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Flood and Flood's wife

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Posts posted by Flood and Flood's wife

  1. Hello Farnk, Thank you for your kind words & you're very welcome!
    1. Re: KISA/??Go (imo) have both, KISA = comprehensive protection, DDG = highly stylised privacy search engine - 2 very different products.
    2. Re: McAfee - remove every trace of it from any system where Kaspersky software is installed.
    Do please keep us updated &/or post back if you run into strife. Best regards!
  2. Hello Grandpalarry777,
    1. Thanks for the steps process. Very helpful!
    1. The screen print needed is Safe Money Settings [ https://help.kaspersky.com/KTS/2019/en-US/68178.htm ] please?
    2. Does [these 2 sites, opening in/with"regular window" / browser ] mean: an unprotected Google Chrome browser or another/different browser altogether?
    3. What Kaspersky extension (version) is installed [ chrome://extensions/?id=amkpcclbbgegoafihnpgomddadjhcadd ] please?
    4. When the problem is happening are you signed into your Google Chrome account?
    1. & just to triple check:
    1. Every other financial site you have defined in KTS Safe Money application & defined in Google Chrome browser bookmarks, opens in a Google Chrome Safe Money Protected browser?
    2. Windows Settings/Default apps/Web browser is set to Google Chrome?
    Please let us know? Many thanks!
  3. Hola Toroma, [Anti-Theft] [Cambios importantes en esta versión] [que eliminamos de KISA] [Una de las funciones Anti-Theft, a saber, eliminar datos personales de un dispositivo perdido o robado] Con respecto a los cambios antirrobo para cumplir con la política de Google Play: La documentación de respaldo está con el equipo de Kaspersky para su revisión y corrección. Muchas gracias.
  4. Hola Toroma, Como información general, Kaspersky recientemente (marzo de 2019) realizó cambios en KISA para cumplir con la Política de privacidad de Google. Parte de cómo funciona {Anti-theft} fue incluido en los cambios. https://support.kaspersky.com/sp/14978 https://help.kaspersky.com/KISA/MR20U3/es-ES/71844.htm ¡Gracias por la información detallada, ayuda mucho! ¡Permítanos un tiempo para revisar completamente los problemas que ha identificado y ver cómo podemos ayudarlopor favor? ¿También aclarar para nosotros: las configuraciones / mensajes / expectativas son para Sim Watches? ¿Por favor déjanos saber? Muchas gracias.
  5. Hello Nasser:
    1. Save Firefox bookmarks,
    2. Do full Firefox reset.
    3. Reboot.
    4. Test.
    5. Fixed? Good.
    1. Not fixed:
    1. Uninstall Firefox
    2. Reboot
    3. Check that all traces of Firefox have been removed from system
    4. If there's any Firefox folders, files, objects remaining - delete.
    5. Reboot.
    6. Download a new Firefox Installer.
    7. Install Firefox.
    8. Reboot.
    9. Test. Fixed? Good.
    10. Not fixed: let us know?
  6. OK I have a 44gb file on my flash drive. So I have a restore point and a system image so far., Now for the backup.
    ? Remember - the system image has to be the only data on the flash drive. If the data backed up to cloud is large, split the backups & test the backups ➡️ create a backup partition, restore. (We can delete the bu partition once you're happy the restore is working exactly as it should. You've got plenty of room to create a backup partition). Thanks!
  7. Hopefully I can back up with this to one drive?
    Bit worried about the size and onedrive limits?
    Hello Hawker,
    1. Work out the size of what needs to be backed up & evaluate size of OneDrive storage available.
    2. Create another cloud storage account.
    3. Select an additional cloud storage provider, for example GoogleDrive offers 15gb - free.
    Very important - AFTER you've backed up all your data - test restoring before we proceed with getting system to current level.
  8. Thanks Hawker, The Opsys is two major releases behind. First step/suggestion, bring Opsys up to current version, to prepare for this, we need to do the following" Do you have backsups? Have you created a recent restore point? Do you have a system image? If NO to ANY of the last 3 questions:
    1. Please create a full backup on a removable drive.
    2. Please create a system image.
    3. Please create a restore point.
    Ref doco: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-make-full-backup-windows-10 https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/4027538/windows-create-a-system-restore-point Post back when these are done please? Thanks!
  9. Привет Александр S, Добро пожаловать! Соблюдение конфиденциальности {Kaspersky} регулируется в соответствии с законодательством страны (в зависимости от региона) и юридическими обязательствами Kaspersky. https://www.kaspersky.ru/web-privacy-policy Спасибо большое.
  10. Fabio_B, The Call/SMS article was to inform about the new GooglePlay Privacy policy - not only Call & SMS info.
    1. The screen prints don't help unless you add the sequence of steps describing the issue.
    Let's try & sort out what the problem is:
    1. Google Search app opens web pages - KSK does not control this app unless you've configured KSK to manage it.
    2. Have you done that?
    3. Are the pages accessed via GoogleChrome browser or Google Search app redirect browser?
    Please let us know? Thanks.
  11. Checked Windows Updates and it says up to date. How do I update it to the latest version?
    Hello Hawker, Thanks for posting back! Before updating anything please do the following:
    1. start cmd, enter "sysver" enter
    Please post back: Windows specifications:
    1. Edition?
    2. Version?
    3. Date?
    4. OS Build?
    We can help with all updates, fixes & possible reasons for what's going on but need to do this methodically, there may be a bit of "faffing". I've sent you a PM. Thanks so much!
  12. Hello Hawker, Hemm, where to start?? BSODs, bug checks, failed upds: I can see you've not had a happy time! May I ask please: is there a reason (as in: "your choice") the computer is still on W10 1803? I have a number of possible "explanations", "solutions" however, it depends on: 1. Your answers. 2. Your decision on which road you'd be most comfortable, happy with, given you're pretty sick of the computer/software misbehaving so much, which btw, I totally understand - I would be too!. Please let us know? Thanks!
  13. Привет Newbot23, Добро пожаловать! Пожалуйста, предоставьте следующую информацию: Версия KTS? Настройки KTS / NETWORK - [Mozilla & Thunderbird] [Сканирование безопасного трафика] Он включен? Версия Firefox? Установлено ли расширение / надстройка защиты Kaspersky в Firefox? Вы сделали полный сброс Firefox? Также проверьте: https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/other/14396 и посмотрите, задокументированы ли какие-либо проблемы, с которыми вы сталкиваетесь? Можете ли вы предоставить нам последовательность снимков экрана, показывающих проблему и запрошенные ответы, чтобы мы могли нацелить нашу помощь именно на ваши проблемы, пожалуйста? Большое спасибо!
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