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  1. При входе в ksc web console с портом 8080 появляется такое окно (см.скрин) .Постоянно крутит в любом браузере. Все браузеры обновлены до последней версии. Брандмауэр отключен и на сервере и на клиенте. Правила для 8080 порта также были прописаны. Ничего не помогает... Не заходит и на сервере администрирования также. Странно, что примерно пол месяца назад заходил без проблем, ничего с того времени не поменялось, но теперь висит. Он как-будто пробивается туда, но ничего не отображает. Если же вводить неправильные логин/пароль, выдает ошибку. Что может быть? Ответов не нашел, а все что было по похожей теме - попробовал.
  2. So, there's a obvious logic issue here that chocks me the fact that i didn't found anything related searching on Google before i decide to come here. How do you only offer mobile device 2fa options* (sms or authenticator apps) to access the web panel for anti theft, which the use case is mostly in cases where you indeed DON'T HAVE the mobile device? If my mobile is stolen at any circunstance and i'm interested in any of the Kaspersky anti-theft options on the web panel, what's the logic here on asking for authentication methods based on mobile device? What disappoints me is the fact that i found out this inconsistence by chance, and I would probably be helpless by a service i pay for assisting me over this kind of situation if i had been robbed. Ok, beside this, i have another question here, which is: how to setup the fast logon on my account setting of web interface? The description here of the "fast logon section" is something like: "Add services for fast logon Login in your account even fastly, in any device. add (button)" Everytime i try to add devices on this "fast logon" (which is the case basically of my personal desktop), i get redirected to another screen with login infos, with no clear description of what i've got to do. * I tried to find desktop authentication apps, but all of them are dysfunctional.
  3. Событие: Загрузка остановлена Пользователь: HAUNTED-FAMILY\HAUNTED-FAMILY Тип пользователя: Активный пользователь Имя программы: msedge.exe Путь к программе: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application Компонент: Веб-Антивирус Описание результата: Запрещено Тип: Возможна неправомерная загрузка ПО Название: https://static.cdnativepush.com/contents/s/c6/b7/c6/4c93d7c7df25bc18c46ef02d5e/01302331659940.png Степень угрозы: Высокая Тип объекта: Веб-страница Имя объекта: 01302331659940.png Путь к объекту: https://static.cdnativepush.com/contents/s/c6/b7/c6/4c93d7c7df25bc18c46ef02d5e Причина: Облачная защита Можно узнать что это? Сделать с ним ничего не могу, даже не удалить.
  4. Since a week, my computer's internet connectivity is experiencing some issues. The internet connection is staying active in a way, but losing partially after a certain amount of time. All browsers start to show "ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED", apps and games gets partial internet connectivity, like in WhatsApp exchange of text messages happens, but no media or status, in game, many functionalities loses connection, like voice chat, text chat and changing settings, etc. I can't find any fix which is permanent, only a full system restart helps, but after sometime, again the same disconnection. Whereas, the hotspot that this same system is emitting, that doesn't loses any connection, with the hotspot, I can access the full internet on my phone. Please help to fix this, I can't understand if this is a problem of antivirus, or windows update or something else. Thank You
  5. Recently I've been having constant problems watching videos online. On some sites, like Netflix and Prime Video, I don't have any problems, but on others, like CTV, it's impossible to watch any video. Even YouTube crashes from time to time. On any site that I access (apart from those mentioned), I start watching any video, and after a few minutes of playback a message appears saying that the video cannot be played. Error code 241001 usually appears. The problem happens in all my browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi and Yandex). I found a post from 2019 here on the forum from a person with the same problem, saying that it solved the problem by turning off Anti-Banner and Private Browsing. I've tried disabling both, but nothing has changed. The only thing that stops this problem from happening is disabling the entire antivirus. In my last test I turned off the antivirus for an hour and started watching a movie. About six minutes after the antivirus came back the movie crashed. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to solve this problem? My Kaspersky version is My operating system is Windows 10 Core x64, version 21H1, build 19043.2130.
  6. Hello, Kaspersky is blocking a trojan when I try to access the following website : https : // lignemeuble . com/ And I can't access the website with computers that have Kaspersky installed. I can access the website on computer without Kapsersky, or if I disable Kaspersky. The problem could be replicated on an two different computers. Computer 1 : Windows 11 x64 build 22621 Kaspersky Internet Security version (j) Microsoft Edge Computer 2 : Windows 10 Home x86 build 19044 Kaspersky Anti-Virus version (j) Google Chrome See attached image "Computer 2 with extra info.png", to see the full Kaspersky message. Infected object : HEUR:Trojan-PSW.Script.Generic Is it a false positive ? If yes, can you fix the problem ? Thank you, mat123
  7. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
  8. Windows build: Windows 10 x64 21H2 compilation 19044.1645 (FRESH INSTALL) Kaspersky version: Kaspersky Security Cloud - Free (i) The problem: Scroll bar disappears when a key is pressed in certain webpages. This is happening since I formatted my hard drive but before that it happened too, but disabling a specific protection in the app made it work, now it doesn't matter which options I touch it just doesn't work. How to replicate: Open the Edge browser (just installed works) and open Unreal Engine 5 Documentation | Unreal Engine Documentation then while scrolling press the Enter (return) key. The scroll bar will disappear and the page is not scrollable anymore. It can also happen with any keyboard key and even changing volume.
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