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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Shabuj, Please clarify, when the infection occurred was there any installed, active Kaspersky software?
    1. If "yes", which Kaspersky software: names and versions?
    2. If "no", at what point was Kaspersky software installed & which Kaspersky software: names and versions?
    3. & "currently", there's no Kaspersky software installed - is that correct?
    4. 3. = 9/06/19 you said "other three drive file can not open", what type of drives are the "other 3 drives"
  2. Hello Teerasak, Using Google browser - there are no chat icons, no green, no blue. - well it was ?blue?, now Kaspersky have changed "colours", everything is boring sludge green? However, using Firefox & Opera browsers the LiveChat icons are available: They look like: Click on the ? & a "live" agent should connect with you. If it doesn't work, please post back? Re the INCIDENT you created, can you please check: date & time you created please & post back the information please? Thanks! --------------------------------------------
    1. If there's any Kaspersky developers reading this: there are NO:
    " GET https://secure.livechatinc.com/licence/8898534/v2/ xxx " calls in any Google browser logs
  3. Hello Manou1407, Welcome! Re "Whats the problem?": 300 MBx daily, is the limit for free usage. If your account has not synced, sometimes, the issue you're reporting, can present:
    1. Have you signed into your MyKaspersky online account?
    2. Has the activation/licence been applied?
    3. Is your device showing connected in the MyKaspersky portal?
    IF "YES" to: 1.. thru to 3. and the issue remains:
    1. Please tell us the name/s and version/s of all Kaspersky software installed on your computer?
    2. Please tell us the computer operating system name, version & build?
  4. Olá Rmlazzari, Obrigado por postar de volta. "mensagem é do EMDB" Sim, eu concordo com você. "Talvez o problema esteja nos sites (www.emdb.eu e www.emdb.tk)" Concordo. O firewall do Windows está desativado pelo KIS Isto é normal. Acho que precisamos ouvir o que Eric diz, estou feliz que você tenha perguntado. Por favor, deixe-nos saber Eric's resposta quando você receber? Muito obrigado!
  5. "Why exclude when it is not a Virus? Kaspersky detected it clean but in a network detected it as a Virus?"
    My answer was for the "why" questions: And giving the reason why the alert happens TO ANYONE who has riskware on their system, sometimes, people don't choose to install riskware, sometimes peole don't know a seemingly "benign" software, file, app or other object has the "potential" to be dangerous. Kaspersky software is being kind to those people to say "Watch out". If Kaspersky software didn't do this everyone would complain about that too!!!
  6. Hello Teerasak, Thanks for posting back. The Online Chat SHOULD show a little green rectangle & a little blue circle in the bottom right hand corner of your browser. The agents are only there during business hours... Where I am right now, it's 03:00am, no-one except the owls & me are awake:wink:. After hours, the icons do not show. Not sure of your geographic location, but if it's Sunday where you are, the icons will not be active/visible. If, during business hours you still cannot see the icons, please post back so we can help? Thanks & best regards!
  7. Olá Rmlazzari, Esse alerta vem do KIS? Você pode acessar os "Relatórios" do KIS, por favor, veja o período "24 horas" e, se não conseguir encontrar nada que corresponda ao EMDB, procure por 7 dias, verifique qualquer alerta que seja para o EMDB? Exportar os alertas para um arquivo txt, copie vários (pode haver muitos) só precisamos de alguns por favor, e postar de volta por favor? Cumprimentos!
  8. Excellent Luiz, Steps to upload the .zip folder. In the browser you use:
    1. Go to https://www.myairbridge.com/en/
    2. Select/click "I agree" twice
    "Thank you" will appear twice, the screen will then change to a screen showing 6 circles:
    1. Select/click "Send files via link" - number 2 in the image,
    2. A popup window will show - select/click on the GSIx.zip folder (you made for us) x = the file name of your GSI folder - number 3 in the image,
    3. Select/click "Open" - number 4 in the image,
    Allow the folder to upload, as the folder uploads a "rotating" circle will display on the screen changing from 0 to 100%. At the end of the upload (100%) the GSIx.zip folder will show in the Airbridge window
    1. Select/click - "Send files via link"
    2. A "I am not a robot" "reCaptcha" popup may appear, click the images that are correct
    3. A "url/link" beginning with https will display
    4. Select/click the url
    5. A message "copied to clipboard" will appear briefly on the screen
    6. Come back to your post here in the Community, add the "url/link", select the "Reply"
    At that point you'll have created, uploaded a GSI & Windows logs & posted the URL for us:relaxed: We'll look at the data & may ask further questions or ask you to do other stuff, we'll do everything at your pace and explain anything & everything, if anything is unclear, ask and well manage all the concerns... Thank you Luiz, Best regads!
  9. Hello Sean, Thanks for posting back & the info.
    1. KTS version?
    2. When did the issue start?
    3. Is KTS logging any "update" errors in "Reports"?
    To diagnose you could:
    1. turn on traces,
    2. reboot,
    3. replicate the issue
    4. save traces.
    1. repeat 1 thru to 4 a number of times to verify or capture any discrepancies.
    Potentailly, if run for hours, the traces may be sizeable. Manage the data capture against the event/s and the size of any diagnostic data that requires uploading. As the issue fits the "little bit variable/obscure" category: traces, GSI & Windows logs would be a basic requirement to effectively troubleshoot. https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 When the GSI .zip folder and all other data is ready upload the full .zip folder(s) to cloud storage of your choice, post back the link. Thanks!
  10. Olá Rmlazzari, Bem vinda! Podemos ter a (s) tela (s) do (s) alerta (s) / erro (s) por favor? & (para confirmar, por favor) há 2 sites: www.emdb.eu E www.emdb.tk E Win 7, podemos saber versão e construir por favor? E Versão KIS por favor? Muito Obrigado!
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