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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Как мы ранее советовали, лучше всего посоветовать это с командой технической разработки, зарегистрировав инцидент с запросом функции, используя свою учетную запись MyKaspersky. Зачастую, по тем или иным причинам одни и те же продукты в разных операционных системах не идентичны, Kaspersky работает, чтобы внести эти изменения, когда и если они могут.
  2. Привет Ars, Спасибо за ответ. Если вам нужны расширенные функции / возможности, отправьте запрос об инциденте через свою учетную запись MyKaspersky. Укажите ту же информацию, которую вы предоставили здесь, в Сообществе, и попросите группу разработчиков оценить ее, пожалуйста. Большое спасибо еще раз!
  3. Привет Ars, Спасибо за отправку и информацию. Хммм, интересно? Пожалуйста, поделитесь с нами двумя или тремя сайтами и различными браузерами, чтобы мы могли проверить, пожалуйста? Большое спасибо!
  4. Привет Aрс, Спасибо за важную информацию, это очень помогает! Просто для наглядности: Это происходит на каждом сайте, где у вас есть профиль аккаунта - логин или только на некоторых сайтах? Повторяется ли такое же поведение при использовании другого браузера? Если это происходит только на некоторых сайтах, существует ли более одного аккаунта для этого сайта, например: Если я войду в Microsoft как учетная запись x, и я также войду в Microsoft как учетная запись y? Пожалуйста, отправьте обратно? Большое спасибо!
  5. Привет Арс, Спасибо за отправку обратно и полезную информацию! Я не знаком с Mac, однако, следующая документация - это помогает? https://help.kaspersky.com/KPM/Mac9.3/ru-RU/152312.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KPM/Mac9.3/ru-RU/100232.htm Если нет, пожалуйста, напишите обратно, чтобы мы могли помочь, пожалуйста? Большое спасибо!
  6. Привет Aрс, Добро пожаловать! Пожалуйста, позвольте мне уточнить, запрашивает ли KPM запрос на сохранение и предлагает ли он использовать ранее сохраненные формы, имя пользователя / пароль / другие данные, или же запрос поступает из используемого браузера, пожалуйста? Также, пожалуйста, поделитесь с нами версией KPM? Браузер / с, версия / с? Используется ли другое программное обеспечение Kaspersky? Версии? Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать? Большое спасибо!
  7. Hello Luiz Dias, Additional to Richbuff's post: 3 months is a long time. It's ok about "reports export" no longer necessary now as you provided the helpful images and information, thank you! & 2 images are better than none:slight_smile:Thank you! It's ok to upload the full GSI.zip to cloud storage of your choice, for example, OneDrive, MegaDrive, GoogleDrive and post back the link for us please? For the GSI tool, when it starts it offers to "include Windows logs?", please select - "yes/✅" this option. Also, have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling KTS? If not, and if you chose to do this please follow these steps: At the beginning of the UNINSTALL Kaspersky software presents the following questions: Do you wish to save:
    1. License information?
    2. Quarantine files?
    3. Operational settings of the application?
    4. iChecker data?
    5. Anti-Spam databases?
    6. Data Encryption?
    Answer YES to "Save: License information?" only, ignore to every other question. Standard "best practice" method for any software/hardware change: Reboot between each step.
    1. After answering YES to "Save: License information?", allow the UNINSTALL tool to complete.
    2. Reboot computer.
    3. Download new Kaspersky software installer.
    4. Install/reinstall Kaspersky software.
    5. Reboot computer.
    6. Check that Kaspersky software is active/running?
    7. Select option to do a manual database update - make sure database update completes.
    8. Select option to run a full scan - allow full scan to complete.
    9. Check for original error - Gone? Good work!
    10. Log on to your MyKaspersky account: https://my.kaspersky.com/ "Sign in to My Kaspersky"
    11. Go to "DEVICES" tab: https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices#/
    12. Make sure your computer is showing "connected"
    If however, after steps 1. to 8., the original error remains or comes back please let us know? Best regards!
  8. Hello Jct, As well as the info from Richbuff. Referring to your question "Was this caused by a Windows 10 update?", the May (Major) update 1903 started 10th May 1903, according to the information provided, the issue was logged 13/05/19, the data provided dated 13/05/19 - at that date - your Operating system was on release 1809.
    1. The May 1903 update is not in scope as causing or contributing to this issue.
    1. When the error is happening, is KSC running as well as KTS?
    Your Opsys may have updated AFTER 13/5/19, if you think an update is contributing to the issue please generate a new GSI https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, please select the option to include Windows Logs as well and, on this occasion, please upload the full GSI.zip folder to a cloud storage of your choice, e.g., OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive... Please post back the link? Many thanks!
  9. Thanks for letting us know Ivos, & that's good to hear. I was mistaken, 'cause of the the post URL: kaspersky-free-for-windows-72/kaspersky-protection-chrome-extension-causing-high-cpu-usage-578#post6936. & "the "Tech Support doesn't allow reports about the extension", that's very surprising? Kaspersky supports all components of their products if the Customer holds a valid licence. If you get a happy result please share here as your info will help, even if it's not so happy, it all helps? Best regards!
  10. Hello Dickybird, Welcome! Kaspersky Internet Security for Android - referred to as KISA. https://help.kaspersky.com/KISA/MR21/en-US/71605.htm Distributed thru Google Play Store - Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus: AppLock & Web Security https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kms.free&hl=en There's a free version - limited options or Premium - full suite. Kaspersky Total Security & Kaspersky Internet Security - comes with KISA, according to Device & Licence matching. KISA is not packaged with Kaspersky Anti-Virus, which, it looks like you have... Recently (March 2019) Google Play introduced a new Privacy Policy - to comply, Kaspersky removed & or modified some features - some doco may not reflect these changes. Pros - good protection. Links to the MyKaspersky portal - where MyKaspersky account & software can be managed. Cons - App cannot be paused or exited/stopped - the only intervention if pausing/exiting/stopping is required is to uninstall the app & reinstall after whatever event has taken place that required the intervention in the first place. Any other questions or information? Please post back? Best regards!
  11. Oi Dctoco Há algumas coisas acontecendo. Quero que você gere um novo GSI, inclua o Windows Logs, desta vez, faça o upload da pasta GSI.zip completa para um armazenamento em nuvem de sua escolha, por exemplo, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive ... Por favor, você pode fornecer mais clareza na seguinte declaração:
    1. "Porque o problema coincidiu com o uso de um disco rígido externo de terceiros para imprimir um arquivo"
    1. O que foi / é o "disco rígido externo de terceiros"
    2. Isso está conectado?
    1. Se ainda estiver anexado, por favor faz a), se não estiver anexado, por favor faz b):
    a) Faça o download do Malwarebytes e revise esta unidade específica. b) Usando o Malwarebytes - execute uma varredura completa.
    1. Permitir que as varreduras sejam concluídas e inclua os resultados no upload do GSI.
    2. Além disso, se você tiver ou puder capturar capturas de tela relevantes de qualquer um dos problemas, compartilhe-os também com o armazenamento em nuvem.
    3. & se você puder, por favor, saia do software Kaspersky, verifique se o Firewall do Windows está ligado.
    4. Quando o Malwarebytes estiver instalado, deixe o Malwarebytes rodar com o WFW até resolvermos os problemas, por favor?
    Por favor, poste de volta o link? Muito obrigado!
  12. Olá Douglas_Augusto, Bem vinda! Desculpe, posso perguntar se é seu produto para usuários Domésticos ou Busines, por favor? Se for comercial, pedirei aos moderadores / administradores que movam sua postagem, pois os especialistas em negócios estão em melhor posição para responder às suas dúvidas. Por favor nos avise? Muito Obrigado!
  13. Olá Dctoco, Obrigado pela sua rápida resposta! A desinstalação / reinstalação, por vezes, não funciona, dependendo do processo / etapas tomadas, no entanto, tudo bem, estamos muito felizes em analisar e relatar de volta. A solução pode ser outra desinstalação / reinstalação, dependendo do que encontrarmos, por favor, seja paciente se pedirmos que você repita ações já realizadas. Cumprimentos!
  14. Olá Dctoco, Bem vinda! Muito obrigado por preparar o GSI e fornecer informações - realmente úteis! A maneira mais rápida é desinstalar e reinstalar o software Kaspersky, no entanto, a maneira mais segura é permitir-nos analisar o problema / relatórios e, em seguida, guiá-lo. Se você optar por desinstalar / reinstalar, há etapas / processo a seguir, que também forneceremos com satisfação. Por favor, deixe-nos saber qual caminho você gostaria de fazer. Cumprimentos!
  15. Hi Richbuff, The only way to know which patch has been pushed is to reboot, which applies the patch. Kaspersky software doesn't announce "new patch x available to be applied" There's no selectable options other than what I've posted in my OP:
    1. Download & install
    2. Do not download & install
    Seeking help from TA - they ask for traces, to reproduce the issue, (which is what they ask be done) they ask for a reboot, a reboot installs the patch, when the patch is installed nothing shows on the traces as the patch has been applied - ?catch 22? Any :thinking:? System information: as per profile: W10 x 64, 1809, v 10.0.17763.437, KTS19.0.0.1088(e), W7 HP v6.1, 7601, SP1, KTS19.0.0.1088(e)
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