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  1. KRD didn't like me attempting to run a version from 2016 understandably, so downloaded what appears to be v18 yesterday (3.16.24) and created a bootable CD. Loaded without error and told me to update. Setup wireless. Clicked "try again" and off to the "races." Or so I thought. Visually and operationally this HP Pavilion g6-1d60us notebook is very sick. See pic below. However, it came back with a clean "bill of health" from KRD... and I set it to check all partitions on the drive. HP is running Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit (ver 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1). As the pic shows, nearly everything comes up as a .PDF... and tries to open as a .PDF. This doesn't work too well! Has anyone seen this previously. Any thoughts. Attempted to ask Google, but it didn't understand the question. Oh yes, I'm told this unit rarely, if ever was connected to the Internet as it was used primarily to run Ridgid SeaSnake sewer cameras. Also, the Google Chrome was installed just a couple of day ago via download to thumb drive using another system. It did function... until shut down. Only way to start was to reinstall... which again, good 'till it was closed. Thanks in advance. Any questions I will try to address as best I can.
  2. was doing some research for work, which involved visiting different companies websites. I was using Google Chrome when I was doing my research and when I was viewing this website I received 11 notifications in a row saying Malicious Object Detected from chrome.exe, unluckily all of them were allowed by Kaspersky. I performed a quick scan, restarted my computer, and did a full scan and all came out cleaned. . Since the results of all my scans are clean I was wondering if I have to be worried about anything. I'm not sure how to send reports, but I've attached screenshots of my Kaspersky reports:
  3. Ich habe jetzt schon 2 mal ein phishing SMS von Banken zu gesendet bekommen, bei denen ich nicht einmal Kunde bin... (habe natürlich die Bank kontaktiert und ihnen geschrieben, dass betrügerische SMS die Runde machen) ABER ich habe auch auf Opentip Kaspersky die websites eingegeben um einen Betrug zu melden aber beide Websiten sind nicht als "phishing" gemeldet, meine Frage wie kann ich eine Meldung einreichen? Die Websites um die es sich handelt sind: "raff-kunde . online" "bawag-ai . com" Ich hoffe ich bin richtig bei dem Forum?
  4. 我在瀏覽一些需要輸入密碼的網頁時 經常出現"拒絕下載"的提示 是中了木馬嗎?全面查殺后又找不到病毒程式,請問該如何清除?(我已卸載有可疑的Chrome控件)
  5. so it have said resolve 996 objects, but nothing happening , heres the screenshot
  6. Venceu meu total security e achei que poderia aguardar outra assinatura para comprar novam5. Percebi que um e-mail que haviam trocado meu e-mail de um serviço e logo me assustei. Fui enviar os documentos para revalidar e percebi que tinha senhas em alguns pdfs da minha máquina. Não havia grandes mudanças o pc até provavelmente perceberem que eu sabia da invasão. Comece aram a invasões massivas de muitas conexões de redes e troca de pastas de arquivos windows. Inicialmente desliguei conexão de Internet e salvei um pendrive com documentos e outro pendrivefiz para formatar e instalar o Windows. O pendrive novo ficou apenas com windows original e a instalação ficou pior. Tem dezenas de redes e arquivos que não consegui identificar se era um ransomware ou vírus e suponho s3r trojan com outros males que não sei identificar. Tenho outro PC que ao tentar fazer um pendriver bootavel foi ontami ado pois apresenta características semelhantes. Tenho um laptop antigo com tela quebrada que tem DVD e imagino ei usá-lo pra gravar u DVD reinstalar o SO e depois inserir o kaspersky. O estranho foi perceber no laptop a mesma coisa mas não havia i serido nenhum arquivo. Eu reinstalei no laptop e pc e ambos com malwares depois do movo SO. Não usei minhas contas originais na reinstalação mas criaram-se usuarios e muitos processos. Tenho um usb de um pc com windows limpo que aí dá não usei aguardando orientações. Os softwares free de remoção não en optaram erros apenas bloqueei as saídas diversas pelo firewall e foi formatado o HD e não tem arquivos para usarem, mas provavelmente eles possuem outros que vou avaliar depois. Vocês podem me auxiliar como fazer? Eu instalo o kaspersky Premium insiro a senha e dados pexxoIs com esse pc elaptop evidentemente i fectado ou formato antes? Eu tenho um pendrive com documentos de clientes e gostaria de saber como abrir pois vejo que .PDF, .documentos. xls e etc podem conter malwares como de o proceder? O pc de trabalho usa windows 10 xeon 18 cores 32gb de RAM rtx de vídeo. Estou usando Tablet com vpn e aparentemente limpo mas não sei se estão monitorando. Por favor qualquer orientação é bem vinda
  7. Друзьям всем привет, вкратце расскажу следующую историю. Купил клаву Thunderobot K87 - решил поставить дрова - полез на офф сайт. Ни на RU ни на EN сайте дров не было, нашёл только на китайском(клава видимо только для китайского рынка). Скачал и меня сразу остановил вшитый в винду SmartScreen - мол не открывай словишь по голове. Затем стало интересно - залил файл на VT - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0508f860ccdd3849134b45d312a809459da4308a7477ddfe3291ea8f8bc53ff8/detection Результат проверки наблюдаете. Порыскав в интернет заметил что grayware не опасен до момента полной установки - подскажите пожалуйста, стоит ли паниковать либо же просто забить. Активности никакой подозрительной вроде не заметил - если нужна дополнительная информация могу предоставить. Заранее прошу простить за мою паранойю.
  8. Aşapğıdaki virüsü silemiyor çöz diyorum fakat virüs kalıcı şekilde gitmiyor Yardım edermisiniz ?
  9. Ayuda, creé un USB booteable de 16gb en NTFS para poder realizar una limpieza de virus en mi pc, pero al momento de bootear desde dicha memoria, me aparece este error: Welcome to GRUB Begin of (memdisk)/grub.cfg Check signature state is enforce Prefix is (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub error: unknown filesystem. Invalid prefix. Try to search KRD files error: no such device: /boot/grub/k-x86 Root is hd0, msdos1 Config (hd0, msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg Rebooting the system after 12 conocen la solución?
  10. Стоит Kaspersky Internet Security. Скачал Format Factory с его официального сайта через Free Download Manager, так как Яндекс.Браузер почему-то обнаруживает вирус, и решил на всякий случай проверить на вирусы. ОВ хоте проверки Касперский сообщил, что якобы обнаружены легальные программы, которые могут быть использованы для нанесения вреда компьютеру. Из-за чего это может быть?
  11. "Посчастливилось" столкнуться с новым майнером. Читал, знаю, понимаю, владею информацией, что данный вид зловредов блокируют доступ к сайтам антивирусов, не пускают в скрытые системные папки типа "AppData", "ProgramData" и т.д., - просто выкидывает на рабочий стол и закрывает эти папки, а также вылетает диспетчер задач. Скажу сразу, потратил сегодня целый день на этот зловред, но в итоге успешно получилось удалить его с системы без KVRT, докторов вебов и avBr... Но, всё-равно было непросто. Загрузился в безопасный режим с помощью CMD (с правами админа): bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network и после загрузки, с помощью диспетчера задач вырубал древа процессов, всех, напоминающих "подставные" процессы RealtekHD. Ниже прикреплю txt-файл с найденным в скрытой папке ProgramData bat-файлом, подробно описывающим все действия майнера-зловреда (использовал он powershell). После того, как вырубил дерева процессов, прямо тут же, молниеносно заходил в папку ProgramData и удалял exe-шники манера (предварительно просмотрев в диспетчере задач полный путь к файлу). Перезапуск майнера и всех исполняемых файлов по таймеру - примерно 1 минута, потом он снова запускается и блокирует доступ к папке, + восстанавливает все дочерние файлы. В итоге, после долгой пляски с бубном и попутным выяснением всех путей где он прячется и прячет "хвосты" для своего же восстановления, всё-таки удалил его. Попутно почистил реестр и файл hosts вручную. В hosts он блокирует доступ к сайтам антивирусного ПО, а в реестре блокирует доступ на запуск уже скачанных утилит KVRT, AVZ и так далее (просто по наименованию запрещает запуск). Если переименовать KVRT и прочие утилиты в любое другое название - они возможно запустятся (не пробовал). Вот такие дела. Видеокарта перестала греться и производительность стала в разы лучше. Прикрепляю файл с кодом манера. И да, чуть не забыл, чтобы вывести систему из режима безопасной загрузки: bcdedit /deletevalue {default} safeboot (у кого Win 10-11 - и кто не знает как - будет полезно). Кстати, после всех манипуляций, скачал KVRT, был найден неизвестный процесс в памяти. После перезагрузки запустил KVRT ещё раз - вредоносный процесс в памяти не обнаружился. И да, чтобы не править в реестре вручную ветки, чтобы запускались антивирусные ПО без переименования, рекомендую всё-таки скачать AVbr (https://www.safezone.cc/resources/av-block-remover-avbr.224/). P.S.: при изучении батника наткнулся на персональную ссылку создателя-майнера, думаю, специалисты заинтересуются. Благодарю за внимание.
  12. Muy buenas con todos, mi duda es la siguiente, hasta hace poco descargue un archivo winrar que al parecer tenia un virus, esto lo supe puesto que lo analize mediante el análisis contextual siempre hago este procedimiento para mis archivos descargados, el tema es que encontró un virus y lo elimino, pero tengo una duda y es la siguiente, yo no descomprimí el archivo infectado y tampoco no lo ejecute, pero si abrí el archivo winrar para solo ver que archivos contenía (me explico mejor, es decir hice doble clips en el archivo wirar y se abrió el visor o la aplicación pero solo para ver los archivos no lo descomprimí ni ejecute dichos archivos), es posible infectarme solo con observar a través del programa de winrar dichos archivo o necesariamente tengo que descomprimirlo o ejecutarlo. estaría muy agradecido con su respuesta.
  13. Ich habe gerade eben ein SMS von der "Raiffeisen" Bank bekommen. Die SMS ist aber ohne dass sie von Google oder auf Kaspersky als fehlerhaft oder "nicht vertraunenswürdig" eingestuft wurde eingegangen! Ein kurzer Check auf https://opentip.kaspersky.com/https%3A%2F%2Fraff-kunde.online%2F/?tab=lookup Zeigt dass die Website auf "namesilo" registriert wurde. ABER weder die AUT Version noch andere europäische Filialen nutzen diese Domain!! Alle Bank Domanes von Raiffeisen haben kein "...Kunde . Online" als Weiterleitung sondern "de/privatkunden.html" davor. Und ganz wichtig die Website wurde bis 2024 schon bezahlt. Also werden sicher vermehrt solche SMS die nächsten Tage verschickt!! Die SMS ist mit einer Warnung versehen und ich konnte leider nicht ermitteln wer die SMS verschickt hat...
  14. I was surfing the web and accessing the Internet normally when suddenly I received a notification that there was a trojan in my computer by Kaspersky. I've tried running a quick scan and a full scan, but it doesn't seem to be doing very well. It still shows up when I use a web browser and log in to my personal account. One of the notifications below --- Event: Malicious object detected User: HUUPHUC\meoud User type: Initiator Application name: msedge.exe Application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application Component: Safe Browsing Result description: Detected Type: Trojan Name: HEUR:Exploit.Multi.Desert.gen Precision: Heuristic Analysis Threat level: High Object type: File Object path: https://sdk.iad-06.braze.com/api/v3/data MD5 of an object: F7C86BF2A8B02E5A77016F9A02CD1A1F Reason: Expert analysis Databases release date: Today, 7/23/2023 8:16:00 AM ---- You can see the image below Please help me fix this problem and give me a solution. Hanh
  15. Muy buenas con todos, espero puedan solucionar mi duda, que es referente a la diferencia entre virus, troyanos, malwares y rasonwares, cual es la difrerencia entre estos tres tipos de amenazas. y lo otro es que yo trabajo o estoy protegido por kaspersky internet security, y quisiera saber, si este antivirus (Kaspersky internet security), me protege de estos tres tipos de amenazas, y en caso de que me infecte con alguna de estas amenazas el kaspérsky internet security ¿podrá limpiarlas y eliminarlas?. estaría muy agradecido con sus respuestas.
  16. Bin ich als Privatanwender davon betroffen? Sucht Kaspersky nach dem "Terminator . sys / zamuguard64 . sys / zam64 .sys" in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ nach der neuen Malware? Also als Frage an die Community
  17. Hallo Community, Ich habe ein Video gesehen wo es möglich ist mithilfe von der folgenden Unicodes eine Datei so zu verändern, dass sie nicht als .exe erscheind sondern als jede andere Datei. Beispiel ---exe.docx => sieht wie eine docx Datei aus aber dadurch, dass der Titel einen Unicode "left to right mark" verwendet ist es leider nicht gleich ersichtlich, dass es eine exe Datei und keine docx Datei ist. Man sieht es zwar wenn man im Explorer die Dateinamenerweiterung an hat. Kann auch mit jeder anderen Datei sein. Aber es wäre echt hilfreich wenn man diese Funktion austellen könnte damit fogende Befehle als Warnung angezeigt werden: U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK U+202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING U+202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE U+2066 LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE U+2067 RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE U+2068 FIRST STRONG ISOLATE U+2069 POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE Denn dann muss man nicht jede einzelne Datei überprüfen mit command prompt und ">dir" und man schauen muss ob TeXT "?x" vor dem Dateinamen steht. Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe in der Vergangenheit ? (Screenshot im Anhang zeigt die richtig angezeigte Datei und um welche es sich handelt, da man ja leicht das Icon wechseln kann)
  18. Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a false positive detection issue concerning my website. It has come to my attention that your antivirus engine is flagging my website as phishing, despite thoroughly cleaning it and ensuring its security. I want to emphasize that I have taken all necessary measures to remove any traces of malware or malicious code from my website. After detecting the security breach, I completely rebuilt the website from scratch, leaving behind no remnants of the previous compromised version. Additionally, I have performed extensive malware scans using reputable tools and have implemented robust security measures to prevent any future attacks. However, despite these efforts, my website continues to receive a high detection score on VirusTotal and other security scanners. This false positive detection is adversely affecting the reputation and functionality of my website, causing inconvenience to my users and damaging my online presence. I kindly request your immediate attention and assistance in investigating this matter further. I would appreciate it if you could review the security status of my website and correct the false positive detection. Providing me with information about the specific detection and any steps I can take to rectify the situation would be greatly appreciated. VirusTotal Report Description of Steps Taken Deep scan the local computer and hosting and removed all unwanted junk before rebuilding the website. Remove the complete website and Rebuilt from scratch. Now the website doesn't contain a single thing from the old website. Protected my website with future attacks with correct systems. So still our website doesn't have any malicious things, Also we are not providing any free software, our main goal is to help Marketers by providing paid software for those who want to make their work automated. So we have a wide range of software for every type of marketer. I understand that you receive numerous requests, but I am confident that this false positive detection can be resolved with your expertise. Your prompt attention to this matter is crucial, as it directly impacts the reputation and operation of my website. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding. I look forward to your positive response and a swift resolution.
  19. Visual Studio 2019 ile C# çalışması yapıyorum,Çalışmamı bitirip debug yapıp uygulamayı çalıştırdığım zaman kaspersky kafayı yiyor uygulamada trojan var diyerek uygulamayı siliyor, dosya konumundaki herşeyi siliyor kısacası uygulamamamın çalışmasına izin vermiyor. Bunu düzeltmenin yolu nedir yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
  20. Kaspersky is easily the best Anti-Virus for behavioral detection, and has a really good scanner, however that doesnt mean that the scanner isnt perfect. I think that Kaspersky should be a bit more aggresive, at least pre-execution, as I've seen it miss files associated with Malicious ones, or that create that specific file. Doing this would make Kaspersky alot stronger, and as its already pretty much a 100% detection rate, doing this would make it even closer to that.
  21. Merhaba, Kullanmış olduğum Lisanslı Kaspersky Total Security, işletim sistemi Win 11 Pro 64-Bit Lisanslı. Laptopımı 2012 de satın aldım. Win 11 desteklemiyor ama ben yinede kurulum yaptım. Ancak 10 gündür tam tarama yaptığımda taranan nesne dosya sayısı 2 milyon çıkıyor ve tarama 1 saat 20 dakika sürüyor. Krd removal tool da ise 365.000 çıkıyor 40 dakika gibi bir sürede tarama yapıyor. Windows' un taramasında farklı sonuç çıkıyor. Acaba her hangi bir zararlı virüs, trojan vs mı bulaştı yoksa HDD mı bozuk veya Laptopım eski olduğu için Win 11 uyumsuz olması mı sorun? Ancak daha 1 veya 2 hafta önce her hangi bir sorun yoktu, her hangi bir riskli bir siteye girmedim, indirmedim veya tıklamadım. Yardımlarınızı bekliyorum
  22. I'm interested in learning more about how Kaspersky Anti-Virus can be integrated with other security solutions to provide comprehensive protection for my devices. Are there any best practices for integrating Kaspersky Anti-Virus with other security products, such as a hardware firewall or a cloud-based security service? What are the benefits and potential challenges of integrating multiple security solutions? I'd appreciate any insights or advice on this topic. Regards! Alight.
  23. bu hata chrome da google da arama yaparken oluyor usb ile temiz format attım hala oluyor
  24. Diz que a verificação em segundo plano foi interrompida há 19 horas atras em 56%. Isso aconteceu depois de ter encontrado 6 positvos (trojan generico) na pasta temp do Windows. obg
  25. Here's an interesting article I have read recently regarding "malware hiding inside images". https://gizmodo.com/malware-images-virus-photos-pictures-how-block-antiviru-1849572516?fbclid=IwAR0bD94-LvGKCbznJ0Dh2wNH3xb_BFz0F-sJDAX92MKtqfY7UiKtUcQHHlo I personally did not know about this until recently. I didn't know that this was possible. But of course, this technique makes sense because images are clusters of data and there's data within the data. My question is simple, as the heading implies. Can Kaspersky security suite of software scan images for malware? I've kept website scans of all URLs enabled and I want every website that I visit to be scanned by my Kaspersky antivirus. I want to know, do Kaspersky's anti viruses also scan images along with the URLs on elsewhere on a website? If not, are Kaspersky working on this feature right now? If not, then my request would be to work on this. Thanks.
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