986d.png

    Any questions or problems, please post back? 

    Thank you🙏

  10. 6 hours ago, merula said:

    No success so far unfortunately although your help is very appreciated and I did all things exactly as suggested, seem logical of course and would have been the things done by myself (or very near to it), I just wanted to avoid a complete uninstall, new download etc. but did it   

    Uninstalled successfully, I did not see a single Kaspersky file after this (the uninstall routine suggested to keep the subscription data but I removed them too because maybe exactly this caused problems, could not be wrong in my opinion) 

    I did NOT try to open the UI immediately after the new installation (finished successfully without any errors or so) but did a shutdown and restart instead, cannot be wrong in my opinion either because the software should know/check if it exists on the pc and ask for the license or something similar even after 2, 5 or 20 restarts or not..  

    After shutdown/restart I had to try to open the software/UI of course, you said "The new application has to synchronize/connect with (your) MyKaspersky account to *pick-up* the License key"..  -  "You must sign into the Kaspersky application - using the same email address that was used to buy the Kaspersky Standard subscription.  Don't try an add an Activation code & OR a License key - anywhere!!" BUT I only got this window asking for an activation code again unfortunately which is a real mystery to me because I did not make a single mistake in installing etc. so I am on a dead end again and do not have any ideas anymore to solve this, seems to me that the software thinks that I do not have a valid license or so maybe but I never did anything other as buying the software legally and install it, all other things would be very silly with an av program anyway (and all is shown as valid in my account with expiration data, license number etc.)   

    So how to continue, would the support give me an activation code in this situation, maybe ? Not sure if this would work anyway or if things are messed up already in hidden areas of the registry or so (not by me but by Kaspersky suspecting wrong things maybe etc.)   

    I will definitely not make a complete os reinstall with creating images and all things necessary, I did never expect that installing/activating Kaspersky would be so difficult, I really would like to use it but am not far from giving up and I think the only solution (if any) would be trying an activation code

    By the way I used Emsisoft Ant-Malware last years without any problems but the license expired and only Windows 10 and higher get program updates anymore (completely removed from the pc before installing Kaspersky of course), it would have been possible to get antivirus definitions for the longer future with Emsisoft and Windows 7 just using an older program version but a) I considered 40 euros yearly for a single pc license rather expensive and b) heard good things about Kaspersky of course and just wanted to try it but see above, this German security nonsense is irrelevant to me although I live in this not so wonderful country, still using Windows 7 may seem strange but I have my reasons for it and do not need other versions for the things I do and I checked that Kaspersky is okay with 7 before buying of course so I really think that this is not the reason for this strange activation problem but what else..  

    So how to continue, asking the support for an activation code and try it ? I do not know if you are in the official Kaspersky support or just a helpful person so if you still have another idea I am happy with it but there should be a realistic chance or rather high probability for solving the problem by it, does not make much sense to try this uninstall/new install thing 10 times when chances are very low for a solution by this   

    By the way I cannot imagine that I am the only person with this problem or what about this...   


    Hello @merula

    Thank you for the update, that's disappointing & we do understand your frustration.

    • Reading thru your notes we do not believe you've done anything wrong. But there's clearly something not right. We do not believe a OS refresh is required. 
    • Kaspersky supports Windows 7 - it is fine to use Windows 7. 
    • IF the License key is in (your) MyKaspersky account the installed Kaspersky Standard application & (your) MyKaspersky account need to synchronize - to activate the installed Kaspersky Standard application. 
    • We're not official Kaspersky support, *all* Community members are volunteers, unless they have Kaspersky employee beside their name. 
    • On this screen, is there any writing below - Wo finde ich einen Aktivierungscode? image.thumb.jpeg.22702904ba3d74c756a99edc4d14d6a1.jpeg


    • *Looking at this image below, on (your) computer, there is no: Restore subscription from your account?  || Abonnement von Ihrem Konto wiederherstellen?



    If the answer is NO, at this stage, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - 
    on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support will guide you; also, Support may offer to remote to your computer to provide assistance, it's not mandatory to accept this, it's *your* choice:               image.thumb.png.78422f9f9a0cce12a21fbe5bb72a8173.png

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  11. 34 minutes ago, Ahoy said:
    1. I've started using Kaspersky again after 20 years :s
    2. A threat was immediately detected: PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic. 

    It seems to be real.

    Hello @Ahoy

    1. Also, Kaspersky Total Security (KTS) has been replaced by Kaspersky Plus, eventually KTS will be obsolete; Kaspersky have not yet announced an end-date; you're welcome to upgrade KTS to Kaspersky Plus, the upgrade is free & is like-for-like, reference:  Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - info & FAQ, by Danila T.
    2. And Kaspersky's advice for PDM:Trojan.Win32.Generic detections: Files to send to Kaspersky technical support in case of PDM malware detection

    Thank you🙏

  12. 7 hours ago, zoltan_90 said:
    1.  TVNZ website - when the player loads, it brings up the same error overlay as in the image in my original post.
    2. Amazon URL & Chicago server (which I arbitrarily favour as a US server), but none of the other US servers make a difference.

    Hello @zoltan_90

    You're most welcome!

    Thank you for the information & clarification!!

    1. We can replicate the TVNZ issue.         image.thumb.png.af78a66736f5697688fe4a3dbba398fd.png image.thumb.png.052ad375c94a9a4dd6ff188417a61921.png
    2. (ioo) Amazon is referring to (your) account details, for location / payment information, are you registered in the US OR AUS? 
    • For TVNZ, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you. You may also wish to raise the Amazon issue with Kaspersky Customer Service

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  13. 8 minutes ago, merula said:

    I just see that avpui.exe is shown with note "Signature invalid" in System Informer (advanced task manager), maybe a matter of this activation thing or another general problem (just for your information) 

    Your instructions go into the direction I had thought about already but had hoped to avoid this but well...  

    Late in the night here, will do things as suggested tomorrow and hope that this will not produce more problems, but things happen so quite a lot of optimism here so far, will write later again (can be 12 hours or more from now but no need to hurry)    

    Hello @merula

    Thank you for the information!

    There's no rush, take your time & have a peaceful rest😴

    Thank you🙏

  14. Hello @merula

    1. Re "no protection at all", Windows is protecting you at the moment. 
    2. Using Windows *Uninstall* Kaspersky Standard image.thumb.png.c51431d4300e603bfb62fc43ac33b8d7.png
    3. ** Very important - at the end on the uninstall shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, then power ON by pressing the power-button & log in. 
    4. Sign in (your) MyKaspersky account.
    5. In the subscription information window, click Download to download Kaspersky Standard to your device, see image:                                    image.thumb.png.a20eff4088d2300fc4d763dad8fe3b88.png
    6. Install Kaspersky Standard - follow: How to install the application
    7. When the installation is successfully completed, the application will automatically connect to your account and be activated according to the subscription you have purchased.

    Post back if there's any questions or problems, please? 

    Thank you🙏

  15. 1 minute ago, merula said:

    Yes, I know the license key and it is shown since yesterday at least and all seems to be well and  subscription is valid etc. but.. 

    After a shutdown and restart I saw "starting the app is prepared" or so and I had hoped all would be good but after 30 seconds or so I only got this activation window again and nothing more could be done   

    Hello @merula

    Ok, thank you for the information! Great, please wait, we are writing instructions. Thank you. 

  16. 21 minutes ago, merula said:

    Unfortunately things did not change to the better side after a complete shutdown and restarting the pc


    IF (you're) unable to access the installed software - (when you have time) the computer must be shutdown & then powered ON by pressing the power-button, login & then (you) must sign into the Kaspersky application - using the same email address that was used to buy the Kaspersky Standard subscription. 


    I would do this of course but not possible because of this activation code window already attached in this thread see the screenshot above and no chance to get into other things or options etc.  


    Don't try an add an Activation code & OR a License key - anywhere!!


    A little bit strange because the program asks for it so there is an option for this apparently, too and maybe this would or will be the only solution in the situation here but probably this "synchronizing" with the account is preferred by Kaspersky because of possible piracy or so but I bought it as everyone can see 

    I really had not expected that it would be so difficult (or  impossible at this moment at least) just to activate so what will the support do in this situation, give me an activation code maybe ? I cannot see another solution so far, even thinking about a complete uninstall and download again from my account and install again etc. but maybe this would give even more problems, the application is "running", I can see files like avp.exe and avpui.exe in System Informer (formerly Process Hacker similar to Process Explorer) and 10 to 15 services and drivers related to Kaspersky, I cannot even stop these processes but the program is not or just cannot be activated so no protection at all so far of course, rather frustrating but still hoping for a solution and I appreciate your detailed help             

    Hello @merula

    Thank you for posting back & the information!

    1. In your MyKaspersky account, do you see the *License key*, similar to B in this image:


  17. 12 minutes ago, merula said:

    Anyway I saw this hours ago already but as you said it is a license key and not the activation code wanted from the application so it does not help directly 

    Still have to restart the pc but some important things here at the moment so no need to hurry and thanks so far   

    Hello @merula

    You're most welcome!

    This: Das abonnement für Kaspersky standard windows auf einem verbundenen gerät verwendet

    >> tells you the computer & your MyKaspersky account need to connect for the Kaspersky Standard application to work!

    IF (you're) unable to access the installed software - (when you have time) the computer must be shutdown & then powered ON by pressing the power-button, login & then (you) must sign into the Kaspersky application - using the same email address that was used to buy the Kaspersky Standard subscription. 

    Don't try an add an Activation code & OR a License key - anywhere!!

    Thank you🙏

  18. 15 minutes ago, merula said:

    I wrote just seconds before seeing your answer, will have to work through your explanations, thanks so far   


    10 minutes ago, merula said:

    Has the *new* Kaspersky *application* been signed into, from the Kaspersky application.

    1. I cannot do anything from the application itself, just see the window stuck with the need for an activation code 


    Hello @merula

    You're most welcome!

    1. Re: "I cannot do anything from the application itself, just see the window stuck with the need for an activation code", post a full-screen screen print of the Kaspersky *application* - include the computer date & time in the image please? 

    Thank you🙏

  19. 5 hours ago, merula said:
    • I bought the program.
    • have an account.
    • subscription is shown as valid.
    • but just not working so far ("protection is deactivated" or so, German version here) 

    A mail after payment said that there is no need for an activation code but the program definitely wants one here and the website says


    Je nach Methode der Bestellung von Kaspersky-Programme können Sie einen Aktivierungscode wie folgt erhalten:

    • Wenn Sie das Produkt im Onlineshop gekauft haben, wird der Aktivierungscode an die E-Mail-Adresse gesendet, die Sie beim Bestellen angegeben haben
    • >

    This is the way I bought it but I did not get a code, maybe a problem that I downloaded the program before buying so the version is not connected with my account? But "Connect new app" or so just gives the options "Buy" (done already) and "Download"(makes no sense because the program is installed already etc.) 

    1. So why are things/instructions on the contrary (activation code needed yes and no) and what to do now?

    99% sure that it will not work without an activation code here, but mails tell me (mostly) that one does not need one     


    Hello @merula


    1. Has the *new* Kaspersky *application* been signed into, from the Kaspersky application, using the same email address that was used to buy the *new* Kaspersky subscription? 
    2. Since *installing* the new Kaspersky software, has the computer been shutdown, using SHUTDOWN, not Restart, then powered ON by pressing the power-button & logged in? 
    3. *Which* Kaspersky software subscription was *actually* purchased? 
    4. A MyKaspersky account? Good!
    5. If that means in (your) MyKaspersky account, you can see the *new* Kaspersky subscription, good!
    6. IF (your) emails look like images 1 & 2 & in (your) MyKaspersky account - image 3 - the *new* subscription shows it's *Active* & has a *License key* - (you) don't need an Activation code!
    7. *The new application has to synchronize/connect with (your) MyKaspersky account to *pick-up* the License key - has that step been done? IF the answer is YES & your application is still not working correctly, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - 
      on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in template as shown in the image 4. below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support will guide you:

    image 1 


    image 2


    image 3


    image 4

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  20. 3 hours ago, zoltan_90 said:

    Win10 V.  22H2 (OS Build 19045.4291); Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection VPN:

    Based in Australia.

    Have tried resetting my modem, and freshly installing the VPN app on my OS. No change. Problem arose only a couple of days ago.

    Two websites known so far are:

    Currently blocked (as of this post)
    Server: New Zealand

    Amazon (Free with ads) content
    Server: All that I've tried.


    Hello @zoltan_90


    1. Tvnz accessible without VPN (for us)    image.thumb.png.11ce17d9bd685a8aba4e95259a672856.png
    2. Post / share the *actual* Amazon URL please? 

    Thank you🙏

  21. 45 minutes ago, howtodothat said:

    It worked! Thank you so much!

    1.  Is there any way that I can force this IP to stay blocked even I know how to unblock it?

    Hello @howtodothat

    You're most welcome!

    1. The question does not make sense (ioo) - having the knowledge to change / unblock something is not the same as changing the existing Firewall Packet Rules (you've) configured.... The domain / IP is either blocked or unblocked - IF (you) wish to leave the rule configured but not use the rule - the *Status* can be changed to Inactive - see image below - IF the rule is Inactive the IP will not be blocked - otherwise - IF the rule is Active - the IP/Domain will be blocked.... 
    2. *IF we've misunderstood the question please post back? 


    Thank you🙏

  22. 9 hours ago, W.R said:
    1. Recently, I bought 3 users 1 year KS Standard.
    2. But, the problem is that I can't use it for 3 separate My Kaspersky accounts but rather 3 devices connected but under one My KS account.
    3. What did this happen for?
    4. Can it be solved?

    Hello @W.R


    1. Which website was Kaspersky Standard subscription purchased from please? 
    2. Correct, the Kaspersky Standard, 3 Device, 1 year subscription is for *3 devices*, not Usershttps://www.kaspersky.com/standard & https://shop.kaspersky.com/checkout
    3. A Kaspersky Standard, 3 Device, 1 year subscription is for 3 devices, 1 User. 
    4. There's a 30-day money-back guarantee, if the *existing* subscription meets the requirements - you may wish to log a Refund request with Kaspersky Customer Service - follow this guide: How to request a refund for a Kaspersky application - fill in the template as in the second image below, then purchase the 5 Device subscription -                                          image.thumb.png.5925016c4108da8ffbfd2dfbde3e63ef.png
    5. Also, read: How your subscription works.


    Thank you🙏

    • Thanks 1
  23. 2 hours ago, howtodothat said:

    I need to block a website so I can't access it how can I achieve this using kas firewall or other setting. 

    I need to ban the entire URL and IP address of the website. 


    Hello @howtodothat


    Use Firewall Packet Rules, follow the guide: Firewall, Packet rules & examples in the images 1 & 2, the result is image 3:






    Thank you🙏


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  24. 12 minutes ago, Venkman83 said:

    Has there been any update on this bug being fixed? 

    Hello @Venkman83


    Not according to reference topic raised by @GTOMTOMKaspersky Plus & SSD SAMSUNG 980 PRO 1TB Critical SSD - altho @GTOMTOM,  November 1st, 2023, posted a workaround... perhaps that may be of assistance - otherwise you may wish to log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - 
    on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you:image.thumb.png.7e0503f7b69b516bef9b9878c1ce0898.png
    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

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