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Everything posted by Schulte

  1. Hello @vickyme, probably at the end of the first scan some archives were unpacked and every file in them was analyzed. With subsequent scans this is no longer necessary. If the archive itself is unchanged, the files included in it are also ok. If an archive contains 1000 files and all of them are unpacked and scanned, the counter is increased by 1001. If only the integrity of the archive is checked, the counter increases by 1.
  2. Hallo @konnimutti, schlechte Erfahrungen mit irgendeinem Support hat sicher schon jeder von uns gemacht. Und beim nächsten Mal lief es dann wie geschmiert. Hoffen wir mal, dass das eine “bedauerliche Ausnahme” war. Um eine Frage zu klären: Ich habe @frank.tds Vorschlag als “beste Antwort” markiert. Damit gilt das Thema gleichzeitig als “gelöst”. Der Grund ist den Algorithmen der Suchmaschinen geschuldet. “Gelöste” Themen werden höher eingeordnet. Dadurch findet ein User mit dem gleichen Problem schneller eine Lösung.
  3. Hallo @MrWazor, willkommen. Chrome wird seit einiger Zeit gezielt angegriffen, da er extrem verwundbar ist. Ich kenne die von Dir genutzte Seite nicht aus eigener Erfahrung, könnte mir aber vorstellen, dass dort etwas eingeschleust wurde, das nach einer der Lücken sucht. Als Abhilfe könntest Du einen anderen Brower nutzen oder auf die allerneueste Chrome-Version updaten. Gerade wurden wieder ein paar Lücken gestopft. Bitte beobachte dann, ob die Angriffe weiterhin auftreten.
  4. Hello @BigHotStud, the "This folder is in use!" problem is not necessarily caused by a virus. It is also possible that your KSC Free is responsible. When you mark the folder for copying, KSC checks if there are modified files in it. Depending on the size of the folder, this may cause delays. Regarding the "Disk Write" error, you may want to check your HD with an appropriate tool. Checking the SMART data of the HD could also give a hint.
  5. Hallo @Don Alfredo, willkommen im Forum. Beim Kauf im KL-Shop hast Du mindestens zwei mal die Möglichkeit, das Abo abzuwählen. Unschön ist, da stimme ich Dir zu, dass die Option vorausgewählt ist. Nexway ist seit Kurzem der neue Partner für den Onlineshop. Vielleicht läuft noch nicht alles rund. Womit haben sie Dich geärgert?
  6. The profile of the web-AV might be 'httpscan'. Please test...
  7. AS = Anti-Spam EM = Email-Monitoring Web AV I have not found yet. Search is in progress...
  8. Hello @joesecurity, first of all you should set the path to the report file uniquely. It is best to use '/RA:%userprofile%/desktop/filename.txt', this will create the file on your desktop. With 'avp.com report /...' you will get the report which you can see under 'Reports-Systemaudit'. If this is empty, no file will be created. If you want another report, you have to use the parameter [profile]. For example, with the profile 'FM' the report 'File Anti-Virus' will be exported. Use 'avp.com report FM /RA:%userprofile%/desktop/filename.txt'. There are more options, but it would be too long to mention them all here. If you need more reports, feel free to ask. zunächt solltest Du den Pfad zur reportdatei eindeutig setzen. Benutze am besten '/RA:%userprofile%/desktop/filename.txt', damit wird die Datei auf Deinem Desktop angelegt. Mit 'avp.com report /...' bekommt Du dann den Bericht, den Du unter 'Berichte-Systemaudit' sehen kannst. Ist dieser leer, wird auch keine Datei erstellt. Möchtest Du einen anderen Bericht, must Du den Parameter [profile] benutzen. Mit dem Profil 'FM' wird z. B. der Bericht 'Datei-Anti-Virus' exportiert. Benutze dazu 'avp.com report FM /RA:%userprofile%/desktop/filename.txt'. Es gibt weitere Optionen, das wäre aber zu lang, hier alle zu nennen. Fall Du weitere Berichte brauchst, kannst Du gerne nachfragen.
  9. Hello @Pro, Welcome. According to the error message, it is possible that your Windows is not up to date. Have you installed all available updates for your system? https://support.kaspersky.com/common/error/installation/14829
  10. Hi @ilybully001, Digital River betreibt hierzulande den Kaspersky-Onlineshop. Da Du von “automatischer Verlängerung” sprichst, hast Du höchstwahrscheinlich ein Abonnement bei DR laufen. Wie wird die Lizenz bezahlt? Abbuchung? Kreditkarte? Nachtrag: Kaspersky scheint vor Kurzem den Betreiber des Shops gewechselt zu haben. Werde mich mal schlau machen...
  11. Hallo @ilybully001, willkommen. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Digital River Deine Lizenz verwaltet. Hast Du es schon bei deren Kundenservice versucht?
  12. Hello @VGAglory, @andrew75s statement is correct. With the setting you determine what should happen after the scan. Many users start a scan and then go to sleep or go home. They then set that the computer turns off after the scan or goes into a sleep mode. An AV now has the choice of how it behaves. Some override the Windows setting for sleep mode, others do not. Kaspersky has chosen to respect the settings made for the operating system. In forums of other AV vendors that use a keep alive function during the scan, you will find posts like 'why doesn't the AV respect the OS settings?’. Unfortunately, you can't please everyone. I agree with you on one point though: it would be nice if there was an extra setting for this.
  13. Description is online: KLA12259 Multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft WindowsMultiple vulnerabilities were found in Microsoft Windows. Malicious users can exploit these vulnerabilities to gain privileges, execute arbitrary code, obtain sensitive information, spoof user interface, cause denial of service. More: https://threats.kaspersky.com/en/vulnerability/KLA12259/
  14. Hi @HammerP, der “Angriff” kam aus Deinem eigenen Netzwerk. Hast Du die .145 fest vergeben oder wurde die IP dynamisch zugeteilt? Ich könnte mir ein NAS, ein TV-Gerät oder einen Drucker als “Abender” vorstellen.
  15. Hallo @HammerP, willkommen im Forum. Kannst Du bitte in den Berichten nachschauen, von welcher IP-Adresse (und auf welchen Port) der Request kommt?
  16. Hello @Cevap, Welcome. Please check if the 'Scan password protected archives' option is enabled. If you do not know the password, the archive cannot be scanned. Many vendors protect the resources of their programs this way.
  17. Hi @Nikola Miljevski, your sources are correct. Good AV programs can detect close to 100%, but never the whole 100%. Malware authors always find new ways that no one has ever thought of. Also in operating systems and user programs there will always be undiscovered vulnerabilities that can be used for attacks. The AV manufacturers such as Kaspersky try everything to detect malware by its behavior. But there will never be 100% security. The hunted is always one step ahead of the hunter.
  18. Hi @redrum, please excuse the late reply. You should definitely contact the support, I just don't know which one is responsible. Brave or Kaspersky (or both). I had recently installed brave but because of some problems I uninstalled it after a short test. However, I did not have the problem you described.
  19. Hello @geri chan, Welcome. Unfortunately this is not possible. You could only change the desktop resolution of Windows, but that is not the purpose of a HD display. In addition, it may cause display errors in the Kaspersky GUI. I use the high resolution of my computer (and glasses).
  20. Hello @Nikola Miljevski, Welcome. Almost every malware needs your help to become active. So it is up to you how well your system is protected. Keep your OS up to date do not install software from dubious sources do not use cracks do not use keygens do not allow updates for program xyz (Adobe Reader or similar) if a website tells you so download software only directly from the manufacturer do not open e-mail attachments from senders you do not know never enable macro execution in Office, if the document asks for it, check with the sender activate the file extension view in windows also for known file types, then you can see that xyz.pdf is actually xyz.pdf.exe and is very suspicious. With this and some other tips you have already prevented 90% of infections. The default settings of Kaspersky software are a good compromise between performance and protection. They are suitable for most users. If you want, you can secure your system even further. However, this requires expert knowledge and is not suitable for the average user. If malware is already present on the computer during the installation, this is either reported or the installation is aborted. After the successful installation, a complete scan should be started in any case.
  21. Hi @Maxime Beck, ich kann Dir leider nur raten, Dich mit dem Support in Verbindung zu setzen. Eventuell gibt es eine Moglichkeit, die wir nicht kennen. Oder ein anderer iOS-User kann weiterhelfen...
  22. You can reach the support through several ways. E-mail, chat, phone. Have you tried here? https://support.kaspersky.com/us/b2c/CA With my system the page works.
  23. Hello @mammaht, I think there is something on your computer that is preventing the installation. You should contact support so that they can analyze the installation logs. Win7 is not the problem, I am writing from one right now.
  24. Hi @Snowwolfboi, you don't need to do anything. If this is really the reason, the scan will speed up again over time. The database is rebuilt and fewer files are scanned with each scan.
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