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  2. @Maratka, а можно адрес сайта, чтобы воспроизвести?
  3. merhabalar bende premium üyelik var . vpn ise sınırsız. vpn'in film izleme bölümünden netflix abd sunucusunu seçip bağlanıyorum. netflixde içerikleri de görebiliyorum, velakin konu izlemeye gelince bir sorun oluştu deyip beni ana sayfaya yönlendiriyor. ben mi bir şeyleri yanlış yapıyorum yoksa vpn den kaynaklı bir olay mı anlam veremeyip buraya yazmaya karar verdim bu olayın nasıl çalıştığını anlamak için. Beni aydınlatacak birisi olursa sevinirim.
  4. Well, last day of licence expiration is today. I uninstalled Kaspersky for two reasons. Mostly metioned above (unnecessary addons that will keep my PC apps and rest up-to-date, like apps do not have that feature already) and that is for new versions of Kaspersky app, not for Kaspersky Antivirus version, which now EOL. Second is price doubling up, without price reduction for renewal. Great job Kaspersky team and CEO, or whoever made those decisions. It's not like you manufacture goods. You just make software, which can be downloaded by anyone and then you sell licences.
  5. Today
  6. 在你选择对移动硬盘执行扫描的那种扫描(比如可选择扫描) 的设置里关闭扫描压缩文件 复合文件 安装包的选项。 在你遇到可以来源的安装包时,可以单独对它扫描之后再使用,没必要混在一起扫描。 卡巴有个毛病 遇到特别复杂的压缩包和复合文件时,会产生过的日志导致近程崩溃
  7. Столкнулся сегодня с аналогичным. Я не там, не то ищу, или кнопки вида "все одно мне, заходи на этот сайт" тут не предусмотрено?
  8. I used these settings and got it to work. My question is is this unsafe?
  9. i dont use vpn and i never talked about vpn , you popped this subject out of nowhere
  10. Hallo Dr.Mabuse, doch gibt es noch. Du kannst es überprüfen wenn du selbst mal ein Update anstößst. Auf der Prgrammseite unter Sicherheit. Manchmal geht es sehr schnell wenige Sekunden wenn kein Update verfügbar ist. Außerdem ist auf der Programmseite Zeitleiste zu sehen wann das letze mal das Update angestoßen wurde. Beim Automatisch wird ca. alle 2 Std. aktualisiert. Viele Grüße
  11. The problem is it's still getting blocked. Refer to my screenshots. @harlan4096 help pls
  12. VPN'e bağlanmıyor, aksine bu bağlanıyor ibaresi hep kalıyor ve internet bağlantım kopuyor.
  13. @Hicham Bonjour et bienvenu sur le Forum. Votre achat a été effectué sous le service d'un renouvellement automatique ↓
  14. @ronaldTHOMAS Welcome. Aren't you under an auto-renewal service ?
  15. Advice and Solutions (Forum Knowledgebase) Disclaimer. Read before using materials. You need a Mac device with macOS 14+ to supervise iOS device log via Apple Configurator Your iOS device will be reset to factory settings during supervising Download Apple configurator via App Store. Run Apple Configurator. Connect your iOS device. Unlock the device and tap Trust. Select your device and click on the Prepare button Select 'Manual Configuration'. Check 'Supervise devices' and 'Allow devices to pair with other computers' (if you want to allow it). Click on the Next button. Leave it on "Do not enroll in MDM" and click on the Next button Click on the Skip button Enter information about your organization (only 'Name' filed is mandatory'). Click on the Next button. Select 'Generate a new supervision identity'. Click on the Next button. In the next window you should choose which steps will be presented to the user in Setup Assistant. You can choose 'Show all steps', 'Do not show any of these steps' and 'Show only some' steps - in this options you must select the steps. Click on Prepare button. Enter password for your macOS account Click on Erase button. Your device will be reset to factory settings. Wait while your device will be prepared When your device will be turned on, you should see that your device is supervised and managed by your organization in device settings Now you can install iOS MDM profile to this device and apply iOS MDM policy with options for supervised devices.
  16. Hello @Phoenix, Welcome back! Please - Read before you create a new topic! by Danila T. Log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the error & a *detailed history*. Support may request logs, traces & other data; they will guide you: Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 Resources: Smart Home Monitor
  17. also read this https://www.kaspersky.com/enterprise-security/wiki-section/products/machine-learning-in-cybersecurity
  18. https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1634790862147296221&wfr=spider&for=pc there is an article written in chinese which indicate that VHO should be VisHash technology and VisHash is based on LSH-Local Sensitive Hashing above said by a KL employee from K's virus lab in apac
  19. Hello @ronaldTHOMAS, Welcome! Log a request with Kaspersky Customer Service, https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c#contacts - on the support page, select either Chat or Email, then fill in the template as shown in the image below; please include images of the transaction & a *detailed history*. Please share the outcome with the Community, when it's available? Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 Resource: How to request a refund for a Kaspersky application.
  20. @Danila T.Hello, can I get an official answer from a Kaspersky employee? It would help everyone searching this term.
  21. I want to speak with Kaspersky to discuss my account. Kaspersky has taken £51-99p from my bank without my permission. I have tried to get in touch but do not know how. It seems to me that they just help themselves to my money without permission. A re the genuine. I am extremely worried they can do this without my permission.
  22. Cheat Engine itself is clean but the installer on their website is bundled with PUPs. I think the one one hosted on GitHub doesn’t have this problem.
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