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Everything posted by Schulte

  1. Hello @Snacko, the popup in the middle of the screen will probably not be realized. With the introduction of Win10, Microsoft had specified in the developer guidelines that third-party programs (running in background) are not allowed to bring their own popups as it was still possible in Win7. All messages have to run via the Notification Center. I assume that this still applies today. If you don't follow it, you are not allowed to use the windows logo.
  2. Hello @kujtim1, Welcome. Unfortunately we can not help with license problems in the forum. Please contact the support: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/activation/10993
  3. Hello @VelvetLess, the manual says: Per eseguire un aggiornamento dei database e dei moduli dell'applicazione: Aprire la finestra principale dell'applicazione e fare clic sul pulsante Aggiornamento database. Verrà visualizzata la finestra Aggiornamento database. Nella finestra Aggiornamento database fare clic sul pulsante Aggiorna. Did you perform this? Can you please post a screenshot of the corresponding window?
  4. Hello @VelvetLess, Welcome. Please start a manual database update and restart your computer after successful execution. This will install the latest patch, then you should have version (g). You may also get patch 'H', which fixes the wrong Win10 indicator. But this is only a cosmetic problem.
  5. Hello @Oliver88819, yes, 'signed by' should specify who signed the package. In your case the package seems to be unsigned. Unfortunately I can't say anything about the file, I couldn't find anything under its name or with the hashes. The online scanner says 'clean', so everything should be ok. PS: another tip that may help you with further posts: How to take a screenshot
  6. Hello @Oliver88819, as an addition to @Guilhermesenes post: .msi files are compound files, comparable to a .zip archive. For performance reasons File-Anti-Virus did not scan these files, due to their size it would have taken too long. They will be unpacked and scanned later in the background, or when they are opened. Until they are unpacked, they are harmless, even if they contain malware. However, they are likely to be regular Windows installation packages. You can check the digital signature.
  7. Hello @Flood and Flood's wife, hello @JPEKaspersky, no, nothing has been fixed. The setting was only relocated, I also searched for it for a long time. 'Settings->Interface->Notification settings->Database Updates'. If I remember correctly, I enabled these two options because they are important to me:
  8. Now there is a new release date with the update (8:30 PM CET). It is related to the update of the databases for 'KLAVA'.
  9. Hi @JPEKaspersky, there are also updates that do not change the displayed release date. I just received updates that were released just a few minutes ago. But the date remains at 10:53 CET (UTC+1).
  10. Die Verteilung des Patches “H” für die MR3 hat begonnen (ca. 16MB). Bis Mitte Februar sollten alle Installationen den Patch erhalten haben. https://support.kaspersky.com/de/15595#
  11. Hallo @ericka, willkommen. Habe ich das richtig verstanden: wenn Du im “normalen” Browser einen Link zu Deiner Bank anklickst, wird dieser nicht im “sicheren” Browser geöffnet? In diesem Fall würde ich prüfen, ob es für das Kaspersky-AddOn in Edge ein Update gibt. Eventuell hilft auch eine De-/Reinstallation des AddOns.
  12. Hello @JPEKaspersky, hello @Flood and Flood's wife, this time it took a little longer, but new databases are now available : 26.01.2022, 23:32 CET
  13. Hallo @Schorse, willkommen. Offensichtlich stimmt etwas mit den Zertifikaten nicht. Bevor wir nach einer Lösung suchen: wie sind Deine Einstellungen unter “Einstellungen->Netwerkeinstellungen->Mozilla Firefox und Thunderbird”? Lässt Du den “Geschützten Datenverkehr” untersuchen? Benutzt Du den Windows- oder den Mozilla-Zertifikatspeicher?
  14. Hallo @Joerg, willkommen. Es handelt ich um eine Erkennung durch die Cloud, da sind Ausnahmen oft nicht wirksam. Es gibt eine schnelle Lösung: gehe zu “Einstellungen->Allgemein’ und deaktiviere die Option “Empfohlene Aktionen automatisch ausführen”. (Das hat aber auch Auswirkungen auf andere Komponenten, es könnten Abfragen der Firewall kommen.) Dann gehst Du zu “Einstellungen->Schutz->Datei-Anti-Virus”. Dort kannst Du unter “Aktion beim Fund einer Bedrohung” “Benutzer fragen” auswählen. Versuche dann nochmal die Wiederherstellung.
  15. Hello @Rico_Balboa, Your concern cannot be resolved without more information. Probably a script is blocked in the browser. To look into this further, you should tell us the browser you are using, the AV version and possibly the URL of the page. Can you retry the process with another browser?
  16. Hello @KasperGL, Welcome. On the page you linked you will find at the bottom: The Firmware Scanner is used in all our major products (Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Total Security, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business, etc). This also applies to the 'Virus Removal Tool'.
  17. Hello @ChaLegRatHOvEn, Welcome. There is unfortunately a problem that will hopefully be fixed with the upcoming patch. You can find a workaround here: Link
  18. Hello @Ian Lodge, Welcome. There are two options that you can disable: 'Anti-Banner' and 'Private Browsing'. After that you should see the ads.
  19. Hallo @frank.td, von Deinem Fehler habe ich im Forum noch nichts mitbekommen. Er unterscheidet sich aber vom anderen. Bei Dir gibt es Probleme, eine Verbindung aufzubauen, während beim anderen die gelieferten Daten nicht richtig interpretiert werden. Deinen Fehler kann ich nicht eindeutig KL zuordnen, da könnten auch der Browser oder der Server beteiligt sein. Betrifft es immer die gleichen Seiten oder kommt es sporadisch bei allen vor? Da der Patch einige Verbindungsprobleme lösen soll, ist vielleicht auch Dein TLS-Fehler mit dabei. Gib bitte Bescheid, ob der Patch hilft. Bis Mitte Februar müssten ihn alle haben.
  20. Hello @TurboTax, Welcome. The activation server seems to be very sensitive since years, but disabling the AV software can't be a solution. As a first try I would like to recommend this: Disable the ‘encrypted connection scan’ as a test. If this works (or not), you can return to the default setting. EDIT: Hi @Flood and Flood's wife
  21. Hallo @Francobér, willkommen. Leider bist Du auf einen Bug aufgelaufen, der in den ersten Februarwochen mit Patch “H” behoben wird. Du könntest bis dahin versuchen, für die Seite in den Netzwerkeinstellungen eine Ausnahme zu setzen. Wie Posts im englischen Bereich zeigen, hilft diese aber nur selten. Mein Tip wäre noch, es mit einer weiteren Ausnahme in den erweiterten Einstellungen des WEB-AV zu versuchen, vielleicht hilft das weiter: Hilft Dir beides nicht, wirst Du wohl oder übel auf den Patch warten müssen.
  22. Hello @Jumzoid, Welcome. Thank you for your addition. But there is now also the possibility to allow a program to access the hosts directly. ‘Do not monitor activity' is too global and not recommended. You can create a specific exception via the Application control (see my example 'dummy.exe'):
  23. Hello @NDABBRU, the Kaspersky modules and drivers are loaded at the earliest possible moment (as soon as Windows allows it). The gray icon means that the GUI is not yet fully loaded, the communication between AV module and GUI is still limited. However, essential protection is already active.
  24. That's a pity, but thanks for testing. Unfortunately, I have no other idea. But I can tell you that the icon on my program window disappeared by itself after a few days. I clicked on it and at some point it was gone. Maybe another user has a suggestion....
  25. Hello @Oneround, Welcome. It is certainly not due to too little RAM. My suspicion would be another intalled AV program. Can you find something among the installed apps? Otherwise I would recommend you to contact the support. They may request logs to find a possible incompatibility.
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