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  2. Do Kaspesky Total Security and its different tools, such as VPN and password manager, work on a degoogled phone?
  3. Hi - thanks for the reply. I talked to customer service and was told there is no such thing as a partial refund hence the cancellation and repurchase. I was told that as long as I used my current passwords and email the new subscription would have all my info. I have backed up the passwords etc but I felt wary of doing the cancel/repurchase as I couldn’t see how everything would just be there with no rein out of details by me.
  4. I have installed KSK on my daughter's new MacBook, and I have also installed Brave because it blocks advertising. However she has been unable to access any websites with Brave, while still able to access them on Safari. I checked the settings I have for her on my own computer, and see that Brave is allowed... I read on other posts that Brae is not supported for certain functionality, does that mean the Brave browser is completely blocked in KSK?
  5. Hello @Suema, Welcome! Firstly, the advice you received - "I was told" - who was it from? Regarding: "re load all the info and passwords", please explain this more clearly - reload info - where? Passwords - where - into Kaspersky Password Manager application - somewhere else? IF (you've) already created a KPM vault - you need to create a KPM backup before making any changes & OR cancelling anything: IF (you) buy a *new* subscription - for that subscription to work in place of the *existing* subscription, the email address (you) used for the *existing* subscription & the *new* subscription must be the same. When (you) install the *new* software (you) must sign into the Kaspersky applications with the *same* email address. IF (you) ever forget the KPM *Master* password - Kaspersky cannot help - the *Master* password is not recoverable - do not loose it & or do not forget it. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋 Resource: How to request a refund?
  6. Как это без проблем работают если на самом деле нифига не работает.
  7. Today
  8. Интересно, что в справке FF сказано об отсутствии возможности удаления кнопки расширений: Не знаю, как это у Вас вышло. Но можно создать новый профиль - он запустится в дефолтном виде, затем установить расширение KP и осуществить-таки жалобу на сайт.) После чего профиль можно будет удалить и вернуться к своему привычному, без кнопки расширений.)
  9. 2 days ago I purchased and downloaded Premium software. Today I find out that there is an Aussie Kaspersky site selling the same thing for $15 less and inquired as to a refund I was told to cancel what I have and but a new subscription and, apparently, I will just have everything the same with out having to re load all the info and passwords. Is this right? Has anyone done this? I don’t see how it can be correct?
  10. Hi @harlan4096, We use the Maximise ⬜ feature all the time & in all of our Kaspersky screen-images - it's one of the working features that is useful. But, back to main topic, we see @Indingo's concern as very valid & have submitted the Feedback, I have a complaint request. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  11. Its still there though, so it bothers me even with a changed window size. I am compelled to look at it and can't stop myself because its there, that's why I want to disable it lol. I literally can't stop even if I wanted to. ( https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/checking-ocd-symptoms-and-treatment ) example.
  12. This is because Your main GUI size was changed to a bigger size, with default size:
  13. Hallo @Juliuscesar, die Lizenzverwaltung des VPNs ist leider nicht ganz ideal. Ich vermute es liegt daran, dass Kaspersky hier mit einem Partner zusammenarbeitet und so immer zwei Stellen mitreden. Du kannst ein Abo aus Deinem Konto entfernen, das wäre bei Dir dann wohl die Einzellizent. Die Online-Hilfe schreibt dazu u. a.: https://support.kaspersky.com/KPC/1.0/de-DE/247212.htm Ich gehe davon aus, dass der Support von dieser Möglichkeit spricht. Den Aktivierungscode gibt Du dann in einem zweiten, neu erstellten Account ein und verbindest das Gerät, das diese Lizenz nutzen soll. Selbst gemacht habe ich das noch nie. Wenn Du (wie ich) etwas unsicher bist, frag bitte nochmal beim Support nach, ob es so gehen soll. PS: es gibt auch Lizenzen für 20 Geräte.
  14. Hi @harlan4096, No *manual* scrolling required (for us). Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  15. I have clinical grade OCD, like actually a problem that I can't help and have had it since I was a child, the fact that there is a timeline I cannot hide or get rid of which has random stuff I don't care about in it, rather than a clean GUI makes me think about the program while I am using the computer and compulsively check the timeline, which is disruptive. It may not make sense to you but I am compelled to do it, which is bothersome enough that I would consider using a different product even though I want to use Kaspersky, also the privacy element, as anything blocked such as websites sit in the timeline with no way to disable it, so anyone can see what websites are blocked, not really an issue but still again my compulsion does not like this.
  16. Also, I don't think why this feature bothers you so much, being in main GUI, You will not see it, unless You manually scroll down, also it only shows at first sight only 3 lines, clicking over any of them, You will access to classical more detailed Reports window.
  17. Hello @Indingo, Welcome! Unfortunately there's no option available to disable the Timeline. It's a good idea tho, maybe the developers will crack onto it one day - hopefully. We've submitted it as a complaint - on (your) behalf - we'd love to say we'll give feedback when & IF it's ever implemented - but - Kaspersky have (ioo) the dumbest change-control-processes on the planet - they send the requested feedback to the developers & close the incident - telling the requestor "to keep an eye out - to see if the change is implemented" & IF (you) want or need follow-up information about the same request (you) must raise a *new* incident, which Kaspersky process, close & at the same time send (you) an email stating - "we see you've raised a duplicate incident, but don't worry, we'll close X & add it to Y, blah, blah, blah..." Their back-of-house staff are very proficient playing that little incident-management ring-a-ring-a-rosy. We can tell you not all change requests are successful & even successful ones may take a long time to be implemented. Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  18. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Please provide version of Kaspersky product installed. Also, can You please select one of those detections, and post the specific details. Did Discord recently or these days got an update of the application?
  19. Welcome to Kaspersky Community. Did You try to add that local URL Trusted list: If still not go, You can try also to add an exclusion in Encrypted Connections Scan Trusted list:
  20. Exe

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    Satın alım sonrası key gelmedi yardımcı olabilcek varmı yada bir süresi mi var beklemem mi gerekiyor
  21. @kariyamvinod Please see comments above , you may contact Kaspersky Tech Support.
  22. How can I disable the timeline on the homepage of Kaspersky premium? firstly is bothers my OCD. secondly it leaks what websites are blocked to anyone using the computer unless you manually delete the logs, and thirdly its just annoying and I don't want it.
  23. Проблема подключения Microsoft Outlook к Microsoft Exchange после установки накопительного пакета обновления 14 Это решение не подойдёт ли?
  24. Добрый день. Для информации. После обновления с KES 12.4 на KES 12.5 обнаружилась проблема подключения некоторых пользователей Outlook 2016 к серверу Exchange 2019. Если почтовый ящик в Exchange, привязан к доменной учетной записи пользователя, то подключение проходит без проблем. Например: псевдоним it (@domen.com), имя для входа user (@mydomen.loc), пользователь на компьютере mydomen\user (user @mydomen.loc). Имя для входа и пользователь совпадают. Если почтовый ящик в Exchange с отдельной доменной учеткой и просто подключается другому пользователю в Outlook, то подключения к Exchange не будет. При этом в логах никаких сообщений о блокировке нет. Например: псевдоним it (@domen.com), имя для входа it (@mydomen.loc), пользователь на компьютере mydomen\user (user @mydomen.loc). Имя для входа и пользователь не совпадают. Помогает в политике KSC "Общие настройки - Настройки сети - Настроить доверенные адреса" добавление адреса почтового сервера Exchange (в наших примерах это domen.com).
  25. @Berny I contacted website Providers, and they informed that they have scanned my account, and they can see that scan has confirmed there is no malware infection in the account
  26. What do You mean with this? Can You attach a capture?
  27. Bienven@ a la Comunidad de Kaspersky. Indica versión de product Kaspersky instalado, así como de sistema operativo y navegador usado (indica qué extensiones del navegador tienes instaladas). Imagino que estás intentando entrar por: https://my.kaspersky.com/ Indica también desde de qué país estás intentando conectar, hay reported de otros usuarios teniendo el mismo problema desde Brasil por ejemplo, puede que sea un problema temporal. Saludos.
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