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  1. Eu comprei uma assinatura com a intenção de dar de presente, porém ela foi vinculada automaticamente ao meu email onde eu já tenho uma assinatura. Gostaria de saber se há alguma maneira de transferir essa assinatura para a conta da pessoa que eu quero presentear.
  2. Hallo, der Kaspersky-Kundenservice (Telefon/Chat) ist gerade nicht erreichbar und ich werde ihn erst am Freitag kontaktieren können. Vielleicht hat hier jemand eine Idee, was ich noch machen kann. Mein PC wurde vor zwei Jahren von einem IT-Fachmann aufgesetzt, d.h. es wurden Windows 10 + Kaspersky Total Security installiert. Kurz vor Ablauf der Kaspersky-Lizenz habe ich es aktiv verlängert, d.h. ich habe von Kaspersky ein vergünstigtes Angebot für ein gleichwertiges Programm - Kaspersky Premium für 5 Geräte - angenommen und bezahlt, da es Total Security so nicht mehr gab. Es wurde für mich automatisch im Zuge der Verlängerung ein Benutzerkonto unter meiner E-Mail-Adresse bei Kaspersky erstellt. Als ich mich dort das erste Mal anmeldete, sah ich unter Geräte MEIN PC und FREMDER PC. FREMDER PC war unter einem Nachnamen registriert. Dieser war mir unbekannt und ist auch nicht der des IT-Fachmanns. Heute hat FREMDER PC noch mindestens zwei neue Geräte hinzugefügt. Das war mir dann zu blöd und ich habe die drei unbekannten Geräte von meinem Benutzerkonto getrennt. FREMDER PC wurde daraufhin immer wieder hinzugefügt, ich habe jedes Mal das Gerät von meinem Benutzerkonto getrennt. Ich möchte nicht, dass fremde Menschen ein von mir bezahltes Abo (Kaspersky Premium) nutzen oder ich diese über mein Kundenkonto verwalten muss (Kaspersky Plus - siehe weiterer Verlauf). So kontaktierte ich heute Nachmittag den Kundenservice per Chat. Folgende Lösung gab es: Die Verlängerung des Premium-Abos wurde zurückgenommen und ich bekomme mein Geld zurück. Die Person vom Kundenservice schlug mir vor, ein Kaspersky-Abo für nur ein Gerät zu kaufen oder die ungenutze, auch in meinem Benutzerkonto hinterlegte Kaspersky-Plus-Lizenz für drei Geräte zu nutzen. Dieses war bei der automatischen Benutzerkonto-Erstellung schon hinterlegt. Das Abo nutze ich jetzt und hätte ich es doch nicht getan. FREMDER PC fügt sich trotzdem weiter bei meinen Geräten hinzu und versucht, FREMDER LAPTOP hinzuzufügen. Meine neue Idee wäre, das Benutzerkonto komplett zu löschen und ganz von vorn anzufangen mit einem neuen Benutzerkonto und einem Abo von Kaspersky nur für ein Gerät. Es gibt nur einen kleinen Haken: Bei meinem aktuellen Benutzerkonto habe ich noch ein Abo von Kaspersky Safe Kids. Das möchte ich auch weiterhin nutzen, kann den Lizenzcode dafür nicht mit meinem neuen Benutzerkonto verwenden, weil die Lizenz mit meinem alten Konto verknüpft ist. Ein neues Kaspersky Safe Kids-Abo möchte ich nicht abschließen. Die Einrichtung des ersten Abos hat viel Zeit und Nerven gekostet, bis es so lief wie es soll. Zugriff auf mein Benutzerkonto hat FREMDER PC nicht. Ich denke, er braucht den auch nicht, wenn er die Lizenzschlüssel zu den Kaspersky-Premium- bzw. -Plus-Abos hat. Passwort habe ich trotzdem vorsichtshalber geändert. Die Online-Hilfe von Kaspersky ist zu meiner Thematik nicht besonders aussagekräftig. Danke schonmal im Voraus für eure Tipps und Hilfe!
  3. I just bought an Activation Code for Kaspersky Pfremium Total Securithy 2024/5 from Amazon UK. On trying to enter the code this message popped up. Not valid for your region. I live in the EU. Can some one help please? Thank you
  4. У меня на моём ноутбуке стоит Windows 10 22H2. Появилась такая проблема: вчера купил лицензию лаборатории Касперского, сегодня я нажимаю "Открыть", НОЛЬ РЕАКЦИЙ! В панели управления ничего нету. Пробовал другой установщик скачать, сначала появляется "Выберите язык для установки" (или типо того), я выбираю Русский язык, нажимаю продолжить, тоже самое. Помогите пожалуйста с этой проблемой 😢
  5. Доброго времени суток! После получения новой подписочной лицензии от MSSP столкнулись со следующей проблемой: На некоторые из устройств в сети не устанавливается лицензионный ключ, при попытке это сделать после приблизительно 5 минут ожидания, выскакивает следующее сообщение об ошибке: Поиск ошибки в интернете ничего не даёт. Заранее спасибо за помощь!
  6. I recently purchased 5 Kaspersky Plus sealed Activation Cards. When I tried to create a My Kaspersky Account and enter the activation codes, I was advised that the codes were already activated on another My Kaspersky account. I tried a second new sealed Activation Code and this was also registered to another email account. I didn't recognise either of these email accounts. After trying to Activate the 5 newly purchased activation codes from a reliable supplier, I was only able to successfully activate 1 of the 5 activation codes. After over a week of trying to get some support with these activation codes, Kaspersky at first they though I was trying to con them, I was finally able to convince Kaspersky that I didn't activate the codes, and after they did some checking, realised that 4 of the 5 codes where Activated before the date of my purchase invoice. I'm still waiting for a response from Kaspersky saying they will replace the 4 Kaspersky Plus codes for me. All I am getting is to return them, opened, to my supplier and ask for a refund. If I can't get Kaspersky to believe me in under a week, I'm sure that a supplier isn't going to believe me without proof. Only Kaspersky has the proof. They are not fourth coming in sharing it with me. More importantly, how do Sealed Activation Code Cards get used by someone else. Again no expiation from Kaspersky. Gnomie.
  7. Umur K

    VPN Sorunu

    Aboneliğimde VPN hizmeti bulunuyor ancak uygulamalarda gözükmüyor erişim sağlayamıyorum? Lisans anahtarını da girdiğimde çözüm olmadı 😞 (Aboneliğimi başka birinin bana paylaşması şeklinde elde ettim cihaz hakkı bulunuyor)
  8. On the 18th and 19th June, I downloaded and paid for two standard and one plus version. Having realised what had happened I cancelled the unwanted versions and requested a refund. Kaspersky acknowledged the cancellations and told me I would recieve my refunds within 7 days. That was nearly two moonths ago! They have told me that they do not know how to issue refunds but are working on a solution - would you believe! Since then I have exchanged numerous emails, but have not been offered any explaination as to why there is a problem and when I might receive my refunds. It is becoming clear that they are simply trying to stall and have no intention of giving any refunds - despite their 30-day refund guarantee. Is this fraudulent trading and should I now involve Trading Standards?
  9. Hello, I work in an I.T. company, and we manage a couple of companies' antivirus infrastructure. I began to manage another company, and went through the usual motions of setting it up, however I couldn't download the distribution packages, it just loads nothing, barren. Something was giving me weird vibes when I had to accept the agreement, took me a few hours of trial and error, but it loaded and I accepted. Now it doesn't give me the distros. What do I do? I contacted their e-mail, and even their office in my country but they refuse to pick up. P.S. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud, User European Edition 15-19 Build version:
  10. nagamasban_karir

    payment Plus

    Hello. I went through payment for 1 year Kaspersky Plus, and I got message from my bank that the payment has been successful. even though, I didn't get my activation email even I already got invoice payment my order number is "*********" .please help me to solve it
  11. Facu3095


    No se porque ultimamente mi kaspersky de Android se anda desactivando solo. Estoy siendo hackeado? Siempre mi cuenta se desconceta del antivirus. Se desactivan todas las funciones del android (proteger sim, bloquear telefono, desactivar instalación etc etc).
  12. Merhaba. 6.12.2023'te 208 TL ödeyerek iki yıllık Kaspersky Premium almıştım. 6.12.2025'te lisanım biteceği için eski fiyattan yani 208 TL ödeyerek Kaspersky Premium almayı veya Bitdefender Total Security almayı düşünüyorum. Ya da Bitdefender Premium çıkacak o da değerlendirme listesinde. 208 TL ödeyerek nasıl 6.12.2025'te Kaspersky Premium alabilirim?
  13. Добрый день. Столкнулся с очень не прияной проблемой - блокировкой всего интернета на моем ПК. После нескольких часов мучений, оказалось что антивирус блокирует все подключения к Интернету. После удаления интернет появился. Повторяемость данного решения подтверждаю. 3 раза устанавливал - потом пришлось удалять. Как решить данную проблему, подписка на Каспер официальная. Советуют почистить папку Report, но антивирус не дает - мало прав на удаление. Вопрос - где в антивирусе отключить самозащиту в моей версии продукта kaspersky4win202121.18.5.438aru_46710.exe ?
  14. I can't seem to be able to purchase the standard Kaspersky which is £15.99, I have checked that I entered all my details correctly yet I can't seem to be able to purchase: It keeps saying "Your payment has been declined"?
  15. I need help and this starting to get frustrating. I formatted my laptop to a clean state and when I tried to reinstall the Kaspersky Plus by downloading the installer through the MyKaspersky account. The Kaspersky App on desktop keeps saying this. - Even though I just recently bought the Kaspersky Plus last August. - I tried copying the License Key on the Additional Info on the MyKaspersky according to the guides. -But it doesn't work since It only asks for 20 codes but the License Key contains about 32 numbers/letters. - Since I bought the Subscription through online. I haven't received any Activation Code on my email. I need help to fix this.
  16. 1. Windows 10 версия 20H2 2. Kasperksy Plus 3. После перехода с KIS на Plus заметил проблему: при открытии приложений на полный экран они просто сворачиваются. Перестаёт сворачивать при открытом окне касперского либо когда он полностью выключен. Кнопка "приостановка защиты" ничего не меняет, как и игровой режим, режим не беспокоить. Переустановка плюса тоже не помогла. Спасает смена разрешения экрана на более низкое. Хотелось бы узнать решение, которое не доставит много неудобств.
  17. Asking for my customer. Correct me if I am wrong. From information given in Kaspersky sites, Total Security users can update to Plus for free as long as they still have valid licence. I don't know how the procedure goes. Does it require re-entering licence key? Or Is it supposed to be automatically done by signing in on new Plus app? I cannot find clear enough information. Sorry if this kind of questions have been asked already. I couldn't find answers in existing threads.
  18. buen día para todos tengo una licencia Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud pro pero la vamos a cambiar el producto por el nuevo Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum mi pregunta seria la siguiente: ¿si se posible no se puede colocar la clave de renovación Kaspersky Next EDR Optimum en la consola del la versión anterior Kaspersky Cloud pro? de ser posible al colocar la nueva clave del producto ¿se cambiaria automáticamente la versión? ¿se perdería la configuración de perfiles y reglas que ya tenia la consola Kaspersky Cloud pro?
  19. I now see that Kaspersky VPN was deleted from my computer, or perhaps simply disabled. I tried to download it and was told the download was not available. I iknow downloads are stopping on September 29, but today is September 25. What gives?
  20. The Background: First and foremost, I have been subscribed to Kaspersky for a couple years now and everyone has recently heard of the recent ban of Kaspersky services and products in the US which means that I won't be able to use their services. I also know that UltraAV is taking over as a successor to Kaspersky. The Problem: I have made several attempts to contact customer service through email, phone and support but so far I haven't received anything back. I even submitted several complaints and requests through the support begging them to cancel my subscription. I even went on my subscription page and there is literally no button to let me cancel the subscription. Ways I contacted them: Calling US phone number: (866) 328-5700 Emailing their US email: *****@*****.tld Submitting a couple complaints or requests through their support page: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/b2c/us The reason being that UltraAV randomly installed on my computer without permission. It feels like a breach in my online privacy and safety. Why would I want to have software that I have never heard of to be in charge of providing protection for my computer? Also, I know cancelling the account would NOT cancel the auto-renewal and subscription. Would someone from Kaspersky please help me with this. I have tried everything possible.
  21. Hello there, So I turned off auto-renewal for my current subscription, and then found out I could not turn it back on. I then bought a different subscription for Premium, and now I have two premium subscriptions, one that is almost expired, and the one I just recently bought. I then checked the kaspersky app and it says that I am still on the subscription that is close to expiring despite having bought a new one. My question is once my current subscription ends, will it automatically transfer to the new subscription?
  22. Olá a todos(as), Possuo um controle pessoal financeiro e uma das coisas que sempre me deixa na mão é encontrar e saber dados financeiros do Kaspersky. Só é possível saber informações do valor sendo cobrado da assinatura quando chega o dia, porém, gostaria de saber se é possível ter acesso a essas informações correspondentes à minha assinatura, como assinaturas que já foram pagas e o valor previsto. Seria interessante também verificar se houve alguma eventual alteração no valor da cobrança. Sou usuário dos serviços da Kaspersky desde 2021, se não me falha a memória, e achei interessante compartilhar essa dúvida com os demais. Abraço!
  23. NHT


    J'ai acheté une version en ligne qui ne marche pas sur ma région pour 3 machines que faire ??
  24. Здравствуйте! Простите, если не сюда пишу. Windows 7 KSC 13.2 Активируем лицензию с помощью кода активации. Программа пишет: Не удалось выполнить запрос к серверу активации. Resource is unavailable Интернет работает. Буду рад советам по активации лицензии.
  25. I am so frustrated that Kaspersky has no real customer service! I am reduced to asking my fellow consumers for help about how to stop Kaspersky from fraudulently charging me a yearly subscription for a subscription that is not even active anymore. The year 2020 is when I cancelled my subscription and so for the last 3 years they have been fraudulently charging me!!! Now I try to tell PayPal to stop paying them because it is a fraudulent charge and now I have to provide proof that I canceled and exactly when it was cancelled. I went to my Kaspersky profile and found nothing but a free subscription begging me to upgrade and some VPN asking me for an upgrade. There was no past anything about my last license or anything in the past!!!! How am i supposed to find something that isn't even there!!!!!! Proof!!! I'll show you proof! Proof I can cancel my PayPal account close my bank account and close my credit card linked to PayPal and report you to the better business bureau!!! What do you think about that for proof! You will not hold be financially hostage!! I digress..... Hopefully going this route will resolve this problem and I can finally be free of Kaspersky charging my Paypal account $86.39 every year. There is obviously an error in their subscription database that is toggling Digital River to charge me yearly. It makes me wonder if there is a hidden subscription linked to my PayPal account that I can't see looking it up under my email address. I would really be nice if this company would have a representative to help me with my issue but I am realizing all the representatives are existing customers. Thank you
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