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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Fabio_B, Welcome! Please tell us: KSK version? Android Opsys & version? Any other Kaspersky software installed, e.g., KISA, if yes, name & version of "other" Kaspersky software? Beta vesion of ?, name & version? (keep in mind, many "Beta" products are not supported by Kaspersky) ***Recent changes information - beginning of March, Gooogle implemented a new Google Policy, to comply with the policy, i.e., continue to distribute Kaspersky software via GooglePlay Store, Kaspersky removed/modified KSK & KISA*** https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/ksk-kisa-descoping/26010/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=kd%20weekly%20digest This MAY have something to do with the issue you're reporting. Can you provide us with a sequence of screenshots showing the issue and the answers requested so we can target our help specific to your concerns please? Thanks!
  2. Hello grandpalarry777, Thanks for posting back, the data & the info, much appreciated! 1903, you have the May (Major) update.
    1. What is Windows/Settings/App & Features/Default Apps - [browser] set to please?
    Regarding: https://www.communityamerica.com/ https://www.bankofamerica.com/online-banking/sign-in/
    1. what browser are they opening in/with?
    1. May we have a screen print of KTS/Safe Money Settings please?
    2. Are you opening Safe Money from a Desktop shortcut or from KTS Safe Money application or ?
    1. Re: GSI & logs, can you upload the entire .zip as a folder upload please & post back the link please?
    Please let us know? Many thanks!
  3. Hello Farnk, All good, glad to hear there's been progress. Couple of things to be alert to:
    1. If you're using McAfee software on anything it's critical to completely remove every trace of McAfee before installing Kaspersky software, Kaspersky & McAfee don't play nice together. If help is needed with this, please post back?
    2. After ANY software change, i.e., remove a product ➡️ REBOOT, install a product ➡️ REBOOT
    3. KTS premium, licence can be used to activate KISA, I know it's "weird", KTS can't be put on the Android even tho the advertising "blurb" says otherwise, however, Google Play, where KISA is distributed from, only has KISA [Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus: AppLock & Web Security].
    4. It sounds like you're on the right track, I'm glad your phone is clean, and also your wife has enough space for KISA, (imo) install on both and let us know if there are ongoing problems or new problems.
    5. The only browsers Kaspersky supports on Android are Google Chrome & IE.
    6. Re "porn notifications", it's "possible", the source may have been a hidden link in an email, Adware, other software with "addons", even an extension that had "addons", if the issue returns, do a full reset of every browser on the phone and remove all software/applications not necessary/wanted for your use of the phone.
    7. One (other) thing to keep in mind, KISA cannot be paused or exited (unlike KTS). If, for any reason you need to "stop" KISA it has to be uninstalled & reinstalled, I know: pia, maybe, in our lifetime, Kaspersky will fix this.
    Best regards.
  4. Hello Grandpalarr, Welcome! Thank you for the info, you don't say which operating system/version is on your computer so this info may not apply, however, in the last 5 days Windows have been applying the May (Major) update, many people are reporting unusual events occurring, so let try to sort this out simply, if the following doesn't work we'll need some logs & info to help out: Please check Windows/Settings/App & Features/Default Apps - make sure the default Web Browser is [Google Chrome], if it's anything else change it to Google Chrome. Please check KTS/Settings/Protection/Safe Money/Additional - "To proceed to websites from the Safe Money window use:[Google Chrome]" if it's anything else change it to [Google Chrome]. If you need to change either or both of these settings, AFTER the change, please reboot & retest opening a website using Safe Money. Fixed? If both these settings are ALREADY Google Chrome, then we need you to please collect a GSI, reference doc: [ https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 ], the process will ask [Windows Logs]? Please select yes/tick so we have those logs included. Please upload the GSI/Logs to a cloud storage of your choice, example, Google Drive, One Drive, MegaDrive and post back the link please?
    1. Also, are there only two sites doing this? All other sites you have using Safe Money open using a Google Chrome browser?
    2. If yes, may we have the two site urls please?
    Thank you.
  5. Hello Farnk, Welcome! Why not install KISA Free? https://www.kaspersky.com/android-security-free Your Android Opsys is compliant with KISA requirements, the ph would have real time protection & automated scanning. KISA's lightweight so you've got plenty of room for it. I've just attached two Androids to W10 computer - KTS is not recognising the devices. Device manager is.... Or, if you don't want KISA permanently installed: install KISAF, scan the ph, clean up whatever KISAF finds, uninstall KISAF? Thanks! More doco: https://support.kaspersky.com/mobile/kisandroid/av https://support.kaspersky.com/10220 https://support.kaspersky.com/10199#block1 https://support.kaspersky.com/10199#block2
  6. Hello ThinkPadUser, Does this apply in your case: https://help.kaspersky.com/KFA/2019/en-US/70647.htm The right to use the application on one or several devices The number of devices on which you may use the application is specified in the End User License Agreement. Just wondering if there's information in "your" EULA that may explain this mystery? I don't use KFA, & don't have room for 7 devices, so can't test. It's a most peculiar problem. Curious?
  7. Нет максим, Kaspersky проанализирует, и если они ошибочно отнесут их к категории, они будут удалены из [Черного списка] Они анализируют гораздо больше, чем вирусы. В любом случае, дайте им возможность взглянуть на {Obsidium} и принять решение. Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать результат? Большое спасибо!
  8. Привет Дмитрий К, Приложение называется [OK Google Commands] Категория Kaspersky Safe Kids - [Инструменты]. В учетной записи MyKaspersky измените разрешения на [BLOCK] приложение [OK Google Commands], если вы не хотите, чтобы ваш ребенок использовал. Обязательно перезагрузите дочерний Android, и учетная запись MyKaspersky синхронизируется с дочерним Android.
  9. Максим, Я согласен, это совсем не приятно, это расстраивает, сбивает с толку, тратит время, раздражает и многое другое. Я знаю, это случилось со мной, и это очень раздражает, когда провайдер программного обеспечения отмечает это как ложное срабатывание, однако, Интернет всего кишит вредоносными программами и вирусами. Я пришел к выводу, что мой провайдер защищает меня 99,98% времени, а 0,02% - нет, а когда нет, я сразу спрашиваю, почему? Если они могут это исправить, они делают. Если они не могут это исправить, им нужно объяснить, почему, если вы не согласны с решением, попросите их объяснить это, пока вы этого не сделаете. EOS.
  10. Привет Вадим, Добро пожаловать! Вам нужна помощь? Если да, предоставьте нам GSI, а также выберите журналы Windows - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7 и журналы диагностики скорости из ловушек в соответствии с документацией Kaspersky - https://support.kaspersky.ru/common/error/other/9042 Загрузите папку (GSI.zip), журналы диагностики и любые изображения, которые, по вашему мнению, демонстрируют проблему, в облачное хранилище по вашему выбору и опубликуйте ссылку, пожалуйста? Благодарю.
  11. Yes, Hawker re-enable it. And, if it does stop everything working again please provide us with the previously requested GSI/Windows logs/images, so we can "try" to help you, it's really hard without information specific to your situation to provide anything other than generic guidance & that's not the way to solve things. If you choose not to provide the data then the only other option is to reach out to Kaspersky Technical Lab & trust me, that's not without pain or as you say, ditch Kaspersky software & go with what works for you. Thanks!.
  12. Привет Максим, Вы сообщали об инциденте с {Kaspersky Virus-MalwareTeam}? У другого ОП была похожая ситуация (на прошлой неделе), но не тот же объект, но у него была доверенная программа, которую программное обеспечение Касперского внезапно начало обнаруживать, удалять, блокировать и независимо от того, что он делал, он не мог стабилизировать переустановку. В течение 48 часов лаборатория сообщила: "URL / obj удален из черного списка. Исправление опубликовано. IR, Malware Analyst,« Лаборатория Касперского." Это, вероятно, самый лучший способ анализа и классификации / переклассификации Обсидиума. С наилучшими пожеланиями!
  13. Hello Hawker, Re the "Likes" on/off. There's a "Likes" logic that has rules known only to ":thinking:dunno:thinking:". "Likes" seem to yoyo up & down, for example, a Moderator had 35+ "Likes" 1 day & the next was down to 20, the day after he disappeared of the "Likes" tally table completely, like, how is that possible? You can always "Like" your own post, I don't think anyone can modify that - although, maybe the mods/admins can, not really sure:thinking: I've concluded I don't like "Likes", simply bc how they're "managed" is not transparent...
  14. Hello Stonecutter, Welcome! I apologise in advance but I'm not understanding the problem? I have one Google profile & I just created a second to see I could understand the issue but I don't know if I'm on the right track...:thinking: With either Google profile I have the KPM extension installed from the Google Play store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-password-manage/dhnkblpjbkfklfloegejegedcafpliaa & the KTS extension, also from the Google play store https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kaspersky-protection/amkpcclbbgegoafihnpgomddadjhcadd The Google Chrome browser doesn't rely on a profile to install the extensions - once the extensions are installed, any profile that uses the browser has access to the addons/extensions. Are you able please to clarify and if you have screen images that define the issues and not mind posting those that would be super please? Maybe I've answered your second question re finding the "security plugin", but if not, any info images you're willing to provide please will help us understand and try to resolve you queries. Thanks so much!
  15. Hello Sunshines & Cajef, Re: "When you remove Kaspersky do you do a reboot before installing again?" Standard "best practice" method for any software/hardware change: Reboot between each step. Example:
    1. Remove application
    2. Reboot
    3. Install/reinstall application
    4. Reboot
    Also, just to keep in mind, with Kaspersky Lab, if ever you reach out to the Technicians for assistance, as a general rule, they will always want traces, and they want traces that have been "caught" following these steps:
    1. Problem happens
    2. Turn on traces
    3. Reboot
    4. Replicate problem
    5. Turn off traces - save
    6. Create GSI, save
    7. Submit: definition of problem, steps taken to recover, images, traces & GSI.
    The only time they vary this is if "fastboot" is used, in which case the requirements are the same EXCEPT instead of the REBOOT step they request:
    1. Problem happens
    2. Turn on traces
    3. EXIT Kaspersky application.
    4. RESTART Kaspersky application
    5. Replicate problem
    6. Turn off traces - save
    7. Create GSI, save
    8. Submit: definition of problem, steps taken to recover, images, Traces, GSI.
    And, as you'll probably surmise, the replicate "problem/issue" can be "tricky" if "it" happened "out of the blue." Anyway, let's hope you never have to go thru the process, if you do, you'll have some guidance. Best regards!
  16. Привет Дмитрий К, Добро пожаловать! Вы используете бесплатную или платную версию KSK, пожалуйста? Какая операционная система / версия на Xiaomi Redmi5 Android, пожалуйста? Что касается [ребенок нажимает кнопку Google и открывает Интернет (это не Google Chrome, а что-то еще). ] Какое «приложение кнопки Google» выбирает ребенок, пожалуйста? Можете ли вы предоставить трафаретную печать, пожалуйста? Относительно [В приложениях, которые я использую, я не вижу запуска этой программы, но я вижу информацию о посещенных сайтах] Можете ли вы предоставить отпечатки экрана, пожалуйста? Относительно [Касперский видит, какие сайты посещает ребенок, но не видит, через которые он не блокирует эту программу] Не могли бы вы уточнить и / или предоставить скриншоты проблемы, пожалуйста? Что касается [фильтр сайта не совершенен и регулярно пропускает сайты из запрещенных категорий] Не могли бы вы уточнить и / или предоставить скриншоты проблемы перед добавлением вручную, иначе мы не увидим, примените ли вы исправление, пожалуйста? Что касается [можно ли сделать белый список сайтов, чтобы любые другие адреса были заблокированы? ] Вы проверили справочные документы для этого, пожалуйста?
    1. https://www.kaspersky.com/blog/tips-2018-limit-kids-websites/21138/
    2. https://support.kaspersky.com/12265#block1
    1. https://support.kaspersky.ru/12265#block8
    Я вижу функциональность в KSK, который я использую, однако я не в России, функциональность приложения «может не быть» глобальной, иногда у Kaspersky есть «региональные» ограничения, поэтому я не могу сказать однозначно. Пожалуйста, дайте нам знать? Большое спасибо!
  17. Привет, Экспик, Спасибо за ответ, за GSI и дополнительную информацию. * У меня есть оригинальный GSI, спасибо * Я все еще анализирую, это занимает некоторое время. * Что касается: «Я вижу», расширения защиты Kaspersky, «установлено в Chrome», да, KPExt работает в Chrome, Firefox и Internet Explorer. но не на EDGE "(защита Kaspersky также, кажется, полностью удалена вместе с Kaspersky)". Расширение / панель инструментов Kaspersky Protection не работает в Edge, есть известные проблемы, у Kaspersky есть запрос на ошибку, и Kaspersky советует «они работают над поиском решения». Совместимость расширений браузера задокументирована Kaspersky. Хотя их текущая документация несколько «неправильна» для проблемы / решения Edge. Что касается «скоростных тестов», выполняли ли вы их в соответствии с ранее представленной документацией по устранению неполадок Kaspersky? Можем ли мы получить результаты, пожалуйста? Загрузить в то же облачное хранилище, что и раньше, и указать ссылку?
  18. Olá Saunet, Obrigado por postar de volta! (imo) KTS é melhor que KAV e KIS. Kaspersky Security Cloud Ainda estou testando, por isso não formei uma opinião neste estágio. *** "se você quiser atualizar com as atualizações é que nada está pronto!" certo? *** Eu não entendo essa pergunta (minhas desculpas) por favor esclarecer? Re: atualizações do Windows - isso pode ser controlado - por favor pm me para solução. Re: "Eu odeio win10 por causa de problemas de privacidade da MSFT" isso pode ser controlado, por favor, esclarecer os "problemas de privacidade"? Descobriremos se a mesma solução que "assume o controle das atualizações" pode ser aplicada. Re: "win 10 devour hardware features" Eu não entendo (minhas desculpas) por favor esclarecer? *** Re: "aplicativos mais antigos", você é capaz de compartilhar quais aplicativos, por favor? Vou ver se existem soluções compatíveis para o Windows 10. Re: Não há um anti-vírus perfeito! Corrigir. Re: navegador padrão, o aplicativo Kaspersky usando o IE, sim, existem configurações - podemos corrigir isso facilmente. Eu entendo sua razão para ficar com XP, no entanto, deixe-me dar uma situação de comparação da minha vida, meu avô legou-me seu Citroën 15CV 1938, eu amo (d) meu avô mais do que tudo, eu amo seu Citroën 15CV 1938 porque me lembra dele e seu amor por mim, no entanto, é extremamente difícil manter / obter peças para, com segurança principal. Sem manutenção, o Citroën é um perigo para mim e para qualquer outro utilizador da estrada, o que faço? Eu sigo meu coração e arrisco a segurança de meus motoristas e outros pilotos ou aceito que meu amado Citroën 15CV seja EOL? Se algum sistema operacional for EOL, sem suporte e o fornecedor do software de segurança também aconselhar que seu software não oferece proteção adequada, estou disposto a assumir o risco ou fazer uma alteração? Por favor, deixe-nos saber as respostas para as perguntas acima, para que possamos continuar a ajudar? Muito obrigado!
  19. Olá Allancsb, Obrigado por postar de volta, a informação e GSI. Você estava usando algum produto da Kaspersky antes de um mês atrás? Não 1. Confirme: "O Kaspersky Security Cloud não funciona se o seu dispositivo não estiver ligado ao My Kaspersky portal. Se já introduziu as suas credenciais noutra aplicação da Kaspersky Lab neste dispositivo, o Kaspersky Security Cloud liga-se automaticamente ao My Kaspersky portal. Se o aplicativo não conseguir conectar automaticamente o dispositivo ao portal, você precisará inserir manualmente suas credenciais para fazer login na sua conta My Kaspersky " *? *: https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/pt-pt PT / 139729.htm? Sim? Por favor, vá para o próximo passo. Você tem backups do sistema? Se não, por favor, crie backups antes de prosseguir com mais instruções. ------------------------------------ Se você encerrar / desconectar o aplicativo Kaspersky Secure Connection, o mesmo problema (NÃO ACESSAR ESTE SITE ERR_CONNECTION CLOSED / VERIFICATION PROXY E FIREWALL) se repetirá? Você selecionou "Recarregar"? Se sim, qual é o resultado? Por favor, "saia / desconecte" o aplicativo Kaspersky Secure Connection e, em seguida, (Windows) Painel de Controle \ Rede e Internet \ Conexões de Rede -> Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter - desativar o Kaspersky Security Data Escort Adapter Por favor, desinstale o aplicativo Kaspersky Secure Connection. Reinicie o PC. Não reinstale o aplicativo Kaspersky Secure Connection neste momento. Desinstalar o Kaspersky Security Cloud - basta manter "Informações de registro" Reinicie o PC. Reinstale o Kaspersky Security Cloud, Reinicie o PC. Aguarde até que o Kaspersky Security Cloud esteja totalmente ativo. Inicie o navegador Chrome. Vá para https://my.kaspersky.com O erro original se repete? (NÃO É POSSÍVEL ACESSAR ESTE SITE FECHADO ERR_CONNECTION) Sim? Pare. Inicie o navegador Internet Explorer. Vá para https://my.kaspersky.com O erro original se repete? (NÃO É POSSÍVEL ACESSAR ESTE SITE FECHADO ERR_CONNECTION) Sim? Pare. Reporte para nós por favor? Não, erro não se repete? Vá para: https://my.kaspersky.com Faça login na sua conta MyKaspersky. Verifique o status de https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices#/ O seu dispositivo está conectado? Sim? Reinstale o aplicativo de conexão do Kaspersky Secure. Reinicie o PC. Aguarde até que o Kaspersky Security Cloud esteja totalmente ativo. Iniciar o aplicativo de conexão do Kaspersky Secure Problemas de conectividade de reteste, ainda existem? Reporte para nós por favor? Não existe mais? Reporte para nós por favor? Muito obrigado! Documentos de referência: https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/pt-PT/43539.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/pt-BR/43540.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/pt-BR/43556.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/pt-BR/43538.htm https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/pt-PT/139729.htm
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