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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Olá Allancsb, Qual "produto" você comprou (há um mês)? Você desinstalou e reinstalou o software? Se você "sair / desligar" o "outro produto" e a conexão Kaspersky, você pode se conectar à Internet? Se você não usa o Kaspersky Secure Connection, você pode se conectar à Internet? Para criar o GSI, no início, selecione também "Logs do Windows" e, quando o GSI terminar, faça o upload para um armazenamento na nuvem, por exemplo: OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive, por favor. Por favor nos informe? Muito Obrigado.
  2. Hello Hawker, Yes, I understand, with KIS uninstalled the issues are resolved. I've also read commentary advising impacted users to install 2020 & those users reporting back the situation was worse than 1809. Are you able to:
    1. Provide GSI https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 (please select "include Windows logs") as well.
    2. The GSI can be uploaded to cloud storage of your choice, please post back the link.
    3. If you've performed any diagnostic speedtests - with & without KIS active & have those logs, please also add them to the cloud storage upload.
    4. Alternatively, you may wish to follow the advice from Kaspersky Lab Employees requesting OPs to create Incident/s & post back or pm the Inc#, that's also an option, which can be done via your MyKaspersky account - https://my.kaspersky.com/
    Please let us know? Thanks.
  3. Hello Hawker, Welcome! There are a number of posts across the Community reporting same/similar issues to yours. This document may help:https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/other/9042 If not please provide GSI https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 (please select "include Windows logs") as well. The GSI can be uploaded to cloud storage of your choice, please post back the link. If you've performed any diagnostic speedtests - with & without KIS active & have those logs, please also add them to the cloud storage upload. Also, you'll note in some of the posts Kaspersky Lab Employees requesting OPs to create Incident/s & post back or pm the Inc #, that's also an option. Many thanks!
  4. Hola Rupert24, Gracias por publicar de nuevo y sus amables palabras! Siempre estamos aquí, para cualquier problema, habrá alguien en la comunidad que hará todo lo posible para ayudarlo y guardar el dinero en su bolsillo, sin pagarle a un técnico. Por ahora todo está bien, así que relájate y disfruta de tu computadora tranquila. Con buenos deseos!
  5. Hello ABEgorov, Thanks for posting back the information. The link http_//www_zz9pza.net_tajpi_tajpi298inst.exe is malicious according to the reputation data of Kaspersky VirusDesk. We do not recommend that you follow this link. The Kaspersky report: 23.05.2019 19.11.37 Removed malware PDM:Trojan.Win32.Bazon.a Application name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tajpi\Tajpi.exe

    Trojan.Win32.Bazon.A Description

    Trojan.Win32.Bazon.A is a Trojan horse infection that may load on a system and then perform various actions in the background without any indication to the computer user. The actions of Trojan.Win32.Bazon.A may include allowing remote attackers access to the infected system. Through access by use of Trojan.Win32.Bazon.A, remote hackers may be able to steal data stored on the hard drive. Removal of Trojan.Win32.Bazon.A may require use of an updated antispyware program designed to remove Trojan horse infections Software changes all the time, it could be a change in the software that was previously classified as safe no longer meets the criteria to continue with that classification. (imo) I would not be seeking to install or try to override Kaspersky software before I consulted Kaspersky experts. With respect, we suggest you seek the advice from Kaspersky Technical Team, log into your MyKaspersky account - https://my.kaspersky.com/, create an incident report. or https://support.kaspersky.com/b2c - choose your location for Kaspersky Technical Team or LiveChat or email - customerservicesolution@kaspersky.com; newvirus@kaspersky.com Thank you. ------ Moderation Edit : Download link disabled
  6. Hello ABEgorov, Welcome! Please tell us: *Has KIS "quarantined the application? If yes, may we have a screen print please? *name of the application Kaspersky software (KIS) is objecting to? *KIS version? *Operating system, version & build? Also, in Kaspersky application "Reports" are there any events detailing the detection/removal, if yes, please export to a text file & copy one complete entry and paste back here please? Many thanks!
  7. Hello Ricardo, https://www.az-partners.net/apps/driver-hub/ site generates: 24.05.2019 02.08.25 Download blocked https://www.az-partners.net/apps/driver-hub/download?ap=28 Object name: not-a-virus:HEUR:Downloader.Win32.RostDown.gen Object: https://www.az-partners.net/apps/driver-hub/download?ap=28 Application: Google Chrome Object type: Legitimate software that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data Time: 24/05/2019 02:08 24.05.2019 02.08.25 Object (file) detected https://www.az-partners.net/apps/driver-hub/download?ap=28 Object name: not-a-virus:HEUR:Downloader.Win32.RostDown.gen Object: https://www.az-partners.net/apps/driver-hub/download?ap=28 Application: Google Chrome Object type: Legitimate software that can be used by criminals to damage your computer or personal data Time: 24/05/2019 02:08 Downloading DrvHub from https://www.drvhub.net/ does not activate Kaspersky Web AntiVirus detection. Thanks!
  8. Hello Ricardo, a) If is trusted why is it marked like a risk software? Because the detected object has the potential to be misused. b) If (I) install the software Kaspersky still signals the software - yes, because, the software may be misused. Kaspersky is "helping" keep the owner of the computer informed. https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/not-a-virus/18015/

    Adware or riskware has been detected. What is the next step?

    Kaspersky Internet Security shows detection notifications for such applications so that you know that they are installed on your computer. It is possible that you installed them on purpose: As we said, riskware may be very useful. In that case, there is no reason to worry. It is also possible that another “not-a-virus” has crawled into your computer without your noticing it. In that case, you need to know if the application is related to either riskware or adware. That is why users are given the chance to choose what to do with the application. If you did not install it, you should probably delete it. Thanks!
  9. Hello Ricardo, Thanks for posting back. This Kaspersky blog provides information about "Riskware" & "Adware" https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/not-a-virus/18015/ Which is the detection being reported: Nombre del objeto not-a-virus:Heur:Downloader.Win32.RostDown.gen Tipo de objeto Software licito que los criminales pueden usar para danar su equipo o sus datos personales. Name of the object not-a-virus: Heur: Downloader.Win32.RostDown.gen Type of object Legal software that criminals can use to damage their equipment or personal data. Kaspersky is providing a "warning" that this product "may", has the potential to be misused (by criminals). Thanks!
  10. Hello ChiriChitosan, Welcome! We need to ask some questions please to clarify so that we may assist if we can... Are there any errors (captured/visible) anywhere when Windows Store apps, e.g. Microsoft Edge, Cortana, OneNote, Windows Store refuse to connect to the networks (both local(intranet) and internet)? Are you able to perform a trace when trying to use one of the failing apps? Can you provide logs / reports of those errors please? Can you provide screen prints please? Can you please also provide GSI https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, include "Windows logs" when generating the GSI. Please upload the GSI zip folder to a cloud storage of your choice and post back the link please? Re: 4. (imo) the use of Windows Home is not core to the problems being reported. And, in your assessment, how is KIS contributing to the connection problem? Also please provide the specific VPN-L2TP/PPTP details? Many thanks!
  11. Привет, Экспик, Не нужно извинений, я рад, что есть переводчик, он помогает всем нам "говорить" на многих языках ? Спасибо за информацию. Пожалуйста, будьте добры и предоставьте нам GSI, а также выберите журналы Windows. https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 Загрузите папку (GSI.zip) в облачное хранилище по вашему выбору и опубликуйте ссылку. Большое спасибо!
  12. Привет, Экспик, Подскажите, пожалуйста, можете ли вы вспомнить что-нибудь, что изменилось пару дней назад, когда возникла проблема? Вы используете Windows? Если да, было ли установлено майское обновление? Пожалуйста, предоставьте нам GSI, а также выберите журналы Windows. https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 Загрузите папку (GSI.zip) в облачное хранилище по вашему выбору и опубликуйте ссылку. Большое спасибо!
  13. Olá Saunet, Obrigado por postar de volta e esclarecer informações! Vou abordar a última parte do seu post primeiro?! Muitos de nós gostávamos & continuamos a perder o velho Fórum, não tenho certeza se muitos de nós entendemos por que ele tinha que ser "arquivado" e uma nova plataforma nos foi impingida, no entanto, parece que não há como voltar atrás. A intenção da nova "Comunidade" é engajar a Comunidade Kaspersky para que possamos nos ajudar mutuamente. Acredito que sejam os mesmos objetivos que existiam anteriormente. Leva algum tempo para se acostumar com o novo formato e (eu pessoalmente) eu frequentemente vou ao antigo Fórum para obter informações, é um ótimo recurso. Você está muito correto, MSFT vai descontinuar com W7 EOL, 14 de janeiro de 2020. Eu tenho um dispositivo W7 para mudar para 10, antes do EOL ? Independentemente do sistema operacional, qualquer EOL OpSys, o Windows deixa de liberar atualizações, patches, ajuda e suporte. Não é compreensível prever que qualquer segurança possa proteger um sistema que não é mantido. https://support.kaspersky.com/common/compatibility/10929 Microsoft terminou o suporte para o Windows XP em 8 de abril de 2014 De todas as soluções no reference-doc, isso seria o mais adequado: Kaspersky Internet Security / Kaspersky Total Security / Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2017 - suportado até 2020. No final deste período, o produto da Kaspersky Lab deixará de receber atualizações se instalado no Windows XP SP3. Assumindo Kaspersky significa o início de 2020 - isso é apenas 6 meses .... (Para meu entendimento) Posso perguntar por favor porque você deseja ficar com o XP, porque não atualizar o seu XP PC Windows 10? Muito obrigado Saunet!
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