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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Arvipat, Thanks for posting back: The following is the information for Dropbox. The method is similar for all cloud storage:
    1. When the GSI.zip folder and Windows logs are in the Cloud storage:
    2. Hover your cursor over the file or folder you'd like to share.
    3. Click (the word) Share when it appears.in the list presentted.
    4. Click Create a link..
    5. The link will be copied to your clipboard.
    6. Paste the link back here in your post https://community.kaspersky.com/kaspersky-secure-connection-17/secure-connection-shortcut-moved-1522#post7288
    Thank you.
  2. "so many changes, with everything involved there's always going to be something"
    Hello DavidB, Agreed! I think a common frustration we all frequently experience is "it was working, nothing changed (that "we", the impacted person) know of, what happened, why?" The good thing about your post is: it documents the issue, possible trouble shooting and solution/s. That will help others! ?
  3. Hello Luiz Dias, Yes, of course we'll help! Which cloud storage do you use? I'll create some screen prints to guide you, or I can show from my GoogleDrive & hopefully those images will be able to guide you. Please post back! Thank you!
  4. Thanks MFLai, What's the system date & time now please, has it corrected? Have you checked the sysdate & time since the problem? Is it syncing with the world time service? Please check & let us know? Re GSI 5.2, please rerun & before starting it, go to "Settings", select options from there please? And, can you please upload the full GSI to a cloud storage of your choice, e.g., OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive? Please post back the link? Thnaks so much!
  5. Hi DavidB, Not sure if this helps: Re Google "update flash" alert, if you "accept" that message, a popup may display "flash wants access", accept that prompt as well - however, the "flash" alert is not what's preventing login, nor is it causing login to loop. (I have my Kaspersky off, testing another FW), no matter which browser I chose I could not get past the Arlo login screen. I turned off the other firewall & was able to log into Arlo - finally. Can you please test: turning off/exiting Kaspersky software, attempt login? If it's successful can you let us know please? If login is unsuccessful, please post back with previous requested info and an update? Many thanks!
  6. Hello DavidB, Welcome! Can you share with us please:
    1. KTS version?
    2. Netgear name, firmware version?
    3. Is Netgear connected (direct) to mains or is the battery in?
    4. Can you please check http://m.home/index.html#settings/update ?
    5. Any other Kaspersky software, e.g. KSC VPN?
    6. Operating system, version, build?
    7. Browsers, versions?
    8. Any recent changes, e.g. software major update?
    1. Has the issue just begun or is it ongoing for some time?
    1. Is KTS logging any events in KTS/Reports -https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/69235.htm
    If there are events, may we have a copy of a few relevant lines please? If you exit Kaspersky software does the issue persist? There's possible solutions. like reset, uninstall software etc, however, it's not easy to propose without your specific information. Please let us know? Thanks!
  7. Hello Vipin, Welcome! It's a little difficult to provide anything other than generic advices as we don't have very much information from you, however, have you read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sality & https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/threats/malware-encyclopedia-description?name=virus%3Awin32%2Fsality.at & https://www.lifewire.com/whats-the-sality-virus-153582 Can I ask please - do you have Kaspersky software installed, activated, up to date or has the system been unprotected? & if you do have Kaspersky sofware installed: name of all products/versions? Operating system, version, build please? Browsers used, versions? Please let us know? Thanks!
  8. Hello Ron.Dullage, Welcome! I've replicated the issue, 'cept I don't have 99 notifications, phew:sweat_smile:. Don't believe its due to Kaspersky software, however, never say never, allow us a little time to dig please? In the meantime, please share with us:
    1. KTS version & release e.g KTS19.0.0.1088(e) ? (f) please?
    2. Any other Kaspersky software installed? Name/s, version/s please?
    3. Operating system, version, build please?
    4. Browser/s used, name/s, version/s please?
    I'll post back with whatever I find to make the bell divulge all the hidden notifications! Many thanks!
  9. Hello Carol Ann, Welcome! Generic first - if these suggestions / ideas do not help then we'll proceed to recovery steps:
    1. Have you done a full set of browsers used?
    You mention Google:
    1. If you're going to do this & have Bookmarks that you'd like to keep, export Bookmarks before doing a reset - chrome://settings/reset
    2. reference https://www.wikihow.com/Reset-Google-Chrome
    1. Have you done a reset of Kaspersky Security Cloud? https://help.kaspersky.com/KSCloud/Win2.0/en-US/68683.htm
    2. Check system date & time? Up to date?
    3. Is your MyKaspersky account - synchronised, accessible?
    1. Are you able to post back images of "the links offered on my Google search the website will pull up, but it doesn't look normal. It looks like an outline with headings" please?
    Would you also please be kind & tell us:
    1. All Kaspersky software in use: name/s, version/s?
    2. Operating system, version, build please?
    3. Browser/s, name/s, versions?
    4. Any recent changes in anything to do with system or any apps, software in use on device?
    Let us know please? Many thanks!
  10. Hi Pete, Welcome! Is the warning popup being dispalyed by Kaspersky software or? Kaspersky Settings > Additional > Threats and exclusions > Detection types > enable Detect Other Software. and do a databases update > reboot, then do a scan. Clear the contents of your Temp folder, instructions: http://support.kaspersky.com/1161 and then reboot. After that, uninstall any recently installed junk > reboot. After that, uninstall any and all junk toolbars > reboot. Uninstall/disable any and all junk browser add-ons and extensions and plugins in all of your browsers. Remove the junk argument from the target field of the browser shortcut properties. Remove any and all junk search providers in all of your browsers. Then if need be, change your home page, in all of your browsers. How to clean up your browsers: http://support.kaspersky.com/us/viruses/solutions/10319 If you are using a router, reset the router, change the router password to a strong password, enter the correct information according to your internet providers instructions, then clear browser cache and cookies, reboot. Any better after that? If still no go, Please post your GetSystemInfo report link, instructions: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632 If Kaspersky was presenting warning window with: Detected: MEM:Trojan.Win32.NetWire.gen Location: System Memory" check that this is no longer as issue that Kaspersky complains about. If the alert is coming from Winodws or another source please let us know so we can provide further info? If you need to post back please share the following with us:
    1. Details of ALL Kaspersky software installed - Names & Versions?
    2. Operating system, version, build?
    3. Screen print of the popup please?
    Thanks! // mod edit: primary checklist sted 3rd party app instructions.
  11. Hi Stephan, Followup: Where Kaspersky software failed, in this instance is it did not populate an alert for: 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net', that's not normal AND making an exception for a certificate with weak encryption is not "best practice" So, in essence, Kaspersky software not detecting certificate issue & Kaspersky software being tweaked to make it exclude the issue it didn't detect, hmm? If you can be bothered, escalate the issue to Kaspersky Lab Tech Support. Or, if this issue repeats, as in all points match what has evolved here - raise the issue then with Kaspersky Lab Tech Support. Not saying we won't help or don't want to help - we will, we do! A bandage solution is always the last resort. I've sent an email. I'll let you know the response if received. Best regards!
  12. Now I followed the 'How to eliminate the error by excluding a website from encrypted connections scan scope': https://support.kaspersky.com/common/safemoney/12489#block5 I added the website 'https://sp10050fd9.guided.ss-omtrdc.net' and now it seems to work... Time will tell. Thanks! Stephan
    Hi Stephan, Sorry, we can't "analyse" a cry for help, try to work out how to proceed & post back to you & read changes you've done in the interim. Let us know if the issue is not resolved when you're ready. Thanks!
  13. Hi Stephan, We get it, it is frustrating. This is happening on 2 PCs: On Win 10 device: can you check the certificate, in Google chrome://settings/privacy { Manage Certificates } , see if there's a certificate that matches exactly the certificate that displays when you select "View Certificate"? Let us know please? AND:
    1. Google - full refresh / reset - if you have bookmarks you wish to keep - make sure you export them first.
    2. Kaspersky software has to be reset - restored to default settings - reference:
    https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2018/en-US/68151.htm AFTER RESET of both Google & Kaspersky - full shutdown - restart of PC Please post back when you're ready? Thanks!
  14. Olá Dctoco, Obrigado por nos atualizar. 1. (a) Apenas para confirmar, você tem o Malwarebytes atualmente em execução para proteção do sistema? (b) Quantas contas neste computador? Sua conta? Admin? Alguma outra conta? Sua conta tem privilégios administrativos completos? (c) Você pode nos contar um pouco mais sobre esta mensagem? Essa informação é "gerenciada pela sua organização" exibida pelo Google Chrome? Podemos ter screenshots, por favor? --------------------------------------------- 2. Por favor, faça o seguinte nesta ordem: ** Se você tiver os marcadores do Google Chrome que deseja manter, exporte marcadores ** - No navegador Google Chrome, digite: chrome://settings/reset - selecione: restaurar as configurações para seus padrões originais. * Desinstalar o Google Chrome: usando a ferramenta normal do Windows: Adicionar / Remover Programas - botão Iniciar, Configurações - Aplicativos, selecione Chrome, selecione DESINSTALAR - permite que o processo de desinstalação seja concluído. * Desligue o computador completamente [selecione o desligamento] e não selecione "restart * * Quando o dispositivo estiver completamente desligado, pressione o botão liga / desliga para reiniciar. ---------------------------------------- 3. Desconectar da internet. * Desligue o modem / roteador - por favor, fique desligado (temporariamente) ----------------------------------------------- 4. * Saia do software da Kaspersky. Para as próximas etapas #Por favor, não use o KAVRemover# **** Desinstalar o Kaspersky **** (lembre-se de selecionar "Salvar informações de licença") Desinstale o Kaspersky usando a ferramenta normal do Windows: Adicionar ou Remover Programas - botão Iniciar, Configurações - Aplicativos, selecione Kaspersky, selecione DESINSTALAR - ative o processo completo de desinstalação >> * Desligue o computador completamente [selecione o desligamento] e não selecione "restart * * Quando o dispositivo estiver completamente desligado, pressione o botão liga / desliga para reiniciar. ------------------------------------ 5. Verifique os seguintes locais, por favor: (a) C:\ Arquivos de programas (x86)\Kaspersky Lab Quais pastas do Kaspersky estão listadas, por favor? (Não se preocupe em reportar o Kaspersky Password Manager) (b) C: \Usuários \Seu Nome \AppData\Local\Kaspersky Lab Quais pastas do Kaspersky estão listadas, por favor? (Não se preocupe em reportar o Kaspersky Password Manager) (c) C: \ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab Quais pastas do Kaspersky estão listadas, por favor? (Não se preocupe em reportar o Kaspersky Password Manager) ---------------------------------------- 6. Colete novos registros do GSI e do Windows. Ative o modem / roteador. Conecte-se a internet. -------------------------------------------------- - 7. *** Não baixe o Chrome nesta etapa, por favor *** *** Não baixe o software Kaspersky nesta etapa, por favor *** Usando outro navegador: faça o upload do GSI, logs, informações solicitadas e imagens de tela para armazenamento em nuvem e compartilhe o link, por favor? Obrigado Dctoco.
  15. Hello ThinkPadUser, Welcome! I have an opinion, however, the author (Martin Brinkmann) of https://www.ghacks.net/2018/08/14/kaspersky-security-cloud-free-review/ is reputable, knowledgeable, trusted person with years of experience. Also: https://www.kaspersky.com/free-cloud-antivirus https://www.kaspersky.com.au/free-antivirus https://help.kaspersky.com/KFA/2019/en-US/101565.htm One significant distinction - (Cloud software) the service is associated with the Customers account owner’s My Kaspersky account, rather than to a license. Two things to always remember, free means no access to Technical Support and free = the basic software - no bells and whistles. Re: Which is more compatible with Windows/PC - for this specific question Cloud still needs to be "installed", there's negligible difference. I'm sure others in the Community will also share their knowledge, experience an opinions to your question. Best regards.
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