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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. 2 hours ago, Rajib said:

    Dear All

    when I play video in my laptop, play is not continuous-it is intermittently getting stopped- if I press any key like cntrl-tab then for sometime it is ok and again start flickering.

    It looks there is some kind of KEY STROKE VIRUS available in my laptop but it is somehow undetectable by Kaspersky.

    2 hours ago, Rajib said:

    I had a recorded video file, but I could not attached with this message.

    Hello @Rajib,

    BEFORE contacting support - IF (your) Kaspersky software is v21.3 - follow steps 1 to 10 - IF - AFTER following steps 1 to 10 - the issue with the video persists, then proceed to logging a request with Kaspersky Customer Service - step 11.

    Upgrade to Kaspersky's new version, the upgrade is free & is like-for-like; read: Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - info & FAQ, by Danila T.

    For the upgrade please follow these steps: 

    1. Check (your) MyKaspersky account, Subscriptions tab & make sure the *existing* Kaspersky Activation code is saved there? 
    2. Create a System restore pointHow to create a restore point in Windows
    3. Uninstall the existing Kaspersky software -> during the uninstall (you) will be prompted to save data - only select License information, Data Encryption if (you've) created data vaults for storage & Anti-Spam databases if (you've) built such a database. 
    4. At the end of the uninstall make sure the computer is rebooted. 
    5. Download the new software from here: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product
    6. Install, follow: How to install the application
    7. At the end of the install make sure the application is *signed into* with the same email address that (you) use to sign into (your) MyKaspersky account - so the software, account & license synchronise. 
    8. Run a Database update. 
    9. Shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN not Restart, when the computer if fully OFF - power ON by pressing the power button, login.
    10. Recheck the video issue? 
    11. IF the video issue persists, please log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, on the support page, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the following image; please include any screen images of the error & a *detailed history*image.thumb.png.bc1a2d184cef68eddf3b302ca22be5a0.png

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

    Thank you🙏

  2. 1 hour ago, Rajib said:

    Dear All

    when I play video in my laptop, play is not continuous-it is intermittently getting stopped- if I press any key like cntrl-tab then for sometime it is ok and again start flickering.

    It looks there is some kind of KEY STROKE VIRUS available in my laptop but it is somehow undetectable by Kaspersky.

    1 hour ago, Rajib said:

    I had a recorded video file, but I could not attached with this message.

    Hello @Rajib

    Welcome back!

    Please read this guide: Read before you create a new topic! by Danila T.  & provide:

    1. Full OS version & build:
    2. Full Kaspersky name & version:
    3. For the video, upload to any cloud - GoogleDrive, Mega, Ice, OneDrive etc., any at all, your choice - then post the share-link please? 
    4. & please read: You suspect your PC is infected. What should you do?
    5. What is Keystroke Logging and Keyloggers?

    Thank you🙏

  3. On 4/28/2024 at 9:57 PM, p0km0n said:

    When I going to open eg.  https:// apkcombo . com/

    I receive:


    What is it??? What Parental Control (I do not have it at all)? Why it is False Positive?

    Full discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/antivirus/comments/1ajdq3s/kaspersky_plus_blockedbyparentalcontrol/

    6 hours ago, permaculturee said:

    I get the same thing.

    There is no parental control option in Kaspersky Plus settings.

    I tried adding the sites to the whitelists for Trusted URLS and the URL advisor, but that doesn't fix it either.

    Hello @p0km0n & @permaculturee


    • Only Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts can analyze & confirm false positives & or the source of Kaspersky alerts. 
    • Having said that, (ioo) it's got nothing to do with Kaspersky Parental Control. Kaspersky replaced KPC a long time ago with Kaspersky Safe Kids; $BlockedByParentalControl$, $FalsePositiveWarn$ is not from KSK. 
    • With Kaspersky Premium - (c) - when we go to apkcombo - we get no alerts whatsoever; we selected various apks & navigated to their extended detail - but didn't download any apks. 
    • https://opentip.kaspersky.com/https%3A%2F%2Fapkcombo.com%2F/?tab=lookup
    • When we go to rawinu & open a card, we get: Download denied:  Probability of unauthorized software download.
    • https://opentip.kaspersky.com/https%3A%2F%2Frawinu.com%2F/?tab=lookup
    • According to the reddit - you have opened a case with Kaspersky @p0km0n, if we've understood it correctly? IF not both of you please:
    1. Log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, on the support page, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the following image; please include any screen images of the error & a *detailed history*                          image.thumb.png.b4c124ff49f6ec04f3716a4efd6fece3.png

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

    Thank you🙏

    Read: What to do if a Kaspersky application blocks my website or application




  4. 7 hours ago, garioch7 said:
    • Premium
    • I have installed it on *both* of my Android phones, but I can not find a way to remove the small K shield from the top left of my *Android 14* phone.
    1.  Is it possible?
    2. I searched this Forum and also asked "Mr. Google," but I couldn't find a way to do it. 

    Hello @garioch7, Phil, 


    1. Yes. 

    Settings, Apps, select Kaspersky, select Notifications, toggle OFF, this blocks notifications from Kaspersky & is not recommended:                                                                                                              image.thumb.png.adaadd4c36d74731952e12946d42faba.png                     

    Settings, Notifications, Advanced settings -> Show app icon in notifications 

    We changed All notifications to Number of notifications only; other options are shown in the One UI 3.1 image below, they're self-explanatory:                                                                                                  image.thumb.jpeg.563bfa1d0183ab15e3f9709957a46e30.jpeg

    1. It's a Samsung issue (not Kaspersky), information available from Samsung or websites like androidcentral. 
    2. The *advantage* of showing the Kaspersky icon in the Status bar - IF there's an issue the icon will change colour - Yellow or Red; removing the icon will hide the opportunity to see this easily. 

    Any issues or concerns please post back? 
    Thank you🙏

  5. 37 minutes ago, C700 said:

    When i contacted support they told me i bought subscription without VPN ?!! I thought every premium already contain VPN seem strange to me 

    Hello @C700

    Thank you for posting back & the information!

    The Premium subscription (you) purchased *did* include the free VPN, you have the screen-print to prove that (shared in this topic April 27th, 2024). So, in that respect (ioo) the information from KSC is not accurate; the problem is - unfortunately - the Indian government has made user data collection mandatory & because Kaspersky has a policy of protecting their subscribers privacy it's not possible to provide VPN services in India. Suspended sales in India is the source document we provided in our previous post.

    Thank you🙏

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, saul said:

    Through the detection of https://www.virustotal.com/, this app reported a virus, prompting not-a-virus:HEUR:RiskTool.AndroidOS.Revpn.q. This app is not a virus. I have been using it for a long time. And there is no error in the detection of https://opentip.kaspersky.com/
    Can you please confirm what the problem is and how they should fix it?

    Hello @saul


    Please read: Not-a-Virus: What is it?

    Kaspersky uses this to *warn* users - in case they do not know they have the apk. 

    IF (you) wish, you can submit it to Kaspersky's Virus Lab Experts & ask them for a review, on the support page, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template with Malware, False Positive; please include any screen images of the error & a detailed history.
    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 

    Thank you🙏

  7. 37 minutes ago, dfrischa said:

    same to me. Discord Updater don't work when Kaspersky is running since about 4-6 weeks - maybe a bit longer.

    Kaspersky Version (I).

    Also the Battle.net dont work since 1 week.

    I had no such problems since the first time I used kaspersky (> 10 years)

    Hello @dfrischa

    Welcome & thank you for the information!

    Upgrade to Kaspersky's new version, the upgrade is free & is like-for-like; read: Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - info & FAQ, by Danila T.

    For the upgrade please follow these steps: 

    1. Check (your) MyKaspersky account, Subscriptions tab & make sure the *existing* Kaspersky Activation code is saved there? 
    2. Create a System restore point: How to create a restore point in Windows
    3. Uninstall the existing Kaspersky software -> during the uninstall (you) will be prompted to save data - only select License information, Data Encryption if (you've) created data vaults for storage & Anti-Spam databases if (you've) built such a database. 
    4. At the end of the uninstall make sure the computer is rebooted. 
    5. Download the new software from here: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product
    6. Install, follow: How to install the application
    7. At the end of the install make sure the application is *signed into* with the same email address that (you) use to sign into (your) MyKaspersky account - so the software, account & license synchronise. 
    8. Run a Database update. 
    9. Shutdown the computer using SHUTDOWN not Restart, when the computer if fully OFF - power ON by pressing the power button, login.
    10. Recheck the Discord & Battle.net issues? 

    Any issues or concerns please post back? 
    Thank you🙏

  8. 12 hours ago, Potato.soup said:

    Yeah the webmaster of the website answered

    Hello @Potato.soup

    KVLE have reverted: 


    • Please run a Database update & recheck; our recheck generated an ad-block from Adblock Plus, nothing from Kaspersky


    Any issues or concerns please post back? 
    Thank you🙏

  9. 27 minutes ago, Hussein said:

    Thank you for the wonderful method, but gave me this message

    1. For this message, I want to Delete my old phone, the Note 3
    • "You have exceeded the maximum number of activations allowed for the entered activation code" error


    Hello @Hussein

    You're most welcome!

    Apologies, the screen print was hard to read!

    Please read: "You have exceeded the maximum number of activations allowed for the entered activation code" error

    For this error, please  log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*


    Thank you🙏

  10. 1 minute ago, Potato.soup said:
    1. how is it not supported and Kaspersky still blocks the "bad" sites that are infected ?

    Hello @Potato.soup

    The "not supported" advice is related to: IF there is/was an issue with the Kaspersky software & either Vivaldi & OR Floorp & a Kaspersky subscriber sought support from KCS, it would not be provided. 

    1. Re the *detections*, please read: What is Heuristic Analysis? & an older article but still relevant: System Watcher gets smarter

    Thank you🙏

  11. 13 minutes ago, Potato.soup said:

    Yeah the webmaster of the website answered.

    Hello @Potato.soup

    Thank you. 

    Yes, we had a conversation with them on Saturday. 

    The issue is *already* in hand with KVLE. 

    We'll post as soon as they send their re-analysis. 

    Thank you🙏

  12. 1 hour ago, Francois2023 said:

    I have been waiting for a second email on purchasing Kaspersky.  No use in trying to contact customer service linkThere is no service.  

    1 hour ago, Francois2023 said:

    Please advise what the problem is for the second email not showing up.  Without it I can't access the My Kaspersky that is apparently generated on making a payment.  This purchase was done on the website. 

    Please advise urgently

    Hello @Francois2023


    1. Please explain if there's an error when (you) try to contact Kaspersky Customer Service - https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts
    2. Which Kaspersky software was purchased? Your topic is in Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) section; for KIS, the *related* documentation says: "Normally, the e-mail message with the activation code for Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Internet Security for Mac, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and Kaspersky Total Security is delivered within an hour. If you did not receive the message, check your Spam or Junk email folders in case it was moved automatically there by mistake. If you still cannot locate the message with an activation code or if you have entered a wrong e-mail address, contact us or our retail partners."
    3. For Kaspersky's *new* software there are two emails (see below) & they normally come within one minute of each other. 
    4. The first email is the receipt. 
    5. The second email has the link to (your) MyKaspersky account: 
    6. Only Kaspersky Customer Service can help, they have access to your private information, the Kaspersky Community does not, on the support page, select Email OR Chat, then fill in the template as shown in the image - include: 
    • The date of the purchase and order number from the confirmation e-mail
    • Your full name and the e-mail address that you have used for the purchase
    • image.thumb.png.734ae8158031a587f1d6ccfe2fbc1eed.png



    Thank you🙏

  13. 9 minutes ago, Hussein said:

    Android 14

    my card is Kaspersky internet security for 2 Devices

    Hello @Hussein

    Thank you for the information!

    IF the subscription is for 2 devices it's not *actually* necessary to remove the first device, but IF you wish to, here are the steps, please follow them *exactly*:

    1. In (your) MyKaspersky account, *Subscriptions tab*  - check & make sure the Activation code is stored?
    2. Uninstall  Kaspersky from (your) Android. 
    3. In (your) MyKaspersky account, *Devices tab*  - DISCONNECT the OLD Android  - select CONFIRM - to acknowledge the action  - allow the disconnect to complete. 
    4. When the disconnect is complete, go back to the Android & power it OFF
    5. When the Android is completely OFF, power it ON, login. 
    6. Go to Google OR Huawei Play Store. 
    7. Download Kaspersky VPN & Anti-Virus
    8. Install Kaspersky VPN & Anti-Virus. 
    9. When Kaspersky VPN & Anti-Virus requests an Activation code  - select -> I have an Activation code  - do not enter any code - instead  - sign into your MyKaspersky account so the Kaspersky application & the stored Activation code can synchronize
    10. Depending on (your) subscription will depend on the features available: read: Kaspersky app for Android features and components.
    11. Also read: Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - info & FAQ, by Danila T.



    • Any problems or issues, please post back?

    Thank you🙏

    • Like 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, shib said:

    I have purchased security software and I am using it in an offline environment. I would like to know where I can download offline update packages.

    If that's not possible, please guide me on how to configure the firewall in Kaspersky Security Software to allow both Kaspersky and Windows update to access the internet.

    Thank you.

    Hello @shib


    Please see: Kaspersky offline installer by Danila T.

    *Please read the notes very carefully*

    Thank you🙏

  15. 55 minutes ago, Tay Boon Chai said:

    Hi there, may i know how can i get my Payment Slip after i purchase Kaspersky Internet Security?

    Hello @Tay Boon Chai


    1. Which site was Kaspersky Internet Security purchased from please - a Kaspersky website OR another *non* Kaspersky merchant? 
    2. IF it was Kaspersky, normally Kaspersky sends confirmation emails, have you checked (your) Junk/Spam email folders? 
    3. IF (you) still can't find it & it was purchased from Kaspersky, log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts  -  on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include a *detailed history*. Support may request: 
    • Email used to purchase KIS
    • Date of purchase
    • Bank transaction record                                                                                                                       image.thumb.png.4dbb4803126bd23730c992b2e221fd8e.png

    Thank you🙏

  16. 5 minutes ago, harlan4096 said:

    I'm getting a different warning: That means, the URL is flagged as malicious: Maybe a false positive, will report to K. analysts...

    Hi @Roger42 & @harlan4096

    With v21.6, we can replicate Roger's original issue: image.thumb.png.78531fcb30e21b440b69d10dd847d5f2.png

    Also @Roger42, when this issue is fixed, KIS is Kaspersky's old software, it will eventually be obsolete; Kaspersky have not yet announced an end date; you may wish to upgrade (free) to the *new* Kaspersky Standard, the process is explained here: Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - info & FAQ, by Danila T. 

    • Before uninstalling old / installing new - create a System restore point. 
    • Before uninstalling old / installing new - make sure (you) have the Activation code for the existing software saved in (your) MyKaspersky account. 
    • After uninstalling KIS, make sure you reboot the computer. 
    • Download new software from: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product.
    • After upgrading run a Database update, allow it to complete, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power-on by pressing the power button, login.

    Thank you🙏

    • Like 1
  17. 4 hours ago, PolarJay said:

    I am having the same issue as kingdinosaur. 

    1. Did this ever get sorted out?
    2. v21.3.

    Hello @PolarJay


    1. No, not if people don't post back. 
    2. IT appears as tho you're using a version of Kaspersky's old software, please upgrade (free) to the new equivalent - it's explained here: Kaspersky: Basic, Standard, Plus, Premium - info & FAQ, by Danila T. 
    • Upgrading / converting (your) existing subscription is on a like-for-like basis, the features available in the old software will be what's available in the new software. 
    • Before uninstalling old / installing new - create a System restore point. 
    • Before uninstalling old / installing new - make sure (you) have the Activation code for the existing software saved in (your) MyKaspersky account. 
    • After uninstalling old, make sure you reboot the computer. 
    • Download new software from: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads#update-product.
    • After upgrading run a Database update, allow it to complete, shutdown the computer using Shutdown, not Restart, power-on by pressing the power button, login, recheck the original issue? 

    Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? 
    Thank you🙏

  18. 14 minutes ago, Potato.soup said:

    Windows 11 version : 23H2 (build 22631.3527)

    The issue is when opening any chapter I get this warning of an "infection"

    The issue is repeatable on Edge, Firefox, Vivaldi, Floorp.

    Hello @Potato.soup

    Thank you for posting back!

    The issue has been reported to Kaspersky's Virus Lab experts, we'll update this topic when they reply. 

    FYI: neither Vivaldi, Floorp are supported, read: Kaspersky Free, Browser support


    Thank you🙏

    • Like 2
  19. 13 minutes ago, amr alaa said:

    I want to be sure that I am using the new free Kaspersky version and not the old Kaspersky Security Cloud
    I want to reassure myself because there are rumors about the new free version of Kaspersky that it is weak, and I say that it is strong. Is my belief correct that the free program is strong for people at home and on the home Internet?

    Hello @amr alaa

    Welcome again!

    1. Is there a reason you're raising multiple topics on the same issue; despite the assurances you've been given. 
    • You need to test the software. 
    • You can also test Kaspersky's Trial software. 

    Thank you🙏

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