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  1. T3nsh1

    Kaspersky Reklam Engelleyici

    Kaspersky Reklam Engelleyicinin ayarlarından açılması gereken tüm filtreleri açtım diğer ayarlarını yaptım ama çoğu sitede asla çalışmıyor. Herhalde filtre listesi 10 yıldır güncellenmiyor. Örnek olarak Youtube'daki hiçbir reklamı engellemiyor, eğer hiçbirşeyi engellemeyecekse niye var bu eklenti/ayar.
  2. У меня настроено резервное копирование на внешний диск. Около 40 Гб В первый раз, что понятно, это заняло около 2 часов. Но следующие копии, настроенные по расписанию, занимает столько же времени. Вопрос почему так. Разве при копировании не должны просто перезаписываться только изменённые файлы? Я ничего не скачивал, но ощущение будто бы копирование каждый раз начинается по новой.
  3. K green icon not showing in subheading urls, but showing on main url. This happens to all sites that have subheadings. This issue has persisted for a month maybe more. The last time this happened it was fixed with a database update but not this time. Any ideas ? Kaspersky Premium Google Chrome 134.0.6998.89 64-bit (with Google search engine) Windows 11 64-bit 24h2
  4. I installed the Google Chrome app dedicated to the password manager but if I run the Windows software "Kaspersky Password Manager" it always tells me that it still needs to be installed. Why? How do I solve it? windows 11 - version / 1741787757_7668 /
  5. Hi everyone, I've been working on updating Kaspersky endpoint security for Windows across my protected workstations, and everything has been smooth sailing except for one hiccup. One workstation keeps throwing errors about conflicting software, particularly 360 antivirus, even though there's no visible trace of it on the hard drive or in the registry. I've tried various methods to locate and remove it, but so far, no luck. The error shown by the installation program: If anyone has encountered a similar issue or has any suggestions on how to effectively track down and eradicate this program, I'd greatly appreciate your insights. Thanks in advance for any assistance provided!
  6. Rodrigowbs

    Kaspersky bloqueando CloudFlare.

    -- OS: Windows 11 Pro 23H2 Versão do aplicativo Kaspersky: --- Quando acesso alguma página que exige autenticação de 2 fatores e/ou checagem de captcha pela cloudflare fica com um aviso “Preso nessa pagina? Acione o suporte” Só consigo dar sequência quando deixo o kaspersky em pausa por 1 minuto que é o suficiente para dar sequência e com um ctrl + F5 a pagina carrega normalmente. Alguém sabe se marquei algum campo onde bloqueia esse tipo de site? Exemplos: https://downdetector.com.br/ Com a ferramenta do kaspersky para gravação de problemas fiz uma gravação, só não sei se já posso anexá-la aqui.
  7. Приветствую, подскажите решение проблемы. Я хочу отключить уведомление "запрещен доступ к веб-камере", оставляя правило запрета на использование веб-камеры действующим. Не нашёл событие "Программе запрещен доступ к веб-камере" в настройках уведомлений. Ни во вкладках Безопасности данных, ни во вкладке Контроль программ.
  8. I cant add Zoom.exe to my Application Control rule. Thats make my zoom cant do login or join some zoom video call. I always need to pause kaspersky to be able to join or login, and when i resume the protection and try to rejoin the error shown error 5003 that told me to mske sure my connection is not blocked by firewall. I have try to add zoom.exe but the my application control prevent its, have try to reinstall the zoom but the problem still occur. But when i try other file like, the file can be added to rules, and funny things is i did copy Zoom.exe to Zoom-copy.exe and it can added to the rules but its not solve my main problem because the Zoom itself refers to Zoom.exe not with the copy name on its. Here the video that i cant add my file only for Zoom.exe to rules. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UD816GyJn6iKgDcXrSmuG4N1HgyAfqHo/view?usp=sharing I have try to add the folders that zoom located as threat and exclution but still get blocked Windows 11 v 10.0.22631 Build 22631 KTS (m) 2021 AO Kaspersky Lab
  9. After installing Kaspersky, all USB input devices (keyboard & mouse) stopped working immediately after booting into Windows. Windows itself boots fine, but since no input devices work, I cannot log in. The issue started after attempting to install Kaspersky. During installation, it gave a message stating that Avira was still installed, even though it had been removed two years ago. I manually checked the registry and deleted two Avira-related entries, but one entry could not be removed. I continued with the Kaspersky installation anyway, and then both of my monitors went gray, and several DLL errors appeared. After restarting the PC, USB devices stopped working completely in Windows, even though they still work in BIOS and in the Windows Recovery menu. Steps Already Attempted (None Worked): 1. BIOS & Hardware Checks: - Keyboard and mouse work in BIOS, so this is not a hardware issue. - Legacy USB Support is already enabled in BIOS, so USB ports are not blocked at the motherboard level. - Tried multiple USB ports (front, back, USB 2.0, USB 3.0), but none work in Windows. - No PS/2 ports available, so that option is ruled out. 2. Windows Recovery & Safe Mode Attempts: - Booted into Advanced Startup (Recovery Mode), and USB devices work there. - Booted into Safe Mode (F4), but USB devices do not work. - Booted into Safe Mode with Networking (F5), but USB devices do not work. - Booted into Safe Mode with Command Prompt (F6), but USB devices do not work. - Attempted “Startup Repair” in Recovery Mode, but it did nothing. - Tried “Reset This PC” with “Keep My Files,” but it failed with the error “Could not reset this PC, no changes were made.” 3. Kaspersky Removal Attempts (Failed Due to No Input): - Tried opening Command Prompt in Safe Mode to uninstall Kaspersky, but no input devices work, so I couldn’t type commands. - Manually checked Kaspersky’s installation folders using Command Prompt in Recovery Mode: - C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab does not exist. - C:\ProgramData\Kaspersky Lab does not exist. - Manually checked Windows registry for Kaspersky-related services (klflt, klkbdflt, klmouflt, avp, etc.), but none were found. 4. USB Driver Repair Attempts (Did Not Work): - Tried enabling USB drivers manually via Registry in Command Prompt: reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBHUB3" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbhub" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbxhci" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\usbehci" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\USBSTOR" /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 3 /f None of these commands fixed the issue. - Tried forcing USB driver reinstallation using DISM & pnputil in Command Prompt, but it did nothing. - Checked disk partitions (diskpart) to confirm Windows installation drive was correct, but there was confusion with the drive letters (C: and X: were mismatched). Current Situation: - Windows still boots fine, but I cannot log in because keyboard and mouse do not work. - Recovery Mode recognizes USB, but Safe Mode and normal Windows do not. - Kaspersky is not listed in Program Files, ProgramData, or the registry, but the issue clearly started right after installing Kaspersky. - Resetting Windows fails, so I cannot even attempt a repair install from inside Windows. --- What I Need from Support: - How to fully remove Kaspersky (including any hidden services) without being able to log in. - How to manually enable USB drivers from Recovery Mode. - How to fix the "Reset This PC" failure in case a repair install is required.
  10. Ever since installing Kaspersky Antivirus, I've been experiencing frequent disconnections of my external drive. Prior to the installation, I had no such issues. Despite disabling external drive scanning in the antivirus settings, the problem persists. I seek guidance and possible solutions to resolve the frequent disconnection of my external drive after installing Kaspersky Antivirus.
  11. Здравствуйте. Возникла проблема, при включении данной функции, я добавлял только дискорд и брайзер в список использования VPN. В итоге я захожу в "Мир танков" и вижу пинг 200. Пока приложение VPN выключено, пинг стоит 30-50. Но я не указывал игру как избранную. Есть решение проблемы? Буквально неделю назад таких проблем не наблюдалось. Добавлю, при выборе сервера Белоруссия, перестает грузиться браузер. .
  12. Where is the setting that allows me to change the language to English? Thanks!
  13. For some time now, I've noticed that my computer was slower than normal, both when turning on and when performing tasks that I had previously performed without any problems. This week I received an email with a threat stating that my computer was being monitored and that everything I did, including my data, was in the hands of "hackers", so I immediately worried about formatting it to somehow inhibit this and also improve the performance of my computer. But it was still slow and that's not normal for him, I have a Ryzen 5 8600g, 16 GB of RAM, and an A620M Pro RS WiFi motherboard. I hired Kaspersk antivirus and activated it, and I noticed that every time I turn it on, it informs me that these two executables do not have a valid certificate and that they cannot confirm their reliability. Do I still have the virus installed on my machine, even after formatting it? What could I do? I tried to contact support as they provide support on the Plus plan but it is not available
  14. brambedkar59

    Bing not supported in URL advisor?

    Hello, Is Bing search engine not supported anymore in URL advisor? On google it works fine but not on Bing. I am using Edge Browser on Win11 running Kaspersky Free v21.18.5.438(a). I saw a thread for KIS in this forum where this issue is supposed to be fixed. But I am still seeing this issue. See the screenshots where it is showing grey icon on Bing.com while on Google.com it is working as it should. Thank you.
  15. Tenho o kaspersky premium e de vez em quando aparecem algumas notificações suspensas, como o uso da câmera por outros aplicativos, mas não consigo encontrá-las depois que somem. Acontece que algumas vezes não consigo decidir sobre a ação naquele momento. E quando decido depois, não aparece mais a notificação e não consigo encontrá-la em nenhum lugar no aplicativo. Outra situação é quando aparecem mais de uma notificação suspensa simultaneamente e tomo a decisão no mesmo momento para uma delas. No instante as outras notificações somem e não consigo encontrá-las mais uma vez. Windows 11 24H2 / Kaspersky premuim
  16. Описание проблемы: При запуске приложения Kaspersky Password Manager (version через ярлык на рабочем столе время от клика до полного открытия окна составляет около 20 секунд. При этом служба менеджера паролей уже запущена в фоновом режиме (отображается в службах). Ожидал более быстрого отклика, учитывая характеристики системы и постоянную работу службы. Сведения о системе: Устройство: HP ProBook 450 15.6 inch G10 Notebook PC Операционная система: Windows 11 Pro, версия 24H2 Процессор: Intel Core™ i5-1335U Оперативная память: 32 ГБ Накопитель: SSD, 2 ТБ Видеокарта: Встроенная Intel Iris Xe Graphics Шаги для воспроизведения: Убедиться, что служба Kaspersky Password Manager активна в фоновом режиме (проверено через диспетчер задач/службы). Кликнуть по ярлыку приложения на рабочем столе. Засечь время от клика до появления окна приложения. Ожидаемое поведение: Приложение должно запускаться значительно быстрее (например, за 2-5 секунд), учитывая, что служба уже работает, а система обладает высокой производительностью. Фактическое поведение: Приложение открывается через 20 секунд после клика по ярлыку. Дополнительная информация: Проблема наблюдается стабильно при каждом запуске. Антивирус Kaspersky установлен. Система обновлена до последней версии, драйверы актуальны. Запись экрана: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/L4jg/Pd1EgvYuA
  17. I have a Surface PRO 11, Kaspersky is available for ARM? my processor is a Snapdragon, I have tried to install Kaspersky Standard and I receive an error.
  18. WIN11pro Версия 23Н2(сборка ОС 22631.4602 KIS Версия программы (m) QSLPrintHX Build 18.exe Использовал эту программу в течение определенного периода, все работало хорошо, но несколько дней назад KIS нашел в этой программе троян (UDS:Trojan.Win32.Yephiler.gen) и удалил ее. При проверке файла онлайн, троян не обнаруживается. Проверка на сайте virustotal- все чисто. При скачивании файла KIS сразу удаляет его. Вот ссылка на программу: http://rx4hx.qrz.ru/index.php?page=download_qslprinthx
  19. Hello. I bought your product simply for vpn split tunneling capacity. However sadly excluding FC 25 Ea app and all of it's active service exes from task manager still leads to game using vpn. Also including list to exclude every other app not solving this too. Tried both latest 20 version and preview 21 version First pic before enabling vpn. Second pic after using split tunelling, used excluding everything about game and game services plus ea app services and ea app. Using including one test app and excluding all others leads to this too. Also tried both hydra and wireguard. I already use cloudflare dns btw. I also have 42 mb zip folder created by your app's support section. Support trace zip folder and I can send it too. Cloudflare's warp was working perfectly with this setup but I wanted to give kaspersky a try and feel really sad.
  20. So I got this confirmation on the 1st of February 2025 that I successfully renewed my subscription Premium for 5 devices. Just today I had Windows 11 installed upon two of the laptops for which I purchased the Kaspersky subscription. On one of those laptops the Kaspersky system came back of itself, and I could re-install it. Note that I did NOT receive an activation code. The email I got upon renewal explicitly stated that activation codes or keys were not handed out. Just three hours ago I am told on my Lenovo, so the third laptop for the ACTIVE subscription, that I have NO active subscription!! I cannot even ask for help, not chat, nor email because I need to enter an activation code, which I never got, Great Catch-22! It seems I paid 70 euro to be dragged into this insane Kafkaesque mess. Wonderful. Sooook, I cannot get any support because I have no activation code, but I need an activation code for support. What kind of a company is this? Mabel Amber
  21. 每次运行全盘扫描都不能正常完成,扫描到99%时卡巴斯基程序会自动重启,然后,再次进入全盘扫描入口,看到完成度是99%。 操作系统: Windows 11 专业版 24H2 硬件信息: cpu:12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1260P 2.10 GHz 内存:48G NVM express 硬盘:三星 SSD 980 PRO 1TB 卡巴斯基版本:
  22. O Kaspersky Password Manager não está inicializando corretamente na Área de Notificação (System Tray) do Windows 11. Ao clicar no ícone, o aplicativo não abre, sendo necessário sair e entrar novamente. Alguém enfrentando o mesmo problema? Preciso de uma solução urgente. Como mostra a imagem anexada, o ícone do Kaspersky Password Manager na System Tray parece "desativado" e não responde ao clique. O mesmo acontece ao tentar abrir pelo atalho da área de trabalho. A única solução temporária é forçar a saída do aplicativo pelo menu de contexto (botão direito no ícone da bandeja) e iniciá-lo novamente.
  23. These trojans seems too hard to get rid of. Is it able to remove the trojans?
  24. I have kaspersky premium subscription. and after i renew my subscription kaspersky password manager show no password any more. I have a super internet connection. But I cannot Sync my kaspersky password manager on my Pc. Its shows unable to sync. I try complete uninstall and reinstall Kaspersky Password Manager but its not working. Kindly need your help. I attached screenshot for your reference.
  25. Hola, tengo un problema con mi memoria externa AdataHD710, estaba descargando/pasando archivos y de la nada se bloqueo mi pc, tuve que forzar el apagado pero cuando trate de encenderla conectada a la memoria externa, no me dejaba, desconecte todo y finalmente me dejo prenderla normal, pero ahora la memoria me aparece como en la img, no puedo acceder a ella, le doy en propiedades y no carga, trato de usar el cmd y tampoco, abrir el antivirus y nada, pero si la desconecto aparecen todas las ventanas, como si la memoria estuviera buggeando parte del sistema o virus bloqueando, trate de usar el inicio seguro y fue lo mismo, pero solo son algunas funciones, si me deja usar los navegadores, y administrador de archivos, pero solo en mis carpetas internas, si trato de acceder a la memoria aparece como si quisiera cargar pero ahi se queda, hasta que vuelva a desconectar la memoria. Alguien que me pueda ayudar
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