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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Farnk, On your android, go to: Google Play Store - type in Super Backup & Restore, 2 apps of that name will display, select the free version. The Super Backup is super and will backup many things, it's super easy to use, super easy to select what you want backed up & the schedule for the backups. All in all super, don't be overwhelmed, I can assure you,. backing up anything with phones or computers is a housekeeping task that should be setup to protect all of us all the time. When it comes to anything "software" related it's important to have / do two primary things - have good protection, and make sure it works, have good housekeeping backup software/schedule/s & make sure they work. Everybody who uses any device needs to be using protection & have a houkeeping schedule setup, once it;'s setup, it needs no intervention, other than, if the company releases an update and that can be automated too. Look at av protection & backup solution as "preventative", with them in place & working, calling in the big guns is a rare event. & thank you for the expression of appreciation, that's most kind of you:slight_smile: You're doing well, please keep us posted?
  2. Hello Victorgonzales, As well as the post from Richbuff, the following may be of interest: End of support for Kaspersky Software Updater - 2019 Mar 25 https://support.kaspersky.com/us/14957 The Software Updater doco, has not been updated since October 2018, may be outdated, https://help.kaspersky.com/KSOS/6.0/en-US/127695.htm & associated docs. We're sure Kaspersky Support will know. Thanks.
  3. Hello Windows_Tech_Support. Welcome! Thankyou for sharing. As you've posted as a question, not conversation, do you require assistance?
    1. If yes, please: please collect a GSI :- https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, include Windows Logs, upload the full GSI.zip folder to a cloud storage of your choice, e.g., OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive...
    2. Please post back the link?
  4. Hello Mtkochdds, Welcome!
    1. What version of KTS?
    2. What is the operating system, version, build?
    3. How is the system "Virtual Memory" being managed? Is it being managed or 0'd out?
    1. Please collect a GSI :- https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, include Windows Logs, upload the full GSI.zip folder to a cloud storage of your choice, e.g., OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive...
    2. Please post back the link?
    Many thanks!
  5. Hello Luiz Dias, Thankyou for the information and the screen prints, very helpful! Re: "export reports", don't worry, the info on the screen print helps! Re: "duplicate screen", don't worry, two is better than none! To recover from this you can uninstall & reinstall Kaspersky software, HOWEVER, 1. There's a specific process to follow, if you choose to uninstall/reinstall, please let us know so we can guide you? 2. Three months is a long time. It would be much better/safer: if we could look at the whole system before any changes are made. As requested in my original reply, may we have a GSI please?
    1. GSI - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, include Windows Logs, upload the full GSI.zip folder to a cloud storage of your choice, e.g., OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive...
    2. Please post back the link?
    If you're unsure or need assistance creating the GSI & or uoloading to Cloud Storage, please post back? We can help:slight_smile: If you've followed Richbuffs direction, please post back and let us know if the problem is fixed or if we can further assist? Many thanks.
  6. Hello Farnk, Google Play Store - (free) Super Backup & Restore application, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.idea.backup.smscontacts&hl=en Is free, easy to setup, easy to use, well rated, has minimal tiny adds that disappear with a click on the x and, most importantly, works seamlessly, silently, backing up to SD card (if installed) & or Cloud storage. Whether you or Verison do the reset, if there's a SD card installed, remove it so it doesn't get "accidently" wiped/formatted:wink: Please keep us updated? Thanks!
  7. FYI all: Windows ALERT = : Kaspersky new version, patch release update. ----------------------------------------------------------
    1. Question - with the following setting selected, how/why has the patch been pushed?
    1. Do not download new versions automatically and do not notify me when new versions are available. Kaspersky Total Security does not automatically download the new version of the application and does not notify you of its availability. When you become aware of release of a new application version, you can download and install it on your own.
  8. Hello Casamystic, Welcome!
    1. Don't worry about the subscription, that will not be causing any of the issues.
    2. Please collect a GSI - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, include Windows Logs, upload the full GSI.zip folder to a cloud storage of your choice, e.g., OneDrive, GoogleDrive, MegaDrive...
    3. Please post back the link?
    & yes, you can uninstall/reinstall Kaspersky software, however, it's better to provide the GSI before you do so to allow us to see if there's more than just a problem due to Kaspersky software. If you choose to uninstall Kaspersky software: please follow these steps:
    1. During the uninstall process it will ask 4 questions, ONLY select "Save licence information", ignore everything else.
    2. Uninstall.
    3. Reboot
    4. Download, install Kaspersky software.
    5. Reboot.
    6. Connect to the MyKaspersky portal, your MyKaspersky account - sign in, https://my.kaspersky.com/MyDevices#/, check your device has connected?
    7. Retest the issues that existed before 1 thru to 6, fixed ? Good.
    8. Not fixed ? Please post back?
    Thanks so much!
  9. Fabio_B,
    1. Google Chrome app - has a name - what is that name?
    2. New feature of Google Chrome - has a name - what is that name?
    3. Google Search app - has a name - what is that name?
    All apps have specific names that identify/differentiate each app from the other. Furthermore, all apps have versions, builds, specific info that identify/differentiate each release. For example, if I look at "Google Chrome" - browser, select: "Settings", select: "About Chrome"
    1. Chrome (application) name = z,
    2. Chrome application version = x,
    3. Chrome operating system = y
    If 1. 2. & 3. are not specifically / individually KSK managed as per "block", "allow", etc., there are no limitations on them, KSK will "grant" permissions according to the KSK category 1 & 2 are in. If the KSK category is unmanaged: no limitations will be applied to ANY apps in that category. KSK category x - unmanaged - every app in x has access to every feature/function on phone. It's like: all the students are in class 6 - all class 6 students have permission to use the toilet, 3 class 6 students have additional permission to use the sickroom, bc, they have special permissions according to their specific needs. Please let us know? Thanks.
  10. Hello Lawrence, Sorry I haven't got back to you. I was preparing a "next steps/test" schedule, one step of which was remove the exclusions, so I'm so glad you've nailed it - brilliant and well done:clap_tone2:. Just for any future issues, had that not worked, we would have:
    1. Created a new Windows account/profile, sighed in,
    2. Installed a fresh Google.
    3. Created a new Google account - signed in.
    4. Set up SafeMoney.
    5. Setup financial websites/browser bookmarks.
    6. Retested.
    1. Had 1 to 5 solved the issue, we would have cleaned up your original Google account, uninstalled & refreshed Google and refreshed Kaspersky and so on until a happy resolution was achieved...
    If you run into strife, at anytime, we're here and willing to help. Thanks again!
  11. Hello Farnk, Re "confused about "full backup of everything, clean up ph, install software of choice". Not sure what's confusing? Are things like Contacts, Calendar, Msgs, personal files synced to cloud storage? If no, set that up so everything you want/need is backed up to a cloud storage of your choice, example GoogleDrive. Then, either take the ph to Verizon: ask them to reset it or do a factory reset. McAfee - needs to be removed, I'll post back. Thanks.
  12. Hi Hawker, Thanks for the information and preparation to this point: Checkpoint 2: a) SystemImage:thumbsup: SysImage - Rescue disk :thumbsup: --------------------------- b) Restore point - C drive:thumbsup: 1 - 28/05/19 --------------------------- c) External HDD - User files and folders - backup:thumbsup: --------------------------
    1. I'll send back process, next steps, until then don't change anything please.
    Have a good sleep.
  13. Hello Hawker, Thanks for the information and preparation to this point: Checkpoint 1: a) System image:thumbsup: --------------------------- b) Restore point - C drive:thumbsup: ****Please look at the system restore points & post back:
    1. How many?
    2. Dates of each restore point?
    --------------------------- c) External HDD - User files and folders - backup:thumbsup: ---------------------------
    1. I'm assessing all of the additional information/questions - before ANYTHING is, ticked, unticked or changed at all, it's necessary to make the system healthier.
    2. Because of the additional information (you've provided), we need to do some system stabilising, the step after that will be to bring Windows up to date.
    3. I preparing steps, until the next post please don't make any changes at all.
  14. Ciao DomBale, Si prega di salvare i segnalibri di Firefox. Esegui un reset completo di Firefox. Riavvia il dispositivo. Problema di ripetizione? risolto = Buono! Non risolto - disinstallare Firefox. Riavvia il dispositivo. Controlla il sistema per assicurarti che non ci siano prove di file di Firefox, il sistema di cartelle deve essere completamente privo di Firefox. Quando compter è pulito di Firefox, scarica un nuovo programma di installazione di Firefox.exe Installa Firefox. Riavvia il dispositivo. Attendere l'avvio / caricamento completo del software Kaspersky. Avvia Firefox. Problema di retest? risolto = Buono! Non riparato? Per favore segnalaci? Grazie molto!
  15. Hello Regis, Welcome! Would it be helpful if we provided information in your language? If so please let us which language you're comfortable with please? Also, please tell us the
    1. Kaspersky Safe Kids, version please
    2. Wiko, model, version please?
    Just to briefly get started, you have the Master KSK account, thru this you control child's access to how the phone is used depending on what features you "allow", "block" etc. We can step you thru all of this. Please post back. Thanks you!
  16. Hello Bobbyj82, Welcome!
    1. Assuming the .sys file that was in c:\windows\system32\drivers folder is in KIS Quarantine, please refer to: https://help.kaspersky.com/KIS/2019/en-US/70904.htm.
    2. Note: the cautionary advice: "Kaspersky Internet Security does not disinfect Windows Store apps. If scanning results indicate that such an app is dangerous, it is deleted from your computer".
    3. If the file detection/relocation/removal was not managed by KIS, but, managed by TDSSKiller, then whatever parameters you selected & documentation referred to, prior to running TDSSKiller, need to be referred back to.
    4. The TDSSKiller report should guide you.
    5. If this generic advice doesn't help, please provide a GSI - https://support.kaspersky.com/common/diagnostics/3632#block7, include Windows logs.
    6. When the GSI .zip folder is ready, upload to cloud storage of your choice and post back the link please?
    7. Also, the name of the file would be helpful please?
    8. With the information collected by the GSI, we'll be more able to provide advice specific to your situation.
    Thank you!
  17. Hello Farnk, What (technically) is stopping the removal of McAfee? PM me the list of the "other" apps that cannot be removed & again what is stopping the removal. Unless the apps are original, as shipped, I'm not clear as to what would be causing an issue. My advice, (1) full backup of everything, clean up ph, install software of choice. (2) full backup, factory reset, install chosen software, restore only what is necessary/desired. As with any "solution", test all backups/restores before finally stripping phone or device. Thanks!
  18. Hello Ashanta1, Welcome! https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/85850.htm Show notification when the webcam is in use by an application for which webcam access is allowed If this check box is selected, Kaspersky Total Security displays a notification when an application for which access is allowed is using the webcam.
    1. In the notification window, you can edit the settings of application access to the webcam or choose not to receive any further notifications.
    2. If this check box is cleared, the notification is not displayed.
    This check box is available if the Block access to webcam for all applications check box is cleared. Thanks.
  19. Hello Grandpalarry777, Thanks a bunch, every bit of info helps! ?KTS Safe Money Settings - exactly what was needed! Please confirm:
    1. Windows Settings/Default apps/Web browser is set to Google Chrome?
    1. Re: Certificate warnings/sites added to Encrypted Connection Scanning:
    1. Did the "warnings" happen for all 4 sites recently?
    2. Over a period of time?
    3. All at the same time, for example, in the same 5 day period?
    4. Did, TDA & Amazon, not generate certificate warnings?
    Just an observation - this window - your image - NORMALLY displays when a "Protected Browser" is already running, that being the case, please confirm, when the 2 sites you're concerned about "manifest" the issue, there is NO other "Protected Browser"active? FYI - I'm testing to replicate your experience, every bit of info you provide allows us to understand exactly what the impacts are. Thank you for patience and persistence, Best regards!
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